
Medieval Quotes

There are 429 quotes

"You are not much of a foe anymore, you smelly knight."
"Imagine spawning into a medieval Minecraft server with deadly players, giant kingdoms, and custom medieval weapons."
"Kotor is one of the most well-preserved medieval old towns in all the Balkans."
"This castle has a drawbridge, a moat, it has everything a castle should have."
"The medieval feces found at the 14th century site wouldn't smell of much anymore, but you would be wrong, and apparently, they still emanate a very strong and pungent bad smell."
"In reality, the Devil's Dyke was man-made, built by the Saxons."
"Lovely lovely Ghent looks almost just as it did in the Middle Ages when it was the capital of Flanders."
"You look just like a knight now. It's as though you were born to wear it."
"Medieval condoms with ribbons to tie them on, really."
"To the medieval mind, the Black Death outbreak in the 14th century killed large numbers of people very quickly."
"Edinburgh: heritage, culture, and events, with mysterious medieval backdrop."
"Metal armor, of course, is better than leather."
"The horse archer, when used properly, could be the master of the medieval battlefield."
"Ambushed knights need NordVPN to protect themselves."
"We made a greater use of folk music... It sounds big... medieval rock basically." - Marcin Przybiowicz
"This would be a very authentic historical inspired castle... what a real early medieval castle was like."
"This is the first known biography of a medieval Knight and this remarkable Legacy provides a unique insight into the period and into one of the most remarkable men of the era."
"Armor on a medieval knight... had to allow the freedom of movement."
"This book will reveal the secrets of a medieval age far more advanced than future generations would ever imagine."
"It's hard to imagine such a sophisticated machine in the medieval age, an age perceived as containing only primitive technology."
"Ale, wine, and occasionally Mead - staples of medieval drinking."
"In a more medieval setting you could throw it in... it's not terrible."
"Gambeson is still the best and cheapest entry-level armor."
"Out of the chaos, darkness, and violence of the Middle Ages, one family rose to seize control of England. Generation after generation, they ruled."
"So if you see a knight with full arms in plate and full legs in plate but still wearing a surcoat on top of his cuirass, then it is a late 14th-century knight."
"That was one of the most enjoyable battles I've ever had the pleasure of engaging in, my lord."
"But it's not all bad news because what we can show them is the impressive remains of the moted medieval manor house."
"Proceed into the inner circle, join thine brethren paladin."
"Medieval Mass grave in 2021 archaeologists digging near a medieval castle Unearthed two Mass Graves."
"It's a boyhood dream to live a day in the medieval world."
"This room... is decently accurate to what a lot of interior rooms would have been like in the medieval period."
"Medieval people loved color, especially if you were more wealthy to afford painting your furniture and not only furniture, walls as well."
"It was somewhat common throughout medieval Europe for people to believe in vampires and engage in gory burial rituals to prevent them from coming back to life."
"Indeed, aside from training for upcoming campaigns and proving their worth, knights could also use the tournaments as an excuse to settle scores, right wrongs, and feed fuel to raging family feuds."
"Indeed, jousts were one of the highest expressions of medieval culture in all its many aspects."
"It's a beautiful example of what most medieval castles were in size and it's beautiful, I love it."
"They really did understand fire weapons and what they were trying to achieve with them."
"Medieval fire arrows were amazing, sophisticated, versatile, fearsome and I would bet far nastier than you can imagine."
"Medieval castles were actually very brightly painted."
"Medieval people loved color and they loved patterns."
"The vaunted English heavy cavalry, the kings of the medieval battlefield, had been defeated by peasant infantrymen armed with spears."
"The medieval period is a fascinating window into the true history of women and work."
"Arthur is made king of the Britons and an alliance is formed between his people and the Picts."
"Joey insists on learning to be a knight"
"Another must-see place in Wales is harle Castle and it is a medieval Masterpiece."
"Guilds are seen as so rich and influential that they need to have a say in Royal matters."
"So at last we can forget the Saxons and safely say that it was Hugo who built the castle here after fighting at the Battle of Hastings."
"The one thing that every medieval family was most concerned about was saving their souls."
"This is how Henry de Gres and his wife Isol would have entered their castle in the 13th century, across the moat, over a grand drawbridge, past the Porter's Lodge, and into the Great Hall."
