
Collective Quotes

There are 589 quotes

"This is about us humans remembering our original wiring, how our brains and how the intelligence of our heart were once in our conscious awareness deeply wired to the collective."
"Freedom becomes less about my individual freedom and more about our collective and shared freedom."
"Ultimately, we're going to be moving to unity consciousness. We're all going to be coming together."
"Happiness is a tricky word... a life of personal meaning to you."
"People can be taught and people can learn that the collective aspects of societal development are far more important for self-interest than the hyper individualistic 'I'm going to get mine, [expletive] everybody else.'"
"Socialism is seen again as a possibility, as a desirable collective enterprise that we can work on."
"I'm just one part of that greater Collective manifestation that we have all combined together to make."
"That's probably like 400 years of experience back there."
"Listening experience and then we had [__] my top boys, the Hemlock collective."
"Society has a collective responsibility to help everybody live a decent life."
"We're investing in what's next for all of us."
"Imagine being in a world where we are connected into this weird collective consciousness."
"We are going through a growth spurt and we're not even realizing that we've done this but these are the signs that we're fifth-dimensional awareness of unity is that we are doing things on a collective level."
"Ultimately winning is more fun together than alone."
"The market is the collective wisdom of everybody."
"At last we've reached the end of 2020. The world is breathing a huge collective sigh of relief that we survived it at all."
"I think it's going to be a more Collective Consciousness."
"We're creating collective empathy built on the basis of good idea flow."
"SCP-4036 is not about a single person, but rather an entire nation of the anomalous."
"For many people but not all because that's another thing we're all manifesting a collective timeline."
"Your energy ripples outward, shaping the collective awakening."
"Review by hive mind doesn't reflect a personal voice."
"You gotta remember this, he comes from somewhat of an alumni of the Our Future collective."
"Still in unity, in hegemony, there was strength."
"Jumping back on the collective readings tomorrow morning."
"Nobody is above the collective and that's facts."
"A Mandela effect is what happens when a group of people have a clear collective memory of something that apparently never happened."
"This one left a stain in our collective souls."
"This week, the collective consciousness is putting the outer world on notice."
"The Finger of God is our Collective Destiny."
"You are holding a frequency on planet Earth at this time that is tremendously contributing to stabilizing the global Collective Consciousness."
"The fifth dimension is all about the collective."
"By healing yourself, you are bringing balance in the collective feminine, bringing balance in the collective masculine."
"Working in harmony with the best outcome for the collective, for the group, there's a total lack of selfishness here."
"The entire planet, the entire Collective, is evolving at this time."
"For your highest good, for my highest good, and for the highest good of all, I send love."
"It's so rare that we get these collective moments in this country to feel, to sense something together."
"There's definitely a shift going on right now in the collective."
"Endings and new beginnings, that is the challenge for us, the challenge of this time, and the challenge for the collective healing."
"Sacrifice your own needs for the sake of the collective."
"The good in humanity can overcome any evil if they band together as a collective."
"They're like, 'I'm here for the good of the collective.'"
"A little bit of a rise in consciousness lifts the collective."
"The scale starts to tip towards aligned soul alignment."
"You understand that following your passions impacts more than just your experience, it impacts the collective."
"Collective grief and that's what a lot of us are going through right now."
"Our collective motivation returns, vibrations raise higher spiritually."
"The purpose of this meditation is to visualize a big, bold vision of our future, not only in your individual life but as a collective as well."
"There are so many things that are stronger than the individual that cannot go against, but they're not stronger than the collective."
"The world itself is a conglomeration of everyone's dreams, some more prominent than others but shaped by all."
"The answer is simply to live in the pain that awareness brings, because eventually, if everyone is there, it won't need to bring pain anymore."
"That's what I love about being a part of the Bones Brigade, it was just this group collective of skaters that pushed each other to higher levels."
"The collective these days, as this solar eclipse is going to initiate highly unique healing journeys per each and every individual."
"You will question your identity and what it means to be part of a collective."
"These expressions of awe and Cosmic Wonder are things that are binding us together as a collective."
"There is nothing for us to prove individually on this team, the only thing for us to do is win a gold medal and do it collectively as a team."
"We are basically like a super organism."
"Love by the individual and love by the collective... when you choose love, even in a small way, you are helping the entire collective to heal."
"We are a single operation; we all make a difference as a whole, and we are connected."
"Failures are collective failures and successes are collective successes."
"How are we going to change the world? It's not one person, not one consciousness, it's a collective consciousness."
"Now you have a little piece of everyone."
"We're dumb money, they call us dumb money, but collectively we have more shared intelligence and resources than many of those funds put together."
"We cannot as a collective honestly say that we are trauma informed if we don't know about trauma-based mind control."
"It's an inspiring message that could be read as a rejection of the great man ideal or Ultra itself all in favor of the collective fighting together to achieve the unachievable."
"You're part of the we Generation."
"If you understand that being part of something greater than yourself is meaningful, and if you're not just driven by material Goods, then you're part of the we Generation."
"You seem to have a massive impact on the collective when you do choose to reincarnate."
