
Interpersonal Interaction Quotes

There are 439 quotes

"Remember, over half the message we are sending whenever we're speaking face to face is visual."
"I'm a good custodian. Let's talk to someone who'll actually speak normally to us. We see a bright future."
"Make somebody smile with your smile when they're not smiling."
"I think it's when someone's holding your gaze, there's something to be said."
"His eyes are just too beautiful; it's like, can you stop looking at me for 5 seconds, please?"
"Being able to listen actively is a skill we all need to acquire."
"Have you ever wanted to cross somebody's mind or to maybe make somebody think of you more fondly?"
"Humans experience the face as a social and cultural symbol for the physical self, the metaphysical self, and unity between the two experienced by both owner and observer."
"The most valuable thing you can do in relationships and in intersections with people is be present."
"Seeing Christina laugh merrily at his clumsiness, Gavin apologized with a smile."
"Somebody sad comes into the room, and your energy goes down, but somebody happy comes into the room, and all of a sudden, you're like, whoa, alright, that took me up a little bit."
"You need to be social, you need to be friendly, you need to be inviting."
"Why are you doing the hand slapping thing? I'm trying to release the anxiousness."
"Why not just treat a person well because they're a person?"
"Dad said you were really pretty, and you are."
"Eyes are a huge part of it... most of communication, even when people are speaking, is not actually the words that they're saying, it's kind of the expression and all that."
"The fact that human beings can communicate at all is sort of amazing."
"Let's find them and have a conversation... give you something that most people really like to give away, their story."
"She's a goof nut and she busted a woman over her head because she wouldn't give her her number."
"Why are you playing like that Danny? Why are you playing with it, trying to be cute? I'm fine bro."
"You seem like you have a good sense of humor."
"You're so annoying, bro, just let me go through peacefully!"
"When she spoke to you, it was as if you were the only person in the world."
"I'm not here to hurt you, I just want to make sure you're okay."
"AA calls the woman a breaker. Ilhan is curious about that cool name and silently asks her about it."
"I hate to cut you off because... This, no, that's... That's totally okay, that's... That's awesome. This is awesome. You've got great energy, I love your passion, that's great."
"Maybe we'll try but I am kind of really scared of him."
"Oh, you pose no scratch to me, my friend. I just want to make that clear to you in case you felt bored or foolish."
"What you need to do is talk to these people, hear their story, and tell yours." - Wally West
"Firm handshakes, ladies and gentlemen, firm handshakes."
"You shake a man's hand you shake it hard and you look him right in the eyeball."
"I can't do this anymore, what are their names again?"
"Nice people, bro. The real Greek experience."
"They really want to hear what you have to say."
"A principled guy will interact with distance and respect."
"I've seen you around, you seem like an authoritative source."
"Those moments where Jen and I look at each other and we're both trying to prevent from laughing because it's a serious moment but you can't do it."
"There's got to be a little bit of a back and forth."
"I would have pulled her aside, had a conversation."
"She seems like the classic mean girl in high school apologizing but in a way that makes you feel even worse than before."
"He was avoiding eye contact or was he being aggressive, and all these like everything was just subtle nuances and intimate details."
"Empathy wins versus sort of this self-absorbed group mentality."
"I'm like please just don't shoot because we're going to get this figured out."
"We can't all be as naturally beautiful as you are."
"There was one percent of me that was like, 'I really am just joking here. I don't want to mess with them.'"
"You're very sharp, Master Coya. Wow, what a smile."
"Be nice, friendly, peaceful, persuasive, and resourceful."
"I think people just like talking to me because I make them feel comfortable, it's a Vibe."
"To be in your presence is a beautiful thing."
"Overall, I really walked away with a very different impression of Sneako from this."
"When he saw me obviously start to get upset by what he said..."
"I ran into my scariest ex last night... I tried to de-escalate him things he said were very scary."
"One of the defining qualities of Oblivion is the way that you can start to bribe people and you can see their face changing in real time."
"If I brought me in here right and I asked him pretty much the same question I'm asking you as far as the events that took place."
"That might be one of the most brilliant chats you have ever written."
"If you're direct, it means you say exactly what you mean and no one can pretend they haven't understood because it's very, very clear."
"I tend to point out other people's mistakes."
"Nonverbal communication is at best 70 to 80 accurate with some leeway on either side you can push that up to 90 to 100 accurate at times."
"Every communication is two conversations—the verbal and the nonverbal. When the two conversations are not aligned, people believe the nonverbal every time." - Dr. Nick Morgan
"You only have one chance to make a first impression."
"Mr. K remained relatively calm and collected throughout the encounter."
"Karen turned out to be a very sweet and kind girl and told me all about the school."
