
Human Purpose Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The goal of human life is to manifest the divinity already present within us; that is religion."
"Learning self-love is the point of human life. If you love yourself completely, you would have no more problems left in your life."
"The highest purpose that you can have as human being is to use reason in pursuit of virtue."
"We are not sent to be acted upon; we are sent to act."
"If man was really truly bent on doing what God wanted him to do, we would achieve that."
"Compassion for strangers, that's why we're here, right?"
"The sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being."
"God created us to create stuff and He made us to make stuff."
"The reformed would respond by saying okay, yes, we need God. God doesn't need us. But why were we created in the first place? The entire reason we were created is to worship God."
"Nobody is called to live their entire lives for themselves, that's not what human existence is supposed to be."
"Humans are designed to be connected to the future... you've accepted your role as a creator."
"Human beings want to work, want to innovate... we are designed with a purpose."
"The noble purpose of man goes beyond simply growing, aging, and dying."
"The quest for sacred life is indeed at the heart of the human venture."
"Your purpose is to simply exist. You're here because you exist, you're here to experience."
"Humans should serve... some sort of essence and that's what you're going to strive for."
"Do not let what is human wipe out what is celestial; do not let what is purposeful wipe out what is fated."
"Our only purpose is to be here on earth to create our own reality."
"The purpose of human life is for each of us to expand our ability and our willingness to experience and express love."
"Your life is meant to be awesome... why were we put on this earth if not to be happy?"
"Humans are a means for the universe to experience itself."
"The chief purpose of humans in the Bible is to image and represent God."
"Purpose, to know that you're here for something, to know that you're doing something, to know that you're making a difference, I think is what makes somebody human."
"If human bodies were simply extraterrestrial vehicles which need to perfect themselves in order to get into Heaven, as Ti and Do believed, what happens when that vehicle breaks down?"
"It's not our job to save humanity, it's to overcome fear."
"Man's purpose is to learn about all his surroundings and create perfection in the universe."
"Some people are put on this earth to do good, Cheech."
"God made humans to reflect his wise order into the world and to reflect the praises of the rest of creation back to him rulers and priests and that's all of us not just those called public office or those call to office in the church."
"The human being does have purpose, objective purpose, not subjective purpose, objective, anchored, and solid purpose."
"Even the highest realities are present to all of us, that we are made to enjoy them."
"The purpose of our human Homo Sapien existence is to pass on our values to the next generation, to have an effect on the world."
"The universe made to be understood, and we are made for it."
"Engines were made for men, not men for engines."
"The true purpose of human life is theosis."
"The true purpose of the human being... is the highest and most proportionate building of his or her forces towards a unified whole."
"Humans are made to be reflections of God's character out into the world."
"Society is essential to the fulfillment of the human vocation."
"What would be the purpose of humans in this world as artificial intelligence continues to become more intelligent?"
"Rise to the occasion, understand what human life is meant for, and then perform Bhakti."
"All our scriptures say that the purpose of human life is to realize that they are Divine."
"The end goal of human existence is not to be a humanoid motivated by artificial intelligence; it is to be a resurrected being capable of miracles through the power of divine love."
"Human beings are at the top of that pyramid to show that the whole pyramid's there to support the human being's ability to connect back to God."
"We are made in the image of God, right? We are meant to be the real images that point people back to Jehovah when He's dwelling in us."
"The purpose of human life is learning and experiencing, and indeed in this learning and experiencing, we all are together."
"We're all just here floating on a ball in space to learn and grow and spread knowledge."
"This is staggering knowledge!—wonderful beyond description! Make yourself grasp it."