"Before I get about here, just because you have spiritual gifts does not mean necessarily that you can or should do tarot for the collective."
"Leadership isn't about the components that must be in place within an individual; it's about reimagining the collective."
"Using your gifts for the collective is key."
"Well, go to those five other women. Make sure that you know y'all have a good time. But you're not on the menu Collective. Like, it is what it is."
"Each person in the collective is like raising the collective glass of water."
"You're down here to transmute this negative energy. We do it in our own individual lives, and then we do it collectively together."
"Time to release negative, full moon in Scorpio, that's exactly what we're doing as a collective."
"You are the channel, the conduit for big energies, doing incredibly important work for the collective."
"I feel like we're all in a joined identity crisis."
"We're witnessing a shift in consciousness, realizing our power as a people."
"What is the message for my collective?"
"Ultimately, these problems are going to be everyone's problems."
"There's definitely spell work being sent. It's trying someone's trying to aggravate someone in the collective so that they retaliate in some way."
"Something's arising in the collective consciousness."
"I think we were all... all angry."
"We actually get the understanding of what is common to man and dealing with those things corporately in a realm together that is transformative."
"I know it's not my energy, it's collective energy, it's human energy that is a gift to me, which I share, which I steward with others."
"All good things had to be earned, affirming that individually and collectively man must merit the salvation that he seeks."
"Change starts with you. Change starts with me. It starts with all of us."
"The collective is a very dangerous thing."
"What is possible if we as a collective were to truly, truly tap into who we really are deep down inside?"
"We as individuals contribute to a larger collective mind, sort of global brain."
"What's really adding up to this Collective problem which we're all facing is these unhealed traumas."
"The message isn't about us, it's moving through us for the collective."
"Greater than the sum of its parts."
"We have to know the power of our coming together."
"It's never about the star that's rising. It's about the movement, what do you add to the collective?"
"We have to get off of this idea that 'I'm in it for me' and focus on the bigger purpose."
"Each individual in this collective image here is coming to this same endpoint through a similar transformative process."
"It's a collective. This is for everyone. That wave is there for you to ride."
"The language of politics is spoken in the first-person plural."
"Investment clubs are private closed groups of friends or associates who invest collectively."
"More than anything, it's important for all of us to understand this is not because of one person or one player."
"We are actually moving beyond the paradigm of separation, which is me first and give me what I want, to what do we require now, and what do we require as a whole."
"The world can change without you. The world can change without me. The world can't change without anybody. And if we get enough people to change, you could actually change the world."
"There are a lot of gifts within your soul for the collective of pound number one."
"Your journey is a valuable part of the collective shift towards a higher Consciousness."
"In building collective epistemologies, we must ask that they give us the experience of understanding, and the experience of understanding is largely intuitional."
"Christ is not an individual, Christ is a collective."
"If you can win, and if I, you know, if I've drawn not so well and I can do okay, it's about how we do collectively, not individually."
"By engaging actively with your own consciousness, you begin to lighten the load of collective density."
"There is definitely a need for someone in the collective to take time for themselves."
"The most powerful force on earth is the collective intention of a large group of people."
"The beingness of a large number of people changed."
"The idea was almost like herd immunity. The idea was a collectivist idea. You actually have to close the niche for assholes comprehensively. If you want a civilization to go well, guys are going to do what they need to do to get laid."
"The crisis of the world today is a collective dark night of the soul experience."
"It's not every day you walk through New York City and everyone is doing the same thing collectively, right? Well, not looking at their phones, they're looking up."
"Anything that I do is one with the collective, something like that."
"It can never be one man, it's a collective evil that breeds more evil. It's sort of within us all."
"This is like a collective, and the what is good for the group you and me is good for all of the individuals as well ultimately."
"By standing up and self-empowering, we can shift the collective vibration of the planet."
"We are a collective of individuals, correct, so I always say Satanism is the religion for the other."
"Our nervous system is not just an individual nervous system. It's individual, ancestral, collective. It's all of it."
"In a society that's ideologically dedicated to the sampra soul self, in a phrase of Dan Siegel uh you're going to get individual approaches ignoring the collective"
"There's no way, but everyone seems to have courage."
"The crisis, the collapse is not going to save us from ourselves collectively. We have to make a choice."
"Life is not an individual journey."
"Many of you are meant to serve the collective with something that you've gone through that has been traumatic that is your power here."
"Every single one of us is responsible."
"When every individual awakens from their own character then collectively we become free."
"If you cannot see what is happening as an extension of all of our collective histories, then you do not belong with us."
"Ritual is, or should be, precisely something that's collective and shared."
"2024 is going to be a pivotal year for collective awakening."
"The massive changes you've seen taking place on this planet over the past three or four years are because collectively, we began to align ourselves."
"History is the story of all of us."
"It's good for you, it's good for all of us."
"The change that comes out is a really good change for us all."
"It's about us now... every single one of us. What is our truth? What do we want to bring forward?"
"Our way of life is us, the collective, is more important than the individual. If you want to jump ship, you think you're more important than the collective, jump ship. But you're gonna miss out on the greatest human experience in this dunya, which is a loving family."
