
Description Quotes

There are 11398 quotes

"You're seeing a pack of no fewer than four... they're all pale, maggoty flesh, mouth full of sharp, jagged teeth, black gums, and long claws growing out of their hands."
"Every description is going to say something about the character that is doing the describing, and the character being described."
"It's a really nice blend of lavender, a little bit of almond, some vanilla."
"Drink it, you're drinking, you're a bit hmm."
"It's about yay big, that's how I describe you."
"That is gone a mighty, mighty long way. That is a big, big hit."
"That is just beautiful, strong flick of the wrists; the balance and the timing outstanding."
"There is no drinking or comedy going on in this club."
"Attorney General Barr called it a 'perfect storm of screw-ups,' which is certainly one way to put it."
"A luxury watch has that certain something that's hard to describe."
"Deep flavor, deep crunch, it's a mind crunch."
"The most beautiful, majestic, sexy beautiful thing I've ever seen."
"Pleasure Island sounds like the sexy Olympics."
"Make articulate, perceptive, courageous, outspoken just a few of the adjectives that so inadequately describe Malcolm X."
"Promenade, a path for walking on, especially one built next to the sea. It's not a sea; it's a river, but I think it suits it perfectly."
"What form do your personal demons take? Um, you know, I could describe it, but I'm worried that the mere description of these will frighten you to your core."
"The sun blazed even hotter after lunch, and the heat waves rose off the asphalt."
"Granada is like femininity in a bottle. It is a gorgeous melange of white flowers... with the perfect amount of sweetness in it to make it delicious and inviting on your skin."
"Rose Water and Ivy is soft rose petals, rain-kissed ivy, and creamy sandalwood."
"Oh boy, guys. Orange is super scary because he has really sharp teeth."
"The thick snowfall turned the world into a white, shining, slippery mess."
"The great sword we're specifically looking at right now is called the Great Wyvern Jaw Blade."
"To be tipsy is a way to describe your feeling when you're drinking."
"I define MMT as what I call descriptive and not proscriptive. It is an accurate description of the way the monetary system works today, and it doesn't tell us what to do but it tells us how the system works." - Mike Green
"The blueberries are like little jewels that don't sink to the bottom."
"Boxy literally looks like a golden marshmallow."
"We've run out of words to describe the senselessness, futility, and cruelty of this war."
"The dark shadow of the ghost slowly became apparent. It had a pale face with scary soulless eyes and chapped lips."
"It starts out cool your lips... and then like the dragon shows up, man."
"This isn't your typical out of a blue cardboard box mac and cheese... it's a baked, brown, crunchy, thick concoction of cheesy, noodly goodness."
"It looks fantastic, it goes like hell, they sound great, their menacing stance on the road, their four-wheel drive, five seats, big boot – what more do you want?"
"We were a unit; a loud, messy brawling, loyal, loving, lasting unit."
"Music theory is descriptive, not prescriptive."
"Her articulate and persuasive skills were already evident."
"You can just squeeze that into your wow mouth almost tomatoey yes it's so sweet and it's sweet because it's yellow."
"This guy is a predator in every single definition of the word."
"Planet Earth has been under a detailed survey by several extraterrestrial civilizations."
"When the real word is torture because that's all it was - torture from beginning to end."
"It describes everything that we're going through right now - tower and misery."
"It's all in the cards, no, no, it's all in the description, no, that's wrong, it's in the content of the video itself."
"They're very fast. I mean, they move extremely fast. They're like greased lightning."
"Hello from a breezy but otherwise gorgeous night here at the Kennedy Space Center."
"You just saw Falcon 9 had an on-time liftoff through the fog from Vandenberg Air Force Base. That was sweet."
"Heartbreaking, heart-wrenching, scary, completely scary."
"That's scary, that's evil, that's conniving, that's bad."
"Freddie's hair is a haystack, fascinating in a league of its own, beyond help."
"A romantic suspense thriller with fantasy elements." - Pablo Lorraine
"This thing looks like a monster, dude, man, what a unit."
"Mario, the meat man. Mario is pretty long as well."
"Love is a hard thing to describe, but once you've felt it, it's an amazing feeling."
"There's a whole part of the game that's really just doing that it's a little more I almost describe it zen-like."
"You feel so small compared to this monster that you can't even like fully conceive of it's just teeth upon teeth."
"They specifically said it was a kind of jelly."
"Oh, my goodness, the punches were like, that's the extra that's actually sprinkled."
"This was phenomenal, it was buttery, it was rich, it was fresh."
"It's like a cloud, it's beautiful, it's blue."
"I love it when the only way people can describe something is by listing the familiar things it’s not."
"The Bigfoot is described as an ape like in stature seven to eight feet tall."
"Legitimizing is the way I would describe it."
"Nice little city right above San Luis Obispo."
"They only have two toes on each foot... that's a cursed foot."
"It’s difficult to describe the appeal of Animal Crossing."
