
Creatures Quotes

There are 434 quotes

"You're seeing a pack of no fewer than four... they're all pale, maggoty flesh, mouth full of sharp, jagged teeth, black gums, and long claws growing out of their hands."
"Devils are creatures born from the fears of man."
"The creatures didn't seem to like getting shot, imagine that, but yet the bullets seemed to have no discernible penetrating or stopping power."
"Even the smallest creature can change the course of the future."
"SCP 999 is a giant slime that flops around oh look at this they're not scary at all they're big and slimy and adorable."
"You're dealing with creatures who have their own intelligence."
"Land sharks are a more recent fantasy creature."
"The one saving grace is that Growlers are phenomenally stupid."
"Skinwalkers is kind of a generalized mythological creature."
"Could mysterious creatures be lurking in the catacombs?"
"We should not underestimate creatures and beings that may never be understood."
"Argus Panoptes was a creature that was said to have 100 eyes with superhuman strength."
"Another amazing creature dwells in various regions of North America — the Greater Banded Uktena."
"That's just sapphire lurkers. Not sure where the spectral wraith's got itself, though."
"Calamax is an infinitely large Elemental dinosaur, and he is coming your way."
"They're furry, they're the honey badgers of the Star Wars universe. They're cute, they're brushable, and they bite your damn face off and then use your head as a drum. They are awesome!"
"Whether these creatures or beings are real or not, they definitely make for sufficient stories to be told."
"This human-shaped animal with wings is beautiful to watch but deadly in battle."
"Dragons are certainly a thing in D&D, they are actually one of the D's of D&D."
"Who doesn't love reading myths about snake-haired women, massive tentacles, sea beasts, and Eagles large enough to swoop up an elephant in their claws?"
"Could these creatures be linked to the one we saw in Chongqi?"
"Each game is packed with dozens of unique and compelling creatures."
"The single quality that is common across every living creature on this planet is fear."
"Trust is the single quality that is common across every living creature on this planet."
"When it enters the battlefield, put a flying counter on each face-down creature you control."
"It's one of the best creature mods out there."
"How about giant leeches that crawl their way through a system of flesh and water?"
"Enchanted night crawler... some nights you'll just find them sitting around."
"The Skaven, a ravenous horde of verminous rat-men, they gnaw at the roots of the world like an infected wound."
"Tandemouse is two mice and Tandemouse can evolve into Remouse or Fourmice."
"The idea of a lizard folk is actually pretty straightforward... they are ferocious warriors."
"These Myconids look grey and brown, and they've got all kinds of spores growing on them."
"Some prehistoric creatures had some crazy-looking features."
"The Leviathan or the Reaper, whatever it's called, mad! Is there more than one of them? I need to know."
"I saw creatures flying in the air, they looked like pterodactyls soaring between the massive black buildings."
"Magical creatures were real beings roaming the earth."
"Katie uses appraisal on them and believes they are summoned beasts artificial creatures created by the ancient race to assist them."
"Anyone can make this bond with a pseudo dragon."
"Every red beast that you get has like a different thing."
"I gotta be honest, it's not a Pokémon I mean a ton."
"More than 50 creatures at launch, from utilitarian farm animals to gigantic sea monsters."
"It's actually a horror movie about snake vampires."
"Wow all of these and we didn't even mention some of the craziest rancors."
"Those weren't kids. I don't know what they were, but they definitely weren't human."
"If the Chinese wild man is almost the same as the North American bigfoot... sounds like an actual flesh and blood thing doesn't it?"
"Dragons are definitely gonna be more relevant down the line, and the fact that Kaido even, you know, may not be a legitimate dragon but he has the Uanomi model dragon, that's relevant in and of itself."
"Dragons are creatures of Legend... the existence of these flying behemoths it's no secret."
"I think these were observation holes so that the creatures could watch the field and remain concealed."
"Beside me in the glow, I could make out other creatures retreating to once of spectacular size."
"Kong is only one of many like him, beasts who once ruled this planet."
"In the deepest, darkest parts of the woods, mysterious creatures live without fear of humans."
"It effortlessly wields the gargantuan power inherent to these creatures of myth."
"They call these creatures 'subsiders' and they're becoming a problem on the streets."
"These creatures are designed to be very hard to kill and are very sustainable in terms of their lifespan and their defense."