"We all have the responsibility to do this, not just for ourselves, but for our families and for all of the people, for the collective on earth, especially in places in geographic locations where the collective pain is very, very heavy."
"The only meaningful safety for anyone comes through safety for all of us, freedom for all of us."
"There's a very strong energy here Collective of this person, there's a feeling of love here, there's a feeling of wow I'm starting to recognize how important the collective is to me."
"Revolution is a collective effort."
"I feel like for me this deck is also very centered around community around what we can do as a human being to help you know the collective at large."
"Everybody is living an individual life in a collective experience."
"My personal problem is never solved as long as the problem is not solved for all of our people in this country."
"A republic is only as good as the sum of its parts, the moral disposition, our dispositions of heart and mind, individually, have a discernible and definitive effect on the collective life of a country without doubt."
"When you look at Islamic law in the context I've just discussed, it just increases the well-being of the collective and decreases the harms, the suffering for the collective."
"Security is the responsibility of everyone."
"I didn't win for me, I win for us, the people."
"A Tribe Called Quest was a founding member of the Native Tongues, a collective of hip hop groups in the late 80s and early 90s that had a more lighthearted, positive, afro-centric focus."
"American citizens are bound to a collective enterprise that extends beyond our individual and personal reach."
"We're doing great, I speak for all of us."
"It isn't just hopes and wishes and it isn't just friends, it's the collective."
"It's almost like a shared dream populated entirely by the consciousnesses of every person that ever existed."
"We're just one person, but we're all little lights, and if all of our lights were glowing and sparkling, think of what that would do to the whole world."
"All decision-making is collective decision-making."
"The track's reassuring message that we're all part of a powerful Collective cycle that transcends the individual is nothing short of inspiring."
"The only freedom he believed in during those 10 years was the collective freedom which hadn't yet been achieved."
"Jules had a touch for that. It was collective, but I must say, Jules Bath was running the collective."
"The story wasn't that one person changes the entire world, but lots of little heroic deeds by many people."
"Collective motivation: maybe I can find that one common denominator that gets everybody on board."
"Their collective goal: Stand up for justice."
"So we've been in this very intense cycle with bigger energies working with us collectively and individually, and it is very draining, it's exhausting, it can feel very personal at times."
"Trauma is not an individual issue; trauma is a collective net."
"Your truth is what really won this battle, Divine Collective."
"We all do better when we all do better."
"All of humanity will be unified with such a deep union."
"...they functioned like a form of hive mind."
"All of you were meant to run these cycles to gather wisdom to gift back to the collective."
"Ultimate power in the world is the people of the world."
"It's not about you. It's about a collective group of people. I hear lots of people talking about community. Where is the community?"
"I think it's not about how you do as an individual, it's about the group."
"Stop being an individual who's worried about life or death, become part of a collective being."
"We all play our small role like ants in a colony to raise this vibration."
"It's not just good for the person that we are praying for, it is for the collective, it is for our collective edification."
"When you heal yourself, you heal the whole, you heal the collective."
"We have to understand our individual journey of evolution in order to also see where it fits in the collective picture."
"Collectively with a group of people who are able to be their most authentic selves."
"Think about how much power collectively... if you knew what other people were thinking, then you could manipulate them, right?"
"It's my fight. Your fight. It ain't just your fight, it's ours too."
"This is an important win for everybody."
"...no one being, no matter how powerful, can stand against the United will of all of existence."
"...whole Nations can get caught up in collective dreams."
"We do not do it alone, we do it as the labor family."
"Hi vibes are more about us and we."
"Everything about it was collective in that everyone was 'you're happy you you've been part of it but you're happy looking around because the one thing about that Squad of players that we had done over the years we'd experienced some fantastic highs, some horrible lows.'"
"We're all building out in the open collectively and there's all these groups coming together to pitch in, some of the smartest minds on the internet, in the world at this time."
"Even just over the net, like the last two years, watching how much energetically when I've tapped into my collective, like how much you've all grown with me, like it's so beautiful."
"We were made to collectively gather like we're gonna be in heaven. We're not in isolated studios up there in heaven. We're all together and the sound is awesome."
"Instead of you being the one to go through the rebirth, you're actually moving through an energy of rebirth, possibly within the collective."
"The phenomenon of collective ignorance is that now I'm sure this has happened to all of you."
"This has always been about the community."
"AI is not based on imitation of biological intelligence or human intelligence. AI is itself a crystallization of collective intelligence."
"We should care as much about the industry at large and the art form as we do about individual artistic accomplishments."
"Big changes at a collective level."
"If you add in the belief that this is only going to work if everybody does it together it's not that you a man saves the world it's that you man in the collective Saves the World."
"Your individual salvation is certainly important, but we're talking about your family, your community, your country."
"We need the stable people to help the collective remain stable."
"This last great awakening, it's not going to be about this person here."
"The prosperity of a people is dependent on the sum total of their thinking."
"It is not of our single souls, we dream, he thought. We dream anonymously and communally."