
Rust Quotes

There are 196 quotes

"Rust is a very popular programming language and it's used to make applications where performance is extremely important."
"Rust allows you to compose truly, without worrying about ownership."
"Algebraic types in Rust allow for amazing error handling."
"rust does represent a new opportunity that we have not had in 30 years."
"firmware has lots of problems... rust is a much much much better foundation."
"Rust is an awesome programming language I've really been enjoying it over the past few days."
"Rust is known as a very fast and reliable programming language."
"Rust is a great programming language, relatively easy to learn."
"You will not look at anything else in the car before looking at the rust."
"Rust's hashmap, written without thread safety in mind, remains safe due to its shared reference access."
"Traits in Rust allow for generic functions, enabling functionality within generic types."
"Unsafe code in Rust allows breaking the rules, but minimizing its use is crucial for safety."
"Rust's FFI allows seamless integration with C, offering zero overhead and fast performance."
"I'm making the shots, that just shows it's just a slight bit of rust."
"It's just a matter of time, some rust, not playing for two weeks, playing at home, understanding the implications of where they are and what this journey is about to be about, just got to settle in."
"The meme on the Internet is just rewrite it in Rust."
"To date there have been zero memory safety vulnerabilities discovered in Android Rust code."
"But whilst we're down on the side of the car, another thing to mention... we do have some cheeky bits of rust."
"The exhaust is definitely not going to rust, and that's kind of what I was afraid of."
"Finish and it just made that rust Pop. I love it."
"I'm not going to teach you Rust in this stream."
"There's this narrative I think that sure if you want a fast website build the backend in Rust build your APIs in Rust but then use a fast JavaScript front-end framework."
"What does old Neil Young say about rust?"
"right so a couple of things first of all the mesh bags are completely made of plastic so there's no metal at all that can rust or anything like that"
"Anybody's got any good recommendations on Stacks that don't rust."
"When Rust is brought up in a meeting, the first pro is language safety, but safety against what?"
"It's easy to see why there is so much hype around Rust. It gets a lot of things right."
"Overall, I think that Rust is the best modern programming language."
"Ain't the worst look at the situation, we got a little bit of rust in there. I wonder if we can't pressure wash it."
"Winter is coming and with winter comes salt and with salt comes Rusty Vehicles."
"Rust is hard, very hard, even for very senior people."
"Rust does not hide the complexity from developers but offers the right tools to manage all the complexity."
"You can't seg fault if you don't have a null."
"If you want to write smart contracts on the Solana blockchain, you sort of have to use Rust."
"I've heard a lot of people say you should rather use Rust rather than C when coding in production."
"If I was writing an application based on your experience with exploit development and all of this would you recommend developers today right in Rust when they can rather than C?"
"Rust's use of immutable variables reduces debugging time."
"Rust's error handling is built directly into the language."
"Rust's type system automatically infers types or allows explicit type definitions."
"Using 'if' expressions for conditional logic in Rust."
"Explaining 'else if' and 'else' branches in Rust conditionals."
"Error messages in Rust are normally very easy to understand."
"Wrong ways to learn rust. Let's be literal here, so at least we will have that covered while skydiving. No, you will not learn rust while skydiving."
"Man, talk about a time capsule. Typical surface rust again, all these horror stories and you see all these good examples that are just basically surface rust which is again to be expected from a car that's 20 plus years old."
"So this is the steel edging, when I got it, it was like shiny metal, it's C in steel and it has now rusted."
"These things are known, they're kind of notorious for rusting right here in this panel and they get mice in there too. Yeah, you can get, hey [__] off, those in the back."
"Different chipping effects bringing out different colors in the model and it really brings out an awesome rust tone."
"Rust's ownership rules ensure that memory is automatically cleaned up without the need of a garbage collector."
"The borrow Checker evaluates the lifetimes of values to ensure the ownership rules are being followed."
"With this fundamental understanding of memory management in Rust, you're well set up for the rest of your Rust Learning Journey."
"Rust defaults to moving a value, and if you want to perform the more expensive clone operation, there's a method for that."
"Ownership is what allows for Rust to make memory safety guarantees without the use of a garbage collector."
"Rewrite it in Rust is so prevalent because rust's choices of low level control and high-level ergonomics are wildly useful to any application building."
"In Rust, structs are private by default, meaning that when you create this struct, it's private to the commands file and you cannot use it elsewhere unless you use the 'Pub' keyword."
"Rest is for the seventh year in a row the most loved programming language in the world with eighty percent of the wait more than 80 percent of the developers who work with rust want to continue to work with rust."
"A man will rust out quicker than he will wear out." - The Colonel
"Enums are tagged unions whose variance vary in size are prone to significant memory fragmentation in Rust."
"Rust is a really great project. I think that people who are into Rust, when they saw the beginning slides about the airplanes and the elevators, were just shaking their heads yes."
"Rust comes out of the box with anti-aliasing Machinery rust's borrow checker means that you'd have to jump through various hoops and write some unsafe code to be able to generate aliasing in the first place."
"Only rust is down in the corners of the doors."
