
Digital Currency Quotes

There are 567 quotes

"We're going to look at history as before Satoshi and after Satoshi."
"Now, after Bitcoin, you have for the first time in human history the ability to buy not a barrel of oil but Bitcoin, and you put it on your phone."
"There's a global push towards a cashless society where digital currencies and online transactions are rapidly becoming the norm."
"Let's be intentional with how we use every hard money dollar, fiat dollar, and digital dollar and crypto dollar."
"They're going to make up something and come out with a digital currency because that would go from dirty cash to digital trash."
"Bitcoin frees us from all of that and... it's really primed for the digital expansion of the internet."
"Cash no longer exists, and all transactions are done digitally via a credit chip in the back of one's hand."
"We're going to end up at bigger banks and eventually, they become conduits for the Federal Reserve via Central Bank digital currencies."
"Bitcoin's governance is... how deliberate it is. Everybody collectively wants the change, but we haven't fully agreed on how we're going to put it into Bitcoin."
"Central Bank digital currencies are about government sanctions, surveillance, and control."
"Being against the idea of a blockchain that enforces integrity and mathematical scarcity is like being against the laws of gravity, the passage of time, and being against math."
"Bitcoin is digital scarcity; it's 21 million gold coins sitting in cyberspace."
"For me, Bitcoin is much bigger than gold. Bitcoin is an entire network."
"Social tokens without question because we're all members of these communities."
"Bitcoin -- and the digital currency revolution it has started -- is best demonstrated and experienced, than explained."
"An exponential explosion of innovation in applications that could not be built on the old systems of money."
"China's financial hub Shanghai will pilot the currency, and state banks are persuading merchants and retail clients to download digital wallets to enable digital yuan payments."
"We're going to talk about Amazon preparing to launch its own digital currency project."
"Bitcoin is money that moves at the speed of information, which is really, really nice for a lot of things."
"The Federal Reserve announced that they're going to release a report in September about how they might be able to actually include the benefits and risks of a digital dollar."
"There's been many efforts, they've all died until Bitcoin to crack that riddle that we talked about, peer-to-peer money without a central authority."
"The dollar taking a digital form to enable remittance and micropayments."
"80% of all dollar transactions are digital anyway, so we're already using digital dollars."
"The privacy of our money and the way that we can use it in a borderless way is tantamount to our freedom."
"The push towards a cashless society and ultimately a Central Bank Digital Currency is like stepping into a very Orwellian future."
"You have two financial systems: You've got a legacy fiat system and you've got a digital decentralized financial system."
"The digital dollar isn't conspiracy; it will be reality very soon."
"This new money will be sovereign in nature...most people think that digital money is crypto and private, but what I see are superpowers introducing digital currency."
"A Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is the digital form of a country's fiat currency, issued and regulated by the nation's monetary authority or Central Bank."
"Critics warn that CBDCs are the ultimate tool of control, censorship, and surveillance."
"The programmability [of CBDCs] is really the key aspect...it could be used to reshape society and introduce a social credit system."
"It's really important that the public gets involved in the debate on CBDCs...this is somewhat un-American."
"A CBDC or Bitcoin? I would take Bitcoin any day of the week."
"A new form of money for households to pay for goods and services."
"The digital yuan is intended to be used as legal tender with the potential to replace physical money in the future."
"China is pushing forward with the digital yuan and it is only a matter of time until that currency is reigning supreme on the global stage."
"Should the US government create a central bank digital currency or require physical cash?"
"Currency as I have no problem with that I just see that as the next step in how central banks manage their money supply, so it's not like I'm opposed to digital."
"Bitcoin is simply an open, decentralized digital protocol, very similar to what the internet is."
"Bitcoin is what gold only wished it could be."
"If bitcoin can overtake gold's market cap, that would basically be a 10x from here 1 trillion to 10 trillion dollars. That's how you judge your investment potential."
"Goldman Sachs here is not only saying that institutional demand for Bitcoin is rising drastically, they're also saying that the digital currency demand is rising as well."
"The digital future has seemingly touched the monetary system... it's all about faith and trust."
"I'm just happy to see NFTs being phased out completely"
"Within five years we're going to see several digital representations of fiat happening at scale."
