
First Amendment Quotes

There are 330 quotes

"That cares about what's happening to you, that cares about real life situations, First Amendment rights being attacked."
"It's crucial to make our support for the First Amendment crystal clear."
"I'm protected by the First Amendment and I'm represented by the number one civil rights attorney in the country."
"In order to save democracy, we have to curtail the First Amendment."
"The idea that there is no First Amendment protection for this kind of theatrical depiction of a major social issue is ridiculous."
"This is an attack on free speech and political advocacy, and there's nothing that's more protected under the First Amendment than political speech."
"The First Amendment protects a significant amount of verbal criticism and challenge directed at police officers."
"The freedom of the press is the protection of our democracy in our First Amendment. The transparency of it all is so very, very important."
"You cannot find a more core First Amendment violation ever. That is the government banning speech it doesn't like."
"The First Amendment press freedom protects an activity available to everyone."
"The FBI searches were an assault on the First Amendment."
"The Court's First Amendment jurisprudence does not distinguish between views we find odious and those we respect."
"The First Amendment is the beating heart of our Constitution."
"Freedom of expression, freedom of speech, Americans have enshrined the First Amendment in our Constitution for good reason and for times such as these."
"All Americans, all 330 million of us, have the First Amendment rights."
"The First Amendment again is not just for some people, not just for one political persuasion, it's for 330 some million Americans."
"The separation of church and state, for example, the First Amendment to the Constitution, is so important."
"The First Amendment is a core fundamental right within its protection of the free press against infringement by the government."
"The First Amendment protects us from government infringing on our freedom of speech. Facebook, along with all the other social media platforms, are free to ban people as it's a private company."
"The First Amendment also protects a parent's right to speak and advocate for their children."
"If they can do this on your First Amendment right, they can do it to any of your constitutional rights."
"The case before The Supreme Court right now... was about a graphic designer in Colorado who was claiming a free speech right under the First Amendment to refuse to create websites celebrating same-sex weddings."
"A library bans a book, as opposed to doesn't purchase one, then that is considered by the U.S. Supreme Court to be a First Amendment violation."
"This is not only about our First Amendment right to speak. The First Amendment protects free speech; it doesn't protect lies that amount to defamation."
"We exercised our first amendment rights there was no pepper spray, no chemicals used, no confrontations. We got our point across and it showed the greatness of America."
"Labeling a speech misinformation does not strip it of its First Amendment protection."
"The First Amendment to the Constitution begins with the ringing words: 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.'"
"He has the First Amendment right to record. There's nothing wrong with him recording."
"The First Amendment doesn't exist to protect popular speech; it exists to protect unpopular speech."
"Popular speech doesn't need protection; the First Amendment exists to protect, by definition, unpopular speech."
"Political speech is usually referred to as the core of the First Amendment."
"The law is settled that, as a general matter, the First Amendment prohibits government officials from subjecting an individual to retaliatory actions, including criminal prosecutions, for speaking out."
"This is about protecting the First Amendment."
"The First Amendment protects the right to speak freely and the right to refrain from speaking at all."
"Citizens have the First Amendment right to openly record the police."
"The virtue of a democratic system with the First Amendment is that it readily enables the people, over time, to be persuaded that what they took for granted is not so, and to change their laws accordingly."
"The First Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights. It recognizes rights that exist and says the people have a right to do these things and that government is not to touch those things."
"The First Amendment still would protect op-eds that are unpopular or opinion pieces."
"Dishonesty is the one thing not covered by the First Amendment."
"They peacefully exercised their First Amendment rights and expressed their rage in a way that said this must not stand."
"First Amendment auditing has come a long way... One of the things I used to say was, 'I'm not that smart, I just have a big foot that I want to jam in the doors so that other auditors can come in behind me and ask questions.'"
"You have a First Amendment right to peaceably assemble, and the Supreme Court has read that to mean that there can be reasonable restrictions on the place and time of your protest."
"You need the First Amendment when people are trying to silence you."
"Citizens United was decided five to four by a narrow 5-4 majority. The Supreme Court concluded the First Amendment did not allow the federal government to punish you for making a movie critical of a politician."
"Freedom from religion is the first clause of the First Amendment; freedom of religion is the second clause."
"First Amendment guarantees the right of free speech."
"Stand up for the freedom of speech. Stand up for the First Amendment."
