
Cryptocurrency Investment Quotes

There are 250 quotes

"Right now is the best time to create a crypto portfolio because we are in the early stages of the new bull market."
"Now is the time to get deep in the market and accumulate undervalued altcoins."
"You just hold on DCA long term. You're going to make a lot of money. It's just that simple."
"Nearly half of [millennials] had at least 25% of their portfolio in cryptocurrency."
"83% of millennial millionaires own crypto, with over half holding 50 or more of their portfolio in crypto."
"It's not a guarantee, but just based on the past of what we've seen, I think we could see Ethereum surge to 10 or 15 maybe as high as 20,000."
"Yield farming is a good way to earn some money on crypto that you plan on holding anyway."
"Bitcoin investment is all the rage, and Bitcoin is clearly the biggest. It has the largest market capitalization, the most infrastructure, the longest track record, and is the most decentralized."
"The best thing that you can do is you can buy luna and then you can sell all your usd put them into ust and hold your ust on exchanges."
"Money flooded into ICOs from people interested in projects or simply looking for the next big cryptocurrency. Businesses raised millions, even billions of dollars with no watchdog to monitor what they did with the money."
"Invest in a hardware wallet like the ledger backup pack or BC vault."
"German institutional funds will be able to invest hundreds of billions of euros in crypto starting next week."
"Save yourself from inflation with crypto assets."
"If you accept the idea that crypto tokens are okay, then you're thinking, well, I guess I want to go buy some of that."
"I think it would be a mistake to not hold any Bitcoin at least."
"NFT price is plummeting? Well, just buy the dip. All my apes gone? There's always more apes. We're all gonna make it."
"All coins are really the opportunity right now to still get rich even now if you got in early."
"This may be one of the last significant corrections we have to invest in cryptocurrency while picking up these coins on sale."
"Even though I'm down 60k today, the last thing I would do is panic sell."
"Because of the partnerships Wisdom Eyes has, I believe a 100x is certainly on the table potentially for this crypto project."
"Slow and steady wins the race in crypto... accumulating a nice position slowly and steadily."
"There's huge upside for some of these coins."
"Just buy bitcoin and watch everything else around you burn to the ground."
"He's here to buy Bitcoin before it blows up."
"If you're willing to hold Bitcoin because you think it's going up not down, take half 1/2 X margin."
"Dips are discounted crypto and that's what's happening, and people are, you know, people are scooping that up."
"If you're one of those early adopters who got into crypto in 2021, it's gonna be crazy in 2030."
"Investing in bitcoin and ethereum are natural ways to minimize the trust layer in governments and institutions that fail to look out for the public and protect individuals from the fragility of traditional financial systems." - Maria Paula Fernandez
"Get ready because Cardano is probably going to be a place that you're going to want to set up shop because the gains they are are coming."
"Retail investors intending to buy cryptocurrencies at this point being at 15% is extremely exciting because what's going to happen when it actually starts moving."
"Bitcoin's limited supply cap means that you only need 0.01 bitcoin to become rich."
"VCS poured in 41 billion into crypto in the past 18 months."
"I think most of these coins could potentially at very best hit around a 20x I don't think salana will because I think its Market Cap's too big but a 10x for salana I think is on the cards."
"There's only going to be 21 million Bitcoin and there's X number of millionaires in the world, therefore there's not enough Bitcoin to go around for every millionaire to own one Bitcoin."
"Getting Futures exposure isn't that difficult. Getting direct Bitcoin leverage if you're actually serious about crypto isn't that difficult."
"So I put half of my crypto into this fund... they made me very confident in this investment."
"Bitcoin is going to make you a ton of money. That's the long-term utility."
"Just because you're there during an NFT 'bull run' doesn't mean you're guaranteed to make money."
"You could potentially get into a coin when it's at one cent, locked out of your account."
"Ultimate buying, Cardano when it was down so hard on Satoshi value."
"Hold on to your cash right now, it's not a bad thing to put money in crypto."
"Just in case you are [panicking], one river bought 600 million and they're looking to buy another 400 million."
"Dogecoin has made millions. Vitalik recently did an interview and said that investing in Dogecoin has been his best investment."
"For every kid, if you can get one Bitcoin per child, that should cover their college fund."
"Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana are my three big bets."
"If you have the charter and the ability to buy bitcoin, you could buy naked bitcoin."
"I own a lot of Ethereum because I think it's the closest to a true currency."
"If you loved them for the pump you shouldn't hate them for the dump. That's facts. Welcome to crypto."