"I don't think these creatures came out of a lab. I think that somebody opened up a portal to somewhere, and these creatures were let in."
"The word Kaiju is a Japanese word roughly translating to strange beast."
"Holy cow, they are absolutely rad."
"Every now and then, Games Workshop knocks it out of the ballpark with one of their little creatures."
"These guys, their poses are so incredibly dynamic."
"Most of the ocean is still shrouded in mystery, whether we're talking about dark corners or creatures that are hiding in the depth."
"These creatures are said to change shape either to hunt down their prey or to escape, but sometimes it seems they change forms simply to haunt people like you and me."
"The squishers, merlings, deep ones, selkies, walrus people... there are in fact fish people lurking around the margins of A Song of Ice and Fire."
"The notion that if crawlers existed, especially here in the US, that we know about them already just isn't necessarily true."
"Yeah, I think based on what happened to you Joe I think you absolutely ran into one of these creatures and I don't think it was alone uh and that's just my opinion."
"There's evidence of massive creatures from the past trapped thousands of years ago."
"One of the things that the series has executed incredibly well so far is the interactions between Newt and the beasts."
"The Ripper, these half meter long maggot like creatures have evolved with a singular purpose to consume biological material."
"More and more ancient dragons of Legend have been reappearing in my world."
"That's a gentle giant, just majestic creatures."
"We need myths. We need to understand ourselves in a way that, as creatures, we have a hard time doing."
"...inside lies a strange book, inside the book are journal entries of what appear to be folklore creatures."
"The supermarket is such a mysterious place with so many interesting creatures and drinks."
"Moose aren't exactly elegant creatures."
"Last is truly the best here because we have the reigning champion at least as far as creatures are concerned: ghouls are everywhere, seriously, they're everywhere."
"I'm really interested in new characters, new creatures here."
"Dragons are amazing creatures that can bring people together or tear them apart."
"These hulking creatures, which we’ll call thaumatotheres, will comb the periphery of thick jungles and gallery forests, gorging on vegetation far out of reach of any other herbivore."
"The Sandworms of Arrakis are colossal creatures, often measuring hundreds of meters in length."
"The creatures in this were really really cool."
"Every country on the planet has its localized legends of its own naturally occurring creatures of myth."
"It's now clear why the creatures were as dormant as they were. They still hadn't been born yet because the creature's life cycle was based around the very real Suriname toad."
"Netima wants to get stronger so that she can make sure that every creature can live happily."
"That's probably one of my favorite Coldhands ones, and you can see it's big enough to ride on, and that's absolutely the idea."
"He'd shown me some dragon allies the slayers had, so I should have suspected that these somewhat cute creatures were far from the danger I'd assumed."
"They are the most fascinating creatures ever created."
"Deep in the 100 Acre Woods, a young boy named Christopher Robin came across some most unusual adolescent creatures."
"Newt tells Tina her eyes remind him of what type of creature? Salamander."
"The White Spines, almost more terrifying than a Chasmfiend in my opinion, are very dangerous apex predators that live in packs."
"Sanderson really has created some incredibly unique species and monsters within the cosmere."
"...they're in a dungeon with a bug right now. The creatures living here are not ordinary lizardmen,"
"They're such an intelligent and emotional creature."
"Ghosts, creatures, and the things that haunt our nightmares."
"Harpies are creatures from ancient mythology depicted as birds with feminine faces."
"Dathomir is a Savage Planet that regularly sires whole hosts of horrific monsters and wicked Spiritual Beings."
"The Kraken exists, we've just given it a new name."
"A Fantastical place with a variety of diverse and breathtaking Landscapes each housing magical Mighty creatures known as Pokemon wielded by Fierce Warriors known as Pokemon trainers."
"Irish folklore is littered with mysterious and terrifying creatures... the Banshee, a spirit tied to particular families."
"If you're watching this video, you're probably drawn to the natural world and all of its strange creatures: the enormous, the intelligent, the scary, the weird, the buff."
"Fascinating creatures, phoenixes. They're a little singed around the edges."
"She finds bugs to be wonderful creatures."
"Imagine a saber-toothed cat but it's also got like spikes jutting out its spine and seven claws, and that's kind of the average beast you might find on Caliban."
"Incredible creatures that are both calm and powerful all at the same time."
