
Gods Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"I'm unconvinced that it exists, and for some gods where it conflicts with actual observed facts of reality, I am convinced those gods don't exist."
"The gods exist because we gave birth to them; they are our own vileness, fury, and cruelty given form."
"The gods do not hate us; they are us, they are our sins coming home to the hearts that gave them life."
"So great was his power that it took the combined strength of many gods to overcome him."
"In the world of news and dragons, gods are very much real; they listen to your prayers, they interact with your characters."
"When I found out that the universe doesn't care about me, and to the best of my knowledge, there are no gods who care about me, the number of people who actually cared about me didn't change. I just got a more accurate view of reality."
"I am convinced that the various gods that I've been presented with are not in fact real."
"The gods themselves were afraid so that they retreated into the highest heaven."
"Goku's power exceeds the gods of destruction."
"Ancient people thought that the gods talked to us through the weather."
"Heaven and earth may pass away but all the gods of men will be long forgotten way before then."
"I quite liked it and I think I did compliment the armor the gods armor at one point."
"Of course you can. Both of you far outclass even us gods with your power combined and amplified."
"Things on Earth and in heaven belong to different chains which are headed by the gods themselves."
"Sometimes the gods would disguise themselves to test men's hospitality."
"Various buildings depict gods and goddesses who would later be worshiped in Aztec times."
"Anyone can use Ultra Instinct, it's a technique used mostly by gods but anyone can learn it, even Mortals."
"Superheroes are very closely associated with gods."
"There is no God in the sky, look at the Earth too, if there were gods they would be far away from humans, no need to worry because they can't reach there."
"The Egyptians taught them all they knew and gave them the knowledge of the gods."
"We are the chosen of Asuryan, beloved of the gods and heirs to the world."
"Their roles were varied, ranging from celestial administrators, judges of humanity, to controllers of human destiny."
"The repairing of the kite was simple enough," noted the narrator, "although Gods on the whole do not feel at home around mechanical things."
"Currently, for the first time, three games against gods are happening simultaneously, marking a historic moment where people from all over the world stop to watch."
"His gods were simple and understandable. Crom was their chief."
"No Thor will survive this day, no Gore will either."
"Arm yourselves. Today we die like gods."
"Thus did a world without gods become a world with very many."
"The treacherous god Shinoki was waiting on the sidelines of the tournaments, aiding Thaukanos for his own purposes."
"Almost every culture has myths involving gods with the little 'G' sleeping with mortal women and producing children that were half God and half human."
"But if the gods were, in fact, alien visitors, might mankind's quantum leap forward have had a more intergalactic origin?"
"Whether you would call them gods would depend on whether we feel they are benign towards us."
"I found the pagan gods more exciting and interesting, you know, Aphrodite or Dionysus, just seemed more interesting and kind of charismatic than the Christian God."
"In Lil accepted to help only if, after doing so, I am recognized as the king of all the gods."
"That's very interesting evidence from ancient Egypt for manipulation of the gods, making gods speak, making gods move."
"One of the most infamous gods of the Lizardmen was Sotek, known otherwise as Sotek the Deliverer or the Serpent God, and was the god of war."
"The gods are cringe. I told you, and Biggie's like, 'Yeah, gods are pretty f**king cringe. You shouldn't believe in them. I'm not one.'"
"Happy, happy earth! fit habitation for gods."
"How did you get past the guards? The gods."
"If there are Gods, leaving this world isn't scary because they wouldn't harm you."
"For thousands of years, people have believed that gods had a special glow like a halo or aura."
"It's not about who has the best Weaponry... it's ultimately about the gods getting what they deserve."
"I refuse to die with gods yet left."
"Gods are supposed to be immortal more than Immortal Divine somehow separate from distinct from Above the Rest of physical reality according to their stories they are."
"Wow, I never in my life heard about these gods in all my existence of Destroyer Gods, but I never imagined about these Gods. Well, who cares for sure they invoked me to fight against these Gods. I hope they make me have fun. I'm bored to be walking in Paradise doing nothing."
