
Interviews Quotes

There are 684 quotes

"Buddha at the gas pump is an ongoing series of interviews with spiritually awakening people."
"There's a lot of like comicalness where people say that, you know, the tech industry is the only industry where the interview is the hardest part of the job and then after that, it's like way easier."
"Your resume might get you to the first interview, but who you are comes out in the interview."
"If you have a really strong resume, you can send it out to a handful of jobs and get a good number of interview calls back."
"This week, we're bringing you interviews from some of the world's greatest minds to offer tools for us to navigate through and thrive in these really uncertain times."
"There are interviews that are given as a gift, and this is one for me."
"You might have seen him on the news getting interviewed by a news person lady, or you might have seen him in a little holding room being interviewed by an investigator. Those videos always go viral."
"Imagine like you're doing something with a Trump or a... you got a big interview coming out, you want the intro to be perfect."
"Learn something or laugh, that's the goal of an interview."
"Hope you guys are really excited about this interview. I really enjoyed it, and I think you will as well."
"I am really excited, genuinely excited about the person I'm about to interview."
"The point of the interview was for Pete to open up about his personal life."
"I really enjoy being a part of this journey and all the people that I met, the remarkable people that I met and interviewed. And by now, for me, this is my next chapter in life."
"Good table manners are proof of your social skills and because of that, they are often part of an interview process."
"Interviews like this are a way for me to gain a sense of power over myself through self-knowledge."
"Relax and be yourself. Good luck with any interviews that you have."
"Tucker Carlson gets revenge on Fox announces his show on X and goes on to publish some of the biggest interviews in human history."
"What if we could interview those who fled to America from communist regimes?"
"Interviews should be the highlight. So many times I watch and it's like, when's this interview gonna end?"
"That was one of my favorite interviews I've ever had."
"We will be back next week with more interviews, more direct messages, more craziness before the election. And I'll see you then. Bye!"
"Let's say they have something... in JavaScript, you do well in half of the LeetCode questions, you're more prepared for coding interviews."
"I've had an opportunity to interview a lot of people."
"One of the things that I like to use these interviews for is spreading education."
"There's many interviews you can look, he's like I think it's a double standard, women should be able to do whatever they want just like men."
"I'm interviewing one of the leads at Obsidian tomorrow. I'm gonna ask him about how they got this because they, they nail it."
"It's special to me to come on and get to chat to him like this, it's big deal."
"I'm gonna say you're like the Oprah of YouTube with interviews, everybody gets like..."
"It's funny that you bring up that interview because, uh, I think that is the first and last time that I'll probably be asked to interview Susan Wojcicki."
"Interviews go Q&A, Q&A, and that's not what I want to do here."
"Chris Wallace somehow ended up on the Stephen Colbert show last night, it didn't go great for Stephen Colbert."
"Maybe it's not the case for them but like in any of the people that you've interviewed did it sort of like give them or sort of like change the trajectory of their lives?"
"The start of Jesse's own demise was his interview with Robin Roberts."
"I interviewed Triple H, the wrestler, good [__], just brought him up too."
"Trust me, an interview panel can tell when you are not being authentic and I promise the best way to impress an interview panel is just by being yourself."
"Media interactions are deeper than ever with tunnel and training ground interviews."
"Chris Cuomo is actually a perfect guest. You put him on there and you're at least going to get some different opinions."
"I think that's a legendary game interview. He was so open with everything you ask."
"You've got an official interview with Eric Ten Hag and we always want more. That's what we should always want more."
"It's why he still does interviews with Maggie Haberman over at the New York Times."
"James Lipton had interviewed over 300 actors about their careers, training, and overall their life."
"Tonight's interview on Kara's channel is going to be a game changer in the world of astrology."
"My interviews are classics. You can't come on these interviews. You know, you can't be attached to me ever."
"Jessica, good. I'm a little nervous. You're never on camera. I know, I don't like being on camera. This is your first interview of any kind."
"Almost everything Ian covered in these interviews was good."
"It's like watching a macho man randy savage interview like you know what you're going to get but damn entertaining it doesn't matter."
"Lean into that, be proud of it, and be proud enough to put it on your resume and speak to it in an interview."
"Ultimately go on to do those incredible interviews."
"I also want to thank the amazing guests I have been so privileged to interview."
"Your words are so important, especially in interviews or presentations."
"I like interviews that are live or ones that I've do a written statement."
"Show humility and confidence in interviews; be authentic."
"I'm skipping them, I don't like the way that's done, I don't care if it helps me out, I'm not doing draft interviews."
"You have this extraordinary capacity to get these powerful people to expose themselves."
"You got a great backdrop for us to interview you."
