
Falsifiability Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Science's position is about attempting to falsify."
"Falsifiability is not a sufficient reason for dismissing the idea that God exists. It is sufficient to conclude that I do not have good reason to believe this."
"I am most interested in theories which can be proven wrong because those are testable theories."
"Belief and falsifiability in science actually interact; where falsifiability ends, belief begins."
"A scientific theory is one where you can prove it wrong, you can knock it down and replace it with something better."
"Good explanations rely on creativity; these good explanations, testable and falsifiable of course, but they are hard to vary and they make risky and narrow predictions."
"When something makes falsifiable claims, which are then repeatedly falsified, that model must be rejected."
"Falsifiability... if something isn't falsifiable in the proper sense therefore it's not scientific."
"If your position is unfalsifiable, it's not scientific, and you should not believe it."
"Evolutionary theory is unbelievably falsifiable. The fact that you can't falsify it speaks to its veracity."
"Intelligent design isn't a hypothesis because it's not falsifiable."
"In order to be a true scientific theory, creationism would have to be falsifiable and have predictive power."
"Falsifiability is a big portion, if it's not falsifiable, it's not science."
"One beautiful thing about the old EST of sciences is falsifiability, a strong theory just like Einstein came up with the general relativity."
"Evolution has been falsifiable every single step along the way here the problem is we're 150 years of steps in."
"The Quran offers falsification tests for itself, unlike other religions."
"Falsifiability means that a claim can be proven wrong."
"Tomorrow, I don't know, you will win the lottery. That's totally a falsifiable prediction. We don't call it scientific."
"Atheism is falsifiable. It's not about wordplay; it's about logic and principles."
"The strong atheist position is falsifiable. It's about acknowledging the principles of logic and reason."
"Atheism is the falsifiable proposition, theism is not."
"Carl Papa Was a philosopher of Science and epistemologist best known for his principle of falsifiability."
"What possible piece of evidence would falsify young earth creation? Well, if Jesus returns and tells us we're wrong."
"Falsifiability is very important in science."
"Science works by making testable and potentially falsifiable hypotheses."
"If something can't be falsified, it cannot qualify as an explanation. It cannot be indicated, verified, or falsified. It contributes nothing."
"Failed to falsify is a win in science. That imposes the epistemic humility that we all should want to have."
"Science is falsifiable, so sometimes we get it wrong and then somebody comes up with a great idea and the whole way of thinking of science just changes."
"Carl Popper said that which cannot be falsified cannot be within the realm of science."
"The more specific your religion claims are, the more likely it is that you'll be able to falsify."
"All hypotheses should be testable and potentially falsifiable."
"We can never tell whether scientific theory is true... you can only falsify it."
"If somebody's making a claim and that claim can't be falsified, that means you can't test the claim."
"The gospel message that the message of the Bible was falsifiable."
"You can falsify my claim, you can prove that I'm lying, which strengthens my argument rather than weakening it."
"A theory that cannot be falsified is not helpful because it means that you can't make progress."
"You can't falsify a miracle, you can't falsify anything as easily as you can falsify that."
"Is there anything that is clearly falsifiable or omitted or missing or framed? Let's identify that."
"You can never actually prove something is true; you can only prove it's false."
"Every scientific hypothesis has to be negatable, it has to be falsifiable."
"The evidence for Evolution is falsifiable."
"Christianity is probably one of the few religions that's actually falsifiable historically or could still be historically survival."
"A lot of the problem has been that instead of trying to find an answer, we science often is false of falsifying models."
"Anything that's taught definitively by the Catholic Church, if you can show that that is actually not true, I would say you falsified the Catholic claims for sure."
"It's got to be a falsifiable hypothesis to be science."
"Can he falsify his own methodology?"
"If your proposed solution is unfalsifiable, which means that it is incapable of being proven false, then congratulations, you will sit there in your Supreme lack of confidence and nobody will ever prove you false."
"Reason is based on empirical evidence that is testable, falsifiable, and verifiable."
"The scientific method depends upon some people to come in the future and to falsify it."
"Science is a model of disproof, and knowledge is what's left over after we've refuted all the falsehoods we can think about."
"It's only science if there is a way that it can be invalidated."
"They have constructed theories, rival theories to the inflationary universe, that not only solve the problems of cosmic structure formation... but they also provide a test, a crisp test to falsify themselves."
"The nice thing about this approach is it is ultimately falsifiable and reproducible."
"What makes it scientific is, of course, the fact that it can be proven, or more importantly, disproven."
"A scientific hypothesis is falsifiable, which means that it's capable of being shown to be incorrect."
"The thing about Big Bang cosmology and anything else within science is that these propositions are falsifiable."
"It doesn't make a difference how beautiful your guess is, it doesn't make a difference how smart you are, who made the guess, or what his name is - if it disagrees with experiment, it's wrong."
"It has to be based on evidence and then it has to be testable and potentially falsifiable."
"It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are; but if it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong."
"I think that a prophecy has to be falsifiable. Well, yeah, because otherwise, it's like, what are we doing here, you know?"
"If it disagrees with experiment, it's wrong. And that simple statement is the key to science."
"A theory needs to be able to be falsified."
"If it disagrees with experiment, it is wrong."
"Scientific knowledge is made up of testable theories that have to make predictions which can be tested so that the theory could be proved wrong."
"A hypothesis is scientifically credible only if it is inherently falsifiable."
"The difference between science and non-science is falsifiability."
"A theory is not a guess... it actually accounts for all the available data at once and there's some way to test it and potentially falsify it."
"Truth is something that's held by the standard of what we know and something that is falsifiable."
"If you have a hypothesis in science and says 'look, you'll never be able to falsify it', that is not a good hypothesis."
"Science is all about proving things wrong, and that starts with outlining exactly what it would take to prove a particular thing wrong."
"Falsifiability means we have to make precise predictions which can be tested and seen if they are true or have the ability to be proven incorrect."
"The notion of falsifiability as the central factor in distinguishing science from nonscience can be traced back to the Austrian philosopher of science, Carl Popper."
"A hypothesis by definition needs to be testable and potentially falsifiable."
"It means that it can, in principle, be demonstrated possibly to be false if, in fact, it is false."
"A scientific theory must be testable. Essentially falsifiable."
"If your theory doesn't exclude anything, it's not really science."
"Science is... something that's falsifiable. You can never prove it but you can prove it false."
"If the proposition isn't falsifiable, then it's not testable."
"To be scientific, a theory has to be incompatible with certain possible results of observation."
"A scientific theory is incompatible with certain possible results of observation."
"According to Carl Popper, one of the most popular of all philosophers of science, in order for something to be considered scientific, it must be falsifiable, not provable."
"If a claim isn't falsifiable and there's no way to show it's wrong, we can't reasonably accept that it's correct."
"The gold standard of science is to make testable predictions that are falsifiable."
"A theory which is not refutable by any conceivable event is non-scientific."
"If you can come up with one counterexample, even if it fails one time out of just an uncountable number of successes, then it is a false statement."
"Science doesn't prove; science can only disprove."
"I don't need any faith for the things that I believe in. My views are based on evidence that is demonstrable, investigated, falsifiable."
"A field is only a science if it makes claims that could possibly be proven false via empirical means."