"Teotihuacan: The place where the gods are, an urban magnet drawing 75-85% of the population of the valley of Mexico."
"In Greek mythology, the name of which legendary Olympian god comes last alphabetically?"
"He was attacking not just the people, He was wiping out their belief system, and showing that they're just, they're false gods."
"Everything happens in God's timing. You can't get upset just because it hasn't happened yet."
"Thor and Loki are powerful and inspired gods for humans."
"All the gods assembled together to give me eternal life. Who is going to call all the gods together for you?"
"In ancient Egypt, cats were the preferred pets of the Pharaohs, considered to be Gods."
"Do you believe in gods? Do you believe in lightning? Of course."
"Persephone was known to the Romans as Proserpina. In a lot of cases, Roman and Greek gods were related but not necessarily the same thing."
"The gods are actually fallen angels, they're created entities."
"When the gods play so deep a part in our affairs, we should count ourselves cursed."
"The gods are as fired up and involved as Elizabethan nobles wagering on the outcome of a bear baiting."
"The gods knew this was a day that would live forever."
"The gods will speak from the ground, the mountains, and the sea," Agatha prophesied.
"Apollo exacted his revenge against Zeus."
"There may be a god, but there isn't just one and they are not forgiving."
"The gods have been gone for a long time, but their blood runs through my veins," Caius grinned, explaining his lineage.
"We eat gods for breakfast too much you think no I liked it."
"Maybe this time, gods and humans can learn to live in peace."
"A being that may well surpass even the gods themselves."
"With no hard feelings between them, these Gods will meet in eaver, the very same location that the first generation of gods convene to construct shrines."
"Those are Gods, those are nerds. It's all the new clicks like breeze in this as well."
"A myriad of gods gather to try and end the eternal darkness."
"For 7,000 years the people of De jelly baby had believed in their gods, now their gods existed."
"It's very specific now now all over the world you know in ancient times there were every every nation every people had Gods there for strange all over gods"
"Witnessing the tragedy, the gods prayed"
"Do you know why the gods demand blood? Because gods don't bleed."
"In Greek mythology, those gods are not gods versus humans. Gods are simply human beings taken to an nth degree."
"But not all attention is welcome attention, and Medusa captured the eye of a lustful god, Poseidon."
"The only Gods who did not live on Mount Olympus were Hades and Persephone, his wife, who lived in the murky depths of the underworld."
"Mount Olympus was the home of the Greek gods which meant that the Olympic Games were the games of the Gods."
"These chapters are leading up to, again, or they're dealing with, the fall of Babylon, the fall of Babel, the fall of the whole system, and the death of its gods."
"So it's really a lot of fun to learn and a lot of fun to kind of just like use music theory to try to explain exactly what the gods were thinking of."
"The gods gave us everything that we need to enjoy our time here on Earth: food, sunlight, incognito browsing, and two-day shipping."
"The gods love an idiot and recklessness is a quality much beloved of the moon."
"The majority of the Innead decided that the best course of action was to stay out of human affairs and just observe them, except for two gods who love to judge humans and dispense justice: Ahmet and Kanchu."
"Anyway, next up: the god of death must at least own one Death Note."
"In my travels I have learned that there are two kinds of gods: those who do harm and those who do nothing at all."
"The gods are rising up again. We are rising to our prophetic destiny."
"God School: The Olympian gods is a very interesting pilot to talk on."
"Elijah dared the prophets of Baal to a big contest of Gods on Mount Carmel."
"she decided she was going to be a virgin for life so emus went to her father Zeus and told him that she wants to be the goddess of the hunt"
"The gods will walk Caldar once again," she thought, "and the world will be at peace."
"The vanir marched with weapons raised, ready to meet the aesir army, but instead, they were met by a single god, Odin himself."
"There are gods of action and there are gods of virtue."