"To say this war was one-sided would be a drastic understatement."
"That martial arts background, born and bred for combat, describes him perfectly."
"He just straight up tramples on it, how good."
"The details of this case are just absolutely horrendous..."
"She's just lowered, gets almost to the bottom."
"The manticore: a lion's body, blood red, with the face of a man and a scorpion tail."
"It's one of those weapons that does exactly what it says it does at face value."
"I like strong. He's our tiny, pudgy little powerhouse."
"Eyewitnesses had recounted that the shooter possessed shoulder-length blonde hair."
"I describe what I saw as being otherworldly."
"Honestly, I've only described it like this before, but you seen a minute black scene."
"She's kind of like velvety and fuzzy and just beautiful."
"She's so small cute I actually can't, she's adorable."
"It's cute. It's fun. It's light. It's breezy. I like it."
"Who's more gullible than kids and teenagers?"
"What better description is there other than to suggest it's a kind of adorable Frankenstein's monster of an animal?"
"A big looping overhand right from Shields to start off the action in round one."
"The general snappiness and dare I say stretchiness of the movement."
"That's almost as descriptive as our foodie terms."
"A bold and confident choice is how I will describe it here."
"New York [ __ ] is like [ __ ] is this old big tall ass [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yo who the [ __ ] is this n."
"Ella's gun is just like a bit of a laser beam again."
"These things really get out of dodge folks, uh you saw there it went straight up and it cleared the pad."
"This is the elevator shaft and in the 1879 gel this is where the gallows would have been."
"This constant chaotic whirlwind of emotions happening in our brain instantly, that all I just said could happen in a minute."
"It felt like a messed up parallel version to earth."
"It's soft and it's moist and it's like gooey, amazing."
"The depths of the throne world... like the soaring, crumbling spires."
"It's a Peruvian dish made with sirloin strips veggies french fries and served with white rice very tasty and filling."
"She was a bright little green sprout filled with wonder and joy and beauty."
"The glitter is so multi-reflective at some points it looks pink at some points it looks copper at some points it's got like little bits of silver. It is gorgeous guys, absolutely gorgeous."
"Spectacle, oh so glorious, gorgeous, gigantic spectacle."
"The fog is literally clearing as we speak. Oh my gosh."
"Fire is terrifying. There's really no other way to explain it."
"The setting is convincingly gritty and atmospheric."
"He's like a nightmare on the battlefield, just a nightmare."
"It's like shells with cheese and lobster, it tastes like lobster bisque."
"It always feels kind of supercharged for some reason."
"Let me just explain this conglomeration of guts here."
"I mean, it's a mini that's naughty. It's a pretty cool, that is utterly ridiculous."
"The object was described as egg-shaped or oblong, about the size of an average car."
"He's got to be big, he's got to be strong, and he's got to be dumb and polite."
"Milani lipsticks... like delicious new watermelon Jolly Rancher for real."
"This whole thing is spooky, by the way, this whole thing is spooky."
"Robert's little invention has been described as revolutionary."
"Science describes things as they are, constructs predictive models, not absolute claims of truth."
"The explanation was some young teen, tall and lanky."
"This was not some [__] ass girly slapsies, this was a full-on driving off the back leg, hip-twisting palm strike."
"Oh my God, it is so moist, it is so juicy, it is just falling apart."
"It's in some sort of like tacos, it says taco style sauce."
"The creature is impressive, clearly at least seven feet tall."
"That's a good way to describe them. It's comforting in a weird way."
"Honestly, it smells good. Smells kind of sweet."
"The adventure side is like a card on its own with its own name, even."
"They kiss like it's the last breath of air they'll have on this planet Earth."
"These are probably 2 reals which are small Spanish coin."
"She's super luxurious, I mean obviously as you can tell super swanky."
"He's a force of nature, of that there is no doubt."
"I'm by no means anything that Mikey described me."
"Your arms are large like a honey-glazed ham, the chest burly like a big, big man."
"I do feel energized. It's like McDonald's Sprite... shot out of a machine gun in your nose."
"It's a mysterious place full of contrasts and paradoxes."
"The best way I can describe getting uh tased is it's the absolute worst for as long as the electricity is running and once it's done it's you feel fine it's like it's over."
"Absolutely delightful! It's soft on the inside, crispy on the outside, spicy, beautiful!"
"And potentially trim that and alongside that also you can see how her nostrils are almost little slits."
"Wow, that melts in your mouth so fatty, so tender, super delicious."
"The world's best spicy chicken, in my opinion... It's very crispy, it's super greasy, it's juicy, it's hot."
"Look at the size of that meat, but he's got some loins, tasty little bugger."
"John's lifeless body lay trapped under a Ledge."
"Remember 35-inch arms, 288 pounds, a physical specimen."
"The train was going this way and there's like so you have the car that's been crushed into a cube under the bridge and then everything else is just flattened against the back piled up on top."
