
Cycle Quotes

There are 1521 quotes

"The coolest thing about it is it's not just that they die, but they come back, and there's a cycle throughout the universe."
"It's not about happiness; it's all about consistently breaking yourself through this cycle over and over again."
"Nostalgia is a predictable and cyclical phenomenon."
"Every day after the winter solstice brought more light into the world."
"This has been going on for 30 years, 40 years, right? And it's just been going on over and over and over again because there's no natural end to any of this, right?"
"Why are we not part of the cycle? Then we can actually enable people to feed the earth instead of polluted."
"Misinformation leads to more misinformation. It's a cycle that continues unless broken with correct information and understanding."
"Hyperbitcoinization is a virtuous cycle from Bitcoin's perspective."
"There have always been multiverses... the creation of one universe from the collision of others, a never-ending cycle without beginning or end."
"When you're riding off hope and hype, it's a dangerous cycle."
"Excitement and encouragement momentum has a beginning, middle, and an end."
"They idealize and devalue on repeat, creating a toxic cycle."
"Fresh axe, kind of one of those things where you have to use resources to make an axe to gather resources so there's a bit of a cycle going on."
"Violence begets more violence. I've seen what that does to society."
"And out of the dark, you will come into the light, and from the light, you will return to the dark."
"It's just so you know, everything in nature is all about recycle."
"When we fall away from the sun or tilt away from the sun, know that things will soon be done. Winter solstice."
"It's always sad to see the players retire but it's a natural part of the ecosystem."
"For it will always end how it had begun... Behold.. The rising.. Sun."
"Freedom creates resources; resources create freedom."
"Games are kind of like an endless cycle of getting more power and then facing more constraints."
"Starting a new cycle... with your family members."
"Destruction is something that gives way to creation."
"What object is served by this circle of misery and violence and fear?"
"We are seasons, all of us, growing in the light, feeding in the dark."
"Just trying to find a way to stop that vicious circle of not pouring back into your community."
"The only way to end the endless cycle of sins of the father is forgiveness."
"So many perpetrators of this abuse were abused themselves."
"In the end, we create and we start all over again to determine how to refine the balancing of the overall universe."
"Projection and reception: it's a feedback loop. We project a feeling state, receive it, and then do the work to manifest it."
"We're at the end of another human cycle... when we have to add darkness into a world that was once only light, only creation, only magic, miracles, bliss, and when the divine walked with us."
"Over the years I found myself in a deadly and inflexible cycle, entrapped in working just to afford to keep working."
"Ragnarok was this endless cycle that all the gods were destined to die and be reborn."
"There's a very clear connection between abuse of childhood equaling then becoming an abuser later in life."
"This cycle ends with you. You are the person that is going to change it moving forward, and nobody is going to have to continue to hide away in shame."
"Almost all economists agree that recessions are a part of the long cycle that economies go through in order to grow organically."
"Steroids can be taken in a cycle of six to twelve weeks with increasing doses followed by a decrease at the end of the cycle."
"In the winter, far beneath the bitter snow, lies the seed that with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose."
"Fear breeds disease, and disease breeds fear."
"The end of this whole process leads back to the very first step."
"One little bit of contact with them can start the whole destructive cycle over again."
"Starting a cycle and then the bricks being torn down."
"A repetitive and like painful cycle that's trying to come to a close."
"So hopefully this is the cycle where it's a good game again, Black Ops 3 being the best out of all of them in my opinion, they were all good."
"It's called bulk and cut because you're trying to have an unrealistic body image."
"More food means more people which means more food."
"They think that if they got in trouble for ever having punched you in the face, that means they can just continually keep punching you in the face."
"Somebody has to cut off the chain of violence in this world."
"Revenge doesn't solve anything, it just creates a vicious circle."
"Ending your sleep after a 90-minute cycle, say at the end of six hours, in many cases is better for you than sleeping an additional hour."
"It's like this horrible death cycle that the Chinese economy is in."
"Colonialism is ravenous and parasitic, moving from one region to another, repeating the cycle."
"It's been fun but I think this wipe is kind of coming to an end."
"Life is fully reusable and sustainable technology."
"The devil tricked these individuals but this particular cycle went on for many lifetimes."
"They construct and destruct. It's an inevitable cycle and an integral part of narcissism."
"I was like okay cool... and he explained to me sort of the cycle."
"Just like the lunar cycle, now is a reminder of the vital power that rest and reflection can have on our overall journey."
"Many of you are approaching an end of a very drastic cycle, offering a window of opportunity."
"It's such a fun addictive cycle of creating stuff."
"You are about to be fully replenished, ending a cycle of decrease."
"It feels like we're going back to the beginning before we can get to the end."
"Ignorance breeds fear. Fear breeds hatred. Hatred breeds destruction."
"I'm gonna figure out a way of getting out of this cycle."
"This spike is initiated by something called the halving."
"You're about to go through an ending of cycle and entering a new chapter."
"Perhaps for the first time in 6,000 years, we have a shot at cracking through this karmic loop here."
