
Island Life Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"Madira is a lovely island, beautiful views of the sea. I've never been here before, and it's amazing the society and the culture they built here in the middle of the Atlantic."
"I just feel like I was made for the islands."
"Island life in New Horizons is more or less limitless."
"Animal Crossing: New Horizons is basically a simulation style game where you build up a little island and you decorate your island and you do different things on your island."
"Immerse yourself in the history of the island and get to know the inhabitants."
"This island's community and scenery are both great, I just love it here."
"Tristan de Cunha is very much self-sufficient. So if you wanted to live somewhere off the beaten track and away from outsiders, this would be the very island to choose."
"The gradual destruction of their island hasn't destroyed their will to live here."
"I don't really know why more islands don't do this."
"I'm really excited for this vlog, I've been really motivated, I'm really pumped."
"The simple joys of nature are just one reason that the island is such a great setting for your new life."
"Residents of the islands say they've been hearing strange screams and howls from the forest mostly at night."
"Tristan da cunha: where even grocery shopping requires weeks of planning."
"Your destination is a peaceful island where it's the little things that count."
"On an ever-changing island, power can come in many forms, from electricity to art."
"Boxes moving island anxiety, you just get it instantly."
"And even if it's been a struggle to make this island livable, we're proud."
"Scenes like this were repeated across the island."
"There are two types of people on the island: those who are willing to be righteous at all cost and defend their estate, and those who remain as house slaves."
"...the island has definitely had an extremely powerful place in my life."
"...there is no place I would rather be during the summer vacation than sitting on the porch, walking down to the beach for a swim, and waking up each morning on Martha's Vineyard Island."
"Kara is done with men so living on an island full of ladies sounds like the life for her."
"I love that I can just easily move it off the island if I need to."
"I don't really get Island fever, but then again, I'm jumping on a plane like two to three times a year."
"Life on the island hadn't been bad, but there was something missing."
"It’s never dull on this island, is it?"
"It's about experiencing island time, being laid back, soaking it in."
"Living in a sophisticated small town but we have all the amenities of a big city but we live on a tiny Island where we can go snorkeling in 5 minutes and um it's just amazing."
"This is beautiful, you have like a little traditional house sort of behind us. You're surrounded by mangroves and little islands dotted around. I mean, we should be heading on one of these boats soon. We are living on island time at the minute."
"It's a quiet life away from mainland New Zealand but the island has a strong sense of community everyone waves to each other here."
"It's a luxury to have fresh fruit and vegetables on the island."
"Videos like this one today, guys, it just makes us appreciate so much living on this island and all its beauty."
"I just love it here. I forget how much I love Milos as an island."
"There are probably about 50 people who live on the island year-round at this point."
"I love the island, man. I've lived here all my life."
"Everyone loves salmon pink on the island. You'll see salmon pink all over the place. It's like the in color, isn't it?"
"So at the beginning of this video, we told you that we would let you know if we found the island to be overpriced or paradise."
"Public transport is actually a really good way to get around the island."
"We love the exclusivity of this island, and the locals are so hospitable and super friendly."
"I could never in a hundred years explore and see everything there is to offer right here on my own little island."
"There's this conspiracy on the island by nature to reclaim itself."
"You gotta come out to the island sometime."
"It's the trade-off of living on an island."
"Everybody, because it's such a small island, there's such a huge sense of community."
"Like if I could be stranded on a desert island, I'd probably use the Coconut because it can be used in so many different ways."
"The experience in Malapascua Island is much more relaxed as the place can be less crowded."
"But they fell in love with the next island, so things were okay."
"This is fantastic, this is like Island life with being in America."
"Just being on the island reduces stress."
"You really start feeling those island vibes here."
"There is a sweetness about island people."
"I'm living the dream on an island down south."
"I continue to savor my peaceful island life all alone, day by day."
"We had only been on King Island for a few days, but we had experienced another world, another time, a much-relaxed pace and people, proud of their island and its achievements, who wouldn’t live anywhere else."
"The beaches are gorgeous as well, all the way around the island."
"Dominica is referred to as the nature island of the Caribbean."
"I'm very happy here, it's beautiful, the island is beautiful."
"I absolutely have fallen in love with this island."
"I find it more pleasant and comfortable out on the island."
"Can they master the island, or will it master them?"
"The island of Sodor is beautiful all year round."
"For me personally, a true highlight was going over to Samson, now an uninhabited island, but people were living there up until the 1850s."
"The food on these islands is phenomenal, everything seems to be locally grown and naturally organic."
"Good morning, it is our last full day in the island of Rodriguez, and I slept like a baby."
"Bermuda is a really small island, so which means there are limited things to do, there are limited people, so everyone knows each other."
"The name of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines evokes visions of exotic, idyllic island life."
"I don't think I've ever been to anywhere like this before, it's completely unique, proper Island Vibes."
"If you're coming this side of Thailand to come here to Comac and the surrounding Island, absolute Paradise."
"It's worth coming to the island just for this view."
"The island offered no fresh water, but the islanders soon sorted that with a Herculean group effort."
"I feel like I'm on Gilligan's Island; I love this place."
"I love this way of life here on the islands where you've got a bit of extra something that they don't have, they've got a bit extra something that you don't have, do a trade, happy days."
"Once you've slept on an island, you'll never be quite the same."
"The island is the epitome of peace and tranquility."
"This is an island that goes with the flow."
"Just being on this island is prestigious, right? Like, how lucky are we?"
"Every beat of the drum, every whisper of the wind, and every wave that kisses the shore tells a story."
"Here we are in Paradise, here in Honduras, catracha lands. Well, catrachas islands."
"Sometimes the coconuts come floating and are born on islands, like this."
"Elysium was an island surrounded by endless water, and the seas gave life to the men there."
"In my opinion, there's nowhere else on earth that even comes close to living on the island of Sodor with my friends."
"Living on a remote island in the middle of the Pacific seems like the dream job to many people."
"I felt like I had found my new home, I love this island so much."
"This is one of my favorite gardens on the island."
"There's just something so refreshing about island life."
"To appreciate these islands fully, you really need to stay a while and soak up the relaxed and friendly vibe."
"Cheers to island life, here we come!"
"You have to love the island life."
"They aren't alone on the island; there are many people sleeping on the sand."
"For me, this island is a paradise."
"Everyone gets a new life on this island, Shannon. Maybe it's time you start yours."
"Whenever I look at our island, I just think it's beachy because it's blue, it's so pretty."
"Island people were resourceful and self-reliant by necessity."
"Personally, my favorite island is Oahu, but that doesn't mean I don't relate to the outer Island Pride."
"Join us for an island adventure that we will never forget as we show you what van life is really like on the island of Orkney."
"One of the things I adore about this island is that it is so well maintained."
"Saying goodbye to a wonderful little island camp, the best island camp I've ever partaken of."
"Mount Desert is not merely an island; it's a way of life to which one becomes addicted."
"The day started off just like any other on the island."
"She absolutely loved the island life and she was a huge foodie."
"Life on Corn Island is chill, it's an island vibe, relaxing with lots of things to do for tourists."
"You can't beat a cup of tea on Inchigill island."
"Island life is just the best, like eating fresh tropical fruits, walking on the beach."
"For as long as people have lived on the island, they've referred to the natural formation as the dragon's back."
"Each island is unique, and this one's unique in so many ways."
"Every island is unique, the same characteristics that lead to the special and often bizarre life that develops on islands also makes them incredibly fragile and easily unraveled by man."
"It's a chill island, and the people are chilling; they don't steal or anything."
"The ponies are remarkably well adapted to their feral island lifestyle."
"It's just different being on an island... it's like putting the drawbridge up behind you."
"On an island in the sun, we'll be playing and having fun."
"One of the best things about Chargow is actually the island itself."
"So without a doubt, the best thing to do in Shargao is to get out on the island."
"I've got some good news and I've got some great news when it comes to this island of Koh Samui."
"My island is a very friendly island."
"Driving around the island, you get the idea, especially on a sunny day, this is what you're signing up for."
"I'm already in love with the island and I'm kind of also digging this vibe right now."
"It's not just an island, it's a testament to the power of conservation and the beauty of Mauritius' natural heritage."
"The island has been amazing because of our elevated lifestyle at a much lower cost of living."
"I never thought I would be spending a month on an island like this."
"One of the major pros of living on a small island living in Grenada is nature."
"Culebra is really small and it's easy to get around."
"He dreamed of living on a deserted island."
"The locals are so nice on this island and on the main island."
"Whatever you walk on the land here in the islands, you'll always be a part of it."
"The miracles waiting for us here on island, not metaphors, not abstracts, not colorful exaggerations, no, rebirth."
"I grew up on an island in Alaska."
"This is what island life is all about, and I think this is what a lot of people are looking for."
"It's about as pretty as you can get, an island that is so full of education."
"The entirety of Zero is designed with a balance between realistic city and fun and whimsical island that's impossible not to fall in love with."
"We just roll with whatever happens here on the island and it's freaking gorgeous."
"Lounging on an island you can call home."
"This is life in Trinidad, Caribbean life."
"I grew up on an island, I used to walk on the mangrove, I grew up having fun just watching birds walking on the mangrove."
"On the island, it's very much a family and a community, and we all look out for each other."
"This is the place of dreams. Grand Cayman is a carefree island full of Caribbean charm."
"Jamaica has this laid-back feel... Jamaica feels like an island, like a tropical island."
"Secrets are important on an island with only 40 people."
"Coming to a Countryside Festival out here on an island, you get to enjoy it, you get to dance and fire toy guns for hours. An hour brilliant with the cool sea breeze."
"Coming from a place like an island, you can't, you know, it's, it's, I think it's added to my life in general."
"I live on an island and this island has beautiful beaches, it has phenomenal waterfalls, it's got incredible nature."
"Here I am on one of the most beautiful islands in the world."
"This is paradise, just absolute paradise and the absolute epitome of island life."
"If you give the island something, the island gives something to you."
"He then claimed that he would use his body to protect Rina while living on the island."
"Life on the island of the eternal sun and warm sea cannot be called impeccable. But it is definitely good enough for everyone who was born here to dream to live in Cyprus all their life."
"Good morning world from Sha Island."
"Even so, I continue to savor my peaceful island life all alone, day by day."
"I always thought that living on an island is splashing all day in the ocean, climb coconuts and catch fish with your bare hands. But I was wrong."
"It felt to me like a really authentic way of expressing what it's like to be on the island."
"I live on an island. I live, eat, and drink fishing."
"I love working on this island; it's the work that I actually love the most."
"Living on an island has lots of perks, especially when it comes to loving the outdoors."
"I love living in Barbados so far, it's so nice."
"What a strange and interesting place this island home of ours can be."
"I am very happy that I have Friday on the island."
"They were living a very comfortable life on this tiny island."
"It’s a peaceful day in the island, and the catch is plentiful!"
"The Islanders live free and they're very kind."
"Sheep get a little boat ride out to smaller islands where they spend the whole summer."
"This island's pretty cool, no cars allowed, only scooters and horse and buggy."
"It's just so much fun; it's so good to be back here on the island."
"You can see just how small Fair Isle is; it is about three miles long by a mile and a half at its widest."
"The most people like to go to Koh Samet, that's a really nice island."
"The rule on Mackinac is that you're not allowed to have motorized vehicles."
"That island is a dream, everything is stunning."
"Islands are the best, cool, weird islands."
"How will you utilize them to help you survive on the island?"
"It's the interior of the island that's presenting the biggest problem for us right now."
"Everything seems so much better in the islands when there's a beach."
"As an island nation, the seas that surround us are some of our greatest assets."
"We're here on the island of Samui, otherwise known as Koh Samui."
"It doesn't take long to ride around the entire island, but going around the back streets, you get to really see the architecture."