"I would operationalize first amendment case law for social media platforms."
"Speech itself is inherently protected under the First Amendment."
"The First Amendment offers its broadest protection in free speech regarding government affairs."
"Regulating speech usurps the First Amendment."
"It made my heart sing to see an opinion like this so strongly reminding the American people of the power of the First Amendment."
"I'm glad he's getting on some of these shows, but yes, the First Amendment is important."
"Speech that no matter how abhorrent is still protected under the First Amendment."
"Students should not be shielded from ideas. We want robust First Amendment speech."
"This is a first amendment protected activity. You have no reasonable suspicion."
"The courts have been very clear that such expressions are protected by the First Amendment."
"The First Amendment means the government has no power to restrict expression because of its message, its ideas, its subject matter, or its content."
"We need to get money out of politics and remove the idea that corporations have equal First Amendment rights to individual human citizens."
"We think it's unwarranted. He was there in the capacity as a journalist, exercising his first amendment right."
"Vigorous public debate is protected by the First Amendment."
"First Amendment does not protect fraudulent speech."
"The First Amendment has to do with the government taking action against you because of your speech."
"The First Amendment prohibits Colorado from forcing a website designer to create expressive designs speaking messages with which the designer disagrees."
"Consistent with the First Amendment, the nation's answer is tolerance, not coercion."
"The government cannot force Americans to abandon their constitutional rights as well as their religious convictions."
"I am thankful that we have a president who celebrates the First Amendment."
"It's really the basis of everything else. The protections of the First Amendment are what allow all the rest of our freedoms to be meaningful."
"The first amendment is supposed to give us the right to speak out. I always tell people we don't have the first amendment so we can talk about the weather."
"The first amendment, it's on our side. We are defending the bill of rights, we are defending the constitutional structure, we are defending the separation of powers."
"Once you start assaulting the First Amendment, that really is an attack on American democracy. You can't have a democracy without the free flow of information. You just can't."
"The First Amendment prohibits government discriminating against the basis of religious beliefs."
"Carlson issues a passionate plea to defend the First Amendment, emphasizing its crucial role in preserving democracy and citizens' rights."
"The Supreme Court said that isn't covered by the First Amendment."
"Glad to see a straightforward application of the first amendment."
"Protecting our First Amendment rights are vital to who we are."
"The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States."
"The first amendment recognizes wisely we think that a certain amount of expressive disorder not only is inevitable in a society committed to individual freedom but must itself be protected."
"Viewpoint discrimination... the highest sin you can commit... in First Amendment land."
"The first amendment is one of the most critical principles that has ever manifested itself out of The Human Experience."
"Filming the police Falls squarely within the first amendment's core purposes to protect free and robust discussion of public affairs, hold government officials accountable and check abuse of power."
"Free speech, and by the way, you hear people in the Senate all the time say, well, speech that's offensive shouldn't be allowed. That's exactly what the first amendment is about."
"The New York Times believes that conservatives have weaponized the First Amendment because they don't like the First Amendment."
"Nobody is standing up for the principle of free speech, the First Amendment."
"The first amendment is our pressure release valve."
"We have to be um you know aggressive and pushing back against this kind of censorship um the First Amendment there's a reason why it's the first amendment."
"If you let the government quash the First Amendment then eventually they will come and quash yours."
"I believe in the First Amendment and anybody that says that you can't talk about groups when they talk about groups is a gatekeeper."
"I'm just simply exercising My First Amendment right and testing the First Amendment."
"What he signed up for and as a strict constitutionalist which Ted Cruz is he knows that it's protected under the First Amendment."
"Preserving public education, especially in science, sex, and social studies, requires defense of the First Amendment."
"First Amendment protects speech. Platforms are not entitled to free willing censorship rights."
"The first amendment was written not for easy speech and likable speech and love people; it was written for hard times and to protect speech that nobody wants you to say."
"The gag order violates the First Amendment because it is vague, overbroad, unduly restrictive, and not narrowly drawn."
"If we're going to have a robust First Amendment, if we're going to have the ability to engage in speech that is unpopular, it's got to be protected."
"That's the first amendment, like you are have to be able to criticize those in power."
"Leadership has always been, 'Look, we need to expand First Amendment protections.'"
"To what extent do you really have a First Amendment right in this country when the town square has been privatized?"
