
Business Focus Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"You need to focus laser-like on one particular use case, have a very clear idea of who's your target customer and what is the value proposition you're trying to give them."
"We're really focused on giving the power back to the user."
"Content is always going to be our primary driver."
"Building companies that will legitimately strengthen the economy is something that we need to be focused on."
"Everything was about the business decisions, there was no real deep talk about the ideological issues."
"Get your money right, you'll feel better. Focus on your growth, your business."
"Vote with your wallet, it seems kind of like maybe 30th Anniversary voting with our wallet did legitimately work."
"The secret to Ron DeSantis' success: ignore Donald Trump and attack business instead."
"I care about points on a graph and where that line is going."
"One product equals less work and more time focused on growing the business."
"We're focused on the next wave, making sure we crush it."
"Notice what's working. Why is it every major influencer focused on their business? Because they care enough about their people that they wanted to be there for them."
"The best passive investment I think is a good business."
"We need to be laser-focused on our selected businesses' performance and we need to stay focused on the long term."
"They went from rapping and playing around to hey let's get the business."
"I invest a lot more in the business... I can tend to put a lot less effort into my school work."
"I'm really excited about our customer success."
"One of the phrases that I said at some point and I found has been very powerful is the essence of strategy is what you choose not to do. It's the service you don't offer, it's the functions you don't provide, it's the benefit you don't offer."
"Spend less time worrying about your finances, more time focusing on what your business truly is about with the help of FreshBooks."
"As long as you let yourself say, 'I'm going to spend time only on those products or services that make me money,' you'll thrive."
"We're focused on working with the existing digital stores."
"If you're gonna be about your business, be about your business."
"Focus on your best customers to increase loyalty and drive more sales."
"Retention is bad... until you nail the main focus of the business, nothing else matters."
"For me, businesses is really the primary source of creating my wealth."
"I think Blue Origin really needs to focus on those engines because they have to be productionized so that they can actually sell them at the cost that they promised."
"So this is even more attention now speaking of Enterprise attention arguably the biggest event is coming this month for Casper."
"We specialize in one thing and that is Medicare."
"A lot of people they put way too emphasis on how your website has to look"
"Mark Zuckerberg got the message that investors do want him to focus on the core businesses."
"Just remember one thing it's not about you it's about the experience."
"This laser-like focus is on making the best possible product, the most creative stuff."
"We need to go where companies are making money."
"I think in terms of this Apple announcement, the phone part of it is kind of like the least exciting. To me what's interesting for the business and what's going on."
"Focus exclusively on solving problems and reaching desires."
"Keep the main thing the main thing: signing clients, growing your bank account."
"We don't wake up every day and think what's the value of our company today we think let's execute let's do great work let's let's build things."
"If a man don't take you serious, you don't have to play no tricks and games, keep on going back to business."
"We generally don't do these because our expertise doesn't lie there."
"I would rather have my movie studios focusing on making great films."
"Understanding that your customers are [important] nothing more than that."
"Every business is now concentrated on creating content."
"The Glazer ownership of Manchester United is not about football prowess it's about business."
"It's all business with that dude, he's got the eye of the tiger."
"If your child got money, that ain't who I'm working with."
"Define your customer and let that be the backbone of your whole company."
"Every misplaced moment can feel like a missed opportunity and a lost chance to make your own business better."
"We decided as a company that we're going to stop all ventures that aren't producing results and focus on what's doing really well."
"My goal of 2022 is to hit the pavement running and be specifically focused on making your P/L higher."
"It ain't show friends, it's show business, and if you're not doing some good business, well then why is your show on the air?"
"I once heard the head of a movie theater chain say, 'Ladies and gentlemen, we are not in the movie business, we are in the candy business,' and that really is quite accurate."
"Regulatory compliance is at the center of everything that we do."
"You need to do everything you can to focus on you growing in your own business."
"It's not about the volume production, it's about the quality."
"Focus on the business, do not focus on the share price."
"Focus on sales and ROI, that's what matters."
"The Left needs to get back into the center of American life, understand the language of ambition, of small business..." - Ana Kasparian
"It's very clear to me that PayPal's future is in small and midsize businesses."
"Trading isn't everything; building businesses is everything."
"Stop focusing on the stuff that is sexy and do what is actually successful and that means getting customers."
"There is no work-life balance when you start having a profitable company. It is just [__] working."
"Silver represents over 90% of what we're doing."
"The people who are the wealthiest tend to be really heavily focused on one or two business objectives. They have a goal, they have an idea, they want to pursue it, and the money is a side product."
"A niche is not the merchandise, it is your clientele."
"That's almost exclusively where I'm focusing on right now."
"If you can laser focus on a single Avatar and solving a single problem you're more likely to succeed."
"Given the attention and focus that his current agency were too large and too busy to do." - Kevin Smith
"Tesla is really focused... increasing adoption, making the product better."
"GOG should focus more on its core business activity, offering a hand-picked selection of games with its unique DRM-free philosophy."
"I get you also being super business focused as well."
"Your photography business should succeed because you are a great photographer and not because you're an expert in marketing, SEO, web conversion, and all of the other non-photography things."
