
Programming Language Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Rust is a very popular programming language and it's used to make applications where performance is extremely important."
"That's why huge companies like Google, Spotify, Dropbox, and Facebook have embraced this beautiful and powerful language."
"JavaScript contains some of the best ideas ever put into a programming language."
"JavaScript is one of the most beginner-friendly programming languages out there."
"Python is meant to be very easy to read and easy to write."
"Python is a general purpose programming language; it is very easy to learn, versatile, and really easy to write in."
"Rust is a systems programming language which is kind of filling this niche that hasn't been filled by many of the languages today."
"Django is very scalable, versatile, and runs on Python."
"Java is a popular, versatile, and platform-independent programming language that offers unique aspects and benefits to programmers, regardless of their experience with other languages."
"What most loved actually means: People using Rust want to keep using it."
"What is DAX and what does it even stand for? Well, it stands for Data Analysis Expressions. It's basically a formula language with functions."
"Carpet: A new programming language that you can use to run programs inside Minecraft."
"In Haskell, this is actually built into the prelude module as the ID function."
"Python: Faster to learn, applications can be developed at a faster rate."
"Python is becoming a lot more valuable, a lot more companies are using it."
"Bash is an awkward language in many ways, but it's very powerful."
"Python is a widely admired programming language because of its readability."
"Python that is the industry has basically decided this is pretty good stuff we're gonna use this to make everything dance."
"Elm is very much a functional programming language even though it compiles down into JavaScript."
"BCPL was the brainchild of Martin Richards from the University of Cambridge, UK."
"Rust makes developers happy. When you have happy developers, they tend to work better."
"Sass makes your CSS more like an actual programming language."
"Dpy is a full-blown llm programming language. The difference between Frameworks and dpy is that dpy is a full-blown llm programming language."
"Lisp is the language that won't die."
"Rest is for the seventh year in a row the most loved programming language in the world with eighty percent of the wait more than 80 percent of the developers who work with rust want to continue to work with rust."
"Python uses a dictionary backend, which means all the member variables, all the functions, all the class attributes are stored on a dictionary which you can look up and access."
"It's a very, very powerful language that allows us to do some really advanced queries."
"I hope that if you try out Rust you love it too but importantly if you don't that's totally fine with me."
"Python: If you know plain English, you know Python."
"In programming language, I would recommend learning is python it's open-source very efficient easy to learn and can be used with just about any kind of application."
"Swift is a type safe language and that's going to be so incredibly important as we start writing more difficult code."
"What's special about cuda is that we make both the programming language for the hardware and the hardware that runs the programming language."
"Swift introduced by Apple in 2014 is known for its exceptional speed and safety features."
"TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, is celebrated for its ability to catch errors early in the development process."
"Ruby, known for its elegant and developer-friendly syntax, has been around since the mid-1990s."
"Go, often referred to as golang, is celebrated for its efficiency and speed."
"Fortunately, since the BASIC running on the cartridge is the full MSX BASIC, there's nothing special that needs to be done."
"...Erlang is the first programming language I'm aware of which actually embedded distribution into the semantics of the language."
"...what you do is you pick a programming language with a concurrency model based on no shared memory, and that solves a problem for you."
"Can we all agree that is awesome? That is so good. That is why I love Rust."
"Type classes are probably one of the big things that differentiate Haskell from a lot of other languages."
"Stan is its own high-level language for expressing models using statistics."
"We're going to try and give you enough information about Lua to make an informed decision."
"It's been followed by virtually every language since then, and in that sense BASIC was incredibly influential."
"E is the language that demonstrates the object capability model, which turns out to be the savior of secure systems going forward."
"It's not accidental that JavaScript has become the most popular programming language in the world."
"I also once invented a programming language as a joke in a bar that got implemented by people on the internet, and now it's a real programming language."
"Java is still very, very vibrant... it's essentially the de facto standard language for enterprise developers."
"Java is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible."
"I really do think Zig is actually the most interesting language out there right now."
"Prolog probably makes me smile more often than any other language."
"R is an incredibly popular language... it was one of the fastest-growing languages this last year."
"Vim isn't just a character-wise editor; it's a language of itself."
"We love Node, we love JavaScript."
"The design decision of the GIL is one of the things that made Python as popular as it is today."
"A good programming language is one that takes the core ideas of functional programming and makes them really fly in practice."
"It's also the hackability... a language where you can write all of the pieces of the language in the language itself."
"F# is a functional-first programming language which supports other paradigms but encourages functional programming."
