
Legal Advocacy Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"At the end of this, you're going to become the fundamental go-to legal team for YouTubers fighting for freedom of speech."
"I represented him because I believed in his case. It's an important case that involves issues of monumental importance to this country."
"A federal ruling that gender dysphoria is covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act could help block conservative political efforts to restrict access to gender-affirming care, advocates and experts say."
"Give her a chance." - Jerry's argument to Judge Palmieri
"If you're saying look we can get more evidence and put this to rest it should happen we should we should okay let's do it there should be no there's no argument from anybody."
"Support the Constitution and support the rule of law I'll see you next week here on the Judicial Watch weekly update."
"Since its establishment in 1993, the Innocence Canada project has helped exonerate 23 innocent people."
"If you support freedom of the press, then you must demand that the justice department drop the charges against Julian Assange."
"She dedicated her life to expanding rights, and her dissents, I think, were even more powerful because of the discrimination, the sexism that she herself experienced as a young woman and as a young lawyer."
"Your support to the aclj makes a huge difference."
"And you continue to zealously advocate for your client and I appreciate you giving us your perspective."
"I've had people stand up and speak for my clients at sentencing and the judge is moved to tears by it."
"You should check out the work of the ACLJ also at ACLJ.org."
"I want to see everybody prosecuted I want justice for the Singh family ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for being here."
"There are lawyers out there who are actually fighting the good fight... but man it's hard."
"I'm not like you. I am Phoenix Wright, and I believe in my client's innocence."
"There is probably no other group quite like Judicial Watch out there trying to uphold the rule of law."
"Time is sadly running out...justice for Julius Jones."
"When it comes to clean elections, Judicial Watch won't ever stop."
"Judicial Watch will continue to do the heavy lifting for the rule of law on elections."
"We all know how Kim Kardashian got famous and she got a bunch of people out of a very confined circumstance."
"Mostly good things to say about public defenders around the country. They're in it for the right reasons." - Rob
"Constance Baker Motley was Martin Luther King's lawyer."
"Perhaps Ed's greatest contribution to American law has been his unwavering advocacy for the legal principle that judges must adhere to the original meaning of the Constitution."
"I mean, obviously it needs to be reinvestigated. So, we asked the attorney general, 'Is there anything you can do?'"
"No one's doing more in the way of uncovering and challenging government corruption than Judicial Watch."
"Community leaders, loved ones, and the lawyer for Tatiana Jefferson's family want justice."
"Annoyingly when I actually go to buy them, I have to buy 20 of them, so it's gonna cost five pounds something."
"Their lives matter and we ask you, ladies and gentlemen, to consider all the proof in this case and render the only just verdict given these facts."
"You can trust Judicial Watch to uphold the rule of law."
"Thanks for joining me, I'm Leonard French, your favorite copyright attorney, and this is Lawful Masses, your favorite legal news and education program."
"We fight for freedom every day in the court of public opinion and the code of law."
"It's our duty as citizens to push the issues to uphold the law."
"A progressive attorneys general are absolutely there...on the front line of protecting people from what I described as pandemic profiteering." - Keith Ellison
"We have an opportunity to do that; few of the rights protected by our Constitution are more infringed than the right to privacy."
"The law can do a lot of good, protect the vulnerable, give justice to the wronged."
"Don't worry about it, I'm gonna take your case."
"Our whole rights are at risk right now. That's why I support expanding Supreme Court to make sure that we're able to protect abortion access voting all of that."
"Justice for Cairo, that's the only thing this case has ever been about."
"I've got some good news. Our fight the fines work is now supported by a registered Canadian charity called the Democracy Fund."
"The Innocence Project is a good [expletive] charity and does impeccable work, incredible work, life-changing work."
"If Kim Kardashian is able to get Corey Miller out of prison, that's gonna be egg on a lot of people's faces."
"The fastest way to restore Roe is to pass a national law codifying Roe."
"Ripple's going to get through that ball and they're going to represent and they're going to get the law changed for the whole crypto ecosystem."
"Passion is a plus. Jurors want to feel somebody who cares about their clients."
"Throughout the video, we emphasize the necessity of strict legal measures against adults who exploit or endanger children."
"They're gonna do everything that they can to make sure he gets a fair trial."
"We're standing up for the exercise of a constitutional right." - We have to stay engaged, otherwise these rights will simply disappear.
"For less than $100 Lexington Law Champions your cause using a comprehensive arsenal of consumer protection laws to fight for your best credit report."
"We're talking about Disney reaching out to Dwyane Wade and having some sort of business dealing with him over his son's confusion."
"Your affidavits must do two things: firstly, set out the facts so that a cause of action emerges. Secondly, the affidavit must be persuasive."
"The attorney for the institute for justice was brilliant absolutely brilliant."
"Sergei Magnitsky was killed because he worked for me. He was killed because he was my lawyer."
"The legal profession stand ready to play our role in explaining and defending the principles of our justice system."
"It's the Innocence Project taking on the case."
"The Innocence Project... they've definitely piqued the curiosity of so many people."
"It was incredible to say that I've been a part in bringing these women justice."
"He was a pleasure to argue in front of; he's extremely smart."
"The Innocence Project... they work on cases of people that claim that they are innocent."
"If you have reasonably equal, competent advocates on both sides as adversaries advocating for one side or the other and then there's a neutral jury or judge in the middle, the truth will come out that way."
"If you don't understand the new system, reach out to an advocate or seek representation for it so that you can make sure you making the best decision for your case."
"My client is able and willing to parent for the child and contribute meaningfully to the child's health, safety, and well-being."
"Rest assured, we aren't going anywhere. We are confident and we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts."
"I filed a lengthy brief about the McMillan case to the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals, documenting the following: lack of evidence, unreliable testimonies, prosecutorial misconduct, racially discriminatory jury selection, and improper change of venue."