"All revolve around a single question: Does it make money?"
"Ease, convenience, and discounts: what customers need."
"It's all business right here and [ __ ] personal."
"I don't need the price of my stock to dictate to me how well my company is doing. In other words, I don't care what the price is. Stop asking me. What I care about is the efficiency of my company."
"Quit helping all of us and focus on the brand you bought."
"All eyes on Amazon, this is the important one."
"Many investors will tell you that the best investment you can make is in yourself and in your brand/company."
"IBM is going to be a very focused services organization on hybrid cloud transformation."
"Tesla should keep the eye on the prize long term." - Caption from the video
"Your main focus needs to be on things that are going to provide value."
"It's all about creating that experience for other people. That's what's most important."
"We make money on tech and [ __ ], not on going to war with random [ __ ] countries."
"Rick Ross and the beef and the war and the here and there but in all reality that's not what it's about it's about good business."
"Winners focus on customers, competitors focus on winners."
"We care about apps that users love to use, because if we're not here for the users, we're probably not focusing on the right things."
"We moved down here to focus on our travel agency, which is called Fantastical Vacations."
"The most important thing is the business first."
"We're going to continue to focus on giving people great experiences with our product."
"LinkedIn is serious, it's best for business-to-business and building professional profiles."
"oh my God I was scared for no reason and there's barely anyone here yes I love people it's just I hate filming in front of people but it's not that bad to okay literally as I said that someone just watch anyway we're about business today we're looking for Romance."
"Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a process to understand the customers' needs and translate them into a set of design and manufacturing requirements while motivating businesses to focus on their customers."
"You're all about business, but there's a business person coming in and a business opportunity."
"Our goal to the greatest extent possible is to abstract a lot of the virtual infrastructure from folks so that they can focus on their business logic."
"Focus on just one thing that's going to make a difference in your business."
"Really, really work on that 90% of the meat of your business first."
"We have other priorities - making good shoes and talking small business. Yeah, small business, talking to athletes. Yeah, that's what we're doing every day."
"We're not in the business of helping large entities."
"It's fully focused on being a sustainable brand."
"Stop trying to solve problems that don't exist yet stop building fancy websites stop trying to build like onboarding funnels for clients who don't have stop trying to build old payment gateways for clients you don't have just focus on the first problem."
"Focus, hit a million by focusing, you'll get there so much faster."
"I'm standing on business. All we talk about is business around here."
"These tools need to be easy to use, they need to be powerful, they need to be targeted right at the things that business users need to do within their business."
"Focus on the real businesses, the 20% of microcaps that actually make money."
"It's about delaying decision making about details, especially details that don't relate strictly to your business case."
"Focus on the customer; all you have to do is to make sure that the customer receives it and that they're happy."
"It's really important we have this collector because when you have to do this yourself, especially on top of multi-threaded software, forget it, you're not spending any time solving the business problem."
"Focus on business issues and tangible value; that accelerates knowledge management more than anything."
"If you focus on making that customer happy... that's all that really matters."
"You can't be everything to everyone; you have to pick a target market and only focus on them."
"The Net Promoter system helps provide guidance about where to focus, what actions to take to get there."
"Obsessed with bringing the world closer through travel, and with everything we do, you and your business are in our minds."
"Think long term, think outside the realm of your own internal company focus."
"The main takeaway is you want to know where the market's going to be drawn to."
"Your brokerage will have a mission, values, and focus."
"We don't try to be everything to everybody; we know what our niche is."
"We're here to build a business and deliver to the owners of the company, full stop."
"Focus on your business in the month of January and February and the relationships that you hold with others."
"I'm really, really, really focused on my business."
"I get to work on my businesses now without distraction of little things out of my control."
"I want to focus on my business, making money, making moves."
"The true investor will do better if he forgets about the stock market and pays attention to his dividend returns and to the operational results of his company."
"We need to make it about what is beneficial to the business and to our customers."
"What's the highest value that I can bring to my business today?"
"Don't waste your time on accounting and paperwork. Spend it on business!"
"We're a health company, that's what we're building to."
"The most important couple of hours in your day, you want to dedicate those to the most important thing in your business which is prospecting and marketing."
"Our focus is really on managing value systems."
"An easy win is to go double down on your top case type and refer out the bottom ones."
"The music industry is now like 95% business and 5% music."
"It's the product, it's the product, it's the product."
"All that is Prelude, now it's time to get down to business."
"Grow your business and that's it. You don't need to switch from this to that. Just stay one-minded, focus, you know how to do it."
"Validated learning is the job of your startup."
"One of the best ultra-portable business-focused laptops here for 2021 and for good reason."
"You don't have to do anything besides focus on marketing and building your store and testing products."
"They're seeming to get the 'we're more focused on growing responsibly'."
"If they wanted to be a good company they would just focus on health."
"What's most important, no matter what type of business you are, is you focus on buyers."
"You don't really have to build those custom components, you know, you can focus more on your business."
"Focusing a lot more on your business, on building your finances, on taking your personal power back is what I'm seeing."