"Nobody does it like Third Phase of Moon, speaking to people from around the world, telling their stories. Quite amazing."
"I've told you before it's a pleasure to be interviewed by you sometimes I in the course of an interview spend the whole interview trying to make the interviewer seem not so stupid."
"For the last week of 2020 I wanted to look back on some of my favorite moments from the sit-down interviews this year."
"An interview is not just an audition. It is a negotiation between two parties who are trying to figure out if they can work well together."
"Every interview was memorable, and it didn't take long for Nardwuar's name to be muttered amongst high-profile celebrities."
"But don't walk into an interview saying I'm a fan, no champ, oh dig his belt!"
"This is the end of the interview and this is the formal ending. Thank you for watching."
"The Joe Biden interview was one of the best moments of my life."
"I saw him earlier, he was out here at the studio, and he sat down with SimGuru Lindsay to talk a little bit about the future of the Sims."
"Understanding every pattern that you could potentially be asked."
"If you have not watched the lemonade CEO interview yet, it is so worth watching."
"I get that this interview was like Vegas and also we cannot confirm or deny whether or not this is truthfully how she eats every single day."
"These will be days that our kids and grandkids will interview us about."
"Wildstar product director Mike Donatelli when interviewed on Forbes said the primary reason for the change was the MMO market shifting to a free-to-play model overall"
"Be truthful throughout the entire interview process. Don't lie, don't mislead, don't exaggerate. Be truthful."
"Be humble. If there's something that you don't know, don't try to fake it."
"Be clear about what you want. Be crystal clear about what this job is going to do for you."
"Give crystal-clear on-point answers to everything. Minimize your babbling."
"Identify and minimize self-sabotage. Figure out what scares you the most about this position and isolate that threat."
"We're kind of done with the studio type interview."
"About an eighth of your questions have been about Guy Fieri."
"I think masked interviews should be the way then there's no discrimination."
"Welcome to the Nick and Matt show, bringing the player interviews you want to hear and the hot topics you want to discuss."
"Back-to-back interviews, I don't know where you're going to be in 10 years but I know you're going to be huge." - Aaron Arnold
"Your last two interviews kind of blew some people away. You provided some very powerful revelations."
"I have never granted a single interview except for my brother right here no way one interview and that's it and I'm probably not going to do any more unless I come back down here and I do it with you so I appreciate that."
"You're the best when you go into those interviews."
"Transcripts of all three interviews of Brownlow, Hall, and Boom."
"I did Mike Wallace and Barbara Walters back when I was the two biggest people in the world interviewing people. I did them. So I'm like, yeah, whatever. Like, who the [__] are you?"
"I know I've done a lot of interviews, it is one of the most enjoyable interviews I've ever done."
"So I'm hoping to share that with everyone with the interviews and the content I'm doing, with that out of the way, let's get into the predictions."
"When I do interviews, I know you're supposed to promote yourself, but I just like to try to be funny."
"It's very strange feeling to be interviewed by someone who wants to hurt you."
"If you interview any successful person on planet earth, they believed in themselves more than anybody else."
"I traveled to 17 different countries and interviewed hundreds and hundreds of people... all of a sudden I got better."
"I'm showing through 70 interviews I've done with people who've had these clinical death experiences all over the globe that they are seeing and experiencing the god of scripture."
"Use AI for interview training if you have any kind of interview coming up."
"I always enjoy listening to her interviews because I feel like you're very honest with your assessment of yourself."
"You are in control of this interview."
"We specialize in doing deep dive conversations with filmmakers that we adore."
"Politicians are terrible guests. They're just very talking pointy."
"For interviews, you want softer light on your subject's face, and you want to get that soft light nice and close."
"There are these five magic words that you can say at the end of a job interview and it will compel your interviewer to offer you the job on the spot."
"I am talking to the legends in Bitcoin about their backstories, career paths, and why they believe in BTC."
"I don't treat these always as interviews. I like to document a conversation."
"I just dislike content that is heavily edited and like interviews that are like five minutes long."
"Being transparent in interviews and showcasing your skills are important"
"One more question Elder, then we're gonna let Brother Raw go and take care of his business."
"There's definitely value in doing mock interviews just to get under pressure because you could sit there and do I'm sure I mean I'm sure it'll help do lead codes all day."
"They found all spoke Korean pretty well. Amazing. And she asked them, she said, 'Can I interview you?' She did interviews. The common denominator: they were readers in Korean."
"You're definitely one of the best talkers. A lot of the biggest names in the Chicago drill scene are not exactly the best interviews."
"Remember every investor meeting you take is as much about them interviewing you as you interviewing them."
"I feel like you'd have something like that, like a Jennifer Lawrence when she'd just be really funny in interviews and she just had that, you know, vibe to her."
