
Divine Manifestation Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Everything that happens to you is a manifestation of the light of the divine, your own light."
"We have this concept called Ishta Devata, which means 'my preferred deity,' but my preferred deity is a manifestation of the same divine as your preferred deity."
"God is looking for some people that he can so manifest his goodness in, even with prosperity, that others will have..."
"Your life will become an unending epistle of signs and wonders in Jesus' name."
"The manifestation of the wisdom of God in and through the Saints."
"The Samaritans see those lights that appear now on Gerizim as the angels, the manifestation of light, the angels being the messengers of God that carry the light of God with them."
"Behold, a chariot of fire with horses of fire appeared suddenly and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind."
"We are on the threshold of that great move of God where the glory is going to come in such a demonstrative way we don't even have context for what's about to happen."
"Divine manifestation is about understanding the truth about who we are, so that we can then manifest things easier than ever from a totally new paradigm and from a higher level frequency."
"When God was manifest in the flesh, in the flesh, that flesh was God's shape."
"God gave it to us and says Pascal, God makes himself sufficiently manifest."
"If reliable portable containment fields or other technology can be constructed, then the chances of the emperor incarnate manifesting are greatly increased."
"Honor is important because when you honor a man or a woman of God, you are honoring the God that has manifested in them."
"God's work is finished now and must manifest."
"God is now going to show up in a dream or in a vision of the night."
"The highest conceptions of beauty and perfection were the most pure manifestations or reflections of God in the material world."
"The earth is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God."
"There is a tidal wave of God's glory that's about to be released right now."
"Jesus is real, God is really manifesting himself through him."
"The entirety of the Sanskrit alphabet is called matria. This matria is none other than the Divine mother manifested as language."
"Yet on the other hand when we choose to love Him, draw near, obey Him, put Him first, then that causes Him, or draws Him, or inspires Him to manifest Himself to us so that we experience His glory on a more consistent basis."
"God the Father Jehovah appeared on this earth in the flesh under the name of Jesus and led all mankind to the way of salvation."
"God is prakriti, everything we see here as in sentient matter. God is also all the purushas, all the jivas in this world."
"The Lord appeared at Shiloh by the word of the Lord."
"The greater value is the manifestation of God's glory in wrath and mercy."
"God wants to manifest His presence, His power, and His goodness, and all it's going to take on your part is belief."
"The church is waiting for you. The world is waiting for you. The whole Earth groaning and waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God."
"I am the Lord coming in the appearance of that which I am conscious of being."
"The kingdom of God coming with power and great Glory is a manifestation of the Holiness of God."
"We believe that the diversity of mankind is a manifestation of divine will."
"God has chosen to manifest himself through his church on the earth."
"You're believing in the Healer, and because you are one with Him, you manifest healing."
"An important member of the Egyptian pantheon, Bastet was a feline-headed goddess who served as a protector of pregnant women and manifestation of the eye of Ra."
"It's God in a visible form; it's God in a manifestation, and therefore it is a pre-incarnate manifestation of Jesus Himself."
"God's manifestation is in his work of creation... from joy does spring all this creation, by joy is it maintained, towards joy does it progress, and into joy does it enter."
"The earnest expectation of the creation waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God."
"Be presented as the first fruits of Christ unto God, having faith and obtained a good hope of glory in him before he manifested himself in the flesh."
"All creation is groaning and waiting for you to manifest your Father."
"It was through the Earth which the Divine manifested, therefore through its agency was to be found the way back to it."
"Creation is a theophany of God, a material manifestation and expression of God's love."
"The Earth groans waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God."
"He that loves me, he it is that keeps my Commandments; my father will love him, and I will love him, and I will manifest myself to him."
"What makes Paradise Paradise is the manifestation of God's mercy; what makes hell hell is the manifestation of God's wrath."
"Manifest Your glory tonight, Hallelujah."
"These sons of truth are the universal manifestations of God in the worlds of His attributes and names."
"The Word of life... for the life was manifested, and we have seen it."
"Jehovah Jireh is going to manifest for you."
"Manifestation of the sons of God is coming to pass."
"We're expecting all day and all the rest of this meeting, we're expecting in every service for you to manifest yourself any way you want to."
"No man has seen God at any time, but He can be manifested in us."
"The prophetic is important today because it's one of the manifestations of God's Spirit, His voice to the world, to the church."
"I found none, and the endless expectation of the creature does not wait for the manifestation of God; it is working for the manifestation of the sons of God."
"Allah's Dominion being shown is even more potent in manifesting the truth."
"They are a manifestation of His life and show His will."
"Brahman limited by this Maya is called God or Ishvara."
"God can manifest as a burning bush."
"Every generation is known by their access to the manifestation of the spirit."
"The earth is on tiptoe with eager expectation, yearning for the manifestation of the sons of God."
"God shows Himself to these different people according to their specific natures."
"He is the perfect manifestation of God."