"The First Amendment is under assault in the most egregious overstep of power I've ever seen."
"The clash of ideas, which is the theory behind the First Amendment."
"If he allows these chants to continue, then he is putting the stake in the ground that we’re not a country about freedom and the First Amendment and it’s okay to criticize your country in America, because we relish diversity of all kinds."
"The freedom of the press shall not be infringed. It's in the First Amendment, Bill of Rights."
"Big tech needs to be held accountable for violating the first amendment."
"If Democrats get in, there will not be free journalism, there will not be free speech, we will not have a First Amendment."
"I don't need to show you my press credentials. It's the First Amendment, freedom of press."
"This is not only about our First Amendment right to speak, but here's the thing about the First Amendment: it protects free speech. It doesn't protect lies that amount to defamation."
"You have no First Amendment right to mark up somebody else's property, even if it's for associational or expressive purposes. That's somebody else's property."
"The right to petition is cut from the same cloth as other guarantees of the First Amendment."
"The First Amendment does not permit the prosecution to dictate what individuals are required to believe or say."
"If it has any sort of redeeming quality like artistic value then it could still be protected under the First Amendment."
"That's called public photography, photo journalism, video journalism protected under the first amendment."
"The American government is attempting to do indirectly what the First Amendment unambiguously prohibits directly."
"This lawsuit is probably the most important of our time when we look at the issue of the first amendment in free speech."
"The First Amendment exists to hamstring the government. That's the whole point of the First Amendment."
"Government coercion is a violation of my First Amendment."
"The First Amendment applies to the government... it does not apply to restrict content of private companies."
"The peaceful exercise of our first amendment rights."
"I believe that this is an attack on the First Amendment and the press in general by people who politically disagree with us and we will be victorious."
"They're essentially being asked to disavow their first amendment rights as a condition of earning a living."
"The Supreme Court should very much generously respect the First Amendment rights of these religious schools."
"We have to tolerate bigotry in the marketplace of ideas because of the First Amendment, but when that bigotry turns into conspiratorial violence, there is redress."
"Canon is siding with Trump, siding with the First Amendment, siding with the right to access."
"The court recognizes the first amendment rights of the press and public access to the courts, especially in high-profile cases."
"Arrests for use of the middle finger in the presence of a police officer undermine the Supreme Court's steadfast recognition that the right to criticize the government lies at the core of the First Amendment."
"To gag a defendant is unamerican. It's an illegal prior restraint on the First Amendment rights."
"Isn't it wonderful we have a first amendment so you can say whatever is on your mind and then get fired."
"Listen, I would love to regulate the content of speech, but we got that pesky First Amendment."
"The media has a First Amendment right and that's why courtrooms have to be open and everything has to be public."
"The First Amendment allows Free Speech robust political discussion and debate."
"Isn't he one up on them with in terms of the the First Amendment and Power to speak freely."
"Is that a violation of the First Amendment thematically it is very specifically a violation of the First Amendment."
"The First Amendment concerns are addressed in the copyright field through the fair use doctrine."
"Anonymous speech is protected by the First Amendment. It should be and it is."
"This is frankly an attack on the First Amendment."
"Everybody's got to speak out and denounce that. He's entitled to defend himself, he's in - he has First Amendment rights, but he does not have a right to cause havoc in the courts."
"I felt it was time that we reset this dinner and put the focus a little more squarely on journalism and a little more squarely on the First Amendment."
"You can't just take the cloak of the First Amendment like it's some sort of superpower cape."
"Let's have a real conversation about government overreach, First Amendment, and our rights with regard to social media."
"The first amendment in America... if you silence someone and muzzle someone, I will defend vehemently your right to say it."
"New York Times v. Sullivan is a watershed first amendment case."
"A statute that criminalizes core political speech survives First Amendment strict scrutiny."
"That Second Amendment helps maintain the First Minute, but if we forget about the First Amendment, you know you're gonna be in trouble."
"These are the people who supposedly love the Second Amendment but they love to skip over that little troublesome thing called the First Amendment."
"I'm engaged in a First Amendment protected activity."
"Tech monopolies... threaten those First Amendment rights."
"We have to be very careful about not limiting or shutting down the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech for those who we disagree with."
"Always film the police, it is your first amendment right."
