
Formlessness Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"I think ultimately, this question of how does the formless give birth to form, we will always go deeper and deeper, but we will never solve that."
"True heaven is absolutely formless, infinite metaphysical love forever."
"What makes the thing so creepy is the fact that it doesn't really have a form of its own."
"Be extremely subtle even to the point of formlessness."
"Reality is beyond name and form, beyond causality, beyond mind."
"Assume formlessness. Don't label yourself one thing. Don't say I'm this, say I'm open-minded, or I don't really have any restrictions. I'm limitless."
"Your true Essence is that you are formless. You are whole."
"How we become more aware of what we are beyond the self, a formless loving awareness."
"It almost takes on a human form before dissipating into nothing."
"When practicing charity, the Bodhisattva's mind should not abide in form."
"Your true essence is spirit, which has no form."
"Your essential being is formless. If it has no form, it is infinite. If it is infinite, it's not in space-time."
"That existence is so instead of focusing, that's kind of the shift, that's all awakening is, going from focusing on form to simply being."
"It's the mistake you're making. God is both with form and without form."
"Divine has taken a form to lead us to formlessness, from name to namelessness, from attributes to attributelessness."
"The fourth way is never a permanent way, it has no definite form."
"When there is no form, no prejudice, then only I can observe – not I – there is only then observation."
"Every form is a phenomenon and every phenomenon is an activity of formless being."
"Your true self is formless being, assuming form as nor, knowing, and known."
"The Earth had become without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep."
"We're the whole universe of formless presence that things are happening in."
"Archetypes are Universal thought forms; they don't have any content, it's just form."
"In the vast, limitless ocean of formless Consciousness, names, forms, and Gunas are the tiny surface ripples."
"By true essence is formless, and from this formless being, I allow myself to be how I naturally desire to be."
"God as he really is is therefore nameless, formless, and without attributes of any kind."
"The original purity of the essential knowing nature of the mind, or Self, cannot be put into any form or mould without losing its truth."
"The very essence of God is spirit; he does not have any form."
"Since love is formless, I do materializations as evidence of my love."
"Form is emptiness, and the very emptiness is form."
"Once formlessness is realized, there's a tendency to stay in that perspective... but every part of one's life needs to come awake."
"Human experience is the miracle, like incredibly the formless appears as a form and is still conscious to be formless."
"God's form is not made of the three gunas; it is made of condensed consciousness."
"Perception without forms is a blooming, budding... (inaudible)"
"We must transcend form to formlessness."
"You are the unbiased, childlike, formless observer of it all."
"We are truly formless, and we give form through mind as body experiences and appearances."
"There was just neutrality and all of those forms were arising in unity."
"Consciousness has no form, hence it is neither a man or a woman."
"I am beyond time, beyond space, beyond form."
"The essence that is hiding in each form is the formless one life that is indestructible."
"There's something that is so formless, it's so shapeless."
"The spirit by nature is formless and nothing is to be harbored there."
"The formless self is the only reality; it is the real nature of God. In his real form, God never appears or disappears; he is always present."
"The I is formless, and we give form by what we associate to it."
"Perhaps it is perceived most clearly in dreams; it is a world without form or shape, without reason or logic."
"The self is formless and form is given through the state of consciousness occupied."
"That formless and loving spirit that really is our essence."
"This is the infinite arising as this; it is formless formlessness in form."
"I was able to sit in that presence with no doubt that what I was, was formless, timeless, descriptionless."
"Assume the formless... be versatile and fluent."
"You alone remain as one ineffable and inconceivable, though having a form you are formless, though yourself without beginning multiform by the power of maya, you are the beginning of all."
"He is the real Sadhu who can reveal the form of the formless to the vision of these eyes."
"The nothing which is not extended in time and space, it breaks apart, and that happens with a kind of bouncy spontaneity."
"Consciousness comes from one formless source."
"While you are praying, do not attempt to give shape to the divine, nor allow any image to be impressed upon your mind, but approach the spiritual spiritually, and you shall understand."
"I am ever liberated, I am formless, I am indestructible and changeless."
"In Buddhist philosophy, the true nature of all forms is essentially formless."
"The supreme space is never a form; it is the light of truth."
"Only formlessness allows you to truly surprise your enemies."
"Assume formlessness by taking a shape."
"God is not a material composition; He has no form, matter, composition."
"Consciousness is all-pervading space, light without form."
"God is spirit, and the spirit has no face, form, or figure; it is timeless, spaceless, and eternal."
"Bliss hasn't got a comparison, Bliss hasn't got a parallel because it comes from the formless and it comes from being still."
"You are the formless, bodiless, pure consciousness."
"Fire is shapeless; you give it form."
"The self is the imminent manifest Spirit; don't give it a form, don't condition it in the body form."
"You are bodyless, formless, and free of actions and without birth and death."
"The first sense of existence in the morning is formless, and you are that."
"Look nowhere and thou hast found formlessness."
"You are formless; must be a conviction."
"The reason we train formless meditation is it has a profound effect on your mind."
"There is only one being, one spirit, one quality, formless, timeless, non-spatial, the one pure consciousness."
"It will then be realized that our true nature is essentially formless."
"Everything I'm experiencing right now is coming out of that formless space."
"The absolute has no color, no design, no name, no form."
"God is formless, indivisible existence, intelligence, bliss absolute."
"The root has some form, but the seed is absolutely formless."
"Don't hang on to a name and form, get rid of name and form."
"Once it is understood that I am is purely I am, formless and not that shackled body form, then no liberation is called for."
"Welcome to a place called formlessness and a sweet spot called devotion."
"Form is formless and formless is form."
"No man sees the Father at any time; there's no bodily form to the Father."
"The essence that is flowing through the body, the real subject, is formless."
"Abide in that knowledge, 'I am not the body but I am that formless, nameless knowledge indwelling in this body, that is 'I am'."
"The experience I received was this: that my innermost self or soul or spirit was no thing, formless, without quality, nameless, pure power."
"Observing the source of the observing itself is formless, which is not different from what you are discovering that your own self and source is formless."
"My concept of God is formless, but He is Love."
"I am formless and profoundly peaceful."
"Our real nature manifests as formless, bodiless, and mindless."
"In the realm of truth lives the formless one; He watches and blesses everyone."
"The Oneness of everything has always been the Oneness of everything, this is its form, it has no form and yet it has every form."
"Life has no shape, no place where it starts and no place where it ends."
"Form is none other than emptiness, emptiness is none other than form; form is emptiness, emptiness is form."
"God is both formless and formed, that is perfectly consistent for us."