
Speed Of Light Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"Einstein tells us that particles cannot be accelerated past the speed of light since that would require infinite energy, thus placing an apparent speed limit on communication."
"The speed of light isn't just the speed of a photon. No, it truly represents the speed of causality."
"According to Einstein's theory of relativity, there is an absolute speed limit in the universe: the speed of light."
"The experience of the passage of time slows down as you travel faster, and if you actually travel at the speed of light, that experience would be zero."
"This is a world where the speed of light is something you have to factor into the equations you make."
"The speed of light in a vacuum is constant and it is independent of the relative motion of that source of light. This was the postulate that changed our paradigm and the world of physics."
"The cosmic speed limit, the speed of light, is so diminutive compared to a galaxy that any aspirations we might harbor for galactic exploration or even just communication seem impossible, at least within human lifetimes."
"It almost seems like a cruel cosmic joke that the universe be arranged in such a way that we are able to look out and glimpse its wonders and yet are trapped here by the speed of light."
"This is so cool to think about, this galaxy that we've seen light from, it was receding faster than four times the speed of light."
"The speed of light is because we define it to be what it is... it's really the speed of information, the speed of causality."
"If I was to change the value of the mass, then according to this formula, the force would immediately change... instantly, instantaneously, faster than the speed of light. And Einstein says there can't be that kind of influence that exerts a change, a force, instantaneously."
"Nothing could travel faster than the speed of light, but there is in fact no speed limit for the universe itself."
"Nothing with mass can actually move faster than light."
"Currently there’s no evidence that the speed of light varies in a fundamental way, and it may be that it’s not even a meaningful concept."
"Accelerate, you get progressively faster, but you never reach the speed of light."
"Does the fact that the speed of light is a constant mean that it is also a speed limit?"
"Synchronicity literally propels you faster than the speed of light."
"Such incredibly fast Journeys will open up to us when we approach the speed of light."
"Saitama exceeded the speed of light and broke through time and space."
"There are examples of that phenomenon even today, with distant galaxies moving faster than the speed of light."
"No weapon is faster than a laser's beam of light traveling at 186,000 miles per second."
"Light races across the universe at 186,000 miles per second."
"Starlink can carry data at the speed of light in a vacuum all around the earth."
"The story of the measurement of the speed of light really is one of mankind's greatest intellectual adventures."
"Light travels at 186,000 miles per second. Its speed is an ultimate barrier. Nothing can go faster."
"The speed of light C is constant, independent of the speed of the observer or the speed of the source."
"It answers the Riddle That Einstein once asked he said how can you go millions of times faster than the speed of light without breaking the speed of light and remain constant inside the Newtonian physics I figured out how to do that."
"Einstein's work concluded that nothing could travel faster than the speed of light."
"Maxwell discovered that mu 0 epsilon equals 1 over C squared where C is the speed of light."
"Will we one day be able to move faster than the speed of light? I hope so, because that would be cool."
"What travels faster than light? Sound? No, the speed of light."
"Our entire radar industry is designed around the precise knowledge of the speed of light."
"Einstein's new contribution is to say that the speed of light is 671 million miles per hour relative to anything."
"The speed of light is universal... no matter how fast you're going, light will always go away from you at the speed of light."
"Time dilation occurs when an object is moving at a significant fraction of the speed of light or is in a strong gravitational field."
"The point you're making about making the rule... is increasing the effective speed of light but it's not introducing nonlocality."
"If somehow we could break the speed of light, the clock would not only slow down, it would stop and then actually begin to run backwards."
"Aliens can't get here at faster than the speed of light physics doesn't allow that."
"What's the fastest we could travel? Nothing yet observed by science moves faster than the speed of light."
"What if the unalterable speed of light merely reflects the maximum computing power of the mysterious machinery controlled by even more mysterious architects of our world?"
"We don't see these other universes and you can blame the speed of light for that."
"Things that move the speed of light always move at the speed of light so things that move at the speed of light don't have a rest mass therefore they are massless."
"The speed of light is a constant in vacuum. It only has one speed. There is no other speed to light."
"...nothing travels faster than the speed of light, not material things, non-material things, your feelings, your thoughts, quantum mechanical wave functions, nothing ever travels faster than the speed of light."
"...how we see the universe is limited by the speed of light and the finite time since the Big Bang occurred."
"The speed of light defines causality."
"The speed of light is the speed of causality."
