
Magical Quotes

There are 451 quotes

"The basic conception of communication is to note that we might take an idea from our minds and be able to put that same idea in somebody else's mind, literally create shared understanding. That's pretty magical to me."
"The Literature Club is a wonderful, magical place; you'll never want to leave."
"It feels like you're watching...cinematically magical."
"We rather see each other for the first time down the aisle...it's magical."
"It was just something magical that happened."
"There's absolutely something about hearing Spanish sung in that manner, there definitely is something magical and romantic about it."
"I highly recommend it for anyone who wants something kind of spooky but also wants a magical feel."
"It's atmospheric, full of murder, full of magic."
"I adore this book... it is so magical and so fantastic and beautiful and I adore it."
"Also, evil grandma just pulled a cruciatus curse on him after doing basically nothing."
"Every moment I spend with you feels like magic."
"It was whimsical, magical, and everything I wanted... it was just so nice to be back in Wonderland."
"Now, as they glow golden, they represent a magical gateway to another world."
"Kim Joy's Magic Bakery: bake treats for peckish patrons in a magical forest."
"Words are in my not so humble opinion our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it." - Hermione's notebook quote.
"I couldn't help but think that there's a certain kind of magic that only comes at that perfect intersection of Art and Science."
"It was magical, it was special, it was unique, it was an event."
"It felt magical and it felt like it was coming at the perfect time, especially stepping into the finale."
"Words have their own tremendous magic power."
"Let's go, so here we are in my magical room."
"They feel like you're magical like you're just full of magic full of surprises."
"It's really got this whole magical, very strange feel about it."
"Where and when it works it is Curative and magical."
"Sharing my thoughts and feelings with others seems kind of magical to me. Oh, and who knows, maybe one day I'll stumble upon something truly priceless: real love."
"This love is magical, this love is such a beauty."
"There's something magical about just a sense of mystery and discovery."
"Wyatt Family: magical, one of my favorite factions of all time."
"Wizard with a Gun is an upcoming online solo or up to four player cooperative sandbox survival game set in a magical wilderness."
"Back to the Future, there's something magic about that movie."
"The merging of two unique universes is a rare occurrence, but when the unlikely stars of Disney and Square Enix aligned, the event produced something magical that's captured the hearts of millions."
"Literally, I walk around all day with a lump in my throat. It's magical. It's unbelievable. I cannot deal with how magical places."
"Shantae's universe feels magical and mysterious..."
"This is a journey you can't kind of explain and you just have to do this all the time, this, it's just magical."
"You're unlocking your prosperity, that abundance is moving towards you; there's alchemy here, it's like magic."
"You hop on a bike like this and you just know... there's something magical happens."
"Shang Tsung: This game's gonna need a sorcerer, so why not old faithful Shang Tsung?"
"I'mma make you run off the bed, yeah, I'mma make it levitate like the illar, they're gonna call me David blame anytime."
"It was unlike anything we'd ever seen before, this was like a unicorn, it was absolutely [ __ ] magical."
"This connection is very magical, they really want to make it work."
"Your energy is so magical, you know, and very, very intuitive."
"My theme is queen of the undead with a little magic."
"Love is magical. Love is the magician that pulls man out of his own hat."
"This is a dreamy, magical, wonderful time for you to connect one-on-one in relationship."
"This Tickle Monster just has the innate ability to make anyone happy."
"You feel like home, and everything you touch grows. You have a very magical energy about you."
"This entire thing feels really quite magical."
"They don't actually flap, it's more like a sort of magic or technology."
"We're in the jungle, we're the only ones here and it is like so magical."
"Hello friends, wizards, witches, and bubbles, welcome back to my channel."
"It actually made it feel a little bit more magical."
"This might be one of my favorite pins that Whistling Trunk have come out with."
"Can you see how magical that looks? Oh my God, that's so magical."
"This is still an absolutely magical car to drive."
"That entire experience was pretty magical."
"That first kiss feels magical, feels like... a bit Disney."
"We are here at the Lonely Broomstick in Scotland, which is a very magical and whimsical shop."
"One thing I really like about JM Nelson's stories is they all have this magical sense to them."
"His other stories, like 'The Catacombs' and 'In the Court of the Stag King,' they all have this just magical feel to them."
"I've just had a brilliant day out... it always brings me back that these Estates have these wonderful magical historical homes that visitors want to come and see."
"They feel like this is a magical connection."
"They see you as a unicorn, you're magical."
"I never expected this night to be so magical. I will remember this moment forever."
"He tells his friends that you bring in so much happiness, it feels almost like he is in some kind of magical world."
"It's the most beautiful magical whimsical thing I have ever seen."
"She meandered through a stunning, magical stretch of forest."
