
Spiritual Philosophy Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Know yourself: the subtitle 'An Explanation of the Oneness of Being' or 'An Explanation of the Unity of Existence'."
"Consciousness is the only reality... Chin matram, consciousness only."
"All is not. Objects are not, consciousness only is."
"Oneness is the state in which there is no division or friction energy."
"As above, so below, just zoom into what you can see."
"We are points of expression and consciousness in the mind of the Creator; we all originated from one source and will therefore, at some point, all come back to the same source."
"We are God's hands in this world; every human being is an image of God."
"The true law is unity: that all is love, all is one, all is light."
"the only way to be aligned with the universe is to serve because then you're acting in alignment because the universe is serving so when you're serving you are now in the universe you're now with the universe."
"Shiva is consciousness, Shakti is energy. Nothing can happen without Shakti."
"Love is actually the very substance of mind and soul."
"All things in manifestation may be seen in one way or another to be offering themselves in order that transformations may take place upon the level appropriate to the action."
"Let us remember that we are all one; in this unity lies love, light, and joy."
"Lucifer, the lightbearer, endows Humanity with the gift of freedom and the flame of self-awareness."
"Our task at the moment is to come together... operating with one heart."
"Existence consciousness bliss, non-dual Brahman, that's the only reality. There is nothing else apart from it."
"The ability to polarize positively requires a certain degree of self-determination. Then, as these final days of the cycle transpire, if the harvest were to occur today..."
"Love is the essence of the creator's essential nature."
"If you don't believe in an Akhira, how can you possibly understand the wisdom of this world?"
"You can never truly know what another soul comes into a body for in a particular incarnation."
"There truly is no such thing as separation; we are all truly very connected here."
"My heart is never to force religion on anyone; it's always to love everyone."
"Who's going to put Humpty Dumpty together again? You, not the egoic self, but that stillness, that awareness."
"Pisces is our own simultaneous inconceivable union and separation with the source of all things and with everything else in creation."
"Together, we can shape a world that reflects the highest aspirations of the human spirit and the divine potential within us all."
"A new order of conditions is to arise; there must be greater consideration of the individual so that each Soul becomes his brother's keeper."
"The chosen ones were right all along that this world is the Maya, it's the illusion."
"If everyone wins, we all win. Even when I take losses, I still win."
"Understanding that consciousness is not created in the brain, that consciousness is downloaded from the source."
"Shiva means that which is not. When we say that which is not, we are talking about a dimension which is not physical in nature."
"Neutrality is love, but not a tool to dismiss other people's suffering or to spiritually bypass our own experiences."
"The goal of Vedanta and the goal of our lives coincide - the complete cessation of suffering and the attainment of bliss."
"Happiness from the world outside obscures our inherent bliss within."
"It's not about going back to Heaven, it's about bringing Heaven here."
"The true self cares about nothing and wants nothing."
"Everything happening for a reason, dismantlement of the old Earth."
"Love is unconditional. Whilst you love another and place conditions or reasons on them, you do not really hold love for them."
"Everything I think and say and do either extends the truth or multiplies illusions."
"The power of now: Death is an illusion just as your identification with form was an illusion."
"Recollection means to remember what you are, that you are the source of the entire universe."
"We're not here to fix anything, we're here to move our attention to that part that is always whole and complete."
"We can go from separation consciousness to unity consciousness."
"We live in a knowledge of unity, the idea that we are all connected."
"We are all smaller but fractal and equal aspects of the one Source who are learning who we are and what we do not want through experience."
"Your Consciousness shall as always has continue that deep down within the self was never born nor will the self ever die."
"Law of Attraction is more about attracting to you a state of beingness that is always enlightening, peaceful, and joyful."
"The divine ego, the higher self, true like the zero in mathematics."
"Miracles are not gifts from God; they are part of you, which is God."
"You cannot not love; it is a primal principle of creation."
"If our consciousness is right then that whole thing will fall into place again."
"Ultimately we're all Spiritual Beings regardless of our political or religious affiliation."
"My facts don't change the truth but my faith in the truth changes the facts."
"Prayer is an act of our spirit, not of the mind."
"Live by the golden rule and prove to yourself that the kingdom of heaven is on earth."
"Living your highest truth in every relationship becomes your best effort at assisting those souls on their journey."
"The only cross on which Christ was ever crucified is the human form."
"The higher you vibrate, the faster you'll manifest what you desire."
"The peace, joy, and love for which all people long resides in our self, in our own being."
"We are spiritual beings first, physical beings second."
