
Market Opportunity Quotes

There are 226 quotes

"Right now is the best time to create a crypto portfolio because we are in the early stages of the new bull market."
"Based on Ark's research, Illumina's declining cost curve will permeate a 3.5 to 4 trillion dollar market opportunity in healthcare and agricultural biology, while improving wellness and life expectancy in ways we cannot fathom."
"I would welcome a short-term buying opportunity for Tesla, which I would take. Tesla's my largest position, and I don't mind if it goes down."
"I knew it was a can't-miss situation in the United States because there had never been anything like it, even in Japan."
"There's definitely room in the market for something different."
"If you can watch these kinds of corrections and you can be buying somewhere around here, you're almost guaranteed to make some money on the bounce."
"Some are still off from its highs which is also good because that means you still have the time to buy the dip."
"A pullback in the Chinese economy, again, if managed properly, could be a huge opportunity for the economy to shift away from its overdependence on real estate and infrastructure."
"Them offering a whopping 53,000, which was less than wholesale for a Z06 Corvette, allowed me to swoop in and buy it for a pretty good deal at 60,000."
"In my opinion, it'd be a nice buying opportunity."
"This may be one of the last significant corrections we have to invest in cryptocurrency while picking up these coins on sale."
"The dips are gifts. What are you going to do with this opportunity?"
"So this enables you to trade pre-launch tokens, way to get exposure and actually trade upcoming events before the rest of the market which is very cool."
"The only thing that this is doing now that Bitcoin is starting to sell off a little bit is creating opportunity..."
"When you look at the big picture... any sell-off to me is a buying opportunity."
"The best business to start is when it's high leverage and in a big market."
"If we had one stock like that every single day, 400, 300, we would be so grateful. Now it's not going to happen every day, but it happens more often than you think."
"Bear markets are one of the best buying opportunities that you will ever see as an investor."
"Seriously issue 25 to 50 of your shares at the current ridiculous price, that's not dilution you'd be cementing permanent and untold optionality."
"The earlier you're in, imagine if you were invested in Avalanche the first time we did an interview with John Woo."
"Staying within your own circle of competence may give you opportunities that other investors might miss out on."
"Get ready because Cardano is probably going to be a place that you're going to want to set up shop because the gains they are are coming."
"For me to put 70,000 into a brand new stock in this short of an amount of time, it has to be an extraordinary opportunity."
"Enjoy the highly inefficient Market while you can. This is the Once in a Lifetime Market. Don't take it for granted."
"I still can't help but think there might be a better opportunity to buy this company."
"If we do drop, it's nothing more, in my opinion, than an opportunity."
"Hey, if I gotta be the catalyst to get the pullback, the little bit of a dip so you guys get an opportunity to buy, so we can continue to move forward, hey, I'll do that job every single day."
"Disney: buying a good company at a reduced price."
"When asset prices drop, it's an opportunity for you to buy investments at a discounted price, aka buy the dip."
"If you want to thrive through a market crash, buy when you see it happening."
"There's room for 10 of you, 100 of you, to just be in the pet space alone. There's so many opportunities."
"Now is a great time on the used market, especially."
"Few investors will give you money because they like you, they'll do it because they believe your team led by your vision can grasp this market opportunity."
"We should have put more money in there, kind of like if we're looking back right now at Tesla last year when it was trading in the 200s, now it's at 1600."
"The last few weeks were a gift to us. Just a good buying opportunity."
"Sometimes you don't need the best product; you just need to be good enough to take advantage of a company that has rested way too long on their brand."
"You're just trying to find a gap in the market...and then you can fulfill that gap."
"Despite the crash, investors see opportunities for accumulation and long-term growth."
"Investors should not shy away from this highly attractive entry point and Tesla shares have recently gone on sale."
"Very, very bullish on bitcoin, but at these prices, I'm not squandering the cheapness that we have."
"Next week could be one of the best and one of the last buying opportunities in the market."
"There might not be a better time to accumulate those positions that you do believe in."
"I don't know how Leslie's loses here, there's only a positive event for Leslie's right."
"Now that Bandai Namco was alone in the Naruto games market, they could take such risks."
"Enjoy the highly inefficient Market while you can. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Don't take it for granted."