"Bitcoin as a whole is not just money for the internet, it's the internet of money." - Andreas Antonopoulos
"Currency is email, it's not the real invention, it's the first application of that invention." - Andreas Antonopoulos
"The global push for cbdc's comes as physical cash use Falls and authorities look to fend off the threat to their money printing powers."
"Programmable money... just everything is about to change."
"You're not going to have central bank digital currencies if the entire industry isn't going digital."
"Bitcoin is not issued by a country nor a company; it doesn't have any counterparty risk; it's actually a digital commodity."
"If we are not involved in experimenting in innovating in terms of digital uh central bank money we risk losing the role of anchor that we have played uh for many many decades."
"So if we go to a digital currency what that means is that then the central bankers and the government and the establishment will be able to determine if you can pay your bills if you can travel if you can have money to put gas in your car to go."
"Bitcoin is more than money currency transactions."
"Bitcoin is the world's first completely decentralized digital currency."
"The only tolerable digital currency to a government with strong capital controls is their own CBDC."
"Is Bitcoin absolutely essential? Yes, I think it is."
"The US dollar is going to become virtually worthless... as we move to like this cashless society... cryptocurrency digital."
"The future of money is here, family, and it's clear to see."
"What eventually replaces the US dollar as the world's reserve currency is a digital currency."
"I understand the idea of a digital form of money. That I get."
"It's stories like this that make bitcoin such a fascinating phenomena."
"China is a forewarning of what's to come if Western governments implement CBDCs."
"The digital dollar will just make it easier for America to enslave its own citizens."
"Money as pure information on an open network that is simultaneously uncensorable, open to anyone, neutral and global."
"Mayor Jason Stewart plans to give the town's 1,500 residents up to a thousand dollars worth of bitcoin. It's digital gold!"
"If you have a cryptocurrency that is not censorship resistant, you are getting shut down. It's just a matter of time."
"If the internet gets a chance to get a native currency, what will that be? To me, it's Bitcoin."
"I believe that they're all forms of money. I believe will get digitized."
"Bitcoin was created to be like a digital gold of sorts."
"Digital assets are going to create a universal basic equity."
"Central Bank digital currencies are the last shutting of the gate."
"Digital currency is programmable... it's all straight out of George Orwell."
"We're so privileged to be living in a time where a new form of monetary system has been created."
"Elon Musk says he supports cryptocurrency in a battle with fiat money like government-backed coins and bills."
"The goal is simply to wipe out any digital currency they don't like by labeling them security contracts."
"Stopping Bitcoin is just as easy as stopping the internet, which is to say you can't stop it."
"Cash app generated 3.51 billion dollars of bitcoin revenue."
"Square's cash app generated 3.51 billion dollars of bitcoin revenue in the first quarter of 2021."
"I think you're going to see digital currencies continue to escalate quickly."
"Digital currencies: two types, bitcoin and others."
"Cash itself will become less usable in everyday transactions."
"The year before Bitcoin was founded, Sabo frequently wrote about smart contracts and digital money."
"Cryptocurrency is rife with scams and scammers."
"CBDC would be the safest digital asset available to the general public with no associated credit or liquidity risk."
"I think that a silver or gold-backed digital currency would be the ideal."
"Organizations that are accepting digital currencies currently have a competitive advantage in the market."
"The world will see thousands of currencies, freely exchangeable and usable on the internet."
"With bitcoin, with a push of a button, you can pay anyone anywhere in the world."
"Stablecoins are there to make peer-to-peer digital transfers possible without a third-party intermediary like a bank."
"The stablecoins provide an anchor of stability and means of payment built on distributed ledger technology."
"The fact that a panic in an algorithmic stablecoin like Terra is spreading to backed stablecoins like Tether could be of concern to financial regulators."
"I see the good that digital currency did in China for poorer populations, and I believe it can do the same in the United States."
"There's a plot to crash the US dollar and usher in digital money and cryptocurrency and the New World Order."
"Is the Chinese digital currency set to dethrone the dollar? I think over the long term the answer may be yes."
"Is this Fed now setting us up for a digital dollar? Could they be setting this up to kind of use as a piggyback or a step in between getting to that digital dollar?"