"I mean, this and sort of like Predator, are kind of the two pillars of the sci-fi world because of the creatures they introduce."
"Few creatures of the night have captured our imagination like vampires."
"There are three types of dragon skulls: T-rex, wolf, and horse."
"The evidence is overwhelming proving the existence of these creatures."
"...there's an impressive number of creatures with cool and unique designs within the show."
"He really tries to do what's best for all the creatures of Middle Earth."
"According to the myths, Medusa was not the only Gorgon."
"The Gorgons have been a part of Greek Mythology since before the seventh or eighth century BCE."
"Early depictions of the Gorgons, when they had a more bestial appearance with thick hair and tusks, look notably similar to those of Lamashtu."
"Their imagery is frightening, intimidating, and iconic, open mouths, wide, wild eyes, and twisting crowns of snakes."
"While the other Gorgons were immortals with monstrous features, Medusa was quite different."
"Ocean mimics are predatory creatures."
"A lot of creatures that I'm going to be doing. I'm going to show you stuff like Cthulhu, Predator. I drew Predator once, but there's going to be more. Xenomorph, ghoulies, you name it, I'm going to draw it."
"Lemir are shapeless repugnant creatures formed from Twisted mortal Souls."
"But they made a mention of a very mysterious race of creatures that have become known as the Archons."
"Both Hinduism and Islam describe supernatural creatures, showing shared recognition of a reality beyond human perception."
"The average orc possesses a low level of cunning, specifically designed to make them extremely deadly in combat."
"I think they're curious I think they're older than humans I think they're territorial I think that they're omnivorous I think there's different variations of them."
"This mysterious and Powerful creature is often overlooked in the D&D community at large."
"...it's truly the most alien creature he'd ever seen. And he must have seen some pretty wacky things."
"The Manchester shrimp just makes no sense as a living animal."
"Love the creature stuff. It's comics 101, like there's some masterful storytelling in this."
"Wolfens, unfortunately, do exist."
"The shimmering body of a voices has difficulty processing bright light and they flee Before Dawn hordes of voitsisi have been reported turning antagonistic during solar eclipses."
"Dragons are the most powerful beings in the world of Ice and Fire."
"The limbs of the creatures looked almost hollow against the background of the full moon."
"The giant scorpion is pretty dang cool."
"The Wood Booger is creepy creepy as heck... not a very creative name but still a scary and terrifying creature nonetheless."
"Some creatures have the capacity to fill spaces never knew were empty."
"This world is full of unique creatures that sometimes seem to defy all sense of scientific study."
"The threat of these creatures was clear from the beginning of the first film in this silent franchise."
"Our oceans are full of amazing creatures. It's not just about being good at hide-and-seek, these animals are also super colorful and have cool designs."
"I watched in terrified awe as the creatures slowly retreated into the darkness, vanishing like specters."
"Every one of the Myriad of tyranid warrior creatures is a killing machine perfectly adapted to slaughter its victims."
"Hive tyrants are massive creatures that serve as the main commander of a tyranid swarm, a synapse creature that stands tall above the lower bioforms."
"It seems many people all across the world, including myself, have an infatuation with cryptic creatures."
"The only way to destroy a rampaging Wug is to melt the ice inside its belly."
"In a world full of different creatures such as birds, beasts, botanical beings."
"The chilling memory of those creatures lingered, a reminder that ancient Mysteries still thrived."
"They were nothing like what I would have expected, but that's what they were: some sort of werewolf looking creature, a man with a dog's head."
"I'm not fond of those creatures nor am I, which is why I am fond of cats."
"Are there bishman beastmen fishmen technically yes they're called lakem men you can find them in the nights of the gr second edition book it's fun read."
"Norse mythology is famous for its unique Gods but at the same time it doesn't lack when it comes to incredible and weird creatures."
"These little critters ever and by the way the other kogan and I took a vote and we've decided to declare you sir jallow moth and honorary kogan."
"The most widely recognized denizens of the plane of fire, the ifrit and for good reason."
"So, a Yamin is a type of Nephilim. That's what these things look like."
"Greeplies possess excellent climbing abilities and camouflage that varies according to their home environment."
"Doors to the underworld would open and humans would be able to see the otherwise invisible creatures that roamed at night."
"Nothing like having a sea serpent on your side to make the pirate problem seem manageable," Robert remarked.