"He makes the Harlequins a little grumpy. I think he's mentioned several times as being favored by the gods of the ruinous powers like they're like 'We like you,' but he's like, 'Yeah, cringe, go away.'"
"Norse mythology is famous for its unique Gods but at the same time it doesn't lack when it comes to incredible and weird creatures."
"Ra, the high lord of the Egyptian Pantheon, is often considered the most powerful among the gods of the pantheon, safe perhaps for the aloof Tah, the elder creator of the cosmos."
"Ultimately, the gods of wisdom do indeed have strong staying power and long after the apex of their admiration, they have been seen to influence society, politics, science and communication."
"This isn't mercy. It's just entertainment for the gods."
"If you'd like me to make a video on various gods with protective epithets and what their domains would be, let me know and I can do a deep dive into that."
"Dragons pay no heed to your puny Gods."
"The gods that were being worshipped at the time of Noah."
"We, the rebellious Gods, will be the ones who will turn you into a being of great power."
"They feared the Lord yet they served their own gods."
"When talking about the lore of fear and hunger, there's only one place to start: with the Gods."
"I knew the gods were after him because he stole something from them."
"The Maya imagined many gods based on nature, such as the god of rain, of the sun, and even a monkey god."
"When it comes to stealing being gods, disease was the father of the seven of them."
"...it's hard to live in a world that seems to be presenting us with gods all around us..."
"These gods, they're very flawed and interesting in that way."
"We live in a world of possible gods and goddesses."
"The gods cry for Mount Olympus. There is great Danger on the horizon and the world is in need of them Asira's help."
"The true might of Mortals comes from their character and through that they could actually improve the gods."
"Stan Lee and Jack Kirby with Larry Lieber decided to create this character and bring in some power to the Marvel Universe, bring in some gods."
"He's up there with the big leagues like no other pantheon of gods."
"In a mid-credits scene, we see a still alive Zeus as he's recovering from his injuries furious with how superheroes have diminished the perception of the gods so he sends out his son Hercules to kill Thor and remind the galaxy that the gods are to be feared once again."
"You're watching gods fight. There's a god that's going to lose that fight, but when he walks out and goes to the bar, he's still going to get laid because he's still [expletive] god."
"You can't shatter the confidence of a God, in fact of all the gods he's probably the greatest of all time. He's the go, he's the goat God, the goat God Mard owner. You can't shatter a goat guard's confidence. What you can do is Shake him, stir him, but never doubt him."
"The gods who rule the underworld appear to be in a tense relationship with the gods tied to the human social order."
"The Seven are gods of weakness and defeat, pretty chains that the First Men kindly put on after the Andals crushed them."
"Cura, I would say to myself, is the abode of the gods and the land of unnumbered cities of gold."
"Keyleth also argues that being immortal doesn’t make you infallible - some of the gods can be great, others can be terrible."
"The surviving gods will play with golden game pieces."
"All the gods and Giants will face off against one another."
"He's a child of one of the big three Poseidon Zeus or Hades."
"You do not kneel to dust your heads with ash; instead, you wail, 'Why have the gods forsaken us?'"
"It seems to me that the first inhabitants of Greece believed only in those gods in which many foreigners still believe today."
"The ancient Sumerian tablets described the stories of the gods, their adventures, deeds, and battles leading to the creation of the heavens, the earth, and humanity."
"These stories are myth, and by that I mean they refer to stories about the gods and heroes and how the world and its civilizations came to be."
"I swear by the old gods and the new."
"A new God, their God. These Voidbringers know no songs, they cannot hear Roshar, and where they go, they bring silence."
"When time was new, and all of history was still a dream, the gods ruled the Earth."
"How about the destroying gods confronting us, that would be much more fun since the gods are very powerful beings."
"A mortal man, who believed he could convince the very Gods to come to war in our aid."
"Kratos continued on his path, claiming revenge against his father Zeus and all the Olympian gods who had betrayed him."
"Gods and mortals at one time shared a friendly relationship according to Greek mythology."
