
Problem Quotes

There are 377 quotes

"The fact that there's a problem there doesn't mean that you get to smuggle that problem into your argument for God and claim victory."
"The heart problem of consciousness is simply stated in one sentence: How do chemicals and atoms and neurochemistry or neuroelectricity produce this experience?"
"What this is, is the visible manifestation of a flawed mentality, which, if you imagine it extrapolated to a global scale, would be a huge problem."
"The problem isn't necessarily one that you or I will experience... it's something that will affect everyone."
"One of the supreme problems of modern society is loneliness."
"It's a circus, it's not a clown, it's the entire circus."
"Lack of financial literacy is an ongoing problem in America."
"Suicide is never the solution to our problems. It is the problem."
"The problem isn't food production in any way. It happens to be distribution."
"Quantum gravity is not a theory in physics yet; it's the name that we give to a problem."
"Take this seriously, we have a problem here."
"Food is the problem, but it's also the solution."
"Every possibility, if you do not harness it, it becomes a problem."
"He was slow going past the pit, but there's a problem there."
"The situation has not improved; in fact, it's gotten worse."
"If we really disagree with something but we go along with it, we're part of the problem."
"There's never just one cockroach in a hotel."
"Consider the behavior we just witnessed as symbolic of a deeper and more insidious problem."
"The US has a terrible problem with homelessness."
"That 800 pound gorilla in the room is still going to be here and he's going to end up waking up and he's going to want his banana he's going to get a little hungry."
"Wild boars are becoming an increasingly serious problem in the United States."
"This is a very big problem though right now for Fnatic; this Lucian is enormous."
"This has been a big pet peeve problem of mine for years with little attention paid to it." - Rory
"Nobody has the gun problem that we have in this country."
"The government is just people. That's the problem."
"I understand someone has been vandalizing my car."
"Old Detroit has a cancer. The cancer is crime."
"They can smell the food cooking, and that is another problem."
"He's a problem for the drift community and the drift competitors right now."
"Faith doesn't deny a problem's existence, it just denies it a place of influence."
"One of the big problems that led to price declines back during the great financial crisis was the fact that we had just an overwhelming amount of foreclosures."
"What may not be a big deal to those around you can be a big problem to you."
"Put your ego aside, ask for help, no problem."
"I'm a huge fan of Bray, it's what's been done with him is the problem."
"The problem is just going to get worse and worse and worse."
"Please investigate and let us know if you agree that this phone problem is not a battery issue and that the phone cannot be repaired."
"The problem with this board is a tiny teensy itsy bitsy Teensy tiny little capacitor."
"The biggest problem today, I don't think is love or hate. It's indifference."
"All addiction is a symptom of a wider problem, right?"
"These ghost guns have become a problem all across the country."
"Nothing that a bright lip cannot solve apparently."
"Stop making the user experience for paying customers worse than it is for pirates, and piracy wouldn't be a problem."
"Drinking's not the problem, it's the being sober that's the problem."
"This is a huge problem, it's a huge, huge problem."
"...and is that one of the big problems in the biking industry?"
"It's a severe bougie problem to have."
"The addiction itself is a solution to a problem which is the loss of control, loss of self-esteem, loss of social connection, emotional pain, and so on."
"When we speak about healing hearts, it means something has shattered, something has broken, something is damaged, something is perhaps diseased. There is a problem. Basically, that's when we speak about healing hearts."
"It was a terrible bug with Google."
"What's really adding up to this Collective problem which we're all facing is these unhealed traumas."
"Doubting yourself is not a problem, the problem is letting those self-doubts run the show."
"Florida has a huge problem on par with any other state."
"That's been the problem that Emily's had with Artega."
"I've got to stop buying mystery things. It's becoming a problem."
"I think I like her too much. It's becoming a problem."
"The US dollar is in a little bit of a problem."
"Lego has a serious Droid problem and they don't want to admit it."
"Faith isn't the problem, we've got faith. The problem is our unbelief."
"It is a problem because it is giving people a misunderstanding about what Salafiyyah really is."
"I recognized what the problem probably was and she didn't want anybody to see the condition he was in because it was terrible."
"...if your brakes sound like a bad day at the dentist you have a serious problem."
"Your problem is you're trying to agree on your own terms."
"The only problem is there is no documentation for this and it's horrible."
