
Politeness Quotes

There are 2740 quotes

"99.9% of people are just so polite and so good."
"Different cultures have different understandings of time, lateness, and what it means to be polite."
"It's more important in my opinion to have the polite conversation."
"All you had to do was be polite and talk to me."
"I'm sorry, but thank you very much. I really appreciate it."
"If you are a person who does the right thing... is honest with a good heart, is genuinely polite to everyone he meets, you get very far in life."
"No one's forcing anyone. They're asking, and if you don't do it, you're rude. That's how society works, my dude. We live in a society."
"Be polite at all times, smile and be happy, be enthusiastic and positive."
"Reasons why I'm polite to waiters: because I realize they are human beings trying to make a living, not my servants."
"Former President Obama: 'Although we're in the midst of a big political fight... we also want to extend our best wishes to the President of the United States, the First Lady.'"
"Just being polite, like my normal level of politeness has gotten me very far in this industry."
"Have really good manners, say please and thank you."
"Civility is important, being polite to each other is important."
"We have to be really careful, civility is important, being polite to each other is important."
"If you ain't got nothing good to say, why you just shut the [] up and stay the [] home?"
"You seem like very nice people, so I wish you the absolute best."
"Be as nice as possible and value the dealer's time."
"Being polite is free. It doesn't cost you anything to be polite, and when you are polite, you will start to see doors open for you."
"It feels really nice to be polite and helpful."
"Politeness and civility are the best capital ever invested in business."
"Well, in case I don't see you: Good afternoon, good evening, and good night."
"The people are so polite, the people are so sweet, the people are so loving like people are so nice."
"Respectful greetings are not exactly what you would call optional. To use the correct phrases and speak politely and with respect towards people is such a significant part of Japanese culture."
"There's some politeness there, I didn't shoot anyone, sir."
"Thank you very much, I appreciate it, see you."
"In Scandinavia politeness signifies something else here it's polite not to inconvenience it's polite not to interfere it's polite to let them be."
"Christianity isn't always about being nice. Politeness is not the same as kindness."
"So thank you to you all and I wish you a good evening have a pleasant day take care"
"Can I breathe? Can I just breathe a little? Like, I just want to breathe a little. Please, I'm asking you politely, tell me to breathe."
"It's very kind of you to um write her first for me... it's very rare that people never asked me that."
"I've got some questions but I'm gonna be polite and save them until the end of the PowerPoint."
"Well, thank you very much. I appreciate that."
"Thank you for the kind offer, but I'll have to pass that one up, but again thank you."
"Keep it peaceful, keep it polite in the comment section. I do not tolerate just toxicity being combative attacking anybody personally."
"You don't have to offend anyone if you've got any sort of social intelligence you can really navigate this issue without offending anyone."
"Talking about these issues and suggestions that we have publicly and more importantly politely is the only way that we'll see anything change for the better."
"He was the politest person I've ever met... he wasn't rude to anybody he was always talking about his kids and when they were coming to visit and what they were going to do."
"Nice will get you a long way to getting what you want."
"As with any time you have a disagreement with someone I think that the default position to take is one of politeness of curiosity and genuine interest in exploring the truth."
"Thank you so much, thank you, thank you, thank you."
"We're going to say yes ma'am the entire day to you okay, there's a reason for that, we're going to get you back in the habit of being respected."
"Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day, later."
"If you don't want to sound rude and unappreciative then stop doing it."
"It's kind of cool, I like getting called out for when I'm wrong in a polite way."
"Politeness and constructive criticism... can go a long way."
"Thank you once again... very much appreciate it."
"You seem very sweet and very soft, the type of person that I probably would offend at times."
"Well, Brian, it was so great speaking with you."
"I won't refer to as a man or woman because that's respectful and that is what you want."
"Evening! Hi, we're having a conversation, thank you."
"Thanks again for your time, I really appreciate it."
"Teach your child how to say no when something negative happens when there is something that is wrong you teach your child to say no so they don't just participate in everything being polite sometimes politeness is to say no in a beautiful way."
"Welcome to the show, thank you for having me."
"Alright, I would hate to move you to your end step for you. That'd be rude."
"Thank you for your patience, have a lovely day, do take care, and goodbye."
"Thank you guys so much, have a good one, take care, and enjoy the rest of your day. I'll see you guys soon. Bye."
"He's literally right there so don't be a jerk, be nice."
"Thank you for your time, we appreciate your... this conversation."
"I'm doing okay, thank you. Oh good, glad, great."
"Holding the door is very important. It doesn't matter what your gender is, if you're a woman or a man, make sure that you hold the door for the person that is coming after you."
"What happened to manners in the United States of America? What happened to politeness and treating each other as human beings?"
