
Unconventional Quotes

There are 1084 quotes

"Just because your refrigerator has a vegetable drawer doesn't mean you have to put vegetables in that drawer."
"Unfixing is a realm of storytelling, mostly based on the internet, which defies conventions of the medium or website it's working with and stays in character as much as a WWE wrestler."
"The art gallery was the best place to play tag."
"It's like the airbud argument: there's nothing in the rule book that says a dog can't play basketball."
"There are entirely new dimensions of success which are emerging in the world today which are unconventional, controversial, that truly are going to lead to you building much as the happy life but a legendary one."
"The Double Down: a sandwich with fried chicken instead of bread."
"It sounds a lot more lucidus than it really was, but I did give a tax presentation to a bunch of strippers, and I'm not kidding."
"Is that optimal? No. Is it hilarious? Yes. Do people have no idea how to deal with that? Absolutely."
"Ice cream is supposed to be a dessert, but what if it was a morning snack?"
"Anyway, it turns out that my sister and her boyfriend make a living by selling her underwear online."
"Funerals I've been crashing them since I was old enough to read the obituary section."
"He also recommended to people that they get plenty of fresh air and, unlike the vast majority of his contemporaries, he didn’t recommend bloodletting as a way of staving off the disease."
"How do we want to leave this world and then honestly pursue that? Today's guest is not that politician and that's what makes him an incredible politician in my opinion."
"It's a terrible idea... but I like it. Yeah, I'd vote Trump Tate."
"So out of pocket but genius at the same time."
"Be crazy. The great leaders are insane. The great ones are all misfits and they're all weird."
"It's been unconventional since the beginning."
"It was like some bold choice that Tarantino made to make a movie that didn't feel like a movie."
"So, to recap, this man went on an all-meat diet - that is, high saturated fat, no carbs, no vegetable diet. This strange diet mysteriously healed his diabetes, ulcerative colitis and high blood pressure."
"The judge decided an unconventional punishment was in order."
"They actually did the embalming in the kitchen."
"Matilda's experience is a notably unconventional narrative for a children's story."
"Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is like taking a fine champagne and spiking it with wild Irish rose and drinking it out of a slurpee cup."
"Breakfast for dinner is a great way to save time and money."
"Moldy bread just a little bit every now and then, get you good, keep you right. Get you SED, trust me, build that immune system up, pal."
"Riding around on a dinosaur... ten times cooler than a horse or a Harley Davidson."
"David Bowie began his wildly unconventional life in an ordinary working-class London neighborhood."
"I told her hey you just do what you can and don't kill yourself over it."
"Instead of opting for a traditional wedding cake we actually went with doughnuts."
"Prepare for the eventual tank Soraka top lanes."
"Swear we're doing Disney wrong. People come here for the rides and everything and we just come for food."
"I would have to tell you, thank you by shooting you with a shotgun."
"Give movies like this a shot. I know they seem weird and unfamiliar and silly, but they've also got a whole lot of wild [ __ ] you've never seen before."
"Loving like crackhead love, you know what I'm saying?"
"Hutton's Beauty was unconventional yet captivating with her radiant complexion piercing eyes and signature gap tooth."
"It's kind of weird because it's longer at the back than it is at the front so it's a mohawk."
"The Iraq sequence avoids the majority of cinematic storytelling conventions."
"Throw all the conventional investing wisdom out the window and instead look no further than Reddit."
"This is her wedding dress, and like, I think that wedding dresses that fall outside of the norm of what a wedding dress should be in Western society is actually really cool."
"He's a little bit feral, right? He's a little bit unrestrained and unapologetic."
"He's an email champ! He's fighting because somebody mailed him the belt. How's it that did that ever happen in boxing anymore?"
"Donk racing is the opposite of everything I've ever learned about making a car go fast. It makes no sense and yet I am completely fascinated by it."
"Unconventional, yes, but you can learn something from anyone."
"This is a car with no doors right? I'm gonna climb in if I can remember how to."
"Football without barriers, football without rules."