"Gods are so petty, and that is the most entertaining thing ever."
"In piety towards the gods, the chief element is this: to have right opinions about them as existing and as administering the universe well and justly."
"Perhaps the gods are not deaf after all."
"Your belief or disbelief in the gods doesn't necessarily punish you."
"The empirical conversation doesn't comment on gods."
"Ancient Egyptians saw animals as incarnations of the Gods."
"In those times the gods lived: Odin and Thor, Heimdall and Tyr, Frigga and Freya."
"There was a time when gods were warriors."
"Then along came the sons of Borr - Odin, Vili, and Vé - from Niflheim and Muspelheim who killed Ymir and used his body to make Midgard."
"It always takes a while for word to get around among the gods."
"Worship a pantheon of gods thought to have come from beyond the Earth, drifting the stars before falling to the Yucatan Peninsula on a meteor."
"Only gods and the dead can seem perfect with impunity."
"The Greek gods... gave their gods all of those types of human imperfections."
"One distinctive feature of the way the Spartans represented their gods was that they represented all of them in armor."
"Henry was setting himself up among the gods, an apotheosis."
"She is determined to show the gods that she will not obey their choice."
"The inner Gods could never defeat the outer gods."
"Ultra Instinct, a technique of the gods."
"The gods are idealized versions of men that men should aspire to become."
"The gift of life these gods provided was the more precious because of the precarious conditions in the world."
"While you're here, you shall rule all that lives and moves and shall have the greatest prize among the deathless gods."
"The gods let her die. That is one of the many things they will pay for."
"Long ago, when time was new and all of history was still a dream, the gods ruled the earth."
"The gods beneath the waters have been waiting for me."
"I can't believe the hidden power of the Gods of this generation now easily surpass us."
"We are all of us but mortal; we cannot defy the gods."
"If you're going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods."
"You've ruined every prejudice I had about gods."
"A child of the big three will decide the fate of Olympus at the age of 16."
"They're acting as if they were the gods themselves."
"The gods are still around, trust me, they're immortal."
"He wants to free humanity from the shackles of the gods."
"When time was new, the gods ruled the Earth."
"Gods cannot be killed, but they can be broken."
"Every one of those gods was a delusion and so were countless other gods that human tribes have sincerely believed in all around the world."
"If even gods can make mistakes, what hope is there for the rest of us?"
"I find it fascinating how... they would have got so many indications from their gods from nature."
"There's no wrong side. The gods never cared about us," Ethan sneered.
"Lord of light wants his enemies burnt, the drowned god wants them drowned. Why are all the gods such vicious creatures?"
"I swore by all the gods that if her daughters were alive, I'd return them to her."
"Man makes gods in man's image, but really what they're doing is espousing this highest ideal."
"He acts as an observer, a confidant to the other gods, and a keeper of secrets."
"But it's even more pitiful to be gods and seek the destruction of something you created. If so, they don't deserve to be called Gods but scum of entire galaxies," Goku goes running towards his opponent.
"Once the gods walked among mere mortals."
"The gods were the prominent beings of the world, existing in physical forms."
"It is said that men may not be the dreams of the gods, but rather that the gods are the dreams of men."
"The gods shall judge you as you have judged me."
"The almighty gods of the eight directions follow my commands."
"Men may not be the dreams of the gods, but rather that the gods are the dreams of men."
"This story takes place in the land of the Gods, a place far away from the reach of humans."
"The tendency of gods to begin as ogres and to end as loving fathers."
"I'm the guy who kills Gods when they piss me off."
"The gods are angry, as most gods tend to be."
"The gods will offer you chances. Know them."
"Black Sun... a fantasy story about gods coming back to earth."
"When ours reaches its peak, the gods will arrive and steal everything."
"Those things that are kept in those tablets... telling the entire creation story of us and how great gods came down and created civilization."
"What if the gods actually decided to help us rather than throw a thunderbolt at us? What a lovely idea."
"She-Hulk is powerful enough to fight literal gods."