
Existential Experience Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"The experience of simply being aware...is the only experience that never disappears, the only experience that never moves or changes."
"Anyone who goes through life with an open mind and heart will encounter moments that are saturated with meaning but whose meaning cannot be put into words...it is as though on the winding, ill-lit stairway of our life, we suddenly come across a window through which we catch sight of another and brighter world...I am not alone in thinking that it is real and important."
"The invention of a modern self, an 'I' at the center of a complex experience of the world, an 'I' that feels like it's self-determining, free, desirous, torn between nature and city, between work and pleasure, between rootedness and wanderlust."
"You are the Divine Walking In the Flesh, already to experience life like it is in the third dimension as you."
"Even if your soul went nowhere after you died, to live in that state for five seconds would be worth your life."
"The mystery of life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced."
"Suddenly it was as though the ground literally gave way at my feet, and I plunged down into dark depths." - Carl Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections
"When I was in that realm... I felt we are all part of that universe."
"Okay, I made it. I'm alive. My body and my soul are intact for this moment."
"The life review is your life passing before your eyes."
"There’s almost nothing on this earth quite as terrifying as remembering your own death."
"The chair you're sitting on is nothing other than your conscious experience of sitting."
"You're more than just a physical body—you're a soul having a human experience."
"We're actually spiritual beings having a physical experience."
"Reality is an illusion, but it doesn't mean that we aren't here to experience things."
"All he can do is stand there and behold and be beheld."
"Until now, if you are not torturously frustrated by your experience of life or the world that you're living in, then I would say you are not in touch."
"It's an amazing time to be alive, battling between truth and falsehood."
"What we're really seeking is the experience of being alive."
"We're all Spiritual Beings having a human existence."
"I think that's what it is for me. If you want to be there and live longer just to see, just experience, and just to live life, I think, in my opinion... because I don't want to lose one second of life."
"You are an immortal spirit living a temporary human experience."
"A shift in soul, a difference in how you perceive and experience the world. Is it better? Is it worse? Now? No. But it's not the same."
"Life continues past the point of death, you are a spiritual being having a physical experience."
"You are part of an illusion and learning experience that allows you to become aware of the love and light of the creator in your illusion."
"Becoming simultaneously multi-dimensional, experiencing chaos and perfection, personal and collective timelines."
"It's the only time I feel I'm in my own skin."
"This reality that we're in right now is a temporary fun experience."
"I'm conscious and I experience the world around me."
"Life is the longest thing that you are ever going to personally experience here on this planet."
"The divine comedy is not so much a puzzle to be unraveled but a mystery to be experienced."
"Life is finite, but you can't really feel it unless you're in it."
"We are all smaller but fractal and equal aspects of the one Source who are learning who we are and what we do not want through experience."
"The greatest experience we can have is the mysterious."
"Think of time as duration, the subjective experience of existence."
"We can all agree that we're having an experience right now."
"Time slowed down, and it was as though time didn't really exist."
"This is not a dream, this is real. We're having a real experience here."
"In such awareness, we experience ourselves concurrently as limited and eternal."
"If you get deja vu, you've lived this life a thousand times already."
"Cada uno sufre en su propio infierno, conforme uno es."
"If a salt doll goes to measure the ocean, it becomes the ocean. There's no individual left to come back and describe."
"It brings forth the feeling of uncertainty, not knowing where you are but it doesn't matter, having the present moment being the most important thing."
"It felt like he was the only person in the world who was outside."
"Consciousness is not just an object; there is something it is like to be a conscious creature."
"I feel privileged to be alive to experience this."
"Don't rush through this, enjoy your physical life experience, but know you don't fear death because it's just a different frequency."
"Alright, cool, cool, spin around for a little bit, struggle with your own reality. Oh baby, I don't have to try to feel that."
"Emotion, feelings without name, are the closest that at this point I can get to the light."
"I wasn't scared we weren't upset or happy or anything it was me you know without the flesh or emotions everything was stripped away I was just a floating naked soul."
"Life is magical and there's a lot for me to experience before I exit this material plane."
"Spiritual process means something beyond body and mind became a living thing in your life, it became a living experience."
"...every single moment in a seamless loop... every single moment seamlessly... was more than I had experienced in most of those moments."
"That moment of intense grief changed me forever; it felt like a visit from the spirit of death."
"The experience of love is realizing that we share our being, while the experience of beauty is the same in relation to nature."
"I'm not a religious man or superstitious by any means, but it felt like the universe or some higher power just reached out and poked me in the chest."
"Kevin feels indignation toward Matt and his friends who have cast him as a messiah in their new scripture yet he admits to Laurie that when he dies and goes to the other place he's never felt so alive."
"It's about just existing outdoors and having this completely different perspective on life."
"Something has come into the room, I don't know what it is. It's so one, it's all. And it's the only place you want to be."
"Everyone in this room has had at least one experience that is undeniably an experience of the hugeness of being."
"Awareness is our primary experience."
"You'll be able to see and hear what your body is doing, but your existence... a passenger, an audience."
"If you feel like you're going crazy, dying, melting, dissolving, don't fight it. Go with it, surrender, relax your mind and float downstream."
"Meaning is something that's experienced, it's existential, it's something felt, it's something vivid, it's something that's visceral."
"You might be immortal, but you're gonna feel everything."
"Looking up at the night sky makes you feel insignificant, which is something that everybody needs."
"We're talking about tapping into the energy that creates worlds and flowing it through your experience."
"Parabola is the celebration of life, the holy experience of birth, and the unlikely opportunity that we all share to be temporarily conscious of each other and the world around us."
"A dimension of living far beyond the normal three; you can't explain it, you can't describe it, you can only feel it."
"Even silence and emptiness, as beautiful as they are, there's awareness of them."
"To be made whole by being not a witness but witnessed."
"Parenting... exposes you to a completely different sense of the purpose of existence."
"The call of the void is a very well-known psychological phenomenon."
"You are a God and you have to realistically experience everything that you are not, so you can truly say that you are."
"Just being is a religious experience; it's a spiritual experience. Just being is holy."
"It's the annihilation of what you understand in your phenomenological or existential or personal or whatever psychological experiences."
"It's like I'm experiencing it, sir, consciousness, who is knowing I, and there is nothing at all except - it is as it is, it is only I, only the feeling of beingness."