
Legal Challenges Quotes

There are 261 quotes

"We're headed to a much, much, much bigger court on a much, much, much bigger scale."
"The law is lagging behind all of this technology. The predators are winning."
"Anytime you go after powerful people like this that have a lot of money, you've got to make sure that you're on point and everything is extremely tight."
"Now, if you're a woman in Alabama, it looks like you're going to need a great lawyer. Yes, just in general."
"For the past decade, Credit Suisse has constantly found itself in trouble with regulators as they played fast and loose with the law."
"We're going to do everything in our power to stop this bill. There will be court challenges, and ultimately, like bills across the country, it will get defeated in these courts. We know that these bills are as unconstitutional as they are cruel."
"An erroneous constitutional decision can be fixed by amending the constitution, but our constitution is notoriously hard to amend."
"Nothing screams more democratic and celebrates democracy than following the rule of law and having at your disposal the courts to find legal challenges with a thoughtful presentation that's unemotional and non-political."
"No president until 2020 refused to accept defeat and step away from that office and no lawyer until 2020 used frivolous claims of election fraud to impede the peaceful transition of Presidential Power and disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of Voters."
"AMD, clearly a licensed manufacturer, had their legal team and Linux engineers work for months to devise a way to implement HDMI 2.1 plus support in their open-source driver without exposing the now private specs."
"All of our clients, they're immigrants. English is not their first language, and so you can imagine that particularly for that community, when they receive a demand letter...it's frightening."
"Litigation is emotionally draining, even for the lawyers."
"Defamation suits are one of the most challenging to win from the plaintiff side."
"President Trump went to great lengths to obstruct the special counsel's investigation."
"Of course, the nightmare scenario after tonight was one of disputed ballots, lawsuits, recounts, maybe protests as well, and an election result ultimately decided by the courts."
"There's nothing wrong with wanting to make sure that you feel comfortable as a human being."
"So it's the same thing it doesn't matter if you're following the law you're a foreigner you're not getting in you know it's it's incredibly disheartening."
"The ruling would become a powerful tool to challenge legislation restricting access to medical care and other accommodations for trans people, including employment and government benefits, advocates said."
"The lawsuit before him to really going through that to clear his name that takes a real strength."
"It's heartbreaking for our country to have a president of the United States with this list of charges against him."
"Trump's resilience stands out as protests, two impeachments, and legal indictments fail to diminish his political standing."
"We have so many little legal battles that we have to fight on an ongoing basis that people never hear about."
"The next time someone tells you that there were no voter irregularities anywhere in this election, tell them to read this lawsuit."
"President Trump can definitely run if Democrats think that they're going to put President Trump in jail."
"If you can't even file a lawsuit to challenge procedure without being accused of stealing, well where do you go?"
"Feelings are a pretty hard thing to argue about, especially in somewhere like a court of law."
"Welcome to the world of legal claims. Welcome to the law. Welcome to copyright. This is the dark side of copyright. This is the injustice of copyright."
"Laura's decision shows how challenging and unjust law takes personal sacrifice, that doing the right thing might come at a cost but it's worth it."
"The impeachment hearing will be challenging for a skilled trial lawyer."
"We're seeing on multiple fronts the idea that the restrictions may have been unconstitutional."
"Press freedom under fire: the case of Rappler."
"He banned sodas and then of course, represented the ban was promptly shut down."
"Trump is going to have to spend all his money fighting indictments."
"Self-defense is becoming illegal in effect in a lot of places."
"The past 10 days have been effectively a century for the Trump legal team."
"We are literally in kind of the Brave New World of how to deal with the internet because the laws we are dealing with are from the mid-90s when the internet did not exist in this way."
"He embraced an illegal scheme... that the Vice President could reject Joe Biden's electoral votes during the joint session."
"Similar situations, people now using the ADA to try to undo court orders."
"Clearly this is not the last we have heard of this issue."
"Steven Avery believes it too. He believed he was wrongfully singled out by the sheriff's department back in 1985."
"It's an interesting thing...you are in the middle of the greatest constitutional crisis in 400 years."
"To authorize the indictment of President Biden after he leaves office for mismanaging the border would be a shocking ruling."
"A huge lawsuit against Threads just within hours of Zuckerberg bragging about the massive influx of people joining Threads."
"Here lies Aaron's field of giving a damn about being sued."
"Our judicial system, our institutions, our political system did not particularly want to charge a former president with these crimes, he forced their hands."
"Trump's path to legal victory involves freezing certification in multiple states to prevent Biden from reaching 270 electoral votes."
"I had to fight for my right to freedom of press and freedom of speech when Judge Keith Kelly unlawfully ordered me to remove the video from the internet."
