
Creator Quotes

There are 520 quotes

"Each experience is just as important to the Creator. All of them are just as important."
"Commit your souls to him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator."
"You're not worshipping a saint, an idol, a stick of stone, a man, a woman, you know, your ideas, but you worship the one who gave you life and will give you death, and you call upon that creator alone."
"The overriding mode of the Creator is mercy; it's not wrath."
"We establish the Creator as a source of supreme guidance. We plug into that."
"Appreciating creation is a beautiful thing. Appreciating the Creator is even more beautiful."
"Maybe our creator or God is the computer programmer, creating this simulation."
"One of the more mind-blowing truths in the universe is that the creator of that universe wants to talk to you."
"Hello, final competitors. It's me, ConcernedApe. I've been watching, every step of the way."
"Mr Beast is the top YouTuber on planet Earth."
"This puzzle was made by John Poser and it was released in May of 1986."
"One of the most sacred things is the relationship between the creator and the customer."
"Your creator loves you unconditionally because that's the epitome of unconditional love."
"The series was created by Texas animator CH Greenblatt, you might also know as the creator of chowder."
"Greenblatt calls Harvey beaks the goofy grandchild of his predecessors."
"69% believe that God exists and is the all knowing all powerful perfect Creator and ruler of the Universe."
"Please don't erase queer Creator something that he acknowledged was wrong to have said."
"Nobody is there for you truly except the one who created you."
"The best way to serve the creator... is to share the love of the creator."
"The only sovereign is the Most High, but we are children of a sovereign creator."
"Even if you love a creator's work and its quality seems obvious to you, they may not share those feelings."
"What I like about all of Coda's games... constructed by a real person."
"That soul of yours comes from that place of the Creator and you called God that soul of yours is not separate from the Creator from God it isn't."
"If there is an all-powerful creator of the universe and he wanted to make it known what was on his mind there wouldn't be a debate end of story."
"You get that kind of depth within the music that's where I feel like there's been a massive turning point for me as a Creator."
"George Lucas being the only creator who actually held on to his rights." - Manuel Godoy
"It's evidence that there might be a God, a creator who lives in unapproachable light, but he happened to become human so we could approach him."
"There will never be another manga like this, there will never be another creator like Kentaro Miura."
"How many people here believe strongly in a Creator God who made the universe? Gosh, that's a lot."
"You are of the creator and the creator is of you."
"When people say I'm their favorite content creator, it doesn't compute in my head."
"You want to connect yourself to your creator, well."
"George Peck was the last person you'd expect to create an extreme sport."
"I'm in a good spot on YouTube where I'm growing."
"The creator invented language, you don't give a name to the one that invented language itself."
"I think being a somewhat small creator I can have some of an opinion on this."
"Thank you guys so much for asking. I've been better but life is stressful, a lot of things happen. Being a creator is a lot more stressful than what most people think."
"I have a relationship with the creator of Heaven and Earth, and he wants to talk to me about some stuff."
"The Creator alone should be celebrated and have all the power because they're the ones that are creating the thing."
"I'm a creator of circumstance, not a creature of circumstance."
"Creator burnout is huge, we've seen a lot of creators in the space just overdo it."
"There's a level beyond that where we acknowledge that what we're experiencing is a story, the world, the characters, the narrative, all of it is the work of a creator that's crafted everything to match their vision."
"If you're a creator and you want the best bang for your buck, then the video build guides in the description below will show you every part to buy and how to set it up."
"...the evidence points to an indifferent Creator."
"YouTube viewers tend to be more dedicated and feel a little bit closer to the creator that they're following."
"If you want to be a successful creator on YouTube, then you should be a passionate consumer of YouTube first."
"Men are providers, women are creators."
"He is creator and curator, carefully plotting the movement of the stars and the streams of time."
"I have never in my life seen a piece of video content that feels more like the creator is just... in front of me."
"The best business model these days is to become a Creator, build your personal brand."
"God is perfect, God is infallible, no flaws, no errors, the creator of the human family."
