
Chakras Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"The Empowered Light Holistic Expo is different from any other Expo because this is about centering your energy, centering your chakras."
"These chakras are essentially centers of energy that lie along these body ley lines, each one has a very specific purpose."
"Understanding and awakening your chakras is about dealing with energies consciously, not letting them subconsciously control you."
"To have balanced and aligned chakras will make you happier, healthier, and more in tune with yourself."
"The seven chakras are reflections of this you see; they are seven manifestations of cosmic energy within us."
"Awakening the chakras offers health and spiritual protection."
"The third eye, also known as the 6th chakra, links us directly with the Higher Self, spiritual center, and ability to access the Akashic Records."
"That abundance is coming exclusively through an authentic place where you have activated your throat chakra and you are speaking or expressing your truth."
"Every single chakra is bringing in information or data, interpreting it, sharing it with your brain."
"Lots of crown chakra third eye chakra activation or exchange."
"It activates your heart chakra. You are overflowing with joy and happiness."
"You're receiving activations and upgrades to your upper chakras, it's time to step up."
"Once you activate these three chakras in the back of your head, you go to a whole 'nother level."
"Your chakras are glowing, a huge shift happening here."
"The Eastern Body, Western Mind; best book on chakras ever."
"Meeting you had activated all of your chakras, all of their chakras; it activated your healing, their healing."
"Balancing the chakras will cause energy flow through your body, healing different organs and systems within your body."
"I will be playing my piano and I will be using the vibrations of the notes to tune into my chakras."
"Your health and well-being is no longer a matter of your seven chakras, but of your ten."
"But where else are the twelve petals? These twelve petals are actually in the heart chakra in this chest chakra."
"In yoga, we talk a lot about the seven main chakras. It's the belief that we hold specific types of emotions in different parts of the body."
"Your sacral chakra is active, connected to your creativity, sexuality, and enjoyment in life."
"A lot of y'all need to work Pisces with green, blue, turquoise, especially on the throat chakra, heart, throat chakra, for any blockages."
"What people tend to forget is the real stuff that happens in life that's being programmed down in the lower chakras."
"You don't have to work with 12 chakras, but they're really pretty cool to be honest."
"A lot of you, you know, I don't know if you're feeling it yet or you will, you're going to have like an most likely an overwhelming feeling of like energetic surges throughout all of your chakra system."
"Your chakras are very in alignment, I feel like you may feel like you're not in alignment, but you actually are."
"Every morning I've been meditating since November with a seven chakra clearing subliminal I've created, and this has truly helped me to clear energy blocks in all seven chakras that has allowed me to manifest so much happiness and connection and success in my life."
"The sacral chakra is the energy of creation, of our sexual organs, and that magnetic energy of manifesting things."
"You rule over this. You rule over the body part, which is the head. And in chakras, you rule over more so the sacral or the sacral chakra."
"When your throat chakra is clear, you actually have so many super powers."
"It helps us express our spirit. And when that chakra's open, our true self is coming out."
"You might have a blocked throat chakra and you might need to work on communication."
"The Solar Plexus Chakra card represents confidence and empowerment."
"Remember, the journey of balancing and healing the chakras is unique to each individual."
"When the chakras are imbalanced, we may experience physical symptoms like hoarseness, laryngitis, or sore throat."
"Sexual energy isn't confined to just the sexual chakra. It's more expansive."
"Once that solar plexus releases that strong grip and that strong identity and that feeling of isolation, you start to feel at one and connected with the universe, and that relaxes the third chakra even more."
"Sometimes it's not about going up to the crown, sometimes it's about going to the sacral, the solar plexus, the root, or the heart in order to address or change the energy."
"...the most interesting stuff I have to say is about the sixth and seventh chakras."
"I help open the fourth chakra and raise your frequency to that of divine Union with your beloved other."
"Our reality is constructed in a very specific way to throw our chakra systems out of alignment at all times. And it's Relentless the way this happened."
"We're living in a time where we're each being called to help return the collective to spiritual order, raise awareness. Now the chakra that is related to raising awareness and returning yourself to spiritual order as well as the collective is the third eye chakra."
"To awaken the throat chakra is to tune our Consciousness into the subtle vibrational field that is all around us."
"Your energetic centers run through like a straw. In order to go to your power activation, you need to go through your sexual centers."
"If you're seeking a crystal healer, what they're going to do is they're going to incorporate crystals to your chakras. They're going to create like a whole body layout, crystal layout over your chakra or over your whole energy system to really get you back in balance."
"The throat chakra is blue, overactive that's a person who talks a lot, you can't get a word in."