"The speed of light defines the maximum speed at which causes can lead to effects it's the maximum speed that events can influence each other across the universe."
"The speed of light defines the limit of causality in our universe."
"Kong can react and Dodge the beam two times in the film with the second instance being so impressive that it's actually been calculated to be faster than the speed of light."
"Space itself can and does expand faster than the speed of light."
"Light would always be observed to travel at the same speed."
"The essence of it is straightforward: nothing can ever travel faster than the speed of light."
"One hundred eighty-six thousand miles a second. That's the speed of light."
"The only reason why we cannot travel at the speed of light is because we get a division by zero in the equations."
"The consequences of us traveling at the speed of light are time will stop, it will take an infinite amount of energy, and the mass of an object will become infinite."
"The reason that we can't travel at the speed of light is because we get a division by zero in the equations."
"That's the reason why we can't travel at the speed of light: because we get a division by zero."
"In an expanding universe like this, two points can be moving away from each other with greater than the speed of light."
"Light is the speed limit of the universe."
"Why can't you travel faster than light? The reason you can't go faster than the speed of light is that you can't go slower. There is only one speed. Everything, including you, is always moving at the speed of light."
"The speed of gravity is equal to the speed of light... these ripples in the space-time fabric... travel from the source to the receiver at the speed of light."
"Light can go around the earth seven times in a single second so signals travel really quickly on the scales that we are talking about."
"Fundamentally, that's what the speed of light is, it is something that is deeply reflective of causality."
"These earliest investigators did not suppose that the tunneling particles could travel faster than the speed of light."
"We know the speed of light; we know how long things take to go back and forth."
"No one is gonna go faster than the speed of light."
"The speed of light must be a constant for all observers."
"Anything that has no mass moves at the speed of light."
"You cannot travel through space faster than the speed of light, but space can do whatever the hell it wants."
"The speed of light is the same for all observers. It does not vary, it is invariant."
"The speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second."
"You can't exceed the speed of light in a vacuum, but things can move through other media faster than the speed of light in that medium."
"The reason the speed of light is always constant no matter how fast you're moving is that if you move, people in different states of motion, time is relative."
"The speed of light is the fastest speed possible in the universe for now."
"Lasers are the ultimate guardians of the sea, with the speed of light as their ally."
"Einstein said that you cannot break the light barrier. It turns out that these qubits will actually communicate with each other instantly, faster than the speed of light."
"There is nothing faster than the speed of light."
"Einstein's variable speed of light approach and maybe his first idea was the best one."
"If we can travel at five percent of the speed of light around the galaxy with sentient probes... it only takes tens of millions of years to traverse the galaxy."
"For tachyons, the speed of light is a lower limit, and a zero energy tachyon has an infinite speed."
"This means that there's actually something that goes faster than the speed of light; this changes everything."
"The speed of light is really fast, but my computer clock is also really fast."
"Two waves traveling at the speed of light will combine to give you a resulting wave that also travels at the speed of light."
"The speed of light in a vacuum is a constant that we should definitely know."
"The speed of light is not infinitely fast, which is our experience of it, but it's actually a finite speed and it's the fastest possible speed that anything can have."
"The speed of light is a very fundamental parameter, not a constant."
"No signal should travel faster than the speed of light."
"These engines are so powerful that they can realistically accelerate the craft to a significant fraction of the speed of light."
"That can push you nearly to the speed of light, and I just think that stuff is interesting."
"Gravity travels at the speed of light."
"If speed of light is constant, it must mean that fundamentally intuitive things like the length of a meter stick or the time from your time you were born and your twin was born must be dependent on circumstance."
"You can never accelerate any object to the speed of light."
"As Super Shadow, he is completely invulnerable, can move at the speed of light, and has unlimited access to the power of the Chaos Emeralds."
"Light can go around the earth 7.5 times a second."
"You can make a fancy phase velocity, but that will not help you with sending things close to the speed of light or greater."
"The speed of light is a constant, doesn't matter whether you're sitting still or you're moving along at a constant velocity."
"The universe is expanding faster than light can travel."
"The light travels pretty fast. 186,000 miles per second."
"The speed of light in a vacuum is about 300,000 kilometers per second, which we call 'c'."
"The speed of light is really fast and that's really handy."
"The speed of light is basically 3.00 times 10 to the 8th meters per second."
"At the speed of light, there's absolutely no movement through time."
"Everything becomes spaghettified out really long, the closer you get to the speed of light."