"This movie is absolutely magical. It is everything I wanted out of a Mario movie."
"I just absolutely love these next four months I feel like they are the most magical."
"The farther down they sank, the more magical the ocean seemed to become."
"There's something really magical about putting together a song and being able to play it."
"It feels fun to read a magical magazine that you could pretend is from The Wizarding World."
"This is one of the most magical boxes I've ever tried. I can't recommend it enough."
"It's like they saw you with this very pure light, like this very feminine, in touch with inner child magical energy."
"Walking through town evokes a magical old world feel just like stepping back in time."
"There are properties that you come across that feel unreal. They feel like a photograph straight out of a magical storybook."
"This kind of magical space... with the illusion of stars."
"...when something special and magical and mystical happens that is not causal, it's reassuring, it's a gift."
"It truly was a magical experience."
"I just think it's magical and fabulous."
"This seems very enchanted, right?"
"We’ve had a magical day at Magic Kingdom."
"That event happened. So, you know, wasn't perfect by no means, but I always say like that was the most magical event I've ever done."
"The most magical incredible night."
"I'm constantly inspired and enchanted by winter and its magical power to transform and illuminate our lives with these celebrations full of love and light."
"it's so magical but I'm going to tell you anyway because I just think it's so magical"
"People almost have their jaw dropped for you because you seem so interesting. Your world seems so magical."
"That was the most magical time that we ever had."
"The ships are completely immaculately maintained, the staff are incredibly friendly and helpful and the overall experience is really nothing short of magical."
"This place is just magical, really, really magical."
"Among those magical creatures, there was a mermaid possessing a wonderfully beautiful iridescent tail, living in the river."
"It was magical, like I had wandered into an enchanted forest."
"Never again would Fate feel so whimsical, so grand, so magical."
"Montana: where every moment feels magical."
"An unforgettable end to a magical day at Magic Kingdom."
"I wanted to give you the most magical blush that I could."
"I think these concealers are absolutely magical."
"This is magical. This is the best thing I've ever seen."
"Your person's constantly thinking and being connected to these high realms. It feels like this magical fairy tale kind of connection."
"It's gonna feel very, very angelic, it's gonna feel a little bit like magical, angelic, your Spirit guides are here."
"Those magical takes transcend everything."
"You could hear a pin drop. It was just magical."
"They feel like you are very magical and inspirational."
"It felt like one of those magical days where everything you try comes off."
"In the end, it was about three incredibly magical days."
"En Kanto is a magical film with some of Disney's best songs to date. The characters are top-notch and without a doubt a top-tier Disney movie."
"It was just absolutely perfect. It was people that we loved, and it was full of love, and it was really magical and really special and very us."
"It's the Warhammer world's equivalent of uranium. A highly radioactive but magical substance."
"Magical lights enveloped him and upon opening his eyes, he gets bewildered by what he sees."
"It was such a fairy tale, like it's such a magical story."
"I truly hope you guys are getting a little bit of a sense of how magical this really is honestly to have an orchard like this is genuinely a dream come true."
"The boat ride was incredible and our driver was the sweetest. But I think the best words I can think of are relaxing, breathtaking, and magical."
"Could something magical happen like 17-year-old So Jung Kwon from South Korea?"
"Wow, that is magical. I cannot believe I'm here right now."
"It just feels so Whimsical and magical to me."
"This thing just sounds so magical."
"there's something magical about finding a chance the right combination of people for a specific band"
"A hummingbird flew and floated in front of us for like 10 full seconds and it was magical."
"This has been absolutely magmotional."
"It was a complete magical moment."
"Honestly, this was my favorite experience of the whole day. It feels like legitimately magical in here."
"It's like the most magical thing ever."
"That [__] possesses magical powers man."
"It feels like the most magical place on Earth."
"Nimar gives them all tattoos on their wrist that will glow when he needs their help."
"It was absolutely magical. The area was breathtaking. She did great work. I would fully recommend getting a massage here. It was one of the best spa treatments I've actually ever had."
"The best S fantasy story that I've ever read, the writing is just magical."
"This was a 10 out of 10 ride. I'm going to come back with my children, it's going to be so freaking magical."
"I got to tell you, spending two or three hours in the company of a pride of leopards like this is just magical."
"Wow I can't believe you know this just happened and now I've got two outs in the night only Yankee Stadium did something this magical this unbelievable take place."
"Oh my God, today has been genuinely magical. Absolutely magical."
"Something about this time of year, something about being up at our lake house, is just magical."
"...that was honestly such a magical, spiritual, rewarding experience I can't even put into words how incredible that felt."
"It was just magical, absolutely magical."
"The illustrations that Pucky does are just so magical and special."
"It was the most magical experience I have ever had reading a book."