"Finding enjoyment in the unconventional grinds, because sometimes the journey is as rewarding as the destination."
"It's a little crazy, but you know what, it's a good crazy."
"Spawn was like that uncle you had growing up that meant well but would give you shots of tequila."
"It's everything it's so not your traditional comic book movie." - Rob
"Do the opposite of what I would normally do."
"It's hardly the kind of crime you typically associate with one of Earth's Mightiest Heroes."
"That dude that always smokes pot gives me amazing feedback."
"I don't do that... because I want to impress upon them that I don't do it the way a normal person would do it."
"You don't need guns, you have swords. When they pat you down at the airport, they're not looking for swords."
"It's crucial to our understanding of history that we recognize the possibility of unconventional historical trajectories."
"Not all heroes wear capes, some have YouTube channels."
"Some of the best love stories start with a murder."
"If you want better, you have to start doing what is not popular."
"I love movies like this, movies that are just strange but they have a method to their madness."
"That's a unique gift, Vivian. Nobody gives tea bags for Halloween."
"Garbo's journey to stardom wasn't conventional."
"Sometimes there's other emotions other than laughter."
"It's so unorthodox, even though fee and foo are technically not Miriam and Irving's offspring, they do take care of them."
"Detention is messy, wild, and unconventional in all the best ways possible."
"You need to throw your sunglasses away... you need to get ultraviolet light through your eyeballs."
"I love you in unreasonable. There's nothing wrong with a man trimming a bush for another man."
"I mean, who said a rug needs to be rectangular, circular, or square? It's fantastic!"
"I think fighter is just a little bit crazy. Well, you can't expect them to just behave like normal citizens everywhere we go."
"That's not bad. I'm asking for forgiveness. This is a form of church."
"When you get carded at the bar, give them your pilot's license."
"Sometimes real love doesn't make sense on paper but does in person."
"For my funeral, I'm going to have an open casket and everyone in attendance will be required to bring nacho toppings."
"Death Stranding is not just weird because it's a big expensive walking game with us worried about ghost babies that has a multiverse involving a dinosaur afterlife, it's also weird because it's a big expensive game of freestyle jazz Expressionism."
"Your approach is still unconventional, but you go from theory to action."
"Embrace the outcast, the creepy and depraved, the bizarre creations not meant for the normal world."
"Ultimately, Beetlejuice will be remembered as a show that wasn't afraid to challenge convention."
"A political band that actually had machine guns as a band."
"One of the greatest stand-up specials that's not actually a stand-up special because you were sitting down."
"I heard a billionaire once say the secret to success was being a quitter everything he ever did in life business-wise was to quit."
"Heaven is going to be a lot stranger and frankly a lot more exciting than Church usually tells us."
"A rooftop sculpture portraying a huge shark implanted headfirst in the roof of a home."
"I curse everybody with happiness and gratitude."
"Everybody needs a motocross tractor skatepark in their backyard. You can do it, you might as well. What the hell."
"I ain't your real dad but I'll be your nightmare daddy any day."
"It's kind of sick, but you know what? I'm actually gonna go with breathing me Barbie."
"I love apples... a lot of people tell me, 'Bro, you're supposed to eat an apple up to down like this,' but I eat it side the side like this."
"Throw aside all common sense... sounds like them."
"Dracula versus your mother. That's a concept. It's so much fun, I highly recommend it."
"I want everyone to have to eat some of my ashes."
"My favorite way to assert dominance is to pee in an already occupied urinal."
"Whoever said money can't find happiness never had one of these."
"Scientists have thought about looking for life as we don't know it, using say silic acid as a solvent to carry out the processes of life."
"Why not make a fashionable hat out of metal if you can?"
"Wow, this one's pretty good into thin air. He's bringing the UFO videos to Third Phase, and I gotta say this is pretty interesting."
"Pizza and cookies, they just put cookies on the pizza."
"This is a unique event in the history of modern medicine that a scientist has been charged with giving unconventional advice."
"Nobody would like this but from a purely in a formalist sense if we're discussing its composition and the way that it challenges established convention, oh my my it is a work of art."