"Our rights come not from government but from our Creator."
"You are an unstoppable creator of the new Earth."
"If they would spread the love they brought with them to the physical world, they would know their creator eagerly awaits them."
"...while i was in the middle of working on this video, it was announced that Kentaro Miura, the author of Berserk, has passed away."
"Your life is in the hands of the Creator and nothing and no one can take away God's promise from your life."
"Gravity Falls is Alex Hirsch's magnum opus."
"It's a responsibility of a creator to be able to recognize dynamics."
"David David Chase if you want to keep making sure uh series and movies that will infuriate the fans I have so many ideas."
"Being a creator for the internet is a collaborative process with the audience."
"...they decided not to pick a the option on the show however in a move that hardly never happens they were still sold on the premise and they were still sold on gene roddenberry as a creator."
"This is Eiseman, the fabricator of the architectural uncanny."
"Lauren Faust is the creator of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic."
"So this is probably why he created the Time-Keepers."
"Art can stand independently from its creators."
"The biggest crime anyone can commit is to associate a partner with the Creator."
"Only the creator has the power to save us."
"The creator of the tutorial Tower is the creator."
"Toru replies that it is because parents wish their children happiness. She is their creator and no creator wants to see their creation suffer."
"Reacting to these videos is lit, but supporting the original Creator matters a lot to me."
"As I look at the scientific literature literally on a daily basis, discoveries are being made by scientists that document and establish that we have more evidence for the supernatural handiwork of the Creator than we had 24 hours ago."
"Our creator made us intelligent enough to create medicine."
"Every YouTuber, every creator should hire an editor way sooner than you think you should."
"Many Marvel Comics characters are ascribed to be his creations, he's a beloved comics icon, one of the last remaining Golden Age creators still alive."
"The only explanation is the supernatural creator."
"This is a rare moment where, as an up-and-coming creator, I paid so much attention to how Casey Neistat talks about the creation process."
"Just like Rebecca Sugar, Steven plays a ukulele proficiently. Like creator, like creation."
"Actually, Steven, I programmed you."
"Kishimoto has revealed that he identifies the most with Naruto out of all the characters in the series."
"I learned from your papers that you were my father, my creator; and to whom could I apply with more fitness than to him who had given me life?"
"I miss Stan Lee so much. His death hit me a lot harder than a lot of other actors. I don't know why I said actor. He's not an actor. He was like literally the visionary creator of all of it."
"Doesn't just support me, it also supports an independent creator and progress. You got shirts, you got hoodies, you got mugs, you got stickers, posters, you name it."
"The primary and most beautiful thing being not creation but the creator."
"There's no longer any doubt that the one that created the universe is a personal being."
"Stop me if you've heard this one before: a Star Wars creator that has proven themselves capable of producing good stuff in the past is given the opportunity to write and direct their own Project without collaboration with others."
"This is independent author and YouTube creator, can't afford to spend five figures."
"Your existence in itself is proof of a creator."
"All living things were put on this earth by the creator to be in harmony."
"We lost one of the greatest creators of our time on the first Akira Toriyama the creator of Dragon Ball uh and a strong reason we watch anime in the west or IP indeed."
"Our creator created us and knows what's best for us."
"The creator of the series, Gege Akutami, received and keeps receiving multiple death threats daily because of his habit to kill off important and fan-favorite characters."
"It’s not so much the story of creation, it’s a picture of a creator."
"It's the key. I think radical responsibility in all areas of your life is when we step into being a Creator."
"When we remember that we are creators, we can take conscious control of our physiology, we can move beyond that stress response, we can step into calling forward what we want."
"I think it's never been a better time to be a Creator, be a filmmaker."
"What ruined 12 forever? Well, it was sabotaged, marred, and eviscerated by the Creator herself."
"Vince Russo has taken credit for this one."
"The question that every new Creator should ask themselves is what does your variety show look like?"
"You shouldn't have to do that as a Creator, right? Like, I shouldn't have to go through... I shouldn't have to even think about, like, 'Yeah, I need a shell Corp for my house just because I want to protect it from DMCA claims or from getting doxed or whatever.'"
