
Argument Quotes

There are 1015 quotes

"The fact that there's a problem there doesn't mean that you get to smuggle that problem into your argument for God and claim victory."
"The Bible says in Proverbs 18:17, 'The man who pleads his case first seems to be in the right until his opponent comes and puts him to the test.'"
"Never spend your time living in harmony; you must argue with the first stranger you see for at least 3 hours."
"If you only know your side of the argument, then you don't know much."
"The problem of evil is easily the greatest argument against the existence of a god."
"Arguing on Twitter or YouTube comments is the biggest waste of time in the world."
"Possible evidence doesn't prove anything, and you being convinced there's possible evidence doesn't even prove that there is possible evidence, let alone evidence."
"Trying to win an argument with a smart person is difficult; trying to win an argument with an idiot is impossible."
"I remember the lady told me... 'Are you arguing to see who's right, or are you arguing for what's right?'"
"Honestly, if someone tries to be like, 'This is dumb,' and you say, 'They went to Harvard,' like, what are they gonna do?"
"Not trying to confirm your own views but actually trying to challenge yourself to think about the fact that maybe your opponent in an argument has something of value to teach you."
"Hey Sam, I know that big argument just happened, and you don't really want to talk to me, but what's your soulmate color?"
"If you win an argument, you think, well, I'm right because I won the argument. That's not going to go very far in your marriage."
"Her response was solid, and he has no rebuttal to like 99% of what she says."
"If somebody wins an argument against you... it means they probably had better logic, and I have to go reevaluate what I believe."
"The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not be victory, but progress."
"The building is proof there's a builder, the painting is proof of a painter, and creation is proof of a Creator."
"I am arguing that these explanations do not meet the burden of proof based on the material evidence."
"Try to find the best arguments on either side and really see how they stack up."
"If you can learn how to argue properly, you can feel that nothing is hidden from you. In principle, it's always possible to tease out the arguments and to evaluate them."
"Arguments are what takes us from where we are to where we want to be, or sometimes where we don't want to be."
"Sometimes, you're so deep in the mire of wanting to be right that you forget it's not about what's right; it's about who's right."
"You realize what you're arguing for here is literally just victim blaming, right?"
"Okay, so my response to that is that your argument presupposes that women don't have the intelligence to figure it out."
"It's better to lose an argument than to lose a soul."
"No, it doesn't have network troubles, a piece of [__] paper. Thank you, I rest my case."
"No puppet, no puppet, you're the puppet! I'm rubber, you're glue."
"There is a very strong argument for deflation."
"It's a far stretch to argue that Mr. Doson was impaired."
"Arguments they've been around since Adam first told Eve to trust Luna because he was going to buy the dick on the internet. They're a bit feistier, I've."
"That's not reasonable, that's not rational, that's not evidence, and that's not an argument, that's just your opinion, dude."
"Dear pessimist and optimist, while you guys are arguing about whether the glass is half-full or half-empty, the opportunist is getting themselves some shameless points."
"Never argue with a fool because the people watching won't know the difference between you."
"I win my arguments because I always have the truth on my side."
"An argument is won or lost by logic, not rhetoric. Benedict said truth is not determined by a majority vote."
"All the evidence is there and it's kind of hard to argue against it."
"Satire is a word that has a meaning, and the meaning of satire is that it is a form of argument."
"We need the other side of the argument." - Colin
"Label your opponent as a Nazi or racist if you can't defeat their argument with real truth and logic."
"If you have to appeal to Hitler or Nazis, you automatically lost the argument. The main reason being the Nazis are a joke."
"The best argument you'll ever make is the way you live your life."
"At the end of the day, it's my body... that's not an argument."
"Just because he won the debate doesn't mean he also won the argument."
"It writes off the idea that makes the members of the opposite sex, those two things are just not logically connected."
"When you meet a crazy person, do not argue with them. You've gained nothing. You will not change their opinion, and you will have lost the chance to hear their whole crazy argument."
