
Non-verbal Cues Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"Remember, over half the message we are sending whenever we're speaking face to face is visual."
"Scientifically speaking, facial touching and mouth covering have been linked to nonverbal signs of deception."
"I believe that when she's trying to sell an answer, something that she's not so sure of, she gives us those confirmation glances."
"Whitney's face displays all signs of aggression and frustration, anger."
"Understanding someone's silence can speak volumes."
"Yes trust your gut instinct, but following up with a specific non-verbal protocol to make sure that you are identifying all the cues, that you know exactly what you're seeing."
"Verbal communication alone is not everything. Things such as body language will enhance the conversation."
"Every communication is two conversations—the verbal and the nonverbal. When the two conversations are not aligned, people believe the nonverbal every time." - Dr. Nick Morgan
"Eye contact easily serves as one of the most important ways to read someone."
"She had this really huge smile and I feel like a smile is a universal language we know primordially the reason that we smile is because we're bearing teeth in a positive way which means that we're not being threatening."
"Humans communicate with movement a lot it's not just language there's a lot there's body language there's so many intricate little things."
"Steady or prolonged gazes can signify purposeful attraction."
"Micro expressions: eye movements reveal truth or deception."
"One of the things that I learned was that, you know, only seven percent of what you actually say is down to your words."
"Eye contact is one of the most powerful forms of communication, especially when it comes to love."
"Communication is not just what we say, it's a person's facial expressions, it's their body language."
"Communication goes so far beyond what we say with our words."
"So with all this talk about the value of nonverbal communication and detecting when somebody's lying, really you can just focus on the content and do much better."
"The No. 1 thing to look for, honestly, is the hands. You wanna see hands, and I always would wanna see hands, open hands."
"Eye contact, pupil dilation, and blink rate are three great ways to spot sudden changes in emotion."
"Eye contact is another important recommendation that can be backed up by scientific evidence."
"Every lie betrays itself through body language, even if words fail."
"When the body is telling a different story than the words, there's something going on."
"Silence is just as important as yes, and it's information."
"To the untrained eye, you have no idea that a message is being sent."
"Your words can say one thing but your body language overrules it."
"If you can just gently call out someone's body language and their tone and reset them to a more neutral place."
"Be mindful, don't love the sound of your own voice more than you pay attention to a person's body language."
"Your newborn will use subtle facial and body cues to communicate with you from day one."
"Covering the mouth before speaking is a likely sign of deception."
"If we learn to understand the signals in a person's eyes, we can know what is going on in their mind."
"Body language is a universal language."
"Your facial expressions speak for themselves."
"Clothing is nothing more than a form of nonverbal communication."
"Nonverbals gives us a whole set of tools through which we can communicate information."
"What are words but words? The glance of a heavenly eye says more than any tongue of earth."
"Their job is to notice non-verbal signs of anxiety, people licking their lips, itching or looking around a lot."
"They spoke so much through their looks."
"Body language is going to play a huge role when it comes to talking to anyone that you don't know."
"You can convey a ton of value just from your words, just from your actions, your eye contact, those types of things."
"Remember, your communication is not just the words you use; it's also your tone, body language, and pronunciation."
"Always pay attention to body language. Communication is no more than ten percent verbal."
"So much communication is actually visual and not audio. You could talk somebody all day long on a Skype or Zoom or what that but like to not watch their body language when you do different...I mean and that's what you're doing as a trainer."
"Body language, eye contact are much more important than what you actually say."
"Prevent escalation by watching non-verbal behavior, breathing deeply to slow down the pace of the exchange, and declaring a timeout."
"I think he wanted me to see him. I think he was curious... telling me in his own way I feel like he was communicating with me telling me that the gun was unnecessary."
"Maintaining good eye contact, all the things that we talked about nonverbals is really important."
"You see the self is always coming through. You will always communicate how you feel about people and about the world through your non-verbal cues."
"...the old money crowd engage in a lifestyle where the simple lifting of an eyebrow speaks volumes."
"If most of business is communication, and two-thirds of it is nonverbal communication and body language, it's almost as important as knowing how to handle finances or do contract work."
"It's all about energy and body language."
"When the feeling comes, say it with bodytalk."
"According to her nonverbal communication, her mental health seems to be improving."
"Much body language is unconscious and the twitch of an eyebrow, the tilt of a head, the turn of an arm can say volumes more than the spoken word."
"It's really important to have this part of the brain because we can't just rely on the words; it's how it's said."
"People will give up signals no matter how hard they try not to."
"You can speak to a horse just the way you hold the reins and just the way you use your legs."
"You being able to read the room and know what's going on with me is what makes us successful in our communication, our marriage, and everything else."
"I want to be able to raise awareness of the nonverbal signs of a person who may be dissociating so that you can better understand not only yourself if you're in those shoes but you might also be able to understand those around you a little better."
"What secrets does body language reveal?"
"80% of all communication is nonverbal."
"We don't need to yell, we don't need to scream, we need to look at each other and wink."
"Every one of you is sending signals all the time, and you're sending signals by the way you conduct yourself, not only by your words but by nonverbal communication."
"Facial expressions, body language, and eye contact are powerful communication tools."
"Body language is key to a detective, they have so many tricks up their sleeves."
"You want to seem engaged and know exactly what they're feeling just by looking into their eyes."
"You can tell more about somebody by what their hands are doing than what their face is."
"Understanding that verbal and nonverbal communication varies from one culture to another is essential for effective communication in a multicultural context."