"Annette, she was a very sweet, caring person. She had a little bit of a feisty side to her, but she was loyal."
"He has like night-vision goggles or glasses on his lip is right there very fine lip ah but he does have hair looks could almost look human not quite but similar to a human and very very highly intelligent."
"The amount of money these people have can only be described as ridiculous."
"Fog manifests itself in many different ways... it obscures your sights, changes your perceptions, and it also has this feature where you can always kind of see above it and below it but never through it."
"An anxiety attack is kind of like unexplainable like you just feel it coming and you're like what is this what's happening to me."
"Elon described the Hyperloop as 'a cross between a Concorde, a railgun and an air hockey table.'"
"He's a little bit feral, right? He's a little bit unrestrained and unapologetic."
"This place has got all freaking watchtowers."
"They were the most soft, the most feminine of women."
"In what authorities would later describe as miraculous."
"He's built different, he's built 74 76 I think he's 76 I think he's 76."
"It's got hair on its back tutorial, there we go, yeah baby. I believe the term is African-American."
"He looks like the tip of my tongue, it's on the tip of my tongue. What does he look like? No, I just can't quite remember. That's unfortunate."
"It was savage. That's the only way that you can classify it."
"Not even an ounce of him is faking it." - Rob
"It's just very a very nice sig is how I would use describe it."
"Their art is complex, gentle, and almost sensual."
"It's almost like we're inside of her, like a water mill."
"It answers questions right so it's like is he from this area or um does he have blue hair, blonde hair whatever right yeah."
"That's the only word to describe it right now, vicious."
"Much like reading an item description from Dark Souls."
"Honestly, if you've never experienced this kind of food before, just imagine how it makes you feel."
"The person who did this to him, they had to be evil, there was no other way to describe it."
"It literally choke slams them on the ground which is insane."
"It's like if you were to squeeze a green grape and the texture is like that."
"It's not like invisible though... but I would say sheer is probably the best description."
"It's like being there in the dark with just enough light to light the next four corners."
"Oh no, it's cute, and it's also literally just a jewel caterpillar."
"It's meant to be that sweet spot between bittersweet and melancholy."
"I was about to say he was smiling but he has no mouth."
"This is probably 37, L-O double L with the binding front and back, and it's black. How cool is that?"
"It's almost chilly out here. I mean, it's not actually cold."
"There's like no walls, you just see everything."
"Absolutely assassinated by the Death Blossom."
"Beautiful, destructive, deadly, a force only nature could have dreamed up."
"What stepped out of the mouth of that cavern... still gives me nightmares to this day... it was like a bear and a wolf and a man put into one."
"Seriously, being able to sever a limb just with contact, like even if you just grabbed the side, and you would be able to just slash and pull it in, that's pretty lethal."
"It's like a little bit of a peppery smell. It's just crazy."
"He just had this Blank Stare in his eyes the whole time."
"The standard diet of a meat eater is blood, flesh, veins, muscles, tendons, cow secretions, hen periods, and bee vomit."
"Heaven is an incredible place, no way to describe it."
"I realized suddenly how tall she was, she towered over the men when she stood up, probably over seven feet."
"So, I guess the only last one I kind of show you on the way back, please, we call a quick stop, it's basically what people think of as helicopters' landings are supposed to look like, which is not your traditional approach at all."
"Megalodon: 'It's like this whole place is lit up with its own energy.'"
"It's really fascinating, especially describing the color and the how fast it moves."
"The forest is different, the trees are wider, taller, and they're black."
"It wasn't just that there were no lights turned on, there were no outside lights either, just pitch black."
"This is the rect OPFOR which is clearly some sort of AR-15 styled kind of variant from the rekt people."
"Dan your opening salvo the way you just broke down the fear and how visceral it was and like you took me there like you're opening answer took me there to that feeling of fear."
"The only way you can describe it is it's what dreams are made of."
"It felt like we was in a concert in hell... it's so demonic, bro."
"His nipples and the area around the nipple are very swollen and puffy in several of his pictures."
"These Myconids look grey and brown, and they've got all kinds of spores growing on them."
"Yellow dust rained down like snow, it could be scooped up in handfuls."
"That's a bloodbath. It's literally a bloodbath."
"Powerful is probably the best way to describe this series."
"The perfect mix of eloquence, humor, knowledge, candor, and humility."
"Kind of like this harmonious orchestra of flavors."
"It's just this perfect wash of color. It's so sexy."
"That bike, there is no other way to describe it as super nice."
"Okay, so wait who does uh who does the the uh equal guy have eagle guy has like the triangular shield in his right hand triangular um like like it has cutouts in it and stuff."
"If you want a versatile vehicle, that's probably the word that describes it the best."
"Optimistic, courageous, charming, practical."
"Cory is goofy for the most part, he's very serious for the most part, he's very chill I will say."
"Hits you where it hurts would be an understatement."