"I mean, normally, like, you stick your finger up here and if you don't feel a half inch of gunge, you're ahead of the game, right? 'Cause normally they rust from the inside out."
"A big mistake that a lot of people make is they'll find rust, they'll clean it up a little bit, not too much, and just spray it with paint."
"The smell of rust in here is the strongest I've ever smelled in my life."
"If you do find any signs of rust, it's pretty safe to assume that there's three times more rust hiding somewhere else because rust is just inherently evil."
"Rust has been blowing up for the past couple of years."
"There was a one University class in operating systems development in Rust 2-3 years ago that they did not do again and this semester there are two different University classes teaching Rust."
"This is the core value proposition of Rust: you get the exact same code as you would from C or C++, but you get this stuff checked."
"we cannot borrow v as mutable because it's not declared it's mutable"
"every rust variable that you declare is by default immutable you cannot change that at all"
"And if you've ever worked on old cars, you know that wherever there's a screw in metal, that's where the rust starts."
"Rust's efficiency means less energy consumption, letting us do our part in global sustainability."
"I happen to find this rust free car other than a very very very tiny bit in the rear quarter panel."
"So they're all now frozen in place in fact the instructions for use for this thing actually say do not allow this this component to become rusted in place because it's part of how it's supposed to work."
"If he doesn't want to come off nicely, he's probably just as badly rusted as this bolt down here was."
"Probably the most comprehensive place for game development resources, news, etc., in the Rust ecosystem."
"Rust has a very randomized spotty texture to it."
"All parse text in the same fashion as Rust checks format correctness at compile time."
"Until you use Rust and then you realize that everything else is a desolate landscape and Rust is this lush green grass that you go and lay in and you can never leave."
"These cars are 50 60 70 years old they get driven in the rain you know back when they were five years old and not worth much you know people didn't care that the rust starts then and over the next half of a century it just keeps just creeps creeping people."
"The most obvious situation where the standard library is special is it is not included with cargo."
"Rust is just iron oxide so what this stuff does it converts it into a iron phosphate which kills it."
"I'm very happy with what I've learned about Rust and about how to implement a virtual machine."
"Rust is a good choice for code that is meant to be around for a while."
"Starts with a simple application of rust converter and goes through to cutting the entire back deck out."
"Plenty of rust can look superficial, but once you get in there...you start to realize that these little bits of surface rust can go much deeper than you think."
"We finally figured out how to do I/O in Rust efficiently, and it works."
"One really wild thing is that you can use a single `await` in WebAssembly with Rust."
"Absolutely, after over a year, there was no ring rust shown by Cassie Lee here tonight."
"The most important thing for you is to stay on up-to-date versions of rust."
"Rust handles method calls or function calls in general because that's something that you actually have control over."
"This is a public function, anybody can provide us any spell checker that they want as long as that type implements the spell checker trait."
"It's generic and takes two different types here because it knows that they both implement spell checker."
"And when we pass a trait, we can't pass a trait. A trait is not a thing. A trait is just a contract saying, 'Hey, this is a type that happens to implement this check method here.'"
"Static dispatch is determining which function to call at compile time."
"You're just making a straight function call, as in at the assembly level it's using the call instruction and going straight to wherever this check function is actually implemented. And that's pretty cheap."
"Your heart becomes Rusty and I don't know how many of you actually tried ever to remove rust from something."
"For more idiomatic Rust development, check out this video on Rust's Result and Option enums."
"Thanks to this very strong ownership concept, the Rust compiler always has the knowledge when it can inject a drop method, which is kind of destructor, that will destroy an object that is no longer needed. That's a very nice concept."
"Ownership and borrowing are super important concepts that allow you to automatically manage memory in the case of Rust."
"Can we all agree that is awesome? That is so good. That is why I love Rust."
"Iterators in Rust are lazy and they don't actually do anything until there's some sort of execution at the end."
"Quadrant is written in Rust, as I think all system-level software should be."
"Bevy is a simple, data-driven game engine built in Rust; it's free and open source."
"Bevy is the fastest ECS in the Rust ecosystem, while also being the simplest to use and the most capable."
"If you want to start doing some 2D game development in Rust, Comfy might be worth checking out."
"The Rust book is brilliant, it will give you a full orientation of the language."
"Some things can or will be written in Rust, which makes sense. Rust's a popular language these days."
"Rust generates native machine code that can be run on the target platform."
"The borrow checker is your best friend."
"If you want to go from 'I don't know any Rust' to 'Yeah, I can write some simple programs,' then this is the video for you."
"Look at that amazing rust patina on this little piece."
"Dangling pointers in Rust are impossible in safe Rust."
"This is the first time you're using Rust or you're using Advent of Code generally just to learn Rust in the first place."
"If you're new to Rust, this will get you into the habit of creating new packages."
"We're going to build everything in Rust."
"The go-to collection in Rust, if you're just starting out, is Vec."
"Rust is a memory safe language so we want to have a language where we always have a fully memory safe view of the world."
"Interior mutability is a design pattern in Rust that allows you to mutate data even when there are immutable references to that data."
"I really like the way the rust looks; it adds so much definition and contrast."
"Learning Rust opens up the space of solutions and software that you can build that would otherwise be somewhat inaccessible."
"If I can do it, I think a lot of people can learn and really become productive with Rust."
"The interoperability between Rust and Python specifically is really good."
"Memory safety is a big selling point in Rust."
"We want it to be pleasurable to write Rust code."
"Now we have disjoint closures, and these disjoint closures enable us to capture the eat and here access the lentils, and everything is fine."
"If you want to take your Rust game to the next level, getting proficient in macros is one surefire way to do that."
"On the more involved side of things, you can create a macro that takes a completely custom domain-specific language as input and produces Rust code as output."
"Bevy is a rapidly developing game engine written in the Rust programming language."
"Rust is a really nice programming language."
"This may have been the most amazing rust piece I have ever done."
"Rust's ownership system ensures memory safety."
"Tests that return a result type allow you to use the question mark operator."
"We decided to go for Rust, and as it was a low stakes project, we decided to go for it even though it was quite a new language at that time."
"Rust is brilliant. It was a gamble as we started, but it's really paid off."
"All the cool apps are written in Rust these days."
"Rust compiles down to WebAssembly, and WebAssembly is really cool."
"Rust is a really great choice, it's gaining popularity."
"Rust will not be the last language that I'll use in my career."
"What we want to do is get the hash map from our database and call insert on it."
"Everything is immutable by default in Rust."
"Borrowing is a way of not taking ownership."
"Rust has move semantics by default, and you can opt in to copy semantics."
"The absolute foundation for Rust ownership and borrowing semantics."
"Clone is not something to be ashamed of; it's something to use when you need it."
"Rust has successfully delivered something that looks like linear typed into a practically useful programming language."
"Ownership and borrowing goes to the heart of why Rust is Rust and fundamentally different than other languages."
"Memory issues plague other languages and causes incorrect data or even crashing of your application; Rust puts safety first."
"Because Rust is so strict about memory management and safety, if it compiles, you can sleep soundly."
"Effectively utilizing your computer's resources in safe, effective ways is a major strength of Rust."
"With Rust, because you're doing so much to manage your memory at compile time, the garbage collector is not even necessary."
"Turbo Pack was completely built using Rust, which as you guys might know, is a very powerful and fast language."
"By default in Rust, all variables that we define are immutable."
"Cosmic desktop environment, a desktop environment not based on QT, not based on GTK, but a Rust-based toolkit called IC."
"Rust exists because the other languages... are unsatisfactory."
"With Rust, many of the classes of program simply go away by design."
"Rust put a breath of fresh air into systems programming."
"That's it, we've written a library in Rust and published it such that it can be consumed by pretty much any other language."
"I don't think Rust is overhyped at all. I think it's an incredible language."
"Rust is a statically typed language that means it's very important for us to understand what type our variables are."
"The most important part of Rust is that it is the programming language of choice to write Solana smart contracts."
"This ownership model really guarantees memory safety and thread safety all at compile time."
"Thread safety isn't just documentation, it's actually law in Rust."
"Rust really is amazing in terms of the compiler helping you to avoid all these common pitfalls."
"Rust allows us to allow computers to do that work for us, which I think is probably the best thing for us."
"The reason Rust is so strict about types... is because it literally needs to know how to lay things out in memory."
"I hope that you're enjoying yourself and creating great web applications with Rust. Take care."
"The TLDR is definitely that I like Rust a lot; it's been really honestly terrific."
"When Rust is telling you that it doesn't want you to do something a certain way, definitely listen to it."
"Rust is going to actually allow us to really work together and build stuff together."
"That low-level stuff is really interesting to me; it was just really intimidating until Rust came along."
"Rust actually became a lot nicer of a language to work with."
"Rust macro debugging is really nice, even compared to Lisps."
"Rust macro debugging is nicer than Lisp macro debugging."
"So people can write code in Rust for those subsystems."
"When you make a reference, it freezes this variable for a span of code... that concept, the span of code, is what we call a lifetime."
"Traits are very like the cornerstone of generic programming in Rust."
"We've been working on what we call macros 2.0, which is basically an improved version of the macro system."
"Rust has a powerful type system and ownership model that prevent common errors such as memory leaks, data races, and null pointers."
"Rust is a systems programming language which means its main function is an alternative to languages like C plus plus and C."
"Sycamore is like the original kind of solid inspired Rust framework."
"Rust actually works really well because it prioritizes things that I also care about."
"All of these errors would be prevented had this code been written in Rust."
"The great thing about Rust is when it compiles, a lot of times the program works."
"After learning Rust and knowing all the concepts and the new features that it actually introduces, it led me to actually understand concepts way much better, like the programming concepts in general, plus allow me also to write cleaner code."
"Rust is a compiled language, it's not an interpreted language like JavaScript or Python, and that code gets compiled down to binaries and native binaries that can run literally anywhere."
"It's crazy and that's what Rust is actually capable of doing."
"The Rust project has just gotten bigger faster than any of us really anticipated."