
ETFs Quotes

There are 191 quotes

"These ETFs are going to surpass gold ETFs in not too long a time. The big Bitcoin ETFs are the most successful ETF launch in 30 years."
"The most important result of this is the ETFs themselves represent regulatory clarity for Bitcoin as the institutional-grade crypto asset."
"We're buying great businesses at good prices, and if you aren't able to do that yet, then ETFs are a great way for you to get in."
"ETFs are the most powerful way to build your wealth in the stock market."
"With an ETF, one single ETF can hold thousands of different stocks or bonds or commodities or a mixture of all of it."
"This ETF is more appropriate for long-term goals where your money's growth is essential."
"The ETFs, we haven't spoken since the ETFs launched. It's been amazing."
"ETFs were created to answer for these weaknesses compared to a mutual fund...less expensive to hold, faster to buy and sell, and cost you less in taxes as well."
"ETFs are similar to mutual funds but are kind of like an evolutionary step in investing."
"Index fund ETFs are more of a passive way of investing."
"Index funds typically outperformed active management over time."
"ETF in the bull and bear market would not have the same effect that it would have in a bull market."
"Indexes don't just come about because they're good investments, they come about because it's an opportunity for a management company to gather assets through a new ETF."
"Dividends for this ETF are currently sitting at 6.11 percent, which is the highest on the list so far."
"If you don't have a spot ETF you're kind of stuck with lower quality options."
"You've got institutional investors reacting to this bitcoin ETF drama."
"Try and focus on the bigger picture pick good companies that are here for the long term or of course just invest in ETFs like Vo."
"Cover call ETFs: popular options... considering total return."
"Have a table strategy. ETFs are the legs, and the singular positions are the dishes on the table."
"I think the existential threat to bitcoin goes away. I think that's very much reduced as a result of the ETF."
"I just believe with all of my heart that if you're getting started, one of the best vehicles can be an ETF, and an ETF that follows the S&P 500 index fund."
"Having a crypto or bitcoin etf is so functional because it makes buying easier, an exchange eliminates the complexity of having to pick a brokerage."
"It's much easier to just use the existing brokerage you have so that's the number one reason we have for crypto etfs and a bitcoin etf being a really good idea."
"If you buy cryptocurrency in an etf, you're not able to use it as a currency. You don't actually own the coin you don't have the private key because you've got the convenience but you just own shares of a fund."
"A U.S investment management firm with over 1 trillion in assets under management has joined the growing list of firms looking to launch cryptocurrency focused ETFs."
"ETFs are successful if they work hand in hand with market makers."
"A $10,000 investment into the Vanguard Small-Cap ETF would have turned into a little bit over $45,000 today."
"Warren Buffett says investing in ETFs is the best way to invest for almost every single person."
"I'm also a really big fan of investing into some form of Diversified actively managed ETF."
"There will be other ETFs... the sad reality of what we saw with the Bitcoin ETF is it was only because the courts forced the SEC's hand."
"NBA Jam rules and it's an easy addition to your collection."
"Canada approved the first bitcoin ETFs in North America."
"Still overall ARK does win on performance against QQQ, which is a huge accomplishment."
"You can make money with a dollar if the ETF cost 10, you buy the ETF, you can start making money right there."
"If you have my situation, you need to invest month in month out into ETFs and save for the long run."
"ETFs are publicly traded as if they're one stock, but they're really just a collection of stocks."
"ETF cryptocurrencies have the potential to 20x in the next bull market."
"You're much better off putting your money into an ETF."
"Kathy Woods has Tesla as her top position for three out of the five of the active ETFs."
"Invest in ETFs for exposure to a group of companies."
"Breaking: Bitcoin ETFs moving closer to approval, SEC listing eight applicants."
"ETFs and index funds work very similarly except the way that they trade."
"Metaverse ETFs booming in South Korea: a forward-thinking market."
"If you don't want to invest in individual companies, you can also look at investing in things like ETFs."
"A lot of people talk about ETFs which are dangerous."
"What more do you need to see to be confident that a spot Bitcoin ETF is actually ready for prime time?"
"We're getting more demand into Bitcoin through the ETFs."
"ETFs are a great way to diversify your holdings in any portfolio."
"Hold forever high yield Canadian cover call ETFs."
"The ETF is an improvement of an index fund; it's like an index fund 2.0."
"If you have less money to invest upfront, an ETF may be better for you."
"Building a strong foundation usually starts with either an ETF or an index fund."