"You are fascinating, honey. I want to know more."
"Thank you though, I really, really, really appreciate it."
"I completely agree with you. I completely agree with you. Yeah, it's been, it's interesting."
"It is important that your communication is clear."
"I'm just now at this point just messing with her."
"If I find out you didn't DM you and me are gonna have words."
"I'll do my best to make sure that you'll be interested in me."
"It was nice to see the walls come down for a moment, right? It was like... it was sweet, it was serious, it was bittersweet."
"Sorry Katie, sorry in advance. Didn't mean to. Yeah I did."
"Megan has this unbelievable inability to be able to talk to other people or about anything that's not herself."
"You look like the friendliest, brightest, warmest individual."
"The cashier was so nice, her name is Media, what a beautiful name."
"Thank you so much for coming on my show. I really appreciate it." - Mark De Cascos
"You're a very fun-loving guy. You seem to be." - Scott Atkins
"If you pitched him a bad joke, he might give you that look like."
"It's harmful. Well, well done. You said, 'Oh, it was pretty.' You did pretty decent there. You did pretty decent."
"People are so nice and face-to-face canvassing is the most effective way to persuade somebody."
"They think you're hot like damn, like I gotta talk to this person."
"I think you just need to have a conversation."
"I was tired of people never thinking about their words before they say them."
"Strong eye contact makes you come across as assertive, alpha male."
"It was comforting to think this, and in a certain way, seeing this man made her feel better."
"Body language is like tapping into a whole new world."
"You think I'm messing with you, right? What is he scanning his face for?"
"I think he's being very curt but I don't know why he doesn't say that those are all facts."
"Don't be because they will be interested in you."
"It is fun to be in the same decade with you."
"Sylvia is literally crazy. She walked me out to my car, I parked right in front of the venue, and when I parked, this car parked right behind me."
"He just stood there knew it we all looked at each other we were like oh he is so funny I forgot how funny he is so phenomenal what a character you know."
"She's trying to be emphatic and convince someone."
"My biggest thing is if I find someone who is really down and they're saying those things, let me try and talk to them."
"A little bit of pushback...more positive than anything."
"I find that talking is so much better than coming in with like a preconceived idea."
"You might forget what they said but you'll never forget how they made you feel."
"When interacting with people especially people that you hire I would only try to ask questions you're genuinely interested in hearing the answer of."
"The more you show these folks respect, the more likely it is that you're going to get out of a ticket at the end of the day."
"It's victory enough to just have that conversation or get that email or read that text."
"I mean, that's I mean, I would rather come visit you in Vegas but yeah."
"Trying to sort of have a normal conversation with you, and I think you're being quite guarded."
"You're old, even though I'm 33. That means you're sensitive about your age."
"I love listening to you chat to Ricardo as well."
"You're not afraid to jump into the sticky side of a conversation."
"You really made me feel bad for consequences."
"Sometimes they bounce off the person, and if the person is really enthusiastic then they're really like, 'Whoa, what is that?'"
"They want to talk to you really bad with heart-to-heart conversation."
"Questions are really good as long as you're not being a dick."
"Jesse said, 'The world works best when people are nice. So be kind to a stranger this week.'"
"A word of advice to the management: a smile goes a long way, fam."
"Always ask for consent, that's all you've got to do, just ask."
"You are just the sweetest. I'm certainly the silliest."
"If we remove that from the equation and you put people face to face, I think we'd have a different, more peaceful outcome."
"I've done this in the past where I was engaging with somebody and they proved me wrong and I just kept going and going and going."
"Be nice, be nice. It doesn't have to get all convoluted and complicated."
"Am I getting through? Am I being understood?"
"You don't have to be nasty, you don't have to be rude or disrespectful. It's all in your approach."
"This is the response: I'm sorry, I truly am sorry to you, young man."
"To meet these people in person is such an experience, just seeing them. It's great to see them on video but when you see them in person you can just feel the energy, you can see their shine."
"Cecilia advises caution to Yuga and he offers his apologies."
"If you know how to communicate with people... a lot of these basic like 'tricks' are going to carry over into real life conversations."
"We need to talk... there is no problem, just wanted to touch base."
"I can only control what I say, I can't control how you take what I say."
"It's not what you're saying, it's how you say it."
"I want us to act like you're talking to your best friend."
"Steady or prolonged gazes can signify purposeful attraction."
"It was a 45 second conversation in the lobby a handshake and we left I don't know I don't know what this is and it's running me crazy."
"Don't be a creep. Try to be a nice, understanding, and respectful person."
"Invest in people based on how they treat you and make you feel."
"People can feel your energy, especially when you're in their presence."
"He's like, 'I don't know if she can or not, but her confidence is crazy.'"