"If you could travel faster than the speed of light... you'd be technically traveling through time."
"The spacecraft will be able to significantly exceed the speed of light."
"The speed of light... doesn't change no matter how the observer or the emitter of the light are moving relative to each other."
"This is the technique that was actually used to first measure the speed of light."
"In the equation E equals MC squared, what does the letter C mean? It actually means the speed of light."
"In the center of this cosmic expanse lies a principle that governs our understanding: the speed of light."
"Why you can't travel faster than the speed of light... eventually requiring an infinite amount of energy."
"Why can't you travel faster than the speed of light? It's not because your mass increases, it's because your inertia does."
"Light propagates with an incredible speed of about 200,000 miles per second."
"In the fabric of space-time itself, it is impossible to travel faster than the speed of light."
"Light speed. You can travel in time."
"The speed of light being C and C being the speed limit for the universe is mathematical; it's not magic."
"The maximum speed of an electron is believed to be exactly the same as the speed of light."
"The pulse of energy which is transmitted from the radar antenna is in the form of electromagnetic microwave energy; it travels through space at the speed of light."
"Scientists have discovered something that can go as fast as the speed of light. What is it? Light."
"Gravitational waves move at the speed of light, and this particular event provided the best test of that prediction."
"The Minkowski length of all four velocity vectors is c, the speed of light in a vacuum."
"It not only predicts the existence of electromagnetic radiation but it even predicts that the speed of light of all electromagnetic radiation is one over the square root of mu 0 times Epsilon 0."
"The universe entered a phase of what's called inflation. It expanded faster than the speed of light."
"The universality of the speed of light is not some quirky foible we all have to live with; rather, it's a fundamental statement about the nature of space and time."
"The speed of light must be a universal constant that no one can exceed."
"The speed of light is really, really slow, and it's so distressing that we can't do anything about it."
"Light travels incredibly fast, so fast in fact that on Earth it appears nearly instantaneous."
"The speed of light had an objective reality because no matter how you measure it, you get the same answer."
"As your velocity approaches the speed of light, this fraction approaches one and your rest mass gets divided by zero and your mass blows up to infinity."
"I want FiOS light, yes the speed of light, want light."
"Einstein was wrong; it is possible to break the speed of light."
"There is no speed faster than the speed of light because that's the processing power."
"What made boost phase defense appear attractive was the promise of a technology able to deliver a missile-killing blow over great distances at the speed of light."
"What we have to do is go faster than the speed of light in order to time travel."
"Light is the fastest thing in the universe, traveling at a speed of roughly 300 million meters a second in a vacuum."
"Everyone in every reference frame measures the same speed of light."
"The local speed of light measured as the ratio of proper length over proper time is always equal to C."
"The speed of light in a vacuum is always \( c = 300 \) million meters per second in all inertial reference frames."
"We're all going to agree on the speed of light... light becomes this absolute kind of meter stick or measuring tool because we'll all agree on it."
"The velocity of objects is fundamentally limited to be less than the speed of light in a vacuum."
"The photon is massless and travels at the speed of light, this means in one sense that we can never even in principle catch up with it."
"We now know faster than light travel is possible."
"The speed of light in a vacuum is 3 times 10 to the 8th meters per second."
"Do you know that the speed of light is constant and it measures three times ten to the power of the eighth meters per second?"
"The Earth's existence are already flooding out at the speed of light for billions of years."
"The very existence of the speed of light tells us something about reality."
"The velocity of light is taken as a constant, represented as 'c', the speed of light."
"The speed of light is constant in all frames of reference."
"The closer to the speed of light that you travel, the faster time will go for you."
"Understand the power of your thoughts; your thoughts travel at the speed of light."
"The matter near the black hole is going almost at the speed of light."
"The speed of light is the same in all frames."
"Electromagnetic waves travel with the speed of light, which is 300,000 kilometers per second."
"The speed of light is a fixed unchanging constant number."
"The speed of light... it's traveling at about 0.67 the speed of light, so roughly 200,000 kilometers per second is how fast it moves across the wire."
"All forms of electromagnetic radiation travel at the speed of light."
"If you can fly at the speed of light, who cares if people think it's lame? Because you can still do it, and they can't."
"Which of Einstein's theories establishes that nothing can travel faster than light?"
"One light travels at 300,000.000 m/s while sound travels only at 343 m/s."
"At the Event Horizon, the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light."