"We take all the cash and then we take all of the equities that have been dumped by all these investors and we buy them on behalf of the people."
"This is the time... this is the buying opportunity."
"Anything below 40,000 to me is a screaming buy in bitcoin."
"Now is one of the best times ever for people to be investing in the market because everything's on sale."
"If Tesla can dominate energy storage breakthroughs, they'll have a wide-open field of growth for the next two decades."
"This is the market to be in stock... there's so much cash sitting on the sidelines."
"The market might be down but safe sun is flying high with only 60 to 70 holders you are early."
"Honestly, it is probably the best time, honestly, in my opinion, to get in crypto."
"This is the real deal. This is the one where the risk reward is the most attractive of any of those stocks."
"Making moves to make sure that you capitalize on making as much money as possible in this market."
"So really if you wanted to get into a fintech that does this backed might be your only option for doing this right now."
"The opportunity in front of Tesla is worth literally trillions of dollars."
"I don't think you're late on the altcoin market by any means."
"If everyone is fearful, then it's time to be buying."
"Step into an unsaturated product and go viral with it."
"People will look back at these prices in three years and say buyers were lucky."
"If you bought one of these for a thousand dollars and you're selling it for a hundred thousand dollars maybe that pays off your house."
"Easy to understand business model, strong like donkey kong growth, huge TAM opportunity, very profitable business model, not a crazy valuation."
"It was the perfect recipe for Success beloved company a genre that wasn't oversaturated multiple ways to play."
"Tesla is on the cusp of unlocking a decade trillion dollar opportunity with their real world full self-driving AI."
"Alibaba is the one stock in China that I'm like if it falls to a certain price I am elated to grab it."
"The world is thinking, wait a minute, there's money to be made here."
"Thank the paper handers for giving us a good shopping day."
"The millionaires are made in the bear Market. This is the opportunity, this is the gift horse. You don't look a gift horse in the mouth."
"I think it's a historic buying opportunity at this point."
"Now is the time to capitalize on that secondary market."
"If anything use today as a buying opportunity continue to hold Comm accumulate DCA and wait for the gain to come to you."
"I've always had liquidity, and the reason that I'm worth five billion dollars today by Forbes is because I was able to buy things when other people can't."
"But when you're standing at the edge of the cliff by staying invested not only do you risk losing the majority of your portfolio, but you also miss what will be the greatest opportunity of our lifetime."
"When there's blood in the streets, that's when the rich get richer."
"Having cash on hand gives you power in the markets and it lets you view days like today as opportunities and not so much as fear."
"Every founder dreams of a regulatory change that creates billion dollar market in their space overnight."
"A lot of people have made a lot, a lot, a lot of money."
"If the answer is yes, you probably want to be picking up these tokens because you're probably not going to get a better opportunity to pick up these tokens than now while everybody is dumping."
"If you are thinking about buying... why didn't one of the big car manufacturers think of this a long time ago?"
"If you see a dip that's good for me because I go great I can buy it on a flash sale."
"The big question is: are you going to buy the dip?"
"If I could get Etsy under 225, that's when I'll go shopping."
"This gives an opportunity for a competitor to maybe come in and produce children content that is not woke."
"If AMD launches a 16GB Navi 31 card, there's an opening for them."
"If I had a good sum of money right now, I'd be buying a lot, so I'm just being totally honest."
"NANO is a coin I really really like and $8.88, that's looking pretty good to pick some up."
"When others are fearful, it's time to be greedy."
"There is definitely a gap in the market for someone to make really beautiful shoe inserts."
"It's like a burglary. You come in there and you're going to creep in off that support and just snatch and grab and you're out, dude, like boom, done."
"There's hunger to be a publisher because people are kind of noticing, 'Oh, there's so many games that are going unpublished.'"
"If these graphics cards get stupidly cheap, people are going to come out from the woodworks and buy them up."
"Definitely good news for anyone in the market for it."
"We actually have an opportunity to buy when it is cheap."
"Feels like a good day to be a retail investor."
"Great companies that are growing have huge markets and opportunities ahead of them."
"Whoever actually takes the spotlight as the next Salana will be in an incredibly good position."
