
Divine Feminine Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"The balance towards the Divine Feminine and service to others is really the only way that we can fight back against a negative."
"The presence of the divine feminine at the center of everything there is light and I am that light."
"The Divine Feminine endlessly creates over and over again, flowing in cycles just like the moon."
"Tapping into your divine feminine energy means tapping into this innate sense of worthiness and understanding that you are a valuable person."
"The Buddha was attacked by self-doubt... and his response... he put his hand on the earth and he called on the earth Goddess, the whole living web of life – this is the divine feminine – to bear witness to his goodness."
"Tap into your divine feminine energy and let the trash take itself out."
"I am powerful, I am loved, I am loving, I am caring, and I am the divine feminine."
"You're so beautiful, so amazing; they see you as this divine feminine energy."
"You can actually look at these texts that we all have and you can find really powerful experience of Divine Feminine, of women with power, of spirituality that calls us all well beyond sexism and well beyond misogyny."
"He's practical but goes in on a lot of mythology, exposing the divine feminine's role."
"The divine feminine's role in consciousness."
"It was the divine feminine rising in her own power here that actually allowed this heart chakra breaking open experience for the masculine."
"I am completely disinterested in any other option besides you, divine feminine."
"This is a divine feminine that is learning to step into her power, finding power in that independence and solitude."
"Rise, divine feminine. You are being called on to rise."
"Trust where you're led, divine feminine, because you are more intuitively connected."
"The Divine Feminine is really made up of the indigo and Chris energy complementing each other."
"Everybody has divine feminine and divine masculine energy."
"You divine feminine, are going to have a window of opportunity for the two of you to reconnect in some way."
"You're going through major transformation, tapping into your divine feminine energy to create magic."
"It was the feminine element missing in the sense they had of the divine."
"The divine feminine is going to handle the situation with grace and extend mercy on this individual."
"Congratulations, divine feminine, for your strength and commitment to the journey."
"Divine feminine now has a new person who sees them in all of their Glory."
"The divine feminine, that is the idolatry, that is them putting women above their Lord, which is the commandment."
"Effortlessly magical powerful state of being that is the embodied, the awakened, the healed divine feminine."
"For you divine feminine, you're on the right path."
"You divine feminine are the ultimate wish fulfilled."
"The rise of the divine feminine is predicated on a spiritual shift."
"This person really sees you as amazing, as a powerful divine feminine."
"They're very energetic people, and I keep wanting to say her because I do feel a female energy but it's like this very divine feminine energy of compassion and healing and love and inspiration and nurturing."
"Divine feminine knows their power and they're doing the work."
"They see you holding this Divine Feminine connection, and that's very attractive."
"There are absolutely people on this planet that are a vibrational match. There are opportunities that are a vibrational match. Careers, homes, cars, you name it, that have your name on it, divine feminine."
"I'm very fascinated with the black Madonna, the Virgin Mary, the divine feminine."
"You're the embodiment of a true divine feminine."
"Men need to honor and respect the divine feminine for their own abundance and prosperity."
"As a stripper, you're already receiving money, which is a form of honoring the divine feminine."
"Women must realize they are the divine feminine and should be poured into."
"You feel this immense pressure or this energy, even from a higher power, because this is much bigger than you, divine feminine, but you are also such an important piece to the bigger picture."
"The light that resides inside of your being divine feminine shines from the inside out."
"The divine feminine is really grounded in that divine feminine energy, it's very high vibrational, and essentially, uh, anything that's not high vibrational gets rejected."
"This is your power, divine feminine. You are so loved and so highly favored and protected that God is covering you even when it doesn't look like it."
"This is growth, this is empowerment, this is embodying, you know, divine feminine. This, this is beautiful, and it's coming in quick."
"The connecting energy between the two of you right now is divine feminine energy."
"It's the divine feminine that is going to show up and I'm saying that specifically yes for that approach not just not just women but men who embody that yeah who are going to who are going to um create that upheaval that is needed for things to start settling down I agree."
"A lot of people who may have wealth and have sought out the secrets of the occult and so on and so forth, they may know the divine feminine is returning and so they're going to honor the divine feminine in many ways."
"So, the whole secret behind everything is the divine feminine energy. It's always going to be hidden or in plain sight depending on your perspective and how you view the divine feminine."
"What's going on with the divine feminine?"
"You guys are becoming the empress, you are embodying your divine feminine nature which is knowing what you deserve and knowing what you should receive."
"The divine feminine is that sacred part of us that can only be felt and it transcends culture."
"Kali is asking you to find that divine feminine softness within yourself. She knows when to surrender. Do you know when to put the wand or the sword down?"
"...because this divine feminine there's a a light a glow some of these Divine feminines are very gifted so no amount of wealth none of that [__] can compete with somebody who's standing in their life purpose."
"She owned the divine feminine and understood its power."
"They're going to be very balanced with their divine masculine and feminine."
"Respect the divine feminine by honoring the divine feminine in your life."
"Everything you touch spiritually will always go back to the divine feminine."
"You must honor the divine feminine once again instead of trying to cover up that everything and the problems that aren't with the world today are because she was hidden and swept under the rug."
"You need to also honor the divine feminine in order to be able to manifest easier."
"Investing in yourself as a woman is also how to honor the divine feminine in order to bring in money."
"You got people fighting over you, divine feminine."
"The divine feminine women do not feel jealous."
"The single Bastion of hope then lies with the Child Empress, however see what I did there? No really though, she actually embodies the Christ Sophia, the pure-hearted divine feminine who, like Atreyu, is represented as a child to show that sense of innocence and purity."