"While a case can be made that the average medieval commoner wasn’t an accomplished globetrotter, many from the higher-ups of society frequently took on long journeys to distant lands, with some even bothering to write down their experiences."
"Religious zeal also played a key role in societies of the period, especially in ecclesiastical backdrops like the one Liutprand, who was infact a Bishop, came from."
"People are just watching them being like attached to these medieval machine devices and no one knows why he decided to include this in the book but it's there."
"There's a reason we're sitting here talking about the Templars and not the Teutonic Knights or the hospitals or any of these other military orders that existed at the same time as the Templars."
"The Templars exert a kind of hold our imagination that almost no other medieval organization can match."
"The idea of a radiant King amidst his noble knights at a round table, all of equal rank and honor, only the very best and bravest man may be seated here."
"Let's take these magical time mine carts back to the medieval layout which was honestly one of my favorite to put together."
"I'm very impressed this is the medieval Vibes are top-notch."
"Our discovery suggests that part of this medieval manor may even be older than the 15th century."
"This discovery is of major importance to our understanding of the medieval Hall."
"Rolo had just taken the ruer with frankia facing much instability."
"Rolo's establishment of Normandy marked a unique chapter in medieval history."
"Nothing in the medieval world was not decorated."
"One of the key parts of a medieval manor was the Gatehouse entrance with perhaps a moat and drawbridge."
"Rouge is the most well-preserved medieval town in the whole of Belgium."
"I feel like I'm actually on a set of a medieval feature film or something."
"Immerse yourself in its Rich history and experience the Splendor of medieval grandeur."
"The templars were effectively the French royal treasury."
"No medieval institution did more for the rise of capitalism than the Templars."
"Medieval cities were much busier and more social places than I'd perhaps thought before."
"The First Crusade proved to be one of the most momentous events in history."
"An age of warrior Kings of battles to the death against impossible odds."
"This will settle it. Jousting. The Green Knight is from the next castle."
"Every Castle is complete without a portcullis guarding the way in."
"The Armory was very much in keeping with the remainder of the castle. Something out of a medieval dream or nightmare."
"This must be the medieval banquet. Yes, it looks really tasty. It's all made of plastic."
"This period is the main historical setting for the legends of Robin Hood, closely associated with the reign of the crusading King Richard the Lionheart."
"Power is what you're ultimately trying to gain, and in the medieval world, there are only two ways of reaching that power: war and marriage."
"Filmmakers use the dark medieval filter so much that it became a meme and it's no exception for Netflix there's often no color and it's just shades of brown."
"The medieval town of Leicester was where the project focused."
"I love how Gothic the medieval setting plays into the story like how desolate and hopeless it feels and especially after reading the Golden Age AR 2 the characterization of guts is oh my God even that much more impactful."
"Coburg is a stunning medieval town that looks straight out of a fairy tale. The town's well-preserved medieval architecture, charming half-timbered houses, and winding streets are a testament to its rich history."
"Berkeley Castle has been described as an Enchanted Castle and is everything you imagine a medieval castle to be. It is spectacular."
"Can you see what I mean when I say this is like being in an Age of Empires game with all the medieval buildings and the snow?"
"This is going to give us the taste of authentic medieval Sussex."
"An homage to the romantic ideals of medieval chivalry."
"It's really rather bizarre walking down a trackway in the 21st century and coming across a bloke singing a medieval song."
"...you can feel like a medieval warrior while bashing the skulls of rotting corpses."
"Number 11: Eburg highlighted as Germany's medieval miracle."
"Even in the relationship within the knight and his squire, there are intimations of a leveling of social classes here."
"Groom of the stool. It was a paid position to wipe the king or queen's bottom. It was actually considered a prestigious role."
"The visuals here are a strong nod to medieval crusade expeditions."
"German theater would be the best combination. Wow. Maybe medieval German, you know?"
"The medieval equivalent of a high-rolling startup co-founder."
"The greatest strength to the films, besides production design and set design and acting and the cast and everything, is Chris Columbus really created this really great like medieval aesthetic and kind of a classic film aesthetic."
"The difference between a high medieval and a late medieval knight is simply the degree of complexity of that person's equipment."