"If you can just even take a product that's already selling and just slightly improve on that thing you know do some basic entrepreneurship you're gonna make a ton of money like that's guaranteed."
"Silver right now is a buying opportunity of a generation."
"A drop is just an opportunity in slow motion."
"I personally think this is potentially your last great chance to get into a lot of different altcoins."
"The upside here in everything is still like asymmetric, right? So there's a huge amount of potential."
"Is this an opportunity for a longer play on Audius?"
"Nice day to buy that dip." - Encouragement for seizing investment opportunities.
"The upside potential here is too big for me to ignore."
"Right now, there was some potential value proposition for these kind of NFT projects."
"Sometimes the market gives us a wonderful gift... suddenly we find ourselves with an incredible bargain."
"Buying that market crash in 2020 could have been a great opportunity."
"Peak fear tends to be a great time to buy up assets."
"When prices go down, that's an opportunity to buy."
"Certain stocks sell off for no good reason. That's an opportunity to buy."
"This is where the smart people will come in and use this to their advantage because we know it's just a matter of time until we see some crazy news or large amounts of money come into crypto and all the prices start to go up again."
"Buy the dip in defense contractors, big pharma, and consumer staples."
"Stay focused and seize the opportunities in the market."
"The current supply-demand imbalance of big tech shares provides a significant opportunity for unconstrained investors to buy these companies at a deep discount today."
"To buy silver at these prices to me is an absolute bargain."
"Any days like yesterday where there's 20 specials in the markets, you capitalize."
"I think this is going to open up a huge market for vertical iPhone stands for people that didn't already have vertical iPhone stands."
"You gotta pick them up when they are cheap and DCA, that's simply it."
"You can become rich in this market and invest in the good companies that make the world a better place."
"If the market gives you a gift, say thank you and take it."
"Ford saw an opportunity in serving the police market and became the first automaker to offer a dedicated police package."
"These pullbacks in premium and price and rhetoric, these are all opportunities if you see the big picture."
"The autonomous opportunity is literally worth multiple trillions of dollars."
"This is a pullback and a good buying opportunity."
"So, there's just a lot of upside going into this market and being the one big player in this market."
"It's very reassuring to know that when we're getting these dips it's not only you and I buying the dips guys right it's literal billion dollar companies it's very big firms that are also interested in buying these dips."
"You could charge whatever these people are so thirsty for."
"It's kind of a no-brainer why you should buy some."
"Having a cost basis of... a thousand dollars per share is going to look like the bargain of the century."
"Juicy part in the middle, maybe even squeeze it down, maybe even do like you know 30 to 70."
"The bottom line is yes you should buy the dip if you're here for a long time every dip is an opportunity."
"This is going to moon! Huge opportunity for everyone."
"Find something that is a gap in the market that people want to watch but can't see."
"Just be able to take advantage of these prices on the way down."
"The opportunity here for going into payments is real."
"I think there's opportunity, I think Pokémon opportunity remains very strong, I think Brothers War even this Jumpstart I think Dominar Remastered, I think and even reserve I think across the board new and old there still remains opportunity."
"A hundred dollars ten years ago would have netted you nine point two million dollars today. Think about that. Nothing is close."
"This is a decent time to buy, a lot of these Kryptos are at 80% discount from their all-time high."
"Etsy actually has the ability to attract organic customers... all you have to do is actually take advantage and find trending interesting products."
"Guys, this is a bear market, this is by far an opportunity on the golden platter."
"These opportunities in the market come when there are massive, massive insecurity."
"When the market is low, that's when you gotta get in."
"Anyone that tells you 'oh you're too late, you've missed the token', look at what the arbitrim team said."
"Every single Market cycle that comes on is an opportunity for you to improve as an investor."
"If there's a big price drop, United would be interested. Last year they wanted 120 million euros, if it comes down to 80 million euros."
"The risk is now going to the upside so the risk is not being in something that can capture the upside side."
"You do not create trading opportunities as a professional Trader, I take the opportunities that the market gives me."
"Legacy automakers not really trying hard to make EVs presents an opportunity for Tesla."
"Paypal: the best value in the market right now, but no one wants a piece."
"If you have the courage to do that...silver is a perfect market."