"In this new world order, there will be one digital currency. No more US dollar or any other world fiat currencies."
"Bitcoin is a bulwark against government and corporate expansion."
"Bitcoin is digital money for the 21st century."
"Cash is anonymous... a cbdc is the exact opposite."
"The future is very bright for cardano in my opinion and the patience that's been shown from the supporters for the longest time is now being rewarded."
"Central bank digital currencies are the ultimate power grab by the central planners to control the monetary system."
"I think CBDCs are so dangerous because they are a totalitarian control system where you're in a digital prison."
"The Kora network will support national currencies as well as electronic currencies."
"Cryptocurrency and decentralized finance... creating a form of money that is native to the internet."
"Digital currencies and the ability to respond in real time, it's astonishing. People don't understand any of this."
"Money is still in pigeon land right now, and Bitcoin and Lightning is going to allow for this open network renaissance."
"Bitcoin as a digital gold narrative has suddenly taken on such significance."
"Bitcoin, I think, is groomed to be the gold standard for the digital world a few decades from now."
"Bitcoin is digital property and it's the basis for us to build a 21st-century economy."
"Lightcoin could be seen as a digital silver."
"This is really exciting because it means you can keep your money in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies."
"Bitcoin is the money for everyone, for all races and tribes, and it's digital money for the digital age."
"Bitcoin is a great store of value. It is very scarce, there is only 21 million Bitcoin available that is pre-programmed into the code."
"China wanted to develop its own Central Bank digital currency in lieu of cryptocurrency."
"A central bank digital currency is like Bitcoin except the government can see everything and they can control everything and they can regulate everything."
"The technology of digital currency creates counter incentives for harmful monetary policies."
"A digital currency to replace existing fiat currencies."
"Storage coins are going to be the next big wave in crypto."
"I'm not a fan of Central Bank digital currencies... but I understand it is a profound inevitability."
"Cryptocurrency is here to stay... the world wants digital currency."
"Instead of putting in my keys or my my public address all you say is send money to cryptoman run.crypto."
"I own a lot of Ethereum because I think it's the closest to a true currency."
"Coinbase is now a principal member of Visa."
"Coinbase is basically a bank. They have banking charters, they have banking licenses, they can now issue their own Visa cards."
"All roads lead to bitcoin. The more CBDC's, the more bitcoin adoption."
"Bitcoin is the ultimate tool of the powerless."
"Bitcoin is very much the money of the next two generations."
"And in 2013, software engineers, Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer created their own cryptocurrency with Dogecoin."
"We are not going to be trading pieces of paper and small pieces of metal in 100 years from now. That's a zero percent chance."
"Bitcoin sanctifies the sovereignty of the individual."
"The central bank digital currency private ledger is based on the same blockchain technology that powers the XRP ledger which means that the central bank digital currency private ledger is built for payments."
"Bitcoin is a synthetic attempt to recapture the qualities of gold."
"Bitcoin is the most hardcore version of gold possible."
"CBDCs raise questions about who actually owns the money and its control."
"Trust in the Federal Reserve may determine if Americans will trust CBDCs."
"Some support for CBDCs stems from a willingness to trade personal autonomy for security."
"We need to talk about the risks inherent in a CBDC system and push back against potential social control."
"Our financial system has always been based on trust, but CBDCs introduce programmable digital control."
"Cash is anonymous, while a CBDC is the exact opposite."
"The key difference with CBDC is the central bank's absolute control over its use."
"Central bank digital currencies are just a new form of digitization."
"It's control as you saw in Canada with Bitcoin if Trudeau can turn that off for a bunch of truckers or turn off their checking accounts imagine how much easier that's going to be with Central Bank digital currencies."
"Crypto as a digital money to all of us is like, 'Oh yeah, of course, that's obvious now..."
"The digital currency solution is the most important technological advance I've seen since the internet."
"I think it's the future of the digital gold world and I think that there's a real need for uh for Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin is doing just that it's got to mature it will mature and it will be that Superstar down the line."
"Digital currencies are coming, that's programmable money."
"Bitcoin obviously is essentially digital gold."
"Bitcoin is often described as a cryptocurrency, a virtual currency, or a digital currency. It's a type of money that's completely virtual."
