
Form Quotes

There are 652 quotes

"I think ultimately, this question of how does the formless give birth to form, we will always go deeper and deeper, but we will never solve that."
"Pick an exercise that you can fail safely on and go all out with good form, call out when you think you've got two reps left in the tank, and then keep pushing to see what it feels like to truly go to an RPE of 10."
"It's important that you have proper form so that you get the results you're looking for."
"Biological form requires biological information."
"Clarity: emptiness is form, form is emptiness."
"What we have found is not stuff but form, shapes, structures."
"He's on such an unbelievable run of form at the moment."
"Really about how the silhouette holds and where that form takes place."
"They're an amazing team but then so are we and we're in great form at the moment."
"Remember, when you stop engaging and stop using perfect form, that's when you're gonna start using other muscles to help with this movement."
"This is what title contenders form looks like."
"When you add the weight as the load itself gets heavier your form is going to matter even more."
"Recognize and applaud the perfection of form in games like Tony Hawk 3."
"I feel like Dylan's kind of found his form with this club."
"Just make sure that your form on your squats and deadlifts, if you're doing those, are completely in check."
"Rounding into form with perfect timing."
"Ternary form is a three-part form that is structured as statement, contrast, return."
"A coda is a concluding section that can be used with any formal types."
"The cube is a fantastic form, one of my favorite forms to use even more so than the cylinder and the sphere."
"What we're trying to do here is, no whether you have crazy form or great form, if you consistently do it... you're going to end up hitting the fairway."
"Techwear or just functional wear is clothing that focuses on form and functionality."
"I am grateful that you gave me my freedom even in this form."
"I will always be here, in one form or another."
"You want to have a flat back for this, really flat back, so that you stick your booty back and you get a nice extension through that calf and hamstring."
"Saturn is the planet that's associated with creating structure and form from things that are formless."
"And yet there are forms, but nobody's invested in them."
"Choose a weight that is challenging but allows you to maintain good form."
"It's really couldn't be a more elegant form."
"Complete identification with form, physical forms, thought forms, emotional forms. This forgetfulness is original sin, suffering, or delusion."
"The physical world is like the caboose on the train and the engine is the world of energy that shapes the world of form because it's a law of physics thought comes before form."
"Aston Villa had been in great form either side of Christmas."
"...both of which are much less likely to cause injuries while allowing you to work in these like sort of fatigue failure States effectively so you know don't do super intense stuff when you can't maintain acceptable form..."
"This thing is shaped like a pyramid."
"Form is like the shadow of the bigger meaning thing underlying language."
"It's not in a big bulky form either."
"Can we generate alerts when a new record is added to the form? Yes, you can absolutely do that."
"Lifting light with clean form is actually way better than lifting heavily with lousy form."
"You're gonna start to go somewhere know that that's okay just as long as you don't lose form and then you don't drop your arms."
"Loma is back. Vintage form. The silly Lomachenko."
"So again you're looking uh to have at the bottom of the movement um where your uh quads are in a lengthened position um you want to have lots of forward knee travel."
"You're experiencing that oneness, but you're experiencing it via a form."
"Would you agree, I mean, it's a great point you make, would you agree that when we are in bad form and Rob's right talking about confidence, that that drains your form?"
"Focus on that form, try to go the whole time if you can."
"Stand up if this hurts your knees, regardless, don't sway."
"The U.S Women's National Team really hits in good form now with the World Cup qualifying on the horizon."
"Negative space is the area that surrounds a shape and that creates a form."
"...destroy it even has a flying form mineral Yoshida would design each of the forms."
"Finish with your glutes coming forward towards the bar."
"If you can't bring the elbows all the way back just bring them as far back as what's comfortable."
"There's form and there's function but there's nothing that says you can't have both. Even function, you know something that's fully functional can still have form."
"You want to do 20 perfectly with the elbows tucked into your rib cage and your head in line with your spinal cord. That's how you want to do a push-up."
"I don't really consider this a form until we start to rotate it and exploring what it looks like from different angles."
"For all things with substance, you're going to have matter and form together."
If something is true, no matter what form it's in, you'll always be able to identify it. - "If something is true, no matter what form it's in, you'll always be able to identify it."
"I feel like I'm hiding behind these fun colors and some like fun glossy highlights instead of actually defining form."
"The lines need to be read differently from prose; the visual shape reflects an auditory or musical shape inherent in the words."
"If your form is getting too sloppy, you've got a load of weight."
"Phosphorus does not have an atmospheric or gaseous form."
"We're squeezing the hell out of the bar and pinning those shoulder blades back and down."
"As you bring one foot up, you're going to reach both those hands down towards that toe, trying to keep that leg as straight as you can."
"One workout doesn't change your body, but a lifetime of working out does. So get the form correct."
"When form creates beauty, it has in beauty itself its justification."
"The general idea was that a poem was something in quatrains and it rhymed and it was full of strict wit."
"It's all about form, it's all about function, and it's all about you digging so deep that you know you got a lot of work to do."
"Form over everything: why resistance bands promote good form."
"I really want you to make that muscle and mind connection with every movement and focus on correcting your form."
"It's just a matter of a collection of shapes."