"The impulsiveness of Cuphead isn't his downfall yet as Mugman saves the day with doing the unconventional rather than putting the sweater on Cuphead and saving him for the rest of his life."
"Skipping school just becoming a YouTuber straight away. Yeah, I like my life actually. True, yeah, it is."
"My signature move, putting the microphone in my armpit."
"This time around we're taking a break without doing any of the typical things that one would do on a holiday."
"Our story is not conventional as many people would think."
"Marketplaces are like if Whole Foods combined with the black market. It's awesome."
"Don't be bound by what the world has taught you about the alphabet."
"This game is weird man, but breathtaking nonetheless."
"If you want to be successful in life, watch what everybody is doing and do the opposite." - Tony Robbins
"I don't actually know why we don't do imaginary friend stories more often."
"No rules, but I'll do it, not because I think I should, but because I like money."
"This ain’t your normal 'princess protagonist' TV show."
"They just took a banana and duct-taped it to the wall and it sold for like 100k."
"I am an artist and I was using Pizza as my medium to express my creativity."
"It's just so refreshing to see you going exactly against all of the advice and doing this with these really long form things."
"The best decisions I've made in my life are the ones that other people think are stupid."
"We're a grace-motivated people. One of Jase's now infamous comments: 'Well, when we were raised, we were taught that the only rule is there are no rules,' which is perfect."
"Casting a fire ant colony in aluminum: making some really cool art."
"You've got something in your hand that doesn't make sense to anybody else, but you see it as a weapon."
"It's not a night in shining armor; it's a dark knight."
"What's so unconventional about spreading the love? That's what we need nowadays."
"This movie - it’s something else, and I love how the writer-director toys with his audience, making them uncomfortable in the most playful way."
"Study: Eating ice cream for breakfast may improve mental performance."
"I saw a study that if you eat ice cream in the morning, it's actually healthy."
"The record is remarkable and it makes the ordinary methods of dealing with the flu appear irrational."
"There have always been those of us who walk the path less trodden."
"The shrimp, I would never put shrimp on a burger, but it's great."
"I once played as a necromancer bard on a quest to create the world's greatest dancing zombie music video routine."
"I love The Phantom Menace so much, it's an absolute mess of a movie, it doesn't have a main character but I love it so so much."
"I love when like things that aren't supposed to be two stories have a second floor like a double decker bus or a double decker train or uh multiple stories on a plane it's so sick I don't know what it is it's so sick I love it"
"Eyes Wide Shut is probably the most outrageous Christmas movie ever."
"Every great entrepreneur did something that was not the way everybody else was doing it."
"The look on people's faces is absolutely priceless when a house-painted 44-year-old truck with a picnic table seat bumper passes them."
"I got to ask you, what made you play one length irons while everybody else is doing something different?"
"I don't promote dropping out of college, but listen, we're doing alright."
"I like McDonald's for a first date."
"Forget cryptocurrency, the real thing to use as a transfer of value is carpets."
"We're taking the road less traveled."
"Sometimes you have to take a road less traveled to get to a new destination."
"I feel like a lot of people might think honey on a pizza is kind of crazy, but trust, it really is amazing."
"You need to be a little bit creative, think outside the box."
"We need to be creative and read more, and think outside of the box for a change."
"Amidst the laughter and unconventional choices, they decided to opt for the more practical route."
"Out of pocket... she does not play by the normal rules."
"Nobody just wants to go bucket, bucket, bucket; he emptied the lake instead of going in the lake and drowning."
"Pulp Fiction defies almost all the rules for how I normally evaluate a film."
"I'm your Archangel, broadcasting directly from the shadows to your ears because, truth seeker, you are unsatisfied with the simple story."
"When Jupiter and Uranus get together, they give us this opportunity to throw things out of the box."
"Dress up like a hot dog and hold a sign that says free hugs."
"Bobby Fischer never really looks for the obvious moves; he looks for the best move."
"He likes to think outside of the box."
"We drove nine miles home in reverse."