"DNA represents a language the language of Life an unseen author the creator of Heaven and Earth has left a testimony of his existence in the DNA of every living thing."
"So the mangaka um or the manga creator of haven't you heard I'm Sakamoto has passed away at age 36 which is this cancer which is brutal yeah that sucks"
"I tell people, 'You'll be a creator or a consumer. Either two.'"
"The more we discover about our universe and about our world, the more it screams for a creator."
"...a great tool and it's something that I feel like every Creator essentially needs."
"I believe that a heart can be made whole and complete only by the one who created it."
"Secularists find that to be not only wildly offensive and simply insane, but it angers them that you would dare to submit to him rather than to them because they don't have a creator."
"We must recognize that we have a creator who made all things, but I think it's time for us to recognize we actually believe that creator entered into our own existence."
"You are God. You are consciousness. You are the creator."
"I think being a Creator and being an influencer... sometimes it's just like being a little practical."
"People fall in love with you a lot more as a creator if you start to tell that story. It builds character, builds personality."
"The cross, the creator of it all, coming to that pale blue dot."
"The fact that YouTube instead of fixing the problem is punishing the creator, an innocent person."
"Anno was not in a good place when he started work on Evangelion."
"The idea of order in nature is contingent on the will of the Creator."
"We are not meant to worship our creation. We should never worship our creations. We are meant to worship the Creator."
"Ultimately, truth is a person who created the world in which science is done."
"The Man Behind the whole Kingdom Hearts franchise is none other than Tetsuya Nomura."
"This show is made by me, the dark rabbit, Jack Rhysider."
"He's doing a brand new anime series based on the original Akira manga."
"Originally written as a manga series by One Punch Man creator ONE, Mob Psycho became more well-known in the wake of its incredible anime adaptation by Studio Bones."
"are you chasing what you were created for more than you were chasing who you were created by"
"When you see good in people, that is inspired from a creator who loved first and loves all and is all-loving."
"Because if you like it or even if you hate it, regardless when you click that button it supports me."
"The Creator is not satisfied leaving his world like this."
"If you want to support this channel or me directly, I have a Patreon that has everything from audio production samples and assets to exclusive game servers."
"May your faith become a pleasing fragrance to the Creator."
"The idea you want to change [Dragon Ball Super's] ending is crazy. Akira Toriyama is to manga what Michael Jordan is to basketball."
"The age of the conscious Creator is unfolding all around us, courageous Souls who finally realize we're not bound by any limits save for the limits we place upon ourselves."
"I have decided to launch a Patreon which will be a way for all of you to help support me and this channel."
"We all think we know what's gonna make us happy. We all think we know what's gonna make us sad. How can we think we know better than the one who created us?"
"Can you imagine a perfect creator allowing deceit?"
"Every video I make on my channel is just AvenueX's personal opinion."
"This song is also notable because it was one of three that were written for the movie by Richard O'Brien of Rocky Horror Fame."
"...there's no obedience to a creation in the disobedience of the Creator."
"You have two options: you either see the inventor, which is God who made you, or you read the manual, which is his word to find out how life is supposed to be."
"One man is behind all of this, Eiichiro Oda. I bow down. The man is incredible."
"Nature tells us that the Creator is not far away."
"I think that there's a slow process that our God or our creator has intended for us to go through to get to the point where we fully realize who we are, what we are, what this is, and what death is."
"God is the one that brings forth life."
"Worship the Creator by keeping the Commandments of God."
"Jesus is the source of life. He is the creator. He is the origin of life."
"Everything in creation declares the reality of our creator."
"There he is, the man behind it all, the creator of Star Wars."
"You all should know me by now, but if you don't, I am Christian Weston Chandler, the original creator of Sonichu, the Electric Hedgehog Pokémon."
"The better you get to know your Creator, the better you're gonna get to know yourself."
"We're meant to soar with our creator, we're meant to know him and walk with him, to interact with him."
"That is actually like the best case scenario for that creator, that is their ideal outcome."