"You're everything everyone desires. People see you as their empress, their divine feminine. They want to build a family with you, they want to have children with you."
"How can I remember the divine feminine I am?"
"When we talk about the ascension of planet Earth, we often are talking about the return of the divine feminine."
"'You just have the real deal, divine feminine.'"
"Returning the Divine Feminine to a central place has been a wonderful revival within modern paganism."
"Empowering my divine feminine, awakening my inner goddess."
"Divine feminine, whoever this divine feminine is, they're getting ready to be the face of something."
"You're freaking somebody out divine feminine, you're freaking somebody out."
"You embody a very divine feminine energy, like Aphrodite."
"They all talk about the Holy Spirit as the divine mother, the sacred feminine energy that comes into being, blows life into everything."
"When a woman carries the true energy of a divine feminine, she can make anywhere home. The empress has entered the Empire."
"The Moon is connected to the divine feminine, connecting with our intuition, connecting with the spirit, and our feelings and our emotional body."
"When you truly step into your divine feminine energy, everything is attracted to your energy."
"The divine feminine can be a lot more than that."
"The divine feminine principle that any man, woman, anybody can use to get to the next level in their lives."
"I'm just so grateful to have started the Divine Feminine retreats, and that has been such a beautiful experience."
"You're just such a strong divine feminine energy."
"The role of the Divine Feminine in terms of cultivating a better world is one of cultivating the light of Shakti."
"Beauty and love is found in seeking Heavenly Mother."
"They're coming to respect the general archetype of the divine feminine energy now much more than they had in the past."
"Without the divine feminine, there is nothing in life."
"You are the divine feminine, and the universe is going to work against anyone who's trying to attack you."
"You are the way that the most high God wants you to be, and that's a divine feminine."
"The return of the Divine feminine, the mother, there's a power shift in heaven."
"In the end, we're going to win, and it'll be that divine feminine energy, the mother, and peace will come."
"You hold the goddess power to be able to create this in your life."
"An event would occur that would transform the world and bring in the age of the divine feminine."
"Every new age will bring in peace and the love of the mother and the divine feminine."
"The divine feminine will bring about peace and love in this new world, in this new age that's coming."
"The world is transitioning rapidly into a new paradigm, one where the Divine Feminine is honored as being a sacred equal alongside her divine masculine counterpart."
"The Divine Feminine awakening experience is not for the faint of heart, but the results are big and they are here to bring you great amounts of joy."
"We're in the age of the divine feminine; black women focus on our own Divinity."
"You're the divine feminine here; you're the Twin Flame."
"The Empress is the energy of the divine feminine, very loving, nurturing, kind, empathetic, very abundant, stable, secure, confident."
"Awaken the goddess within you; express your divine feminine energy. Unleash your magic."
"The goddess is rising, the divine feminine is coming back and you are a part of this movement, this sacred revolution, this healing, this balancing that we need in our whole world and on our planet."
"The Empress... embodies the energy of the divine feminine."
"I awaken divine feminine energy within myself, I awaken divine feminine energy within the viewer."
"You can't rely and extract from divine feminine without pouring into her and giving back to her in some great significant way."
"You must be a divine feminine and you must be standing in your power."
"The divine feminine has a lot of power right now."
"The divine feminine energy isn't this passive... it's the feminine energy that's going to take on the world."
"The divine feminine found their self-worth."
"You have a lot of power here, Divine Feminines."
"Divine feminine is going to be fine."
"This was orchestrated, divine feminine, yin feminine values, maternal energy."
"The Divine Feminine leads the way energetically for the collective spiritually."
"You are a freaking goddess, you a divine feminine."
"They saw you as this divine feminine energy."
"We should all embrace the divine feminine power within all of us."
"Self-care is how you take your power back, Divine Feminine."
"The Divine Feminine takes the lead on the healing process."
"This is a divine feminine someone who this man is realizing is held in very high regard by the universe."
"Be honest with yourself, Goddess Divine Feminine, express your divine feminine energy, embracing its magical intuition and nourishing qualities."
"The Divine Feminine is just embracing the beauty of who she is and embracing the beauty of her life and just in a joyful place of gratitude and appreciation."
"One outcome is forecast for the Divine Feminine, you can't lose."
"The talent of the Divine Feminine is her ability to nurture and create an environment of unconditional love."
"The divine feminine, my loves, you are off to a new start, you are embarking on a new journey."
"Divine feminine goddess, this is for you."
"The Divine feminine is the energetic and spiritual leader of the connection."
"There's new life coming to a new beginning which is just around the corner for the Divine Feminine."
"The focus for the Divine Feminine is just this energy of that there's this forward victory, there's good news that's coming."
"The Divine Feminine is starting to fully see that she's always lovable just the way that she is."
"Each and every single one of us has divine feminine energy within us."
"Stop limiting yourself, divine feminine."
"Trust in your potential, divine feminine."
"Pain is temporary, divine feminine."
"Divine Feminine is guarded, it's protected."
"It's safe to come towards the divine feminine and take a genuine risk on love."
"The Divine Feminine knows her truth."
"Mentally, the Divine Feminine is realizing the importance of getting into the space of unconditional love."
"Our higher selves have been waiting for the Divine Feminine to really love herself more and place healthy boundaries."
"You are divine feminine, you are the empress, stand in your power, you do not chase."
"You are a goddess, express your divine feminine energy, embracing its magical intuition and nurturing qualities."