"Cats are some of the most resilient creatures on Earth."
"What's even more amazing about these creatures though, they're technically immortal unless they die from disease or get picked off somehow."
"In order that these amazing creatures should not be forgotten, I will tell this true story from my childhood."
"Resident Evil Village, they took out the zombies once more and replaced them with [ __ ] werewolves and pseudo vampires made of flies."
"From tortoises to gators, every creature has its own routine, and every routine is a labor of love."
"Tungsten dragons have a pretty unique look to them."
"Humans are such interesting creatures."
"They're psycho little things, I was going to say, they're already pretty feisty little creatures, no?"
"The colossal squid: a creature of legendary proportions, shrouded in mystery, lurking in the frigid dark waters of the Southern Ocean."
"Skeletons and zombies are the most basic and widespread of all undead creatures."
"The world is full of brilliant, creepy, inspired yet malevolent creatures that rarely venture out in daylight."
"All creatures dream, but not the same way that men do."
"More than likely these are referenced to a creature known as dogmen something that physically looks like what we know to be a werewolf."
"One of the most interesting has to be the thallids and the saprolings."
"Tales of things like fairies, wendigos, all different kinds of creatures."
"They're disgusting creatures. They spit constantly."
"Trolls are humanoid creatures who dwell deep in the wilderness of Scandinavia. Their appearance ranges from monstrous to eccentric to cute, but they are almost all unfriendly. No matter how charming they might look, encounters with trolls never end well."
"The mochalay are creatures of memory and dreams."
"I just love Valley creatures like this, enters the battlefield, gives you a card draw, and also has flying and death touch which means it's going to be a fantastic blocker for you."
"All 44 beasts appeared, and none of them tried to escape. How is this possible?"
"I don't know what you guys have been thinking about this series so far, but I love learning about these creatures whether it's entertainment or truth, both is just so fascinating."
"I've never been a believer in monsters or Bigfoot."
"Yosemite is truly hiding the existence of these canine creatures, what many of us know as Dogman."
"We've had a lot of strange sightings, including a supposed mountain goat, wolf-like creature."
"...we learn more about new types of Grimm."
"The shapes moving all around me turned out to be these creatures that were built similarly to armadillos, except walking on their hind legs. They had long bony spikes on their tails and heads."
"Someone in my squad said that these creatures are known as dogmen and they believe that they are descendants of ancient tribes who lived in North America before the Europeans arrived. I don't know if this is true but I do know that they are not normal animals."
"Their fear... a disturbing and unsettling sensation grew inside me when I realized that the creatures had fled from something strange and ungraspable."
"When I saw the Hungarian Horntail, I was really excited."
"I never saw another one since then, of course I've heard of other stories about these creatures existing in various parts of the world."
"He's the most gentle little thing that's ever existed."
"Dragons are the undisputed masters of the monster kingdom."
"These are pretty intelligent creatures and they're not ridiculous enough to go out into the public eye and expose themselves to the public."
"These creatures sounded huge, like demonic gorillas or something, only much larger."
"I think they very much want to be left to their own devices and they are not interfering with humanity on a grand scale."
"More than 83 million years ago, epic amazing creatures roamed the Earth, including the titanosaur."
"Obviously there seems to be some sort of strange connection between the paranormal and these werewolf creatures."
"The allo is often described as a colossal bat or flying reptile, evoking images of prehistoric terrasaurs."
"Sometimes myths are born of flesh and blood."
"They're just incredible, highly intelligent."
"...what fabulous little beasties they are, like prehistoric, they are absolutely amazing."
"Shadow spawn, constructs created by Aginor, experiments in captured humans, vicious creatures to serve the dark one."
"Trollocs: humanoid, stronger and larger than humans, sadistic and evil, breed rapidly."
"Drakkar: hypnotic, feed on souls and life force, like unintelligent vampires and sirens."
"Gemara: immense insectoid creatures, immune to the One Power, almost impossible to kill."
"Gotta love the little giants, my gosh!"
"Welcome to Assessing Survival, the series where we take creatures from both reality and fiction and place them in different periods throughout Earth's history."
"The large and expansive world of One Piece is home to many strange animals and species."
"In the deepest and darkest of worlds, where not even the light of the Moon can penetrate, two vile creatures indulge in dark delights and have conquered their comrades into capitulation."