"I love Stitch Fix because they know what you're gonna like."
"After what seemed like a couple minutes of arguing, Chris started yelling."
"You're constantly trying to discredit me instead of responding to the points I'm making."
"If you claim that God exists, you have a burden of proof."
"You're half right and that's much more dangerous than being entirely wrong."
"You arguing with yourself, you're arguing with yourself, are you me?"
"The failure of theism to explain the fine-tuning of the universe is paradigmatic."
"If your response to an argument is to ignore it and then to attack the character of the person saying it, then you aren't making an argument, you're activating the airlock and sucking all of the nuance and intelligence out of the room."
"I don't need to win every single argument, just the ones that really matter."
"Never argue with an idiot because if you argue with an idiot, it's not two idiots."
"You're so eager to tell me I'm wrong, I wasn't even wrong that time!"
"All of those trains of thought are easy to fabricate because of how vague it all is; however, this is not vague, this is almost painfully specific."
"A valid and logical argument requires you to develop a thought beyond the one simple shallow slogan."
"You could make the argument that you were defrauded, right?"
"Hank, you just don't have a leg to stand on here."
"If they try and argue with you, you can ask them what is the first line of the police caution."
"He doesn't have any decent argument as to why he should stay in post."
"The argument from incredulity is a logical fallacy."
"So why do they even speak then if they're right then shut up."
"Destiny, just admit defeat that you're wrong, you're wrong in the law and you're wrong in practice."
"When someone is speaking over you, sometimes it's because they know that they will not win this argument."
"It's not an either-or thing, it's a false dichotomy."
"Arguing with an idiot is like trying to play chess with a pigeon."
"Let's call it 95, just for the sake of argument."
"That is the stupidest argument I've ever heard."
"Do you think it would kill off that whole argument?"
"That's actually just objectively wrong. He's making a claim here that's false."
"I was hoping one of you were going to say agree because I had this argument with my roommate and I made the argument that if you think cereal is soup then you have to admit that [expletive] in a toilet bowl is also soup."
"Slander is the tool of the person who loses the debate."
"A person with an argument is never at the mercy of someone with experience."
"Do you know what? I think you're wrong because of x, y, and z."
"I will not argue with someone who has made up his mind that I am wrong without even giving me a chance to prove or to say anything."
"Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
"These arguments ignore the fundamental right of self-defense."
"Prove your point right now, because that's exactly everyone tell you to prove your point."
"The burden of proof is on him... to show I'm deluded... otherwise take your claim back."
"If you're yelling at people from your car, then you probably have lost the argument."
"The critic of the Bible must use biblical presuppositions to argue against the Bible."
"The god argument doesn't provide any understanding, explanation, or prediction power."
"Just because you don't understand my argument doesn't mean it's not valid."
"One of my only counter arguments against that is..."
"If an argument is difficult to debunk... it's correct."
"At some point, you just have to stop arguing with a clown."
"Fighting or arguing is not necessarily a sign of a bad relationship."
"The fundamental argument now for silver is certainly the best it's ever been."
"You really can't argue if something is twice as safe as a human to keep it off the road."
"We just talk about it and we respect the space that the other person requests at the time of the argument."
"If you have a strong foundation with someone, an argument is not going to be a deal-breaker."
"They're going to feel stuck; they can't create an argument, they can't fight, they have no options."
"You can't argue logically with the logical inconsistencies of a person who has limited logicality."
"Just because you're having an argument doesn't mean it's a negative."
"We are more stressful than we thought, only because we're not used to arguing."
"I'm not debating you in a time machine, dude."
"...what we can do is make a substantial circumstantial case..."
"That it seems to me is a way to begin to restore the art of democratic argument."
"This is the foundation of the prosecution's case."
"This is just a creationist argument, guys."
"My whole philosophy is, you know, when you win the fight, you won the argument."
"This premise is on shaky grounds because it's basically saying don't slaughter our group of animals, slaughter this other group of animals."
"Winning an argument was never more important than preserving the relationship."
"The loudest voice doesn't always necessarily win the argument."
"Logic does. If you have to yell to get your point across, the other person better be deaf or you're just losing the argument."
"I saw Caleb in a heated argument with Tessa Caleb if you don't tell Ellie the truth I will you know it's wrong to keep her in the dark about this I'm begging you Tessa please don't tell her"
"Do you believe all that stuff?" "I don't think anyone has put a conclusive argument against it."
"The intensity and force of her mental arguments with him automatically established his behavior toward her."
"You make a very compelling argument."
"No argument must lead you astray. Never listen when they tell you that man and the animals have a common interest."
"We have to understand the appeal of that and argue not just against Trump but against authoritarianism."
"The real question is what's the case for believing in freedom?"
"Because the State Bears the burden of proof, they're going to go first."
"With every potential defense Jones has of the heavyweight belt, that argument grows weaker and weaker."
"When you're smart enough to know the other person is wrong but not smart enough to argue back."
"And we argue, you have to argue in your marriage, you don't argue in your marriage it'll build up in your brain and over time it'll make you goofy."
"Arguments are never what they're about, and this is totally what's at play here."
"That kid's gonna win every argument that starts with 'First of all...'"
"Certainly under the circumstances, my request was reasonable," John argued.
"It's our contention they had the opportunity to do that but they failed."
"The purpose of an argument is to change the nature of truth."
"The Ben Jeser say that the purpose of an argument is to change the nature of truth."
"You don't have to have an argument with somebody if you assume they're a nazi. So I guess if you call everybody a nazi you don't have to have an argument. It is goofy."
"I appreciate that your client claims everything she said or sent to others that does not comport with her new narrative must be crafted by someone else or AI, but that is an argument she can make to the judge."
"I will not stand for anyone saying science is purely empirical. I just can't take it."
"Winning is not a win [ __ ], you win the argument you ain't weak [ __ ]."
"An ounce of proof is better than a pound of argument."
"So that's the O'Connor opinion she's got this equal protection argument that I think is quite convincing."
"Priestly is building an argument towards a fairer society which doesn't have the inequality of class or patriarchal control by men."
"you could even argue that she could have killed Thanos in a moment"
"I can put up a very pretty case for McGregor having been the killer."
"The fact of the matter is you undercut the moral force of your argument."
"I think it's actually incumbent upon you to make better arguments than the people with whom you have substantive disagreements."
"You should be able to argue both sides better than the person that I'm debating every single time."
"My evidence that God exists first of all is the order and the design of the cosmos points me to some type of intelligent mind behind it."
"Is it more reasonable to believe that order and design come from chance or does your experience show you that order and design come from an intelligent mind?"
"In the end, do we have evidence to suggest that Chris yes? Do we have evidence to suggest that the gospels are reliable yes? And I outline that, but what would that evidence be? It's everything. I can include anything."
"You won the argument, but you lost the soul."
"Do you think there is an argument for the idea of it being used even if it isn't true? Yeah, it's just a nice thing to at least believe a little bit."
"The reason that I can make the argument from authority is because it happened."
"You can falsify my claim, you can prove that I'm lying, which strengthens my argument rather than weakening it."
"It seems to me that it's coming down to two arguments, and one argument is science, and one argument is belief."
"It's just no brother I'm oh it's brother what I'm saying what I'm saying the circumstances it's 100% wrong brother because that could be whoever that's someone's uncle or someone's father or someone's brother."
"There's literally no way to beat the argument because it didn't happen."
"Friendship is so much better than winning a silly argument."
"He makes a compelling case, he was sharing it with me."
"...a well-reasoned, well-spoken argument often proves more persuasive than facts."
"It's very difficult to argue that they were both dumb. I think they were all a bunch of dumb [expletive]."
"But people were concerned about this because they were saying that um they were using the slippery like a slippery slope type of argument that if you do this that it's going to lead to this and lead to this and lead to that right."
"That's actually a very intelligent argument."
"...if people eat a chicken, I can see your point. You don't eat either. Shouldn't eat any animals."
"So when you go to present your argument, you can push on that motivation button."
"So hammer the other side with the words fair and because."
"I think we can make a good case for it"
"I want you to tell me how I can convince you to be vegan right now."
"The foundation of every argument is different perspective."
"It covers four proofs of His existence, the origin of the universe, the design of the universe, the origin of life, and a point we didn't cover on this program: fulfilled prophecy."
"He argued against depersonalization. He argued about social relations."
"I commend you for your determination in spite of your failing argument."
"Should a hundred questions of that level of argument weigh against your faith? No, a hundred weak or inadequate arguments don't suddenly magically add up to convincing evidence."
"Don't let them blind you with the volume of lousy arguments. Don't buy into the doubt bombing."
"But all of those and many other claims can be defended."
"Once you have a spaceship, any other argument comes to a close because hey, spaceship."
"The arguments made by people who propagate critical race theory, their main argument is that our environment is what dictates humanity's understanding of race."
"The feel of Jesus is not a legitimate argument. Just because it's emotional doesn't make it wrong."
"His line of argument for this is what develops in that crucial section four of the inquiry."
"Bondage it's based on who wins the argument."
"It's almost impossible to discuss baseball statistics or records without getting into an argument regarding steroids."
"What you just said is perhaps the most powerful argument for house hacking I have ever heard."
"How do you justify free trade, what's my argument for free trade? The argument is the same as technological innovation, we all believe in technological innovation, new discoveries, better products, greater choice, you grow faster, we'll all be better off, we all believe that."
"Those who attempt to definitively say this is not true don't have a leg to stand on."
"That rebuttal is going to be the standout."
"If to make an argument you have to violate somebody's space, what does that say about you?"
"Here is your chance to explain to him why I should get fired."
"The whole argument about why WebAssembly has been too slow for DOM rendering simply doesn't hold water anymore."
"There's a difference between anecdotes and evidence."
"Do you want to win an argument or do you want a better book?"
"It doesn't benefit anyone to argue with crazy."
"Every argument for or against the existence of Yahweh hinges on a precise understanding of the divine nature being discussed."
"Arguing with anonymous strangers on the Internet is a sucker's game."
"I'm not arguing, Mr. Arcy. I'm telling you, you may have had your reasons, but as a matter of fact, you kicked him out."
"To advocate means to argue on someone's behalf."
"The truth can get distorted when we focus on who's winning an argument and who's losing an argument."
"The world is quantum mechanical and it's performing universal computation it's performing computation in a quantum mechanical fashion I rest my case I mean I don't really see why it's an argument."
"They can accept it or don't accept it, they can debate it, they can argue it."
"Remember, every argument, every tough conversation holds the potential for profound healing and spiritual advancement."
"Suddenly, people confronted with clever, articulate, prominent persons, whether it be Dawkins, Dennett, or Christopher, saying the religion is bad, 'God Is Not Great', whatever it is, suddenly compelled those of us on the other side to come up with counterarguments."
"Louise persistently argues that the location of worship doesn't matter."
"Because, and I can see why, how almost 27 years later, you still arguing across the aisle like y'all broke up yesterday."
"The complexity of life is a very good argument against everything happening by accident."
"Stop paying me today, and it won't change the facts that I have laid out here."
"I think that's a valid argument one point for Canta then we go back to Monk..."
"Make a better argument. Focus on the things you do agree on. Stop worrying about what you don't like, what I do."
"... the argument that oh well QE drives down interest rates and therefore it's going to increase the desire to buy equities that doesn't really doesn't really work because that wasn't that wasn't happening right."
"So for me, the stronger argument for abortion rights has always been an equality argument."
"Plato's ideas and our knowledge of them prove the existence of God."
"Anu fiercely defended her mother, arguing that she couldn't have been the one responsible."
"You should have strong opinions strongly held, okay? You should be able to argue and have a strong argument about it and you should really believe what you believe."