"Hong Kong will be launching their Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETFs by April 30th... that's only a week away."
"Well, listen guys, I'm looking forward to more ETFs. You obviously have some very, very good ideas, very unique ideas."
"Covered call ETFs are not designed for maximum total returns, they are designed for income generation and to lower your volatility."
"SPY and QQQ by far, those are the two best ETFs for trading index options."
"ETFs like Spy are typically highly liquid, which means there are many buyers and sellers in the market."
"Owning covered call etfs can make your life so much easier."
"The easiest and simplest way is by using an ETF."
"If you're a covered call ETF fan like I am, these are very, very unique."
"I really love these ETFs because they provide passive income dividend investors like myself with higher dividend yields without sacrificing safety."
"If they approved it in May, we would be good to go; absolutely, these ETFs would work perfectly again."
"Keep an eye on that because everyone's going to look at this and say that it has to play out the same way as it did last time going to the spot ETF."
"It's always very important to know what's the underlying Securities that these ETFs have."
"Schd is an extremely impressive ETF."
"In the Top 10 rankings of ETFs by the amount of assets they have under management, Vanguard holds six of the top 10 positions."
"Bitcoin ETFs are coming because institutions realize Bitcoin outperforms everything else."
"It's not something that they can even guard against. As people will see in some of these ETFs, if the price is grossly below the assets under management, that's telling you that there's some type of Market maker that's actually about to blow up in this process."
"Dividend ETFs vs. individual stocks."
"...when an ETF really has some success, you start to create this awareness and it snowballs..."
"The ETFs are basically going to shift us into this early majority phase."
"Advantage number one diversification so the main advantage of investing into ETFs is the extra diversification you get this diversification helps spread the investment risk and reduces the impact of individual stock performance on the overall portfolio"
"Schd has been one of the highest performing high dividend ETFs out there."
"ETFs: potential for return, simpler and faster. But you do have to give up some things as well."
"Which one is better? Investing in individual stocks or ETFs?"
"I think we can all agree that the reason we're so far ahead as far as hitting a new all-time high ahead of the halving is these ETFs, right? We've seen just massive success."
"ETFs offer low-cost, performing, tax-efficient solutions."
"Even if you are not trading it, I suggest if you heavily trade in any given sector or there's a group of stocks like for us, the travel industry lately, you might want to have those ETFs up there."
"Index funds and ETFs are absolutely the way to go if you are considering a passive investing strategy."
"This is not as simple as ETF approved, number go up forever. It's not really like that. This is a very complex issue and I think people should not be in a huge rush to push forward with ETFs."
"Because ETFs are open-ended, similar to a managed fund, but they have this unique creation Redemption process and because of that inherent built within the tax within the ETF structure itself, you are benefiting by lowering your taxation impact, especially around capital gains."
"ETFs are a great structure through the creation Redemption mechanism, but also due to the fact that they have low turnover."
"ETFs offer a number of advantages. They're less risky than buying individual stocks and offer a way to buy a collection of assets."
"The majority of money is actually still going into these broad diversified ETFs."
"SCHD, like many other ETFs, can be very cost-efficient."
"Investors tend to universally agree that growth or low-cost broad market ETFs are the best investments when we're accumulating wealth before retiring."
"For active traders, ETFs are more appealing because it gives you greater control of buying and selling."
"ETFs are probably the most popular, fastest growing type of investment out there right now."
"If I had to pick one general winner, then VTI would be the one that I'd recommend for most people most of the time."
"ETFs have brought bonds to the masses, making fixed income investing much more liquid and accessible."
"Welcome to ETF Market insights, a weekly show focusing on the evolving world of ETF investing."
"Asset allocation ETFs are such a great investment product for so many types of investors."
"Investing in an asset allocation ETF basically provides you the exact same diversification as if you were to invest in six or seven different ETFs."
"I'm gonna stack rank them and see what would be the best or the most optimal ETF to invest in given your circumstance and your risk tolerance."
"The key to understanding how ETFs work is to understand how the very first shares of an ETF are created."
"ETFs are much more transparent than mutual funds."
"ETFs have democratized a lot of asset classes and a lot of investment strategies."
"So you want to build a solid investment portfolio made up of all ETFs that are not only going to make you money but save you money."
"With the promise of high dividend yields, covered call ETFs are all the rage in 2023."
"I personally like ETFs... they are automatically diversified."
"This plays well into our using ETFs for diversification."
"I have 80% of my portfolio in ETFs or mutual funds that track the S&P 500."