"When you're staking your cryptocurrency you should think of it as a high-yield savings account for your crypto."
"Bitcoin goes to 150-200k... what's your plan? Diversified it to 20, 30 coins?"
"I still believe there's plenty of time to buy the dip, to accumulate Bitcoin."
"This is the last time, the last weekend that we will see before stimulus money starts coming into Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Cardano at crazy rates."
"Investing in crypto's a long game, you have to have patience."
"Invest three bitcoins and get permanent residency."
"Investments in bitcoin from macro investing led legends like Paul Tudor Jones... we saw MicroStrategy investing they think this is just the tip of the iceberg."
"It's a shame to lock up all your money that you could otherwise be investing in crypto."
"Bitcoin is probably going to hit towards maybe the 50,000, 60,000 price range by the end of the year."
"Honestly, it is probably the best time, honestly, in my opinion, to get in crypto."
"I've sat down with investors in cryptos. It's mad that you know what you can either lose a lot or win a lot."
"Ethereum is where a lot of the retail money is going to go towards the end of the year."
"Never invested in a cryptocurrency so early."
"Elon Musk and Tesla announce a 1.5 billion dollar investment into bitcoin."
"I've been telling you that the easiest money in crypto is just to buy ethereum."
"The money flow has remained very bullish this entire time. All of that money moving into the cryptocurrency space is doing something, and you want to know what it's doing? It's accumulating."
"The lesson of crypto is that if you're in really early, you could still make money."
"Hex allows people to buy stake and earn interest by holding the token."
"We could potentially see a $16,000 cryptocurrency for Ethereum."
"Bitcoin as some type of like digital gold an asset that people will hold."
"Eth Mega whales have been stacking hard, representing great news for Ethereum's bullish price action."
"Remember, you can make money on the downside of crypto as well."
"XRP is one of the only coins I believe will not return to levels where it is now."
"I went full-time crypto, which by the way is something that I recommend to everybody around the world if they can."
"Load up on cryptos but load up on the right ones."
"If you're able to own one full bitcoin, you are going to be in a very good spot."
"I hope it all works out and I still believe it would be wise for everyone to look into owning some Bitcoin."
"I think Phantom is very close to being one of the most undervalued blockchains in crypto."
"Tesla's crypto bet continues to pay off. Tesla, a lot of people aren't even thinking about this."
"The amount of money that is flowing into crypto is unprecedented."
"Bitcoin is the long-term savings account; altcoins are your trades."
"Bitcoin, even at 62,000, is a great buy before the next surge."
"These cryptocurrencies are designed to make me money. They're designed to work for me."
"Helium raises 111 million in token sale led by Andreessen Horowitz."
"It really is one of the best times to get into the cryptos."
"You are sitting in some sweet profits even when bitcoin and some of these other coins are going down."
"Congratulations if you have taken action on this cryptocurrency."
"This is the perfect time to get into the ecosystem. I'm gonna talk about exactly which coins those are and which ones I'm the most bullish on."
"Crypto is where the money is going to be flowing."
"If you are investing in Bitcoin or Ethereum it's going to be a lot harder these days for these investments 250 or 100 times their original value because of how big they are already."
"So in my experience when investing in something like bitcoin it's just best to buy it, hold on to it and just check it once a year especially if you believe in it long term."
"I would highly suggest you may want to try to get one whole Bitcoin... because if you think Bitcoin is going to go to a million dollars in 5 to 10 years, that's a pretty easy trade."
"XRP is not a crypto to be owned with funds an investor can't afford to lose."
"Grayscale has purchased nearly 50% of all of the Ethereum."
"Crypto's not dead, it's not a scam. Just having patience and time in the market versus trying to time the market."
"Realistically, first tip for you, biggest tip that I would give you, and it's one that I adopted probably in the last couple years... If you're not investing in Bitcoin or Ethereum, you're basically gambling."
"Buying and holding bitcoin should be the backbone of any cryptocurrency portfolio."
"I think everybody is still going to be buying Bitcoin at $100k."
"Bitcoin's been going up, what, two million percent or something over the last 10 years."
"The power of finding new altcoin projects and not being afraid to buy when everyone else is selling."
"Just holding 0.28 bitcoins will put you in the upper one percent of the population."
"The more people and especially countries that buy Bitcoin at dips, the more resiliency it has in both a reputation standpoint and as an actual price and demand standpoint."
"You're definitely going to want to watch this one front to back to get a sense of what's coming for Ethereum as it pushes to all-time highs."