"Convenience, that's what the digital dollar will offer us. Convenience, and it certainly won't mean that our money tap gets turned off at any moment."
"Bitcoin was the first currency that essentially over the course of the last 10 plus years it proved to the world that digital currencies cryptocurrencies and blockchains they are actually possible."
"A lot of us that value freedom, liberty, and free market capitalism believe that a central bank digital currency is going to be forced upon us."
"Digital currencies and censorship, and the fixed supply which is important in environment of excessive money printing. I think the fundamentals prevail."
"Bitcoin has been around for over 10 years now and it has withstood every technological test that we have thrown at it."
"The Fed has sort of been slow-walking this digital currency, but I do think someday it will happen."
"What she's saying is essentially that her argument is that we need the Central Bank digital currency to ensure that no other government or no other private company is going to interfere with their ability to control their own currency."
"This isn't just me and you, it's not just like some libertarian kooks are telling you, oh this Central Bank digital currency thing is all about control, this is the European Central Bank telling you yes it's all about control."
"Bitcoin is quite literally finding a single atom in an entire universe."
"The magic of bitcoin is making it smarter, faster, and stronger."
"America's new digital dollar is almost here."
"Crypto's here to stay. It's legitimate. It's the future of money and NFTs—they're the future of art, maybe."
"For your average citizen, it's quite the opposite. The entire CBDC makes cryptocurrencies that are private more important for us."
"Governments cannot stop Bitcoin. Bitcoin is unstoppable."
"When banks talk about digital currencies, it's because they fear them. They know they've waited too long and missed the boat."
"Libra can arguably become a medium-term replacement to any single government fiat currency."
"Libra will crack open further global discussion about what money is."
"Digital pound plans move forward as CBDC-related positions open up."
"A central bank digital currency is the digital form of a country's fiat currency."
"CBDs would cause financial privacy to vanish entirely and could be abused for political gain."
"The easiest way to buy and sell digital currency."
"Bitcoin, backed by the faith of millions upon millions of people around the world."
"The main use for crypto so far is scamming and literal human trafficking."
"Bitcoin is the next evolution of gold. It is digital gold, decentralized, with a limited supply, and used as a hedge against inflation."
"Digital currency tied to social credits is the future."
"Crypto is a nent asset class class it threatens almost everything in terms of the centralized Legacy infrastructure."
"The truth is there are so many possibilities here, so many different ways central bank digital coins could actually work."
"In my opinion though this really isn't a question of if but when there will be a digital dollar at some point in the future."
"Central bank digital currencies are on their way to being at the forefront of our economies."
"Having a CBDC and then having that tracking device inserted in your hand, how you doing alcohol?"
"Bitcoin is digital monetary nuclear weapons."
"If we stay sleepy and we let them Usher in the cbdc, they're gonna have total control over your life."
"Bitcoin cannot be duplicated...the algorithm that makes up that piece of that Bitcoin cannot be duplicated."
"Bitcoin is slow but proven, and emotional attachment ensures its longevity."
"Interoperability is the key to building a CBDC future." - Marcus Treacher
"I used to really like doge because of the culture of memes and jokes and the tipping culture around it."
"The phrase that caught my attention was peer-to-peer currency."
"Once you have your own currency, you basically create ultra-loyalty within your community..."
"The wave has been unleashed... Now, it's how do we make a digital currency?"
"The spirit of the US Constitution lives in Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin is replacing gold as a store of value and doing it much better."
"Bitcoin is gold 2.0, it's digital gold, it's a way of storing value and protecting yourself from central bank money printing inflation devaluation of fiat currencies etc."
"Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said the US is going slow on central bank digital currencies considering the risks they may pose to the US dollars' dominance."
"Cash is king. Going to cash will allow you to accumulate more coins at a lower price."
"It's inevitable that governments will want to create CBDCs, but decentralized systems will always provide a choice."
"We're watching Bitcoin take off, we're watching ethereum take off, and we see xrp go in here."
"Everybody's a Bitcoin cash fan now, how about that?"
"Fedcoin is officially live, the dystopian nightmare unfortunately has begun."
"Programmable money... an attack on personal freedom and liberty."
"Doge overtook that spot and said, 'No, I am the king meme coin. I am the captain here.'"