"Both of these ETFs give the exposure to the S&P 500, meaning they both invest in the same 500 companies."
"ETFs have much lower fees than something like a mutual fund because these ETFs are passively managed."
"Investing in Blue Chips doesn't mean you have to invest in an individual company; there's an alternative: you can invest in ETFs."
"We're going to be highlighting some great ETF options for beginner investors that are looking to take a passive approach when it comes to investing in Canada."
"The great thing about investing in ETFs is that they are very, very low cost."
"ETFs are a little bit more tax efficient than index funds or mutual funds."
"ETFs are securities that track stock, bond, or commodity indexes with really low management fees."
"Investing in a REIT ETF is a way for you to get exposure to the real estate market without having to actually manage and operate your own real estate investment properties."
"The dimensions of what you can unlock with Nebula ETFs is much wider than what you can do with traditional ETFs."
"ETFs are very helpful investment vehicles to build long-term wealth."
"Most people use ETFs for passive investing through dollar cost averaging."
"The best thing about an ETF is when you decide to invest money, it takes your money and splits it across all these different stocks."
"These are some of the cheapest ETFs you can pick up in terms of management costs."
"It's totally okay to just invest in ETFs for the rest of your life."
"Self-managed low-cost ETFs make it easier than ever to put your wealth accumulation on autopilot."
"Any sniff again of any ETF news and this thing flies."
"These ETFs deliver really a whole new range of potential outcomes."
"If you are looking for the safest investment possible, I would recommend this ETF."
"I preach ETF and mutual funds; absolutely, if you don't know what you're doing, that is the right way to get started to really create a foundation."
"ETFs have come to take a dominant share of the money going into the market from investors."
"We're going to talk about the best ETFs to buy and hold forever, not just for a few years or a few months."
"The best bet for most people is just to invest in an inexpensive broad market ETF."
"If you don't want to spend all of your time researching stocks and picking stocks and keeping up with stocks, then another thing that you can do is invest in something called an ETF or an exchange-traded fund."
"A total stock market ETF gives you exposure to the entire stock market."
"The fifth type of ETFs that you may want to consider investing in are Innovation ETFs."
"The growth of ETFs and liquid solutions has been great for the investor."
"The single most important thing that you should be looking at when choosing what ETFs you want to invest in is the underlying index of that ETF and how the stocks within that index are weighted."
"You're owning thousands of different stocks within this one ETF, so you are really well diversified."
"The beautiful thing about holding ETFs is if a top 10 company's struggling, they're going to kick that company out and add a new company."
"ETFs are the best option for most investors out there."
"ETFs are similar to stocks in that they trade like stocks on the same exchanges."
"Investing in inexpensive broad Market ETFs like VTI has historically been one of the best ways to make long-term gains."
"Dollar cost averaging into ETFs is fine, but I like to wait to invest in single stocks until they're reasonably priced."
"ETFs are a fantastic way to have passive management, amazing for low fees, and they have a bunch of other benefits as well."
"Exchange-traded funds are essentially index-based investment products."
"My portfolio is 90-92% ETFs and then a very very small amount just a couple of Blue Chip stocks."
"ETFs and index funds are an easy way to diversify your portfolio of investments if you're a beginner."
"Less Supply and more demand through ETFs is bullish."
"We did some magnificent ETF matchups this year from dividend funds to crypto and AI."
"Among the labyrinth of choices, all market ETFs are the broadest and the most diversified."
"All market ETFs have a simple mandate: to replicate certain segments of the stock market in the most diversified manner possible."
"You really cannot go wrong with adding any of these ETFs to your portfolio."
"For most beginners watching this video, I'd actually recommend just getting started with ETFs."
"The increasing demand for ETFs is... it's going to be exponential."
"Investing in ETFs is the alternative to picking individual stocks, and it's a great alternative."
"An exchange-traded fund, an ETF, is a basket of companies that fit these metrics for you, and you don't have to pick them."
"11 ETFs or ETPs coming to market on one day is actually historic for the ETF industry."
"Investing with ETFs or index funds tracks the general market and automatically provides diversification."
"If you roll over these options each week, you can purchase more shares of the ETF and then sell more call options."
"ETFs are basically a collection of companies, a collection of stocks that essentially gives you a lot of diversity and reduces your risk in investing."
"I think the ETFs are going to help Bitcoin do what it was going to already do."
"We're not only going to be covering Bitcoin's price action but also taking a broad analysis of the ETF inflows."
"You have access to investing in thousands of individual stocks and ETFs."