"Such a magical day for me and it was fun to just talk about the history of the parks. Our past can cross, now our past crying across all the time but I was there at the haunted 50th and at the end of watching world 50 they're both magical nights."
"It was so magical it's so wonderful."
"It's quite a slow read this book but it's really magical."
"There's just something magical about rocking into a shop and knowing that you could dig something up that you've never heard before and go home learning something new."
"Could he just keep this magical role going? By the way, he won this race a year ago. He is the only driver in the history of the sport to win the Rolex 24 and the Indianapolis 500 in the same year. Could he back it up again?"
"Winter swirl is the most magical time of year."
"I think the kitchen is magical I think so too honestly when I first came in here I was like this is a lot of wood I love it I love it."
"It was magical, better than I ever dreamed."
"It was magical." - "It was magical."
"There's something magical about operating in the middle of the night."
"It was glorious, utterly magical. Just utterly spine-tingling."
"The first thing that came through was almost like an explosion of color and magic and light, almost like a really colorful firework."
"The parade was wonderful as always. It is amazing to watch it right in front of the castle."
"I love the hoedown another this day is all full of magical moments."
"The mundane versus the magical world."
"Mary Adney it has definitely a very vintage almost magical sound to it."
"The meeting was very serendipitous, like magical, not of this world."
"It never stops. It's weird, it's magical, it's strange and mysterious."
"The santa cruz chameleon aluminum frame is magical and it rides as well as any steel frame that I've ridden it's pretty special."
"You're someone that's just so easy to love, so magical and vivacious."
"...revered and respected by locals who believed it had mysterious, unexplainable, and even magical properties."
"They would tell you that you're very magical. You're also someone who's very healing. They also feel like you're someone that goes after the things that you want and that's part of what draws them to you and makes you so attractive to them."
"Just the way they express their love for each other. Its all feels so magical but real."
"it's really just been absolutely magical"
"That's what just happened to him, it's magical."
"Magical to put up tree alone, appreciate the moment."
"It's just amazing it's like it's your own little paradise here or better yet it's like your own ever after."
"It was just the whole day was just magical. I can't even explain it."
"This is so magical, like at this point I'm sitting there and I'm just like, 'Ah, this is so beautiful that I get to witness this moment.'"
"How magical that I've been able to stay on this journey."
"These forests felt magical, impossible, surreal, like the sight of a single violet growing in the middle of autumn."
"I would pay the same price over and over again to do the wedding because it was magical."
"It feels magical. It feels like something that comes from... a Sci-Fi novel."
"It was just magical and it was everything I had dreamed it would be."
"That was actually very magical, even though it was like foggy and cold a little bit."
"Just made our first dance so magical and special... I'll just remember that forever."
"There was something magical about that."
"This is just my preferred method. I feel like it's kind of fun and magical."
"Winning the league is not something I've experienced and it's just something that's just magical."
"...magical whimsical book to read during fall."
"It's the perfect book if you want to feel like you're sucked into this magical whimsical world."
"It's that moment that makes it, I hate to use this term, don't get mad at me, people: magical. It's magical, like it's amazing."
"It was a ceremony that John would later refer to as a magical affair."
"Have a beautiful, magical, wonderful day."
"This person thinks that you are magical."
"There's something to be said for both, truly magical views."
"Just a little strip of Wonka's magic chewing gum, and that's all you'll ever need at breakfast, lunch, and supper."
"It's so good, the croissant with the egg and the bacon, it is, it's magical."
"Until next time, have an absolutely magical day."
"It's a pretty magical journey and I do have to kind of reflect on it."
"That's what makes this fashion so magical: wearing artwork on your body, like wearing art on your body."
"Join Strange World's Magical Travel Society and explore other worlds."
"It's about like a bunch of magical creatures and stuff."
"We were all thrown into this magical mystical place called the Pacific Northwest in Seattle, and filming... just look at that beautiful everything was."
"What exactly was that about the cat's eye necklace was believed to have magical powers."
"It's a bittersweet morning, it's goodbye to Cape Town, which is always a sad day because Cape Town is truly magical."
"It was magical, okay, I think, actually they had like real butterflies in there."
"I feel like I've just walked into a magical tropical beach paradise."
"Master, that is an embarrassing sentiment. I am still a powerful magical creature."
"The opal inside her cloak repelled the bullet."
"Goodbye castle and magical Main Street, I'll see all of you tomorrow. Good night."
"It's almost like Disney created this experience."
"I enjoyed it, like I said, it felt very whimsical, very magical."
"There's just something purely magical about this and the first king snake of the spring."
"Well, we are here today at the most magical Goodwill in all the land."
"It's a very magical, enchanted kind of vibe; it's fairy tale-like but at the same time there's all these breakup songs."