"The first amendment does not require us to have to go and push ourselves off to the corners in order to practice our faith especially if it's just simply taking a knee like he's tying a shoe in the middle of the field."
"The Biden administration's ongoing censorship schemes are a clear and present danger to the First Amendment."
"Peaceful protest is your First Amendment right."
"Political speech is the most protected speech... If we lose the First Amendment rights then, heaven forbid, we lose the right to Freedom." - John lauro
"In countries without the same freedoms, you don't even have the First Amendment, let alone the Second or Fifth."
"The biggest crime of the last 50 years is people fundamentally misunderstanding what free speech is and what the First Amendment actually protects."
"The last thing we need, the last thing the First Amendment will tolerate, is a law that lets public figures keep people from mocking them."
"The First Amendment dictates that speech must be made and must be heard."
"The Press Act is bipartisan legislation that guarantees and protects our most basic of First Amendment principles: the freedom of the press."
"It's not just about the first amendment; it's about freedom to speak truth to power."
"We have every right. That's what the First Amendment allows us."
"I'm very grateful, gotta love that First Amendment, you know?"
"I think one of the beautiful things about the US First Amendment tradition is that here you can never criminalize speech exclusively because of its content."
"Non-compliance and not wearing a mask, it can be expressive protected first amendment speech."
"The founding fathers put it in the first amendment for a reason. It's that important."
"The First Amendment gives you the right to peaceful protest and to redress your grievances."
"The trickier question is the media and media has a First Amendment right to access this information."
"Protecting the First Amendment shouldn't be partisan."
"The First Amendment is important. Debate, congenial, respectful debate is the fertilizer, it's the water, it's the sunlight for our democracy."
"You guys won't jump on them and say they can't record because they have a First Amendment right as well."
"This is a First Amendment protected activity, understand that."
"This is about freedom of association, it's about constitutional rights, it's about First Amendment rights. We do have the right to still choose who we associate with."
"The First Amendment simply cannot tolerate any interference with a candidate's freedom to speak."
"The US may be full of crazy state laws, but at least the Constitution's First Amendment protects freedom of speech."
"For the first time in American history, reformers... are proposing to change the First Amendment."
"Books banned and burned. The freedom to read, protected by the First Amendment, is our essential right and duty of our democracy." - Grace Lynn
"There are actual parameters of the First Amendment that I think he's trying to capitalize on."
"The Court should find a straightforward First Amendment violation under Bantam Books."
"Did you have a meeting about first amendment auditors?"
"You don't have to agree with Kanye West, but you have to let people exercise their First Amendment."
"Freedom is no, no, no, no, no, no. It's called First Amendment freedom HP, I can talk to you however I want to."
"The First Amendment safeguards an individual's right to participate in the public debate through political expression and political association."
"First off, it's important to note that filming in a public space, including the police station, is protected by the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and freedom of the press."
"I am incredibly jealous of the First Amendment."
"They masquerade as First Amendment Crusaders when really all they are are mercenaries that destroy people's lives."
"Your core First Amendment rights are under attack in ways never seen before in modern American history in terms of the broad damage to the First Amendment."
"These are folks who reject the First Amendment. They don't believe in the Constitution. That's why I say it's anti-constitutional."
"This is called fascism. The government and huge giant corporations control the flow of information in a democracy, colluding together to suppress your first amendment rights."
"The whole purpose of the First Amendment is to guarantee that we have more not less speech."
"Without a credible unbiased fourth estate, the first amendment crumbles and our republic fails."
"We need to expand first amendment protections and regulate these big social media companies like public utilities."
"There is a lot of useful teaching in the first amendment."
"The First Amendment protects an individual's right to speak his mind."
"That's what the First Amendment's all about."
"The First Amendment precludes the possibility of criminality for doing something that is protected."
"It's not a First Amendment violation if Twitter does it."
"The First Amendment does not allow the state to compel speech ever, period."
"I've seen the very same corporate media and lawyers continue to say that i'm saying all these things and exaggerating and using it against the first amendment i think that's very dangerous and despicable."
"I mean the whole history of the First Amendment to the U.S Constitution which this implements is that religion is about a matter of individual conscience that it's not about organized acceptance."
"In America we have the first amendment, it's the constitution of the United States, we have freedom of the press."
"Just because you walk across the schoolhouse threshold door does not mean that you lose your first amendment rights."
"The first amendment is a constitutionally protected activity."