"These are the issues, this is the problem, sis."
"When God doesn't see himself in you, it's because you have a problem with him."
"As far as I'm concerned, the law is the problem."
"It's liking him, that's the problem."
"He makes you feel hopeless. When you have no hope, you have a big problem."
"But I know that that is a problem."
"...the worst thing you might find with these things, in the four-cylinder, the two-way ZFE is oil consumption, it's a pretty big problem."
"The absence of discernment is the biggest problem in the church."
"Their problems have only begun as they spot an alligator-like swamp dragon emerging from the sewage."
"This one is too clever is the problem."
"Drug pricing has been a problem for decades, but it's only getting worse."
"The headline attraction of your financial year, so that is a massive problem, straight in the bin."
"Landlessness is actually the most serious problem we have. We can talk about other things, but landlessness is our biggest problem."
"If it ain't broke, keep fixing it till it is."
"We have an air infestation," he said.
"One big problem with Barras and automatic transmissions is the flex plate likes to fall off the engine."
"But now I'm running into the big problem."
"the main part about this car that's wrong with it is the engine"
"We got more than a problem. We lost O2 tank 2 pressure."
"It all starts with food. I see what the problem is with America. Food."
"Now we have a problem, a big [__] problem."
"That's the real issue here. They just can't count."
"Each mistake and problem brings a whole new set of opportunities and possibilities."
"Everyone's expecting her, so what's the problem with that?"
"The problem is that it smells nothing and has no taste at all."
"Douglas would have to deal with the problem of its own success, which had strangely enough come back to bite it."
"Detail is not the problem, it's distractions."
"Something's wrong in the back of the craft."
"The real problem is inflammation."
"Not learning your religion is one of the major problems that people suffer."
"The dungeon is developing and this is a problem."
"I love making ads that make someone realize, like, give them a problem and now they have to solve it."
"The biggest problem in communication is thinking that it happened."
"One is the fact that the supply thing, it continues to be a huge problem."
"Just because you're able to function in your life doesn't mean that alcohol isn't causing a problem in your life."
"That's unique That's Unique I've never heard of that yeah that's fine no problem."
"Emotional eating becomes a problem when it becomes the primary source of coping."
"The problem is profoundly and deeply spiritual."
"The first step is admitting you have a problem."
"There's a tendency to simply dismiss him or her. So there is a problem of communication right now in the media."
"It's not going to be a problem for a lot of people if you're not standing up a lot and riding aggressively off-road."
"I can't lie it's a problem like Paige and I were talking about."
"That ain't your battle that is your problem."
"...the very next day after i purchased the car i noticed that what was happening was the rpms were revving..."
"Our society is screaming men are not the answer to anything they're the problem."
"...you have a problem in New York one that uh we're we're afraid could spread to other places like my area of Virginia."
"We've had some mechanical issues."
"If money can fix a problem, it's not really a problem."
"Something happened with the engine."
"So there are a lot of ways that medicines can help in a lot of circumstances, but we cannot mistake them for answers to the problems."
"The ease of the ETF, you are only going to find out you've got a problem in the event of a crisis, and that's exactly when you need to know you haven't got a problem."
"Being fat is not the problem. It's the food that got you fat."
"They have a nice problem: too many talented kids."
"It's evolved into a pass-fail survey. Anything below a 10 or a perfect score is a fail, which is a real problem."
"Wealth inequality is now a much more serious problem than it was."
"Words are just words, and it's the people who work on behalf of the League of Shadows that are the real problem."
"When you go nearly four weeks only traveling to and from work and stay locked in your room on the weekend ignoring all the texts and calls bailing on plans you've already made there's a problem there something is lingering beneath the surface terrifying isn't it?"
"We don't think tactical voting is the problem. I think the voting system is the problem."
"Immutable references don't expect the underlying value to change, and this is problematic if we do have a mutable reference."
"It's when your stuff has you, is the problem."
"The actual amount of genetic material isn't the problem."
"If the results of that study hold true, that will totally revolutionize this problem."
"No, this girl ran someone over, possibly killed them, and she's going to sit there and laugh about it and talk about it casually to a person she just met? No, this girl is a problem."
"Which is problematic because it immediately breaks the very first Hunter Bylaw."
"A lot of people are convinced of rumors though, that's the problem."
"How did you do all of that without Sled [__] finding out? Oh yeah, I forgot the ketamine problem."
"But it's like no you know what clearly the real problem here is the royal family, the royal family of Ora who are the bad guys."
"this problem is wild it's absolutely wild"
"Hormonal treatment: targeting the root of the problem."
"Look at how the problem is affecting each person's identity."
"Trouble is, rubber's wrapped itself around the lug into a tight flaw."
"Non-payment of wages is a real serious problem."
"We forgot about it and we don't know how to address it."
"Customer comes back to you now their electricity bills have literally gone through the roof, and the roof hasn't gone in yet. That's later on in the system."
"That's the spot where it's going to leak."
"What is your problem? How did we get here?"
"So as we climb, I notice that the airspeed indicator just doesn't look quite right."
"All they want is silver. The matter, of course, creates an enormous problem."
"He's seeing an entirely different reality. His looks like this: he's seeing a problem where Cheryl wants to go."
"It's the first and only time I've ever seen someone be so good it was a problem."
"It's a problem all right because he's gonna have a very awkward stance."
"Everyone agrees that crime is a serious problem today."
"There's a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with."
"That's a logistical nightmare, basically."
"Carbohydrates are not the problem it's our relationship with them."
"People add chemical fertilizers to the soil, but there's a problem."
"If your phone volume is higher than your car volume, something's wrong."
"That connector falls out. That is a huge problem."
"The soil is becoming rancid only at the bottom because it's always wet. It never has a chance to dry out. And that's a problem."
"I have a huge Nintendo switch problem."
"There's like a collective fiction that everybody buys into that makes everybody feel good, and that's the problem."
"Incest is a real problem, Janelle."
"the problem with the straight cutter head is that now I've got my brass trimmed now but now I've got burrs on the outside"
"David Arquette becoming the champion of the world, that is a problem."
"He's got a right front tire down."
"God's not your problem, He's the answer to your problem."
"One of the biggest problems that humanity faces, like the hundred trillion dollar problem is lack of good money."
"Most persistent problem with communication is the illusion that it took place."
"It's very handy. It's very useful, but there is a big problem with EMS."
"I think the biggest problem was aljo."
"Cognitive overload is a real problem."
"There's a lack of knowledge and information that is going on there, like huge problem."
"Gravity is not really its problem."
"Well it’s fine until it’s not fine!"
"The problem we have here right now is a lack of backstop."
"The pink elephant in the room has to be addressed."
"The solution of all these problems is nuclear."
"The leakage is not external, it's not something we're going to see on the outside, the leakage is occurring inside these electric valves right here."
"The leverage is a big problem, it's a function of the lack of regulation in the market."
"My biggest issue is communication."
"If you hate someone that was a total empath and a doormat willing to sacrifice themselves for everybody, you're evil. Then you're the problem."
"It's an underreported problem out in America."
"The problem arises when nostalgia is the only selling point of a project."
"Something has clearly gone very wrong."
"The problem of sin has been solved on the cross."
"It's a cultural problem, not an actual problem."
"There is a problem between me and God. Here's the first thing you need to know: I'm the problem, not the solution."
"If half the population of the world are just going around going I'm fine everything's fine then that's a problem."
"One of the problems that lies at the heart of current forms of education is an obsession with academic ability."
"Stop focusing on what's not the problem, the mind is the problem."
"It wasn't until I saw the vote that you guys put in the chat that I realized just how bad the crystal meth problem is in America."
"I actually don't think the devaluation of the currencies is the core problem. I think it's the increase in inequality that is the core problem."
"Those comments were just a symptom of a larger problem."
"Bingo! Cracks in a critical support beam called a Z Stringer."
"Mildew is just a general problem."
"Yesterday's problem is tomorrow's opportunity."
"The problem isn't that the mind does this. The problem is that we're not intimate with the mind."
"Technical neglect is your problem."
"They're not the entire solution to the problem."
"The solution to this ended up being pretty easy."
"God's had a problem with that from the beginning evidently."
"Our boat keeps breaking free of the boy and running aground next high tide is tomorrow morning."
"The money started to not appear the way it was supposed to."
"The problem isn't faith. The problem is unbelief."
"I don't feel discriminated. I don't feel anything. If anybody's got a problem, it's their problem, not mine."
"That's the problem when you don't say nothing, that's a problem."