"Alright alright, it's New Years Eve, the busiest night of the year."
"This is the best time to invest folks uh you know you're getting a discount on those stocks so just keep saving keep investing and you're going to be better for it you're going to come out ahead of this"
"All I know is companies are on sale right now, if you go back to December of 2021, most of these companies were trading at much higher prices."
"I'm loving the look of this avac, 95% move potentially coming up."
"El Salvador just bought the dip: 500 coins at an average USD price of $30,744."
"This is basically a way to take advantage of a strong pump or a strong dump and to automatically sell for profits when it's in the green."
"Was this correction a bear market? No, it was opportunity."
"But that could create a fabulous buying opportunity."
"Dollar-cost averaging right now is a really, really, really good opportunity."
"The tattoo chef like literally if tattoo chef sees a like a huge product opportunity basically Sarah can start creating the product around that create a great product in a matter of weeks..."
"Don't spend another year wishing that you would hop on board and start your ecommerce journey when you can take these products and absolutely kill it and start crushing it today."
"The opportunity is here for family-friendly content because Disney has completely dropped the ball."
"Potential billion-dollar market opportunity."
"It's been a long time coming. I feel like they see an opening here."
"Gala has got the potential to be a 100x next time."
"There's a golden path right now for Palantir to monetize what we view as a potentially one trillion dollar market opportunity."
"How to make an indie studio? Find a massive gap in a market and make that tool."
"Find something that is underserved, that's unmet, that for some reason hasn't been paid attention to before."
"My little girl has a lot of hair and everywhere we went it was a showstopper and that to me just speaks to a need. How do you get her hair like that? Well, that tells me that you don't have that here. Perhaps that's something I could address."
"Restaurant owner who thought he spotted a gap in the market is 26-year-old Brit Lawrence Davy."
"This is technically a buying opportunity."
"It's a rare setup that when I see it I should be taking it with big size."
"Fundamentals, right understanding what is driving the price and whether or not it is likely to continue to drive that price can help us find trade setups that allow us to really get in on some great opportunities and some really strong moves."
"There's a fair amount of professional investors hoarding cash right now, just waiting to snap some of these things up."
"You want to catch the lowest risk probability which is the daily extreme and take advantage of the entire ride."
"One of the last free lunches you have in the capital markets is the opportunity to diversify."
"Personalized children's books—wow, that looks like a great market."
"All of these things point to really big opportunities to buy real estate in my opinion in 2023 and 2024."
"This business opportunity is enormous."
"Potential Chinese New Year trade coming."
"A market opportunity is where there's more demand than there is supply."
"When the market drops and it plummets, we want to be ready to take advantage of the fire sale on wonderful companies."
"Remember, it's a buying opportunity, it's not a reason to sell."
"You're going to be able to take advantage of the erratic market to profit as an investor."
"If you think you've missed it, you haven't. There's still a fairly long tail of folks that are just beginning to get started in this space."
"That made Netflix such an awesome trade this week."
"I think the wind is behind DraftKings because they're going to have a lot more states they're going to legalize gambling throughout this country and elsewhere around the world."
"Riding the Ethereum tsunami is something that doesn't happen very often, and when it does, riding it for as long as you can tends to work out pretty well."
"India is easily the largest market opportunity for global energy storage companies."
"The biggest opportunity that I see in market conditions where there's so much fear is simply buying stocks that you have a lot of belief in any market condition."
"You're going to take that $400, so that's the market when it presents a specific amount to you."
"Opportunity exists when this simple and straightforward equation is out of balance."
"The farther price moves away from the level before returning back to the level, the better the opportunity is from a probability and profit margin perspective."
"Even if we get a pullback into support, that is going to be a buying opportunity within a bull market."
"Our goal is to take advantage of short-term bad news as long as we believe the long-term fundamentals of the business."
"And ninety percent of trading is just staying alive until you catch the one, two, three good trades that really make it worthwhile for you."
"I want to discuss why I think this short report is irrelevant and also why I believe Brookfield Infrastructure at its current share price is a significant opportunity for investors."
"Starting a genuine business is like looking for a genuine hole in the market that needs to be filled."
"If it does work out, then you try and ride that profit as much as you possibly can."