"The crown chakra starts where your hairline is and it goes five inches up and that color is finally there we go sometimes kind of look alike."
"This is a good indication that Sushumna is opening and Kundalini, the Prana Kundalini, is moving up and coming out the top of it."
"Each one of your chakras becomes a living center."
"So, I'm entering a state of heightened emotions. I access that chakra subconsciously, creating this."
"The body is total energy, and the chakras are the energy centers in it."
"Your chakras give you access to creativity, intuition, synchronicity... Your life starts to get into an energetic flow."
"You're activating people through your powerful Crown chakra."
"Your sacral chakra is connected with your third eye and your third eye is connected to the divine."
"This connection is very much centered on the crown chakra, where you may even be able to possibly telepathically communicate with this person."
"...consciousness really does change when you affect the chakras."
"Another good way to balance your root chakra is to mind what puts you in fight-or-flight mode. What puts you into survival mode? What are your survival mode triggers?"
"As you're soul searching, kind of getting the vibe of like the third eye chakra."
"Their solar plexus chakra is wide open, it has a lot to do with confidence."
"Cleaning your chakras sounds weird."
"...it's about the chakras, it's about the center points of the body."
"I'm happy we hummed our way into an opening of the chakras."
"Align with your chakras, this first class is all based on the root chakra, mooladhara, which has the color of red and brings forth a grounding sensation so that you can move forth with conviction and stability."
"The blue-green color in amazonite combines the throat and the heart chakra, prompting you to communicate from the heart and speak in a loving way."
"All these energies are also related to chakras, which are energy centers inside our body."
"The heart chakra is described as having 12 petals."
"Acknowledge the balance of the chakra system, the balance of each chakra spinning with perfect energy."
"Chakras are energy wheels or energy centers in your body that correspond with physical, mental, and emotional stuff."
"You must open all the chakras, surrender yourself."
"You're healing your heart chakra here."
"From there on, you start getting this bliss experiences, you start working with the chakras, you get the Kundalini awakening."
"I feel it in my spirit; my intuition and my chakras are ringing."
"Open your ears and your heart, your soul, all your chakras unlocked."
"The transfer of thought takes place from this center, from the adna chakra and the receiving center is the sahasrara."
"Let's align the chakras, let's activate who we truly are."
"The highest frequency still associated with the human form is our Crown chakra, the symbol for enlightenment and self-realization."
"Feel the whole heart center open, feel your throat open."
"So as we clear that pathway along the spine, it's called Shoshana Nadi, and that's where all of our chakras, our energy centers, are located."
"Heart-to-heart conversation really speaks about meeting an individual that is going to open your heart chakra."
"The chakra that is connected to prosperity is at the base of your spine, the basic chakra."
"Chakras are lit up or aligned or awakened in a way that just transforms the way you are able to sense yourself, sense the other person, sense your place in the universe."
"Imagine like meditating and doing these chakra things and trying to open them."
"Your chakras are in alignment, you finally are Awakening to who you are."
"This is the space where we tend to hold lots of our emotional energy; it's where our sacral chakra lies."
"I am secure, I am expressing, I stand in my power, I give and receive love, I speak my truth, I follow my intuition, I am divinely guided."
"Even your chakras are physical, they're just lighter cloths, lighter bodies."
"The whole journey involves activation of the energy channels which have these gas stations, if you will, where they will have to activate these chakras or get a refueling station if you will, in the process of elevating to the sahasrara or the crown chakra."
"If your inner eye chakra and your crown chakra are also open along with the third chakra, your wishes are fulfilled spontaneously."
"When that dormant energy is flowing freely and upwardly through the seven chakras, it leads to an expanded state of consciousness."
"You're closing out cycles, healing your root chakra, your base chakra."
"The chakras are nodes or centers of energy that lie along the spine."
"The chakra system... would pretty much include all of Western psychology from Freud to Adler and Jung."
"The seven chakras describe what I call a rainbow bridge between heaven and earth."
"The chakras describe the full spectrum of human possibility, all the way from our physical bodies to our emotions, to our energy body, to our relationships, our communication, our imagination, our light body, and the consciousness that connects it all."
"Clear the energy in the crown, clear the energy in the throat chakra."
"The vibrational frequency of these chakra centers... exactly mimic the color the seven colors of the visible light spectrum."
"The heart chakra is open, they're feeling the love."
"You really need to open up your heart chakra and stop worrying about what other people are going to think."
"You changed this person's life, you opened up their sacral chakra and the heart chakra."
"Heart chakras will be open, whether you know it, believe it or not."
"There's way more chakras than the seven chakras that we know of."