"It's a Rosetta Stone for medieval Christianity and the ways that they interacted both with this much older, weirder Christian and Jewish tradition inheritance that they'd inherited."
"...romantic medieval Town...one of Portugal's most well-preserved medieval towns."
"...obidos is a romantic medieval Town protected by an impressive ston wall."
"The Green Knight comes into the Hall they're all having a big Feast King Arthur's there he's the king the other Knights are around King Arthur's wife gwynevere is there."
"Another really good medieval submission... I think it's a fabulous design."
"Pope Joan is a figure from Western medieval folklore, suggesting that a woman disguised as a man served as a pope for a brief period of time in the Middle Ages."
"Read about dancing in medieval manuscripts."
"Sword and sorcery is just your bread and butter. Your classic Arthurian swords are out there, your medieval tapasy."
"...there are no forks in the 10th Century...everyone carried a knife all the time..."
"I love the layout, it's got that medieval look."
"Why are all these young writers turning towards the medieval to set their fiction in?"
"The medieval babes have been quick to claim their girl power credentials."
"Perhaps the pinnacle of medieval military architecture."
"For those of us that are medieval romantics or fantasy reenactors instead of trying to copy a specific medieval look try copying the grooming methods that were used in the medieval period instead."
"Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, is another stunning medieval capital."
"Medieval Europe is one of the most fascinating periods in all of history."
"You've won tickets to Medieval Times, inspired by an 11th-century feast and tournament. Guests are served a four-course medieval feast as they watch knights joust and display tests of skill. All that and a bucket of slime."
"I love how you're greeted with the old school medieval chandeliers here."
"A pair of fearsome medieval giants."
"Cheers to our new sign, medieval vibes."
"So here we are: Medieval Gingerbread."
"Making you a squire seems to be theirs."
"...those who could afford it wore chain mail suits, steel helmets, and knee and shoulder armor pieces."
"Medieval concept of Fortune's Wheel: Fate is sealed, unpredictable."
"The Holy Roman Empire: medieval Europe's Frankenstein monster."
"A visit to The Cloisters, as you've seen, affords a unique experience of the medieval world in modern-day New York."
"This is very much a portal that exists in the medieval concept of time and gives you the sense of time past, present, and future."
"Archaeologists in Norway have discovered two very rare sets of medieval runes."
"Probably the most important kind of painting in the Dark Ages is what we call illuminated manuscripts."
"The history of London's curious shops goes back to the middle ages and open-air markets."
"The 1800s architecture looks similar to a medieval castle and has portals."
"The driving force of the expanding medieval Islamic empire was trade."
"Would you prefer someone to get medieval on your ass or get 21st century on your ass? I'd take my chances with a trebuchet over a drone strike any day of the week."
"They leave us in our castles, they go from town to town, looting and burning, killing every man who can't hide behind a stone wall."
"For every knight that loved chivalry and would his thanks have a passant name had prayed that he might be of that game."
"Were it in England or elsewhere, they would their thanks willingly to be there, to fight for a lady's seat."
"The lever you see on the left is used to either engage or disengage the portcullis."
"What an absolutely brilliant solution to a really challenging problem in the Middle Ages."
"Some of the greatest battles in the Hundred Years War."
"The day goes to Right Lord Adeline."
"A castle fit for royalty, complete with a grand dining hall and majestic bedrooms."
"He was one of the best independent researchers of early medieval Latin text there ever was."
"This encounter, which has come to be known as the Battle of Raichur, is the perfect embodiment of the chaos and violence of a medieval battle."
"So there we have it, the Bayeux Tapestry explained."
"You know, I would love to live in medieval times."
"There's even an awesome crucible sword added later in the game for a medieval hack and slash feel."
"Indeed a genuine piece of medieval headwear."
"My ideal, gosh I'm trying to think, I love medieval pieces and period pieces so anything like that I think would be so much fun."
"Henry II ruled for 35 years from 1154 to 1189. Quite a long reign for a medieval king."
"The territories that he ruled, that he and his sons ruled, is sometimes called the Angevin Empire."
"The Paladin is basically and of and the commander during the medieval times and they basically live by the chivalry code and their purpose is just to protect and provide others to help other people"
"This is a splendid 11th century example of the Gospels being brought together, magnificently illustrated for the benefit of a private owner."
"The 1848 version is a kind of unselfconscious... romance subscribing to certain medieval ideas about women."
"We have lots of medieval chronicles recording the flooding of the island."
"The East End was complete by 1177."
"This is the old town; this actual area is actually walled off, it's over a thousand years old."
"Nearly a thousand years later, this is the last remaining part of the castle, the Great Hall, which was built by King Henry III who was actually born here in the 13th century."
"Inside the hall, you'll find a 13th-century round table which has a deep connection with the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table."
"Winchester's High Cross or buttercross for the dairy markets that were situated around it, this beautiful landmark is one of the best preserved medieval market crosses in England."
"Winchester Cathedral is also the longest medieval cathedral in all of Europe and the sixth largest in the UK today."
"The structure is carved from alabaster, a soft yet compact stone with a translucent glow favored by sculptors working in Spain at the end of the Middle Ages."
"She was really very much cut out to be a late medieval queen."
"These walls make it one of the most impress reable strongholds in the Kingdom."
"It's a really good book if you're interested in particularly medieval painting techniques."
"It's such a fascinating process; it must have been so amazing for the medieval mind to see these types of things working the way that they do."
"I like getting a scroll from a man on a horse."
"With all three Knights of the Round Table defeated, we can now properly dispatch the king."
"The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch."
"Thea gave Kadaru the title of knight."
"The Gion stands out with this really interesting medieval knight design."
"The Borgund Stave Church is right out of a medieval Norse fantasy."
"Give me leave to go north with a company of mounted men, I'll have the merchants and landowners fill your coffers or their coffins."
"He grew under Heaven, prospered in honors until every last one of the bordering nations beyond the whale road had to heed him, pay him tribute. He was a good king."
"It's an incredible piece of feminist medieval historical fiction."
"I love all things medieval and chateau."
"Arthur was known as the greatest swordsman in the entire land."
"A fantasy world inspired by medieval India."
"Picture-perfect Bruges' medieval streets are dreamy to explore."
"The castle began construction in 1072 under the orders of William the Conqueror."
"In the medieval era, buildings stood on the bridge while the river crossing was guarded by an imposing gate."
"In the name of King Robert and the good lords you serve, I call upon you to seize him and help me return him to Winterfell to await the King's justice."
"...the medieval mind, they cared passionately about the truth, but their sense of evidence was different from ours."
"Medieval jugs to me, English medieval jugs, are the ultimate in jugs."
"This is a blade which is as broad and as cut-worthy as pretty much some types of medieval arming sword."
"I love horizontal center grip kite shields; this is my favorite."
"Greetings, I am Shad, and I am here at the Abbey Medieval Festival."
"They're amazing animals, and like I said, they genuinely have that medieval look to it."
"One can only imagine all the weird intrigue, feuds, and unfortunate accidents that may have happened all across medieval Europe."
"Imagine a medieval SAS, Navy SEALs, with a dash of CIA."
"The invention of tracery... made everything that was built before 1250 look old-fashioned overnight."
"Medieval riding assumes that you don't need to turn the horse's head in order to shape your horse or steer your horse; you ride your horse more from your legs and seat."
"The York City walls often considered some of the finest medieval walls in England."
"It's a testament to those medieval engineers that it hasn't suffered that much."
"I love seeing a man with a sword just booking it."
"I love those big shields. I like the whole knight motif."
"That's the largest remaining medieval barriers from the 12th century."
"I love it. I mean, we gotta say this is Medieval."
"Once upon a time knights legitimately fought in battles against other knights with swords and shields."
"The skeletal remains of a medieval priest who died 700 years ago have provided archaeologists with an intriguing mystery."
"So many people have an interest in medieval stuff: culture, swords, castles, and all those things."
"You knocked a guy off his horse at a tournament and you took everything."
"Brandon on behalf of shy Ned spoke with Ashara, securing a dance for his star-struck brother."
"The remains of an amazing medieval mummy bundled tightly in a cocoon of birch bark and buried in a pit filled with ice and copper was just found yet again in the melting permafrost of Siberia."
"For the love of his damsel and glory of his King, fought in mighty tournament."
"It's one of those iconic castles, you know, like the ones you see in medieval movies."