"Take profits fam, please take profits on this wild crypto journey."
"Are there some good buys out there if you are looking at altcoins? Absolutely."
"Hodling is what we all need to embrace in the coming year and present bull market cycle because One dollar invested in Bitcoin at its first market price would be worth $29.8m today."
"At the end of the day The risk reward equation for crypto is off the charts right now! If you play your cards right then you can make life changing money in the coming months. Don't mess it up! Remember to take profits."
"We believe the strategic management of our balance sheet combined with the implementation of our bitcoin fund and crypto strategy will provide significant future value for the company."
"Brazilians have bought more than 4 billion in crypto this year."
"A little bit of research goes a long way in the cryptocurrency space."
"I think crypto is going to do very well over the next certainly six months especially if these CPI reports keep coming in like this."
"An avalanche of companies moving their cash into bitcoin over the next 12 months, meaning they really haven't even started."
"I'm making a bet that bitcoin and lightning are the innovation and they are going to last all coins are going to die."
"Buy cheap bitcoin and hold for life changing wealth."
"We're going to be looking at that company because remember this was the first key player that came out and said we are going to buy crypto instead of cash."
"To not own some bitcoin is absolutely insane."
"Congrats to everyone who was buying ada back then."
"I do think it's a good idea to start paying attention to crypto and start incorporating it into our investments in a strategic, thoughtful way."
"People that are buying Bitcoin right now are under the impression that runs will continue happening."
"Ripple's repurchase of its private shares has some crypto investors feeling bullish about the company's ability to prevail in the SEC case and then IPO possibly this year."
"I'll bet there are people out there lucking out in ways you'd assume would never be successful including by going all in on bitcoin."
"The only wrong answer is zero, everybody should have some bitcoin."
"I'm a massive BTC bull, but I think ETH is the better asset allocation for performance right now."
"Consider bitcoin as the cryptocurrency you ultimately want to be rich in... bitcoin is essentially digital gold."
"I think the best thing is really you can buy bitcoin and you can tell other people about it."
"You put a trillion dollars into Bitcoin, that's when you might see it at sixty thousand to one hundred thousand dollar valuations."
"Would you really be pissed off if you took 50 of your profits now and you turned it into bitcoin and ethereum and bitcoin use there and pumps tomorrow would you really be you know what i mean that's what it's about end of the day."
"I'm not counting out Cardano, even though it did have a 3x in the span of a month."
"Bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum... Noble Gold Investments... move some or all of your 401 or IRA into cryptos."
"The long-term holders of Bitcoin are not selling regardless of what happens."
"I personally think this is potentially your last great chance to get into a lot of different altcoins."
"I think a lot of Bitcoin holders that have gotten their belief tested over the last two years and at least based on the data that we're currently seeing aren't looking to sell anytime soon."
"If you believe in the longevity of cryptocurrency and can weather the storm of volatility, why not make interest on that money?"
"I had purchased 10 bitcoin at around $140, okay, and then I probably forgot about it until 2014."
"We're only going to be buying coins and showing you guys how we can buy them when they're in America."
"I'm 100% in crypto and I've been that way since like 2017."
"All the big boys that want exposure, maybe indirect exposure to bitcoin, this is easy for them to pour billions into."
"Life-changing amounts of money for a lot of people, even if you didn't have that much money invested."
"Bitcoin as a long-term investor...it is not too late at all to be investing in."
"I think it's the best investment that you can make in crypto today."
"He says institutions are coming in, fidelity is a catalyst coming up in Q2, I think with all those things combined, we might look back and say, you know what, in the 3000s was a great place to buy Bitcoin."
"He bought almost 10 million dollars worth of bitcoin at current levels."
"It's the best long-term savings account in the world."
"Crypto broadly is going to feel this money and this investment and a lot of what he's pointing to is approximately 68.5 trillion in assets are expected to be handed down from baby boomers and gen x and millennials in the next 25 years."
"Bitcoin's number goes up and therefore buy bitcoin."
"The number one best cryptocurrency right now to invest in during this sale period."
"The whales are buying, they are buying right now."
"Crypto has an asymmetrical return which allows these type of results."
"Is it too late to get into Bitcoin and cryptocurrency? No."
"The number one project that I'm most excited about in this next year, that's a larger cap coin, is AVAX because it's just such... competitively designed."
"Bitcoin is the only thing with liquidity to match your investment style."
"If you need exposure to the cryptocurrency asset class, consider taking profits from altcoins into bitcoin."
