
Non-physical Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Either our non-material sense of consciousness is an illusion, or consciousness is a glimpse of non-physical reality."
"Shiva means that which is not. When we say that which is not, we are talking about a dimension which is not physical in nature."
"Just because it's not physical doesn't mean it's not abuse."
"Curry doesn't dominate the league physically, but instead he dominates with skills."
"Get the person into spirit into the non-physical realm."
"Spirit represents a higher plan than the physical. It is not subject to physical weakness since it is pure Essence."
"The higher self is basically you in a non-physical form."
"Caleb represents the intellectual side, the guy who isn't physical."
"The purpose of spirituality is to combine our temporal nature with our non-physical self."
"It's a huge testament to the romance of the show that the most romantic moments are between two people that never touch."
"The source of life is consciousness. The source of life is non-physical."
"Using a tool meant to measure physical things is not very good to tell you much about non-physical things."
"Science is not equipped to foreclose against any non-physical thing."
"Intelligence is not a physical characteristic."
"Self-defense isn't always physical."
"Your weapons are not carnal, they're spiritual."
"But remember, our pattern packs are digital downloads. We do not print them out and mail them to you. So once you purchase it, you've got instant access to that."
"Existence in these dimensions of bodyless mind."
"The astral world is distinguished by a singular quality that cannot be found on the physical plane at all: the permeability, the penetrability of the matter of the astral plane."
"Laughter is not part of the brain; laughter is part of the mind."
"They're still with us spiritually, just not in a physical form."
"The dimensions are not there, no up and down; non-physical dimensions are all right here, they're just vibrating at a much higher frequency, they're less dense so we can't perceive them."
"The greater reality encompasses this reality and the non-physical world."
"Just because someone doesn't leave bruises on your body does not mean that it's not abuse."
"Intangible assets have no physical substance whatsoever."
"I understand that my value isn't just physical."
"Nurturing to me is everything you do that's not physical; like I'm touching your soul."
"I truly loved her... I developed this love for her that is way beyond sexual, physical, chemical."
"The people who hold your greatest blessing, your greatest breakthrough, aren't even in the physical realm; they're in your spiritual audience."
"The way that the light, which is more your non-physical self, shines through the temporal is like the way that light shines through a stained glass window."
"It is not the machine the human body who has access to meaning, it is something which is not physical."
"I don't need the physicals to hug y'all."
"Neither artwork exists in the physical world at all, having been created entirely with digital technology."
"Your mind's not physical, goes to far more subtle levels, it's not the handiwork of someone else, and it's got this incredible potential to be perfected."
"Not having the physical component really sort of forced us to have that emotional and cerebral connection."
"Experience is not physical; experience is a different kind of reality."
"Character isn't in your brain or your DNA."
"The weapons of our warfare are not carnal; they're not fleshly."
"In Tantra, the union is non-physical."
"Your energy is constantly flowing through the non-physical in a way that benefits the world in such a beautiful way."
"When you compliment us on something that is not physical... it's so important."
"It's spiritual, it's not physical at all."
"My love for my wife transcends the physical aspect of our relationship."
"Metaphysics... includes some of the things that go beyond the physical realm."
"I just love a beautiful soul, I'm not really bound to the physical."
"Our Warfare should never be from a physical perspective."
"The older I get, the more I like the non-physical ones."
"You definitely can grow an attraction to somebody when it's not physical at the beginning."
"The memories that we have of past lives, they are not in our physical brain."
"Knowledge participates of the heart, not this physical heart, not the emotional heart, but the spiritual heart."
"Intimacy doesn't have to be physical."
"Love is love, it's not just physical."
"It does not exist in the Physical Realm."
"The internet feels like something ethereal, something out there in another dimension, not physical."
"What's the most attractive thing that's not physical to a man? It would be his personality."
"You take full responsibility to the point where now you are aiding the non-physical."
"True beauty is within us all; it is not measured by any physical attribute."