"Marriage is a good thing but so is thunder and lightning, they are all made by the same person."
"Only the being that created you and everyone around you and everything around you only that being is worthy of worship."
"This one's a super spicy woody concoction from the mid-90s, 96 I believe, created by Dominique Ropion."
"It really seemed like Toriyama was ready to dive back into the world of Dragon Ball again."
"The easiest way to remove false attachments from our hearts is to focus on the greatness of the Creator."
"If you could instead see something better and focus on that, it totally diminishes any greatness in the creation that you're attached to."
"If there's any common denominator to my favorite music, my favorite films, even my favorite sushi, it's that each of them holds the voice of its maker."
"God created us and gave us certain rights."
"What I like about Sofia is that she is one of the rare creators who doesn't force her personality. You can feel that what you see is what you get."
"If there's a creation, there must be a creator."
"The original game was made by George Fan."
"The fans are telling you what they want, what they don't want, and you have to be able as a creator to say okay, this is the direction that the fans want it to go."
"...we please our creator, we please an audience of one."
"It is always hard as a creator to see full feedback because obviously we tend to hear from the people who are the most passionate about certain things."
"As a creator myself, my biggest pride to enjoy is not the monetary aspect but the community that I've accumulated over this time."
"And of course, if you've got some money for it and you don't need it for anything else and you don't know what to do with it, you can always support me financially."
"Honestly you guys have to check her out. She's such a talented creator, obviously she's like freaking so popular on TikTok, duh, but she's just honestly like super super talented."
"Where there is design, there must be a designer."
"If there's a creation, there has to be a Creator. Yes or no? Yes."
"What it takes is knowledge and understanding that your creator created you with a purpose, and that purpose is to worship Him and Him alone."
"One creator who had been seeking payment for a deal with Triller TV for over a year magically received their payment."
"The Medallion is showing like reaching for this goal, reaching for this success, and then realizing that you are a master creator, right? You guys are master creators."
"If you're a creator and you get a contract from a brand... you should be compensated."
"If you like what I do here, please consider supporting me."
"Focus on the creator of the means, and once you do that, you have to respond with gratitude."
"The machine cannot say it's greater than the maker nor can the maker say the machine is beneath him."
"By supporting my channel you can subscribe, like the video, and comment. That does support me as a Creator on this platform."
"The original manga Creator's vision for the anime was to simply just leave it to the production team."
"Some creators don't even care about their audience or the comments or anything like that."
"now i understand that this isn't always the creator's choice."
"By far the most important skill you can have as a Creator is confidence."
"Every good brand has a strong personality, and the personality of the creator of that brand speaks through it."
"For $250, this may be the last microphone you ever need to buy as a creator."
"You're about to enter the mind of Vsauce creator Michael Stevens."
"Ultimately, for any creator, understanding what people are searching for on YouTube is crucial."
"It just so happened to be that that was like the next, a clear next step for me, but that's what makes it so much better. It's not like, 'Oh, I'm a fashion Creator, let me just go make some clothes.'"
"The rich and the poor have this in common: the Lord is the maker of them all."
"White Manga here, the creator of Apple Black, publishes in Saturday AM and our books are in freaking Walmart."
"We're just like bombing down to the creator."
"The Creator always said that it's a series about love."
"The creator is above the creation."
"Blessed are You Hashem, our eternal one, the sovereign of the universe, creator of light and darkness."
"Whoever made this, shout out to you."
"They worshiped the creation instead of the Creator."
"Let's be honest, you're not gonna find these videos anywhere else. Why? Because I make them."
"The creator is so much more beautiful than the creation."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this video, I really liked making this one."
"The universe had a beginning, it must have had a beginner."
"You are here as a creator, you're here to create, you're creating all the time whether you're aware of it or not."
"The glorious design of the universe speaks of the glorious designer behind it."
"I will celebrate any creator who's getting a giant bag from a company."
"It all points back to Dan Schneider and you could see it throughout all of the shows that he's created."
"It's one of the few art forms where one person can really create that."