"The Majesty comes from the mess. God works His best in the most unconventional places."
"Our love story is unconventional, I wouldn't have it any other way."
"The ogre has fallen in love with the princess."
"When you really trying to make some shake, you got to be willing to look crazy, and most people not willing to do it."
"Not the kind of leadership skills they teach you at West Point."
"Do things so differently that it kind of messes with people's minds."
"I've gotten nipple piercings sent to me, like in a plastic bag, like taking them out, gifted them to me."
"We've never done anything with cake. It's kind of an off-the-wall idea, ain't it?"
"I want my next wife to be a freak."
"They've got very open mind, very smart, very eccentric and unconventional views on things."
"Step outside the ordinary, break away from the linear, and let's bend some rules together."
"Arrested felt like a contradiction to every other TV show ever produced."
"This film is not concerned with the traditional methods of storytelling."
"...it's been such a crazy Bazaar historically unprecedented last year."
"...fanatical, joyous, unconventional, practical, experimental, and simply unquantifiable."
"Everyone's gonna tell you to go vertical... but one person I really respected told me the opposite."
"...your relationship involves you doing something that was once traditional and turning it into like this unconventional version of your life."
"I've won a lot of battles and I've caught a lot of fish by doing the unconventional thing."
"You showed a lot of ingenuity in putting this design together and really thinking outside of the box instead of just doing a big cover up."
"He showed a lot of ingenuity in putting this design together and really thinking outside of the box instead of just doing a big cover up."
"Guerilla Marketing: unconventional strategies to grab attention unexpectedly."
"Mind-bending. Cream cheese and guava with cookies."
"Ranch with a side of pizza is the craziest combo of all time."
"Crazy is part of the method to the madness."
"It is characteristic of Warren that he runs his financial Empire not from Wall Street or the trading pits in Chicago but from Omaha, Nebraska."
"Sometimes the best way to get in is not through the door."
"It completely defies the general expectation of what a Christmas special is supposed to be."
"it shouldn't be a Rite of Passage to go through a table"
"Urban kayaking which is I took a kayak to a skate park."
"When all else fails make it Camp."
"Their unconventional lifestyle seemed to bring excitement and fulfillment."
"He's a skilled wrestler who outwardly disdains the conventions of wrestling, yet becomes a really good wrestler when pressed by his foe."
"We actually prefer to call them guests, not patients. We don't really do things the conventional way here at the Happy Hotel."
"It goes, it congeals and it seals the hole in the radiator because the egg coagulates."
"It kind of just threw out the rule book and did everything that they wanted to do in their own unique style."
"I don't wash my rice because I live on the edge like that."
"Try to have fun digging up trash as weird as that sounds."
"Slab City is more than just a place to me it's a sanctuary I call home nestled away in the California desert it's a vibrant and eclectic Community where unconventional Souls find themselves Solace and freedom from societal conventions."
"I stayed up all night studying. Well, I didn't know any of this [ __ ] until my dog taught me. So give me a break."
"That's right weirdos, free feet pics."
"it is fascinating cuz it's like this is not conventional it's not like what anyone could even fathom"
"Spam is actually amazing. I highly recommend you try it. This is not sponsored. Yet."
"The Tes Lighthouse holds a unique position as one of the most unconventional lighthouses in the world."
"It's bonk, it's gone full bonkers."
"We'll give it a look, we'll give it a watch then. In a sense, this could end up being one of the less conventional shows that they make, and that alone might be like, hmm, what does that look like?"
"Unusual or downright weird, you might find your professional calling from some of the jobs on this list."
"I think the skateboard gas pedal is perfect."
"You can improve the flavor of a chocolate cream cookie like Oreos by reaching for a jar of, wait for it, mustard."
"Flamin Hot Cheetos washed down with a glass of milk. I mean, that sounds fine."
"Caitlyn is everything to me. We actually met on an online dating app, which is a little unconventional I guess. So she came up from Melbourne, our first date actually went for 2 weeks. It was very awkward and then we just bonded."
"No police force would ever hire him, but that's what makes it so fun."