"It is a language very similar to Python in some sense; interactive, narrative, dynamic, and it is flexible."
"Julia is an extremely expressive language and that lets you move mountains relatively easily."
"Python is a very fun language, and Django is a framework based on Python."
"Even though SQL is from 1974, it's certainly not a dead language. There's updates for it all the time."
"Just learn how Python works as a programming language."
"PHP is an old language, but there's been a lot of iterations and versions to it that still keep it a fairly fresh and modern language to use."
"Rust is very versatile and very flexible."
"There's room out there for a successful language that is comprehensible, statically typed, light on the page, fast to work in, scales well, and has some support for networking and multiprocessing."
"We really wanted a declarative query language that's readable and expressive."
"C Sharp is an extremely capable programming language; it's also very fast."
"C is an interesting language because it's one of the first main compiled languages for microcontrollers."
"C++ is a fast language, like really fast."
"Why Dart? Because Dart's the programming language used in Flutter, and Flutter is the amazing framework that lets you build cross-platform GUI apps quickly and easily."
"JavaScript... it's growing as a language rapidly and there's a lot that you can do."
"The world that's always changing is the world of Erlang."
"Typescript's awesome and why the support for Typescript is growing every time."
"Pascal itself is a general-purpose, high-level programming language."
"Julia is a programming language for high-performance computing but in a high-level language."
"F sharp is a multi-paradigm programming language."
"Julia is good, in my view, as a statistical analysis language."
"The confident experience of refactoring was definitely a surprise for me in Elm."
"FeatureCAM can program a wide variety of machines while using recognizable language used extensively in the industry."
"Is it possible to make an easy to use, easy to learn, easy to teach Safe Systems language?"
"Max is this kind of programming language that lets you build musical tools, audio effects, instruments, media effects."
"In 2022, JavaScript is one of the best languages you can learn because it can be transferred to other disciplines or specializations should you ever wish to try."
"Python reads code line by line; it's an interpreted language."
"Gremlin is a very expressive language; it's still incomplete, meaning you can pretty much do anything with Gremlin that you can do with Java."
"Python tends to just be a little cleaner syntactically."
"Make sure your language is set to Swift, and we're going to be working with SwiftUI."
"I love C++, it's everything is clear by default."
"It's a Wonderful language; it lets you do a lot of really cool distributed systems work."
"Scala 3 is here to help by introducing a series of features that will eliminate or reduce many of the pain points that programmers deal with every single day."
"The language is simple enough and small enough that I can memorize the entire specification."
"C# is great because it can do really any of these things."
"Go is a fast, fun, and productive language."
"We are going to dive in as deep as we possibly can into the Swift language."
"Python is kind of like the language for AI."
"The whole name of this game is that we'd like the programming language to express the concepts that we have in our heads."
"Return is telling R to return the value."
"By the end of the course, you should have a pretty solid understanding of what this language is about, what it can do, and what you can do with it."
"Literals form the words of the language, while the meta characters define the grammar."
"Python is a great language, Django is a great web framework, Google App Engine a great application development platform."
"With Kotlin, we do have the language that gives us features."
"The standout feature of the micro bit is that you can use a really nice high-level language like Python to program this board."
"We want to design a language that people can write a lot of code in very quickly and a language which doesn't get in your way."
"Syntactic sugar means having somewhat more convenient surface forms for typing something."
"We will keep growing C-sharp to meet evolving needs."
"Java is one of those languages that's continuously updated, whenever you're resolving a bug or you're adding new features to the language."
"NASA has used Forth extensively for many many years, so a lot of spacecraft fly around with all their instructions done using Forth."
"The core of all of these is the Wolfram Language, a flexible and powerful high-level programming language with built-in algorithms and computational knowledge."
"Learn C++... it will be one of the most fun you will have sitting in front of a computer."
"Python is very robust and very useful across many different applications."
"C-sharp was designed to be portable and fast, and is tightly coupled with Microsoft's .NET framework."
"Ruby is very sort of conversational in nature, there's not a lot of weird punctuation, you just do what you want to do."
"JavaScript is going nowhere, JavaScript is an awesome language and it's rapidly evolving."
"To create this Discord bot, we're going to be using the Python programming language."
"Rust encourages open source contributions."
"Python is a very flexible language and we should be thinking about how to leverage that flexibility to match the flexibility of our data sets."
"R is the language written by statisticians for statisticians; it lends itself to math very easily."
"I love JavaScript for the language that it almost is."