"It's not about who's right or wrong; it's the tone that people use."
"She always seems to know just what to say at just the right time."
"Some people, when you talk to them, it's like trying to listen to classical music on a radio with no antenna."
"The most important part of communication is the relationship itself."
"A laugh and a thank you is a great way to show your confidence and that you aren't rattled by an insult."
"Every interaction... memorable... how it ended."
"Sure, not a problem. Here you go, kid. Wow, thanks so much, man, I really appreciate it."
"Doctors are pretty important. They help people who are sick. You don't want to make him sick."
"Why do you hate to say it? That's a nice thing to say."
"Don't rush, don't ramble, don't talk over them. Pause, listen, breathe, smile."
"I just want to talk, like I just want to talk."
"If you can handle that monster you can handle a little awkwardness."
"We wanted to be sat across the table three feet away, look these people in the eye and so, are you gonna do it?"
"You're there, she's there, and you go, man, it sucks, I'll wait with you." - Anonymous
"I enjoy asking people questions, the storytelling."
"The most important words on the planet are the words that someone just said."
"I feel like the way they flirt is very direct and also the way Aries might flirt is that they might kind of brag towards you too."
"You're gonna regret this, you and your bloody chicken!"
"That was his biggest compliment that he could give you."
"Just imagine those two in a room together, competing for attention."
"Very straightforward communication is important. You don't have to be cruel but you do have to be direct."
"Every act of communication is a miracle of translation."
"The ability to razz each other is comedy gold."
"First impressions from everlasting so are the last impressions of her everlasting."
"Someone's trying to flirt with you, Libra. There's some exploratory energy here."
"You just gotta be polite that's all you've got at the very least be polite and if they say no then well there's always next time."
"Your whole purpose in life is about relationships. You learn more about yourself when you're around certain people."
"Never discuss your problem with a person that cannot solve it."
"The most important communication and honest communication happens face-to-face, not just through social media."
"Visual chemistry is that animal attraction that you feel when you're in front of someone."
"The entire experience should feel good for her."
"Presence is everything in communication. Eye contact alone communicates so much—it says, 'I see you, I am here with you, I am present.'"
"Just politely shake hands thank them for their time walk out the door and you've been a proper polite negotiating bastard."
"Anytime that they have the back and forth, I love it. I love the dynamic that they have."
"He was lovely, gentle, and a soft-spoken man."
"Just hear what he says. You don't even need to respond to it, just reflect on it."
"It feels less like you're telling him where to go and more like you're suggesting where you want him to go."
"If we can create a society in which respect and friendliness is the passport that we all have when we meet each other."
"People don't want to interact with strangers due to COVID-19 concerns."
"I hope you're happy. Oh, do you want to ride home then? In that case, no. I will walk home like this."
"Ruffles said you smell like fried chicken, tell them I say thank you."
"You always say how it is, thank you. You got me on your sarcasm earlier and I respect that."
"I have never had an incident where I felt like their nationality was an issue."
"For whatever reason, his suggestion seems strangely appealing, and the way he keeps repeating those words keeps you entranced."
"Meeting her and interacting with her and her being so open to me and so like willing to like get to know me and wanting to you know, know a part of my life I think that that's beautiful."
"Sometimes you have to be diplomatic... when people want to be right give them that right."
"A simple way to show support is a like costs nothing but it helps a lot."
"Body language is the primary means by which we communicate with each other."
"I wish it was more of a high-five and a hug scenario."
"That's the best possible way you could possibly be mocked. That's a win."
"Can you make the leds red yeah I can we can do that you ready you ready."
"I mean, because if I come and punch you in the face, you're gonna come out of your shell and be like, 'hey man why'd you punch me?'"
"I'm not gonna allow them to step away. I'm gonna be in your space."
"Where do you want to sleep, Dr. Chavez? That's a dumb question, Miss Cribbage."
"She's very much like, 'Talk to me I talk back.'"
"Playing, I'm not on go, maybe for you if you tried some [__], you're safe, he was trying to sit on your lap just now."
"You're not sitting across the table from her interview style. No physicality, bro."
"Just ask questions and listen, it's not that hard."
"That's an agreement, checkered shirt, you, me - that's an agreement."
"The girl walked past him and felt his interest in gaze."
"I understand why you do certain things, even if your approach rubs me the wrong way."
"It's less about the words, more about the vibe."
"A communication between you and someone new."
"It's all context, and it's all how you say it."
"Communication is essential with your partner."
"I try not to categorize people. I just try to protect energy."
"I'm very sorry to hear that sir, that really sucks."
"Neil, seriously, I'm trying to get into this, and you're ruining the mood. Totally worth it."
"Sometimes the best thing you can do is be kind to a stranger."