"Never insult them and always be polite. Try your very best not to anger them as this is how most people end up disappearing."
"Always use soft words even when you don't feel well."
"Thank you very much, have a pleasant, peaceful evening."
"Thank you so nice people I said hello do you speak English."
"Please be respectful of others and use your indoor voices. Thank you."
"Hope you have a good night, George. Thank you for talking with me."
"I asked her for her name, she said 'thank you very much for your help' and I was like, 'wow, do you have like a nickname or something?'"
"Thank you, I appreciate it, I appreciate it, I appreciate it. I will catch you later, peace out."
"Politeness does mean something in Britain today."
"He's got to be big, he's got to be strong, and he's got to be dumb and polite."
"Politeness is one of Japan's trademarks known all over the world."
"You don't have to be nasty, you don't have to be rude or disrespectful. It's all in your approach."
"Time is precious, and I've taken up a lot of your time."
"Japan really likes it when you try, so if you put 'mosu' at the end of anything, it's like, 'Oh, you're trying to be polite.'"
"Please is a polite phrase used when you want something from someone else."
"Please be nice, I am still a noob at this game."
"Please, thank you! Polite phrases used when you want something or appreciate something."
"You always want to be polite because we all want goodwill."
"I was like uh I don't know what to say like everything I could think of saying right now seems kind of disrespectful"
"Thank you to both no thank you thank you great."
"Everybody's so polite, you almost think they don't like your music."
"The English always say sorry so beautifully."
"Did you say please? Did you use your nice words?"
"I'm gonna let Paul get going because we went overtime a little bit. So thanks for being here, Paul. Thanks everybody for watching and yeah, you guys have an amazing day."
"She greets Ren’s parents and asks them to call her Sumire."
"I'm gonna say not cancel... I think he's very sweet."
"Thank you, have a nice day." - A polite way to end any interaction.
"If people enjoy being around you, they're probably gonna be more polite."
"I cannot call you they them. I know I talk about hey, you've got to be polite and [__], but that's not grammatically correct."
"Thank you very much, Sumatra. Thank you very much."
"You just gotta be polite that's all you've got at the very least be polite and if they say no then well there's always next time."
"Thank you so much for your time. Till the next time."
"Thanks for putting it out there, you're welcome."
"Let's try to stay polite and remember that this Human Experience is really about love."
"Learn to ask someone if they would like your help."
"Thanks for having me, this was a very nice discussion."
"He's basically he's basically he basically has slammed him in a very public way in a very polite way."
"Oppression doesn't exist because some people are rude, so making them act more polite will only get us a fraction of the way there."
"Hey dude, you're being a little loud, could you just chill out?"
"Magic words that are nice: please and thank you."
"Thank you so so much, I really do appreciate that."
"The strange girl who paid to go through the gate thanks Bai for allowing her to do so."
"The customer is literally never right. Sometimes. Sometimes they're right, but they don't need to be rude about it."
"Thanks for stopping by, I'll see you soon. Okay, bye!"
"Pleasure is all mine... I'm so glad you could come on."
"Thanks for stopping by and taking some time to chat."
"Ma'am, can we please come inside and use your phone?"
"If you get nothing to say, nothing nice to say, just don't say it."
"Keep the comments nice, like my mother used to say, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything."
"We're always happy to say what we think although we always try to be polite and constructive."
"Rudeness is not the antidote to extreme political correctness."
"It'd be great if you can I'd appreciate it very much indeed."
"Thank you in advance, I really appreciate that."
"If you've not got anything nice to say then don't say anything at all."
"We've got to get back to understanding the importance of decorum."
"Be casual, be polite when your ex reaches out."
"Rude behavior is irritating and unattractive. So how do you deal with rudeness when you encounter it? Take the high road. Smile at the offender and keep your voice very calm and level."
"No, you don't have to wear that, I'm just trying to be courteous of other people."
"Wow, thank you. Let's be nice, we're being as nice as possible because I wanna get picked up."
"Canadians are there to help... we're gonna be polite but we're also not gonna be pushed around."
"That's amazing! Thank you for coming. It was my pleasure."
"You gentlemen have been very compliant. Thank you very much."
"Thank you very much for coming on the show this morning."
"If you can't say something nice, don't say it at all."
"I tried being polite to you, I tried telling you just to move on."
"People are always more polite when you're holding the biggest stick."
"What if someone thinks that is polite but you find extremely uncomfortable?"
"Since his majesty has approved of the celebration, I take it back. Please forgive me."
"A society that has legalized dueling could be more polite. You put your shopping carts back or I could challenge you to a duel."
"If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all."
"I try to say it very conversationally and nicely."