"Most important thing when you're beginning is form. Get your form right, that's going to set you up for success in your strength training routines."
"Don't cheat yourself on full range of motion."
"Once your form starts to dip, the workout is over."
"That's where that boxy form or the cylinder form where it turns, but it goes in shadow."
"Form dictates how stable you're going to be, not your stabilizers."
"Every piece of writing has form, whether it's a grant application or a scientific publication or particularly a lot of scientists are interested in communicating their results to a wider public."
"Looking to be in very good form now."
"Choose good form over heavier weight."
"Do not ever sacrifice form for the amount of weight, technique is everything."
"This is really important in your deadlifts a lot of people have trouble with deadlift form and I think it's the rounding of the spine because of the relaxed back muscles so keep your shoulder blades back and let's squeeze."
"Your form is everything when you're lifting."
"I can't buy into a form that just happens."
"If Flowey could choose whatever form he liked, why wouldn't he just pick the form of Asriel every time?"
"The last rep is no harder than the first if your form is correct."
"Loosening your form for any reason is absolutely [__] stupid."
"Learn to perform exercises well and just continually attempt to master form to become better at efficiently and safely loading and fatiguing the target muscles."
"He unlocked this form when returning from a realm where life cannot exist."
"When I really understood what makes the different parts of this form work it completely changed my writing."
"There is no form that is any better than any other form in the transmission of the Spirit."
"There are no rules in art, there's a form."
"Brazil alongside Argentina, they feel like they're in really good form."
"Lighten the [__] weight and perfect your form with the reps and the weight you can handle."
"Make sure that your arm is straight on from the shoulder right to the knuckle is going to straight line no weak links at all."
"A perfect press is a perfect push-up mechanic."
"Everything is sculpting is down to good clean shapes."
"If you're going to draw too short or too long, it's going to ruin your form and you're going to hurt yourself."
"Make sure when you're lowering the weight towards your foot that your spine is still straight."
"Chelsea's fine league form throughout the month won Carlo Ancelotti his second consecutive Barclays Manager of the Month award."
"In flexibility, I believe that feeling is almost much more important than form."
"Poetry doesn't need to have a distinctive meter."
"Architecture is not about knowledge of form but really about a form of knowledge."
"It starts with an analysis of a situation, it never starts with a form."
"Beautiful work, keeping your hips in line with your knees."
"Slower is so much more effective here, yep. It's that form, that control, keeping that low back pinned to the floor."
"Think of actively pulling the elbows away from each other, keeping your heart lifted and core engaged."
"This is not about speed, nice strong controlled proper form."
"So do whatever is most comfortable for you to have good form."
"Focus on really clean form. If you're trying to build size, by all means lift heavier, but only if you keep that form clean."
"If you do five of these with amazing form really paying attention to doing it properly it's way better than doing 50 just halfhazard."
"...so most people, I would say stop the rep before where you're like, oh you know, you're grinding it up, you're like, there's no way I'll be able to get another rep, and then stop there."
"It is possible to go to the point where you can't move the bar without breaking form, but that takes a lot of discipline and understanding. That's a very Advanced lifter."
"That setup is so important again upper body up lower back glue to the floor no Arch legs either straight or bent and begin."
"Make sure those knees stay at a 90 degree angle and make sure those knees aren't coming in past that hip joint."
"Fruit is righteousness in every form."
"One of the most common mistakes I see is people forgetting that subtle shading around the face is quite important if you want to accentuate the overall form."
"Many 20th-century poets sacrifice the actual poem on the altar of poetry."
"It's a very enjoyable form of design."
"Matter doesn't create form, it fills the spaces outlined by invisible forces."
"Don't worry about the number of reps, just focus on keeping good form."
"Getting back into that tournament form."
"There's no randomness to weight training. Everything in the gym, if you're doing the right thing, you're doing it with form, you're doing it methodically."
"One of the things we teach them obviously is you know proper form but we we want them to have fun that's the most important thing."
"Always form first man no ego lifting."
"Big chest up, big leg drive, the whole set, the whole rep."
"There's a difference between the content and the container."
"He's found a bit of form just lately, hasn't Alex? A man in top form now."
"...Shadow is actually a good thing it helps reveal form a lot of new artists like they get scared of Shadow they're try and like fill everything in and light everything you do want shadow shadow is a good thing..."
"Don't be in the gym looking foolish because trust me, we all see your terrible form."
"We recognize the orientation of the form we created, the dynamism of our posture is so recognizable."
"...learning to separate the form of comics from its often inconsistent contents."
"What we have found is not stuff, but form."
"You never find anything except form."
"Form is inseparable from the idea of energy."
"371 358 here on a Wednesday. Oh yeah, they're still in Championship form. Wow."
"In literary fiction, the form is actually a really core component. Every story kind of has two core components. There's the story, so what happens, then there's the form, which is how you tell it."
"Even during our stretches, still focusing on our form."
"Good form may hold you back from Max effort but it's going to set the ceiling."
"...a way to group related form fields into separate sections within a form."
"Feet hip width, that's important when you're doing the split squat, step back and keep the feet hip width, pull the shoulders back and down."
"Understanding form allows you to understand how light would actually hit an object."
"What I try to really reiterate is really trying to stand up tall without leaning forward."
"Ironically, you know, we all know perspective is drawing these straight lines, but what's interesting is a straight line all on its own, it doesn't give me any sense of form. It needs a partner, right?"
"If you can't do full range of motion with within those execution parameters so your your first rep and your last rep of failure essentially looks the same the only difference is yeah someone's spotting you for example."
"Yeah, and I noticed that about a lot of guys that just like say for example I trained with Hassan Mustafa yeah his form and execution was just like nails good first and last rep always the same should be same with Nick same with you."
"If everybody would just pay a little more attention to their form and a little less attention to how much weight they're using, they would avoid injuries."
"Even if your mistakes aren't as extreme, a relatively minor deviation in your form can switch the focus of an exercise away from the muscles that you're trying to target."
"I thought it was a pill, so there's both forms."
"Your form, aka your freshness, is how well your performance is likely to be matched to your capability."
"Choose a form, do you need to see the personal data form?"
"Dali proclaimed a return to form, control, structure, and the golden section."
"...being able to lift more weight with proper form in the five to eight rep range... that is the key."
"Simplifying the form, establishing the structure...doing the details should be easy."
"I wasn't a fan of his dumbbell goblet squat form."
"Would you use it for when a user is filling out a long form? I think that's a really cool idea for local storage, so they accidentally hit refresh, it's not just all lost, that could be a cool idea."
"Even in the shadows, you can see the form and structure—it's all about subtle definition."
"You can separate these two ideas from each other in thought but not according to being. You will never find form without matter, you will never find matter without form; they always come together like the heads and tails side of a coin."
"I think he's got a really good clean throwing motion. I felt like the follow through was beautiful."
"Liverpool have been electric so far this season."
"It's okay to go slower and focus on form."
"Don't worry your toes won't hypertrophy. Point in whichever the fuck way is comfortable and do what it takes for the actual target muscle."
"If you're aware of his form when he shoots...it's like I shoot like this, but it goes in."
"Keep your shoulders stacked over your wrists."
"Make sure that booty is down, no cheating."
"Just like with a traditional push-up, make sure you keep that back really nice and straight, straight line from that shoulder all the way down to that ankle."
"Harry Kane's looking like Kevin De Bruyne in form, innit?"
"Use a weight that challenges you but allows for full range of motion without compromising form."
"Running is not about pushing forward off of the ground, that's not what running is."
"Stand tall, drive through the heel."
"Can our last kettlebell swings look as beautiful as the first one?"
"If you ever feel as though the amount of weight you're using may be compromising your form, never hesitate to switch your weights out for different ones."
"They say form is important, but I mean, are you really gonna use form when you're throwing up that much iron? I'm clanging and banging! It's like I say, your warm-up is your workout!"
"Powdered collagen supplements are more effective than liquid."
"It's his obsession with form in particular that struck the exhibit commissioners."
"This art for art's sake, this art for decoration's sake, or for the love of the form is very unique to the Greek world and unique to the Hellenistic period."
"I'd rather you focus on your form and challenging yourself."
"Kaido's dragon form is his natural form."
"It's about the form it's about the technique it's not about the weight get your form and your Technique right it's a lot of movement down really feel the muscle and just pull man just keep pushing."
"I just love the shape of it and I love how shallow and wide it is."
"It's not about the weight, it's about the form."
"...do it with perfect form which will make the exercise challenging."
"Stronger" by Kanye West showcases top form, regardless of his personal troubles, earning an A-tier spot.
"His back tightness is phenomenal."
"With good form comes good efficiency."
"Lovely stroke from Gale who looks in really good form."
"Form is emptiness right and emptiness is form and Nirvana is samsara."
"The ideal form, gracefully artificed, suggests the infinite rising levels of existence and consciousness."
"That's his best McCullum is on fire at the moment."
"He's just simply continued his fantastic form."
"She's finding a little form here. She's not out of this yet."
"So the general form here, as if often true with these Impressionist composers, is just ternary form, A, B, A with the second and final A slightly modified."
"We want the knees to track with the toes and you're pushing your bum back almost like there's a chair behind you that you're trying to find with your seat but will never actually sit in it."
"Whatever you do, don't mess up your form, it's the most important part."
"Keep your forms strong means your workout going to be strong and you're going to get better results."
"Good form is everything, so don't rush through to get more low-quality reps."
"I would much rather you go for form over speed."
"You're approaching the end of this session, so we must stay in great form all the way to the end."
"The idea of simultaneous layers... You can analyze the piece using a couple of different devices and you can get totally different and totally valid forms."
"It's not about how much you lift, it's about form, it's about techniques, it's about saying good reps, that's what it's about."
"His batting is as on song as it's ever been."
"Not only does breaking down your forms into very very basic shapes make it easier to learn and understand, but it's also incredibly useful in being able to turn and manipulate your forms in space."
"She couldn't be better, her recent form has been tremendous."
"When Linda Rice gets a horse in good form, they often will not only hold that form but improve on it."
"The form you use to tell the story is in unison with the story's concept, themes, and ideas."