"Buy bitcoin and fall asleep for five years." - Preston Pish
"Basic Attention Token is a coin that I've been invested in for a while. Its price action has not been amazing over the past few months, but it is a coin that I think has some very nice surprise upside potential."
"BlackRock taps Coinbase for institutional crypto investment."
"New holders equal ultimately more tokens being bought, which drives the value."
"One Bitcoin will make you a millionaire...just by holding one."
"Well, cryptocurrencies still to this day are a Wild West, I would say... Anyone willing to invest into cryptocurrencies, do your due diligence, research well."
"If we see a Bitcoin ETF approved you can bet a ton of capital will come into Bitcoin regardless of whether or not it makes any sense."
"Bitcoin is supposed to be looking very bullish right now."
"34 billion dollars worth of Ethereum has been locked in that contract."
"You can take tactical short positions in some of these altcoins."
"All of the money I've put into cryptos have gone into alt coins at the moment and that [ __ ] has popped off so hard it's nuts."
"Bitcoin gives you exposure to the upside side of crypto while minimizing your downside risk."
"Staking being able to stake them, earn some sort of passive income is amazing and that's one of the reasons why I will hold on to something long term."
"I would put $100 into Ethereum. Ethereum has a place in my heart, maybe not as deep as the other cryptocurrencies at this moment."
"If you invested in crypto in January, you are up today."
"I'm about to finish this video and go buy some XRP."
"You need to get your money out of US dollars and get your money into bitcoin in an altcoin run."
"This is like the equivalent of buying Bitcoin in 2010, you know what I'm saying? We're here, we're locked in now, we're locked in."
"When money flows from bitcoin to altcoins, that shows confidence in the market."
"Litecoin for a long term hold I think looks really, really good."
"If you don't love Bitcoin at 15K, you don't deserve it at 100K."
"Just always hold on to some bitcoin right at least 50 and I think you'll do okay."
"Increasing our main portfolio: Ethereum and Bitcoin."
"Crypto's volatile. If you believe crypto is going to be around for a couple of years, that's all you need to ask yourself."
"EOS, however, is disgustingly low right now... I see a very huge amount of profit for me."
"The profits to be made on this coin are disgusting... The $500 going into that it's just gonna be absolutely glorious."
"What has crypto built over the last two or three years that's got you psyched to go all in with your paycheck? What's got you psyched up to put a substantial amount of your portfolio and cash position into cryptocurrencies?"
"It's an incredible time to be a crypto investor and a crypto miner."
"Our time is right now, a good time to be looking at some of these altcoins."
"For those of us that have been in cryptos for any period a long period of time yeah we've seen that and what have we done every time it's dropped we've bought more."
"If there is any altcoin... that would have a nice return... I believe it is Casper."
"I think it's genius what happened. As prices were going down, the people who should have been holding or buying more Bitcoin ended up selling more of it."
"Overlink to their minimum investments in Ripple, link to Uphold and BitPay, are only at five thousand dollars usually it's ten thousand dollars."
"The best thing people can do as citizens in the US if you have any savings put some of your savings in bitcoin."
"What I put into bitcoin, and I dollar cost average, I see that as what I'm accumulating for my future."
"Michael Saylor and MicroStrategy continue to buy more and more Bitcoins."
"Bitcoin has a real shot of doing a 3x, 6x within the next... it could be the next year, it could be the next six months."
"This is why Cardano's going up, and if you are looking for a pool to stake your ADA with, check out Swag Pool."
"Bitcoin has and continues to be likely for quite some time the safest play."
"If you're interested in investing in cryptocurrencies, check out Trade Genius Academy."
"Retail interest in crypto is yet to peak; the majority of returns are still ahead."
"But if you look at the decade and you look between here and the year 2030, or look out eight years, there's a macro trend going on, and the macro trend is the demonetization of equities as some of that monetary premium flows into Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin treasuries already hold 7% of the total supply within a short amount of time."
"Long-term holders now are going to be long-term holders pretty much forever."
"Keep stacking your Ether and your Bitcoin, but don't abandon the generous altcoin market."
"They're buying crypto because they understand how valuable it's going to be."
"Any amount of bitcoin is a good amount to start."
"If you accumulate Z casing tokens for a couple of months, you're probably, by the time the airdrop comes around, going to be pretty well positioned."
"I plan on just holding. I don't have a reason to take money off the table. I've sold zero dollars in cryptocurrency over the past year or so."
"Are we just gonna ignore the fact that Doquan's about to buy like a billion dollars plus with BTC?"