"Stay polite, stay kind, stay out of drama, and it'll pass."
"Always say sorry, please, and always say sorry."
"Interrupting others? In general, you don't want to do this. But if you need to, make sure to use the word 'excuse me.'"
"I open doors for everybody. To me, it's just simply a nice thing to hold open the door for a person that you're with."
"One reason that Canadians apologize is that it’s part of their culture of politeness, but it’s also a quick way to smooth over problems and keep relationships positive."
"No problem, have a good rest of your day or night, wherever you are in the world."
"I appreciate you guys for coming out, have a nice day!"
"The key to negotiating is to be confident and polite."
"It's okay to not like things, but don't be a dick about it."
"Thank you very much. Oh, all right, Mr. Bradley, have a good day."
"When somebody wants to do something for you, say thank you."
"Better to shake hands and say goodnight even after a jolly good argument than to go away and slam your car door and drive off."
"I think most Americans are good-hearted and polite and curious."
"Thank you so much for your patience and indulgence."
"Thank you so much for stopping by, my name is Relya and I hope to talk to you more soon."
"Keanu Reeves was very handsome and incredibly polite when my aunt had dinner with him."
"I think we can disagree without having to be disagreeable."
"Thank you, and you have a tip jar? No, no, uh, do you have that jar anywhere? Yeah, okay, sorry, sorry, thank you."
"This is really cool, like you know, part of me wants to apologize..."
"You can show them where they're wrong without being rude or hateful."
"I need my snacks, uh, could you be a sweetheart and get me a drink?"
"Courteous people are very polite and well-mannered."
"You want them to remember you were one of the polite ones."
"Thank you so much, let me see if I missed anyone."
"It's fine, the track comes to an end, we come to a definite conclusion, I say thank you very much with a smile and I can walk off and I haven't been rude."
"I generally make the choice to use trans people's pronouns because I think it's the polite thing to do, but I reserve the unrestricted right to revoke that at any time."
"I found it odd and undesirable, but I assumed it was a cultural thing and decided to be polite."
"That's why it's a polite roast because I'm gonna roast you but at the same time, I'm sorry."
"Thank you very much for joining me as always."
"I genuinely hope you have a good rest of your day."
"Nice to see you again! Polite and friendly, with a cheerful tone."
"Two things that never get old: 'Yes ma'am' and 'I was wrong.'"
"Can you not get inside? Can you not fit? Thank you."
"Forcing your pronouns upon others when they didn't ask is neither good nor kind to anyone."
"Nice to meet you. My name is George. Let's be nice to each other. It's kind of a nice cultural phrase."
"I admire what x, y, and z that you do just wanted to say that sorry to bother like that is the way i approach it when i see."
"Thank you for listening...good morning good afternoon good night and good luck."
"Manners will take you far so make please and thank you a regular part of your vocabulary."
"Londoners, as those living in London are called, are polite though other people see them as being too reserved or even haughty."
"Thank you for joining me today, and have a wonderful day!"
"Thank you so much for joining me here, I do appreciate it. Take care, bye."
"Well then, that will be all for today. If it's all right with you, may I request another match sometime?"
"Always stay very respectful and polite, all right, you guys?"
"Hold the door open for the person behind you."
"Putting it nicely, hoping they're precisely your cup of tea."
"I think the stereotype that British people are polite is true."
"It's always very nice and very appreciative."
"Goodbye, have a nice day, and I'll see you tomorrow."
"I think it's a good thing in your society and your culture to be a bit polite."
"Everyone's like, 'Hey, how you doing?' Yeah, if you walk by someone like at the apartment, say good morning."
"If you have nothing nice to say, just don't say anything at all."
"I like him, he's all polite and well-mannered and soft-spoken."
"Thank you for your time. Consider subscribing. I appreciate you. Have a wonderful day."
"Thanks, thank you so much thank you very much."
"Be polite and respectful to staff and fellow passengers, it makes for a more enjoyable experience."
"What a wonderful question. Thank you for asking."
"I hope it's not imposing, but can you please help me with one more thing?"
"Have a good day," I stated, turning around and briskly walking back into my house.
"You always say good morning if someone says good morning, that's just manners!"
"Best wishes to you too, Neil."
"I was a good kid. I was very polite, very quiet. I was good in school."
"He was naturally quiet, kept to himself, and was remarkably polite and helpful."
"Thank you, sweet Molly, but that'll be all for now."
"Thank you very much, it's a pleasure talking to you."
"Good morning, ladies and gentleman."
"I prided myself on polite and courteous service."
"Thank you very much, and I'll see you next time."
"It shows the spirit of the human nature, you know, as the politeness of the human nature didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings."