
Paradigm Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"What absolutely is possible is a whole new paradigm if we can again awaken to the wisdom of our heart."
"Functional programming is also a paradigm where functions are king."
"So, for example, transformers fit within this paradigm."
"They argue for it within the paradigm, and this is very important."
"I think what's happening is we're moving from one Paradigm to another Paradigm."
"It's a part of the paradigm, programmed into the system when you're born."
"It's so potentially Paradigm Shifting, the story is could restructure the way we see ourselves in our place in the universe if it's really true."
"Witnessing the greatest financial paradigm shift." - Brad Kinds
"We are all co-creators in that new paradigm, in that new future."
"Both of them are non-complementary paradigms."
"The paradigm atom or mini monitor... represents one of the best, most iconic entry points into higher-end loudspeakers."
"Your Paradigm controls your perception, and your perception is your reality."
"Paradigms control what we do, yet they literally control what we do."
"There's another paradigm outside of coping, outside of self sabotage."
"The theory of morphic resonance contrasts with the mechanistic Paradigm."
"What I didn't know is that the Catholics had a very different Paradigm than I did as an Evangelical."
"The paradigm of how we treat chronic pain in modern medicine is completely wedded to the idea that most pain can be treated with something you can swallow."
"There's no point in putting any energy into ending the current Paradigm. It's more effective to create the new paradigm that makes the current one Obsolete."
"Nothing set in stone yet, you're literally shifting timelines, you're literally jumping paradigms."
"We've been entrained in a reality that's been operating under the false belief of separation."
"...if you haven't spent much time functional programming like it's this whole tower is super weird because these constructs don't actually carry over cleanly to the imperative tower."
"...which is the principles and in the apostolic age they used the apostolic Paradigm..."
"It seems to me that if we truly underwent a complete upending of that paradigm, placing consciousness where it belongs at the foundation, everything else would sort of fall into place over time."
"Repetition is key. Change the paradigm through constant-based repetition."
"Why does the government regularly go to such lengths to keep them out of our mainstream paradigm?"
"Functional programming is very different from OOP. Initially, you might find it less readable and more complex but I promise over time makes sense."
"Emergence is all about this paradigmatic surprise."
"...in our paradigm, we tend to think of sensitivity as a weakness... we need sensitivity, we need compassion, we need love, we need kindness..."
"My goal here is to develop a new paradigm capable of clarifying the most pressing problems both practical and theoretical that we face in the 21st century."
"I don't feel that I need to defend that Paradigm I feel that I want to understand the evidence that I find within that Paradigm because to me it's a given that it's true."
"The central paradigm isn't good versus evil; it's order versus chaos."
"Because there’s ANOTHER paradigm of Church-State relationships which was considered the ideal of Orthodox Byzantium."
"The entire Cold War paradigm rested on the idea of immutable permanent hostility between Moscow and Washington."
"Don't hold on to your old paradigms."
"The scientist is adamant that reaching Paradigm will turn the tide in their favor."
"To be revolutionarily creative, radically creative to change society, you have to break frames in a fundamental way."
"A decisive victory changes the paradigm."
"Love your enemy is an extraordinary way of extending the bounds of our compassion right to the very fringes of human society."
"There's no distinction at all, like the whole Paradigm itself kind of just dissolves."
"Sinai emerges as the Paradigm of Peace for our world today."
"Ideologies or paradigms in science are kind of morphic fields, they're habits of thought. And so, like all habits, they become deeply entrenched."
"JavaScript is a really good functional programming language and that is an important Paradigm and that's what we should be doing now."
"Misti is a programming language which represents the next Paradigm, the next major advance in programming languages."
"Every decision you make in business, every call you have, whether you go to the gym or not, you need to put it through this paradigm, through this barometer: does this decision put me closer to becoming the best version of me or further away?"
"Your paradigm literally dictates everything that you do."
"Your paradigm shapes the way you view the world as an adult."
"Your paradigm is in control of the frequency of vibration that you set off into the world."
"It's where there's a theory that oh it might just be my theory."
"Your paradigm is in control of what you believe is true about the world."
"...if you don't have it it can never come you can have a Ferrari given to you brand new but if it has no steering wheel and no brake pedals you're in for a crash you're in for a nightmare."
"This is multi-paradigm, a free function is used in any paradigm."
"Functional programming is essentially saying let's try the opposite approach."
"Functional programming is kind of the same way."
"Functional programming reduces complexity through subtraction."
"Paradigms are philosophical and theoretical frameworks used within a discipline to formulate theories."
"Having a paradigm is so important for a field as to a large extent it dictates what's researched and how that research data is interpreted."
"A paradigm helps you to understand a complex topic, and having an effective paradigm enables progress to be made in a field."
"A true paradigm provides a framework of understanding that guides research into understanding the subject that it addresses."
"The calories in, calories out paradigm is a wounded animal that's going to take a decade to die."
"Completely shatter everything we thought we knew about the world"
"Functional programming as a paradigm is like great from an ergonomics and like maintainability perspective."
"I think we're helping to create a new spiritual paradigm and that religion as we've known it will change."
"Every single major programming paradigm that we're familiar with is 40 years old at least."
"Functional programming is just an alternate approach, a different paradigm, a different way to think about structuring and organizing your code."
"A paradigm can also be thought of as a series of events that have happened in your life and the meaning that you give to those events."
"So, this is kind of a paradigm-changing proposal that has been put forth and is really gaining traction and something to think about."
"Every language always occurs against the backdrop of a specific type of paradigm."
"If we can have an honest paradigm, we can hope again."
"You gotta pick your paradigm. Which field of play am I going to work in?"
"The only thing to be saved from is the level of thinking that now dominates the human race."
"...his work on colorectal cancer forms a paradigm for much of the work that's being done in modern cancer research."
"We're on the precipice of a paradigm shift."
"Space-time is doomed. Space-time, which has been taken as the fundamental reality for science to build on, is not fundamental reality."
"It's such a big paradigm shift in my life; it's changed the way I think, it's changed the way that I live."
"It's the paradigm that produces the result, and if we're going to change the result, there's only one way to do it."
"We need to change the paradigm from how intelligent are you to how are you intelligent."
"The paradigm in Western medicine is to treat the symptom... we're never really challenged to think about what the root cause of an illness is."
"Conceptual breakthrough relies on something called the paradigm, a worldview, assumptions we have about the view of the world."
"We now have certain beliefs about the world; we have a current paradigm that we all operate within."
"This is really amazing programming paradigm."
"Australia has entered a new paradigm."
"The most powerful paradigm of all is the becoming paradigm."
"This is a paradigm shift, now that iPhone can run the games that typically appeal to really serious hardcore gamers."
"There needs to be a paradigm shift in thinking that we no longer need to celebrate good things in our lives with things that are going to destroy it."
"Functional programming is a completely different paradigm than what we are used to, which is object-oriented."
"It's a complete paradigm shift to understand what's going on and then taking ownership of it."
"I believe that we are moving rapidly towards a new paradigm, and that change is inevitable at this stage."
"It's better to learn a paradigm that you can then begin to apply."
"It was a massive paradigm shift and my whole life immediately became different."
"A paradigm is a shared set of assumptions and methods."
"When something fits the paradigm, it immediately slips right in; when something lies outside the paradigm, it's attacked."
"Science says that's the big modern paradigm is a scientific paradigm."
"I think the mechanistic materialist world view which says everything's unconscious machinery is the old paradigm."
"Talking about adoption with idealized language creates an unrealistic paradigm, one where what we lost isn't just diminished, it's denied."
"It's time to enter into the new neural paradigm."
"We'll need new economic paradigms around ownership."
"The sensation I'm talking about has the following elements: it's life-affirming, paradigm-shifting, and humbling."
"Nature's chemistry is a very different paradigm."
"If I'm not conscious of what is shaping my paradigm and the way that I see the world, then I'm always going to be in opposition with the action that I'm taking."
"Nobody is hoping or expecting to come up with some radically new paradigm that will just overthrow the central law of virology."
"Object-oriented programming, a hugely popular paradigm of writing code at scale."
"The younger dryas became the paradigm for the idea that Earth's climate was intrinsically a flighty creature capable of shifting abruptly to a radically different state."
"We've been told mainstream archaeology and the Darwinian theory has a completely different paradigm than what we do."
"I hope that it has been a paradigm shift for many."
"It's a whole new paradigm for technology."
"We're reaching another paradigm shift like that, I think, in something that is going to be just as important, just as mind-boggling."
"The paradigm should resolve dissonance."
"That really is the paradigm, ultimately, of what it means to program."
"The holographic paradigm is the closest thing you've ever worked out to representation of human memory."
"These ideas that we're learning about here are so integral to the whole paradigm shift that we're in right now."
"MVC is the programming paradigm that hopefully many of you are familiar with."
"Science does not make cumulative progress since a shifting of these paradigms can lead to phenomena which were explained by previous paradigms no longer being explained."
"Kuhn's theories of paradigm shift fit into many of the themes of post-modernism."
"Theories must be tested against a paradigm or disciplinary matrix."
"Kuhn is widely considered to have proven this positivist position completely and totally wrong."
"A shift in these background beliefs or paradigm occurs when sufficient issues arise."
"Quantum Computing is not the Next Generation supercomputer; it's a paradigm shift."
"You have to change the paradigm and look at it from a different perspective."
"We do not need to live inside the confines; it's an empowering paradigm shift."
"Proving a paradigm wrong is helpful in letting you observe what is possible to detect."
"I love a lot of theorems in mathematics, but there's one theorem that has caused more of a paradigm shift in how I view and interact with the world than any others, and that's the existence theorem of Nash equilibriums."
"She wanted to break the paradigm of everything Mexican where things are sometimes hidden because of not having an open mind."
"A coherent set of assumptions might be called a paradigm."
"Evela gives us something outside of that modern paradigm, offering us in very clear terms a way to trace the steps back to these ideal forms of our civilization."
"Science undergoes various revolutions over time, which start with a disorganized period known as immature or pre-paradigm science."
"This is part of the new paradigm."
"It wasn't just a lot of new challenges, it was a complete paradigm shift."
"A handful of axioms and some corollaries develop into a very powerful paradigm for the analysis of academic affairs, financial affairs, historical movements."
"The conscious pursuit of catholicity and consistent hermeneutic of orthodoxy evidenced in Aquinas provides a paradigm for any serious approach to healing the ongoing schism."
"If you combine paradigm paralysis with the Luddite mentality and then on top of everything else, you're thinking like a checker player but the game is chess."
"We're looking at an entirely new paradigm of self-perception coming up here."
"We have a paradigm shift that the world has never seen before."