"The best content I got from Charlamagne last year was The Loon interview."
"Together, we talk to the smartest people in the world so we can all become smarter."
"Welcome to Thoughtful Money, where I'm continuing my work of interviewing the top minds in money and the markets to help regular investors better build wealth."
"I have interviewed so many amazing people. Let one inspire you."
"We've interviewed many wrestlers here at Kfabe Commentaries and the one name that always seems to top that list when discussing people in the industry that they hate is also the name of the man that you voted number four most despised."
"Every single time when you write better code in an interview, you show that you are a better developer."
"I love all your interviews. Thanks to all you great Americans that protect and preserve our freedom at all costs."
"I've approached descendants of people who were in Spain both from the Lincoln Brigade of volunteers and this American couple who were with the anarchists."
"That sucks. But I know I also... I did see some interviews this weekend where he was talking about how like the process of being like his RoboCop sequel not getting off the ground or doing his Aliens five and whatever."
"It reminds me of my own Jane Street interviews back in the day which were also tons of fun to be honest. I was quite nervous leading up to them but my interviewers really put me at ease and made the process feel more like an exciting discussion than an interview."
"Watch any interviews or behind-the-scenes footage and you can see the love, care, and effort put into them on all fronts."
"That's the goal when we get back, man. We got the prize picks of the week, and then we got special nail and my dog Jayski coming up for the interview. Y'all stay tuned in."
"I really enjoyed diving deep into this topic and had so much fun with it. I even got the chance to pick the brains of Bill Oakley, he's of course the show runner for season seven and eight of The Simpsons."
"I wish somebody told me how much interviews suck."
"I didn't want to do no interviews because every time I did an interview it was always taken out of light everything that I said was taking out of context."
"Hey listen chat if if y'all know um you know I love with this platform that pretty much I could interview anybody in the world but it's great when I'm interviewing people who I genuinely like their music."
"You've been out there doing your thing, man. You got music mixtapes, seen you doing a few interviews, yeah, freestyles."
"Band of Brothers is rooted in historical realism, thanks to the very personal veteran interviews."
"I'm waiting for my GQ interview so I can just tell them, 'Oh, Twico.'"
"Try to understand, guys, coming to YouTube giving interviews is itself showing some good job daring, confidence."
"I've got some interviews and some deep dives on some great artists that I really, really love coming up."
"Welcome to the new generation of interview."
"Great, like these, like, and even the cast too, like I did interviews with Georgia and Sophie and um Chloe and one of the interviewers called me Public Enemy Number One."
"I've done some 10,000 interviews over the last say 10 years, and this is one of my favorite, Paul McCartney, because he takes the question and he goes with it."
"I think artists want unique and different ways of doing press. It doesn't have to be a serious interview all the time."
"That's why all these big rappers don't do interviews, yeah, 'cause they know they could very easily look like a goofy and that could be the end of an Empire."
"You know every person that I've interviewed and I've interviewed everyone who's successful has this lust for curiosity."
"I want athletes to just have fun, be themselves, do something that they wouldn't originally do, 'cause I know interviewing could be a little hard, you know, so I want to show the fun side of athletes."
"I'm doing these interviews because I want to just spread a positive message."
"Anyone who I've interviewed on my platform, if they ever ask me to come on their platform, large or small, I'll always say yes."
"I've had the pleasure of interviewing and talking to a lot of people throughout my career, and it's been a long time since I've actually felt nervous to meet or talk to someone."
"A lot of whether it's college interviews, job interviews, whatever it might be, they're looking for people they think would be responsible citizens."
"I'm kind of nervous, I've only done a handful of interviews in my life."
"Buddha at the Gas Pump is an ongoing series of conversations with spiritually awakening people."
"I remember checking out his interviews and I for the first time I seen a sign of weakness."
"...before you start interviewing, you'll want to build a couple of hands-on projects."
"I'm not sure, you know, he didn't say that to me in person. I'm hoping we can have Bronson back, even though we've talked to him a bunch of times about sneakers, I'm always happy to talk to him."
"...I want to talk to a lot of people from a lot of different fields about self-determination and living a more clear controlled life."
"...I enjoy it and uh every interview I've done ever I learned something from it."
"We will also have a second version which we will be adding extra bonus material and extra interviews."
"Interviews sometimes you have to lie because you don't want to say your actual opinion."
"I'm just a synthesizer of this information; I've been so grateful for all of the guests that I've had the privilege of being able to sit down with."
"Let me ask you this, that's why I like to keep it. I like live interviews better, you know why? Because you can't cut the answer."
"We conducted about 300 original interviews for this book, all of them after Trump left office."
"The most interesting points of every single interview... were the moments of vulnerability."