"It's just been a constant. Every time we begin to recover, we [ __ ] it up again."
"Hurt people hurt people until we heal that pain within ourselves."
"It's scary and it's a cycle and I don't know how we break that cycle."
"Resorting to Extreme Measures to reclaim something lost only perpetuates a cycle of violence."
"We ignore our own personality flaws that keep us in the same vicious cycle of repetitive circumstances."
"Launch, land, refuel, and fly again - that's the goal."
"You're not being called to do a heck of a lot this full moon, it's more so about celebrating your achievements and preparing for the next cycle."
"We have to fix this and set the future straight, or else the cycle will continue."
"There's a cycle ending for you, and you're growing, evolving, and changing."
"The world Knight of Swords the ace of cups... you are opening up into a brand new cycle."
"This cycle will soon end, and you will be okay."
"The Moon through its frequent, monthly increasing in light from New Moon all the way to Full Moon, and then decreasing in light from Full Moon to New Moon."
"The full lunar cycle of 18.61 years is Marx and predicted by these monoliths."
"Jupiter is moving into your sign, okay? You've waited for this for 12 years."
"The Empress, birth of a whole new cycle."
"The circle of life, the circle of sports."
"Starting a new beginning, starting a new cycle."
"This is a period of fullness and fertility."
"Jupiter through the second house indicates this new one-year, 12-month cycle where it's a focus on finances, resources, diet, possessions, valuables, self-worth, and anything that you value."
"This is a huge life-defining period for you because these new cycles kick off that 12-month period."
"Destruction, construction always goes into the new, into the new."
"Sincere praise reinforces positive traits, inspires people to do better, and creates a virtuous cycle of encouragement."
"Fasting is just part of that natural cycle."
"From the shadow you came, to the shadow you will return."
"The cycle of thinking and feeling and feeling and thinking creates what we call a state of being."
"Everything is always going to come full circle."
"After the rain comes Sun, after the Sun comes rain again."
"Don't panic in this life; there's no sense of death. Everything goes to sleep and it wakes back up again."
"The universe will be reborn as a result."
"It's like the infinity symbol, what goes around comes around."
"You didn't complete a cycle in the past life, so you're completing a cycle this time around."
"The daily cycle of alternating between periods of sleep and wakefulness is known as the circadian rhythm."
"Oceans have an unending cycle of predators turning prey and prey turning into predators."
"You've completed a cycle, you finished the class, now you get a gift."
"Everything is a circle, law of life, law of karma."
"There's some form of karmic cycle that is put to an end here."
"Just as we started you in the beginning, just like that we repeat the process."
"Give him time. We're at the beginning clearly of a new cycle."
"It's the full circle moment right there."
"It talks about Mankind's continual cycle of Destruction."
"There's no life without death, no death without life."
"You still have cycles, it's just that those cycles look a little bit different."
"This is the birth of a new cycle."
"You're done with a cycle with completion."
"Everything is connected in a never-ending cycle."
"A NeverEnding link... leading to more sadness and anger."
"A lot of times when somebody has been abused, they come out of it with the mindset of, 'I need to never let that happen to me or anyone else again.' And some take it on as, 'Alright, so now it's my turn to do this to somebody else.'"
"Everything that goes up must go down again, everything that goes down must go up again, and it creates a constant circuit of electrical and magnetical energies."
"It's not about both sides being right; it's about how fear and pain can lead to an endless cycle of violence and death."
"Violence begets violence every time."
"That's the whole thing here, it's completing some sort of cycle."
"New cycle, says some kind of new sets of challenges."
"There's an opportunity at the end of every cycle."
"It's an anomaly trapped in an endless cycle of pain and violence."
"The 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac stand for a year in a 12-year cycle."
"Everything is changing now because a cycle is over. Somebody knows. The final verdict has been called. This is karmic justice. For the stars to be in alignment, somebody like, 'What?'"
"You've rooted this next cycle; it's very secure."
"There's an ending of a cycle... the repetitiveness of those situations are coming to an end."
"Africans believed that death represents only another stage in this cycle or whatever."
"The ENTP cycle: Success, boredom, chaos, and starting over."
"If you follow it long enough everything repeats itself that has already always happened."
"It's like a snake eating its own tail."
"I feel like your person is going to come towards you, repeat that cycle. They're coming in to try and take this in a direction that they want it to be in into the future."
"The cycle of pleasure often leads to dissatisfaction."
"The cycle of violence never ends."
"He did this kid the exact same way Justice did him all those years ago and the cycle of Revenge continues."
"Life is a cycle and we forget that as we get comfortable, as we become accustomed to routine."
"Expectations on earnings continue to rise and multiples contract. I don't think so. It's more likely at this stage in the cycle that the multiple starts to pick up."
"There's a lot of pain, lack of accountability, and carrying on this cycle."
"The cycle is not a one cycle, it's a constant cycle."
"The Prometheans showed us that the cycle can be broken."