"Love is not just a feeling; it's a vibration and a frequency that is connected through all things."
"We become everything because we resist nothing."
"In the Kingdom, the assignment determines access."
"We are each a donation, independent, free of all weakness. We have no beginning, we have no end. We are infinite."
"Free will loves you so much, it gives you 100% sovereignty."
"Truth Consciousness is the biggest power word that you can use right now."
"Everything in the universe is energetically connected."
"Sync up to the frequency of abundance in the universe and on this planet."
"Your purpose is in you already. Move away from duality to non-duality."
"We are all spiritual beings made up of energy."
"We are the owners of our karma. It's our personal responsibility."
"We're gods in the making and I think that's a really good place to stop this video."
"Spirituality isn't about superiority, it's about realizing the oneness of everything."
"We're all different aspects of the same exact consciousness, that's all we are."
"Everything is a vibration and the highest vibration in the universe is the vibration of pure love."
"Miracles occur naturally to minds that teach only love."
"As empty as you feel is as whole as you could be... Each part of you that feels empty is empty so you can fill them with light."
"Your body is an impostor, a tiny fraction of who you really are."
"Life is not only spiritual but everything has its origin in the spiritual world."
"Jeremyism is a religion of love, respect, appreciation, passion, sweat, patience."
"Remember overall that we are all spiritual beings, even those of us that are behaving poorly or that are sort of at their brightest. We're all here to learn, we're all here to teach, and we're all here to receive love and light from one another."
"Source is that body of water and we're that cup so it seems as though we are individual because we are all our own cup of water but we all come from the same place like we are Source we are Consciousness we are all one."
"For all events and thoughts and things exist first on higher planes."
"The greatest power in the cosmos is to graduate from this planet."
"Everything is energy, you manifest who you are."
"A conditioned soul is thinking about getting and forgetting. A liberated soul is thinking about giving and forgiving."
"God said, 'You have to arrive before you arrive.' It's amazing how He works, and His ways are higher than our ways."
"Energy is very powerful, that's what I believe in."
"Peace of mind and happiness is the ultimate."
"Everything that we do vibrationally has an effect on something or somebody else."
"We come from infinite love we are one of the many individual representations of their infinite love."
"There is a life principle in the world, a universal agent. There are two natures and a double current of love and wrath."
"Tantra is not a religion, it's a spiritual science."
"We must strive to be the light in this world. It's why we are here, it's why we incarnated."
"Everything is conceived initially or produced or manufactured in the spiritual realm before it's manifested in the physical world."
"Spiritual process means just this, that you live here like only you exist, nobody else but you."
"The second you get information is the second you no longer need it because the soul is always brand new in every moment."
"Our true nature is unlimited joy and freedom, life itself with a capital L."
"Buddha's teaching is fundamentally at odds with the immortality of the human soul."
"We are all fractionals of the entire universe, so we have to connect with our higher selves."
"Send love to everything... they're part of that in a certain way."
"There is only source. If you deny anything, you're denying the absolute."
"The spiritual world is the blueprint to our natural world. So everything that transpires takes place here physically as it relates to our five senses. Then the conception or initiation of that began in a world that we cannot see, right?"
"Life can be lived in fullness when lived on that highest level of ram raj."
"Our inheritance will always be greater than our harvest."
"When you trust God, what God gives you is better than what you had."
"Loving each and every object not for what it may do to benefit the self but because it is a manifestation of the Creator."
"Everything in this waking world is made from Brahman, which is you."
"Human beings are bound to come into collision with the cosmic order if they allow judgments that apply to the physical plane to hold good for the higher worlds as well."
"In eastern religions, this symbol pronounced 'dao' means the way; it symbolizes the way the universe works."
"The secret of the Vedic civilization is called dharma."
"Consciousness is Brahman, Brahman is consciousness, existence is consciousness."
"That only endures which is eternal."
"That being, Purusa, of the size of a thumb, resides in this body. Knowing him as the ruler of the past and future, one does not want to save the self. This indeed is that."
"Justice means you deserve, you get it; you don't deserve, you don't get it. And Radharani's mercy? Whether you deserve or you don't deserve, I don't care, I will end up giving it to you."
"That which is witness to both the body and the world is the true form of God."
"Always identify yourself not with the hole, not even with the little sky seen in the hole, that is called the reflected consciousness, but the sky itself without any reference to the hole."
"Surrender is an illusion until it is complete, and then you really know that it was an illusion."
"In the Oneness reality, all of that goes away because there is nobody else, there is no Duality."