"I just love to do these interviews and have these conversations because it gives a really diverse experience of all different people, different backgrounds, and how they responded to naltrexone and the Sinclair Method."
"I really struggle with live coding, I've personally failed interviews that, like, I definitely could have done if no one was watching me over my shoulder."
"If you have done your research right and you've done your interviews right and you've collected your material to tell the story, it's good, the quintessential aspect of that story is in the footage itself."
"Interviewing monsters and Bigfoot, coming to a streaming service near you!"
"Now, for our next segment, we want to talk to one of our favorite guests, Chantal Cohen."
"Wow, he's getting the interviews of all the up and coming people that are doing numbers. Bro, there's not any other Yeet interview out there that people reference all the time besides Hakeem."
"Week in a week out I try to give you guys the best possible conversations extended conversations with the best actors and filmmakers known to man."
"Interviewers are all human and giving off positive vibes goes a long way."
"Just jump into the deep end of the pool. Understand, if you keep giving the interviews... you'll realize you are ready or not."
"These failures are actually wonderful conversation points in interviews... they'll understand that we actually have hands-on experience."
"Real vision is the number one video on-demand channel for finance where the world's greatest investors provide full-length interviews and behind-the-scenes access."
"The writing is coming pretty well. The interviews that are going to form the basis of the book have been completed."
"I actually said years ago I really didn't like a lot of interviewers because I feel like they ask a lot of the same questions."
"Thousands of you and I mean thousands of you are passing your interviews at the first attempt."
"Different interviews of Ryan Gosling at different moments for this movie. Being in full character he is just a blast to watch be interviewed because he just loves every part of it."
"Interviews with interesting or authoritative figures within your niche can grow your audience and expose your channel to a brand new audience."
"Most of the people that interview you are those who believe in evolution."
"Just want to say to Chris Van Vleet, thank you for the best interviews and being the most likable guy in wrestling."
"I'm interviewing fighters, Kamaru, Leon Edwards, the whole thing, right?"
"This video will be uploaded to the Oliver Twixt YouTube channel where you can watch this video and I think 90 other chats I've done with past contestants, past judges, and even Tyra Banks herself."
"I think you do great interviews, you go over the goddamn line sometimes."
"I was the first foreigner who was allowed to interview."
"...you're gonna do like press junkets they're gonna be very serious they're gonna ask you about like who you are where you come from you know you know the fact that you're in a band and how is it doing a film and they're gonna hit on all those notes."
"CLI helps in technical interviews and in projects where GUI tools are not available."
"There are surprisingly many people interested in agriculture we already had people experiencing it since yesterday so the farmers may have more time to answer interviews than before."
"I wanted to demystify it so when you watch it you can be better prepared for your Apple interviews or any interviews in Tech for that matter."
"I'm fine with doing the remote Zoom interviews, but obviously, the real thing is so... is that a person, yeah."
"I want to highlight that this is quite a successful statistics. I got four interviews after 13 applications. I heard much, much worse stories from my colleagues."
"These interviews may not have the showmanship attached to one with a famed serial killer, but they do explore the down and dirty end of police work."
"I've been taking these interviews and turning them into fun little one-minute reels that have been going out across all of my social media pages."
"One of the questions I ask a lot in interviews nowadays: what are some traits in other people that you find difficult to get along with?"
"Let's do many, many more hundreds of interviews on Mormon Stories in the future."
"You know, 60 years in broadcasting, over 50,000 interviews..."
"Remember what we talked about with that Greta Gerwig interview and how she used multiple films to rebuke the idea that women are only meant for love?"
"An emotional night and the fights just as good as many of the interviews in the cage."
"Genuineness is a critical component of these interviews. You have got to show the person genuinely who you are, what you value, what you're into, what you get excited about."
"All right, that's it. I'm done. No more interviews. Period."
"Dude, yes, this is a scam. No company ever does interviews just by text."
"You can't believe how many people everybody I've interviewed has watched that video now I know it's got a lot of views it's 6 million 7 million I don't know how many views it's got It's got a lot of views."
"Don't be afraid to reach out if you've got questions on interviews."
"I have interviewed so many interesting and wonderful people on this show, let one inspire you."
"We look at tactics and things and we've got fun cool interviews coming as well."
"Now, occasionally, and this has happened to me, interviews will blow up, and people feel like, 'Yo, I should have gotten paid more for this interview or I should have gotten maybe a piece of your revenue or this, that, and the third.'"
"I just want you guys to follow the journey more sick interviews I think we got Dom corleo next week and then like a pretty mainstream rapper that we got for that I'm just excited."
"It's really cool to talk about culture in this way which does not happen in very many Paramore interviews."
"Incredible interviews with many, many, many spiritual teachers."