"It's really such a cyclical Journey you feel good so you have more energy motivation love and because you feel these great feelings you can then do more achieve more more which then brings the satisfaction which makes you feel good again."
"We understand that being disempowered by this cycle does not lead to meaningful change."
"Birth, aging, sickness, death, and sometimes the end is the beginning of many new things."
"Life pulling, fulfilling, a great cyclic motion leading from the infinite back again to the infinite."
"What makes that possible is a massive production cycle spanning across the entire western hemisphere."
"All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full; to the place the streams come from, there they return again."
"You're completing a big karmic cycle here."
"The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again."
"...once the rose has DED this particular flower...it'll produce a seed pod or a hip, a rose hip."
"You're almost at the end of a tough cycle."
"They’re creating a cycle of revenge and it won’t stop until the senseless killing of people stops."
"At the close of every age, the Earth has to cleanse itself."
"Break yourself free from that cycle of keeping yourself stuck."
"Peace always follows war, but then war starts up again."
"Eight days seems to be the cycle or the length of a loop."
"Let's hope it's not a manipulated cycle."
"The US can't get itself out of this. It's a cycle they can't get out of. It's going to be impossible."
"Weak men create Hard Times, Hard Times create strong men, and strong men create good times."
"Death is not the answer. It just resets the loop."
"Reality is a cycle, that's why they believe in karma and reincarnation."
"The reason trauma persists in this world, the reason it's so often passed from parents to children, is because people who were abused and neglected as kids can often, without realizing it, grow up and hurt the people around them."
"Every creation is begotten by destruction. So, there is no creation without destruction and vice versa."
"There'll always be more wars. What I seek is the beginning, so I may finally bring this cycle to an end."
"Bullies beget bullies and abuse begets abuse."
"He's a little teenage brat, oh my gosh, it goes full circle with the parenting cycle man, that is awesome!"
"...that completes the cycle, because that's how the world works. Fair trade, you know?"
"For every life, there's a death; for every death, there's a life."
"Righteousness leads to blessings, blessings lead to prosperity, prosperity to pride, pride to sin, sin to pain, pain to humility, humility to repentance, repentance to righteousness."
"Here it is, fifty some years later, and it's still going on. You killed my dog, I'ma kill your cat. Simple as that."
"It is a circular breath; it just keeps going."
"Poverty was a vicious cycle that many people were trapped in."
"Solar eclipses start new cycles, powerful new cycles... a step in our growth and maturity."
"The Zohar is imagining a cycle and that cycle gets you and it spirals up."
"When the pendulum is near either extreme, it is inevitable that it will move back towards the midpoint sooner or later."
"...learning is the ultimate antidote... it's this never-ending cycle that we want to go towards."
"Life is just an endless cycle of people being underrated until people know that they are underrated, at which point they become overrated until people forget about it and they become underrated once again."
"but if he you do the cycle of violence will never stop"
"Bands don't want to be cycled out. It just happens."
"It's almost like your souls are celebrating something right now. I know that sounds kind of ridiculous and cheesy but it is. It's almost like your souls are rejoicing right now because the end of a very very long and painful cycle is ending right now."
"The battle between the Belmonts and Dracula is a cycle that repeats each century and is literally spawned by trauma and grief."
"Because you get to move forward into a brand new cycle."
"It is Allah's principle and rule that whenever something is raised up, Allah azza wa jal also brings it down."
"Society moves from prosperity and complacency to crisis and renewal."
"It's not really rocket science right? It's like you stress the body, you rest the body, it adapts, and then you keep repeating the cycle over and over."
"Nothing will last forever, not our worst day, not our best day, and that's okay. It's a cycle."
"We are in a never-ending cycle of retaliation, always needing to fight, never being free."
"What we call the beginning is often the end, and to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from."
"We're eating violence and we're being violent to each other. There's a circle of violence and calmness."
"Studying the nitrogen cycle has actually made me feel more comfortable with death."
"The greatest act of power lies in finding a way to end this cycle, to ensure those names are the last."
"It's a vicious cycle, stay up to finish your work, can't get up in the morning, struggling, super tired all day."
"A new start is coming with the end of a tough cycle."
"Do you guys think that Naruto eventually Masters the Ninetails in this timeline and do you think Naruto and Sasuke could break this cycle of hatred?"
"Things are still looking really good for cycle 4."
"Good will always sparks another turn around."
"There is no true way forward for Daredevil, only a continual cycle limited by his role as a superhero."
"Thematically, the show is conveying that revenge is a cycle that is self-fulfilling, history repeating itself in different forms."
"Our lives are embedded within cycles, the rhythm of the breath and the pulse, the cycle of the day, the month, and the year."
"Death is a cycle of birth again, but something new has to come, so something has to take birth."
"So destruction is a cycle of birth again, but something new has to start, something has to flourish, then something has to take birth, so death is a cycle of birth again."
"Feeling guilty is not only the beginning but also the end."
"Fashion trends follow a cycle, regardless of who declares them 'in' or 'out'."