"McCowen had a criminal history and restraining orders against him."
"Fanny Willis is going after Donald Trump for his tweets, seems like this could absolutely Boomerang and could potentially hit big."
"If you have some liberal interest group that sues your state on some concern about the election law."
"I think we still have even though it is rapidly losing respect and even though its opinions are opinions that we are certainly free to challenge and try to argue against we still have the rule of law in this country."
"There is no historical basis for New York to declare Manhattan a sensitive place simply because it is crowded and generally protected by law enforcement."
"Be careful when it comes to litigation this month, it's going to be hard to break through somebody's preconceived notions."
"Would crush him, we'll definitely have to have a court at the new building."
"Failing to challenge a presidential self-pardon is as good as an endorsement of Donald Trump."
"Muhammad Ali never went to jail he didn't know that he was going to get the backlash."
"This is about our right to farm... the way we want... the food we want."
"The entire election frankly in all the swing states should be overturned, and the legislature should make sure that the electors are selected for Trump." - Sydney Powell
"Former presidents will be unduly harassed by meritless Federal Criminal prosecutions."
"Finance is very important. If you do not have custodianship over your own money and you have to jump through legal hoops to do things, that is a way for the government to control you."
"Trump has no problem suing authors and comedians but is afraid to sue a thirteen-year-old who accuses him of rape." - Alexander
"If you guys do manage to win this at the level of the courts you're not going to keep me down I'm going to keep running again that's the right attitude."
"Maybe we'll get him on some conspiracy charges, but insurrection is really hard to prove."
"A father having his son taken from him, his child's mother saying, 'I'm not giving him to you per court order because I want to see him.' You're kidnapping. You kidnap a kid, don't be surprised if the dad tries to stop you."
"They're busy at work trying to make what we're doing here illegal."
"A federal judge in Texas has ruled DACA to be unlawful, putting pressure on Congress to make a permanent solution for undocumented youth."
"Regardless of her odd behavior, they still had absolutely nothing in terms of physical evidence yet again to charge her with any crime."
"The state of Texas sued... most of Biden's orders don't have to be enforced."
"This is indictment season baby, it's definitely indictment season."
"They see these dirty legal tricks for exactly what they are: a pernicious attempt to steal an election through an abuse of our system of justice."
"The sentiment supporting secession, jury nullification, nullification of federal laws by state legislators, and a drive for more independence from larger government units will continue."
"Courts had to rule on a lot of false election fraud claims."
"Pre-trial can create a major problem for a defendant in a criminal case; it may be more harmful than publicity during the trial."
"Defamation cases often turn into a mini trial about whatever the alleged lie was."
"That pesky First Amendment again is in the way that First Amendment damn it freedom of the press New York Times against Sullivan."
"If Trump wins in November, and the January 6 case is still going, I think at that point, the legal world changes."
"This kind of scheme to nullify the constitution of the United States is one that all Americans should fear."
"Eventually, loot boxes become such a legal and financial liability that EA will forego them entirely."
"The fight is not over, there will be legal challenges and other ways to continue battling for a free and open Internet."
"The preparation and the diligence and the research and the witness leads followed and the Privileges litigated and ripped away to get to the truth it will be unassailable."
"Fame and success do not exempt celebrities from the complexities of legal battles."
"It's just not that easy, that requires something more powerful than the Constitution."
"All of them have issued mandates which violate the constitution of our country."
"You never know who's going to get butt hurt and claim your whole fair use video."
"We have a public health crisis while he's in court trying to do away with health care."
"When the SEC attacks you, it's a good thing."
"Eventually, we're going to take both of those sketches and put them together. And then, remove them and the killer will be behind them."
"It's too much to overcome with respect to facts that are compellingly against him."
"Listen, I would love to regulate the content of speech, but we got that pesky First Amendment."
"You've got a criminal investigation in New York, a civil fraud trial in New York, the January 6th indictment, and it looks like we're going to see an indictment out of Atlanta."
"Strong men get cancelled, fired, when they speak, you send your lawyers after them. Talk to Sandman about that."
"Nobody cares about the result of this. No one cares that you're being sued, no one cares that you're being slandered."
"He's not letting the lawsuit deter him in any way from making more videos about Shawn."
"Good luck getting the other 10 people to sue the judge."
"That's where we are in Canada now. And I think we rose to the challenge and pushed back in a very careful, thoughtful, lawful way."
"It's very difficult to challenge it... but there are still many cases where we are successful in challenging them."
"Cambodian Americans are in a unique position. Any crime that carries a year or more prison term or even multiple petty crimes can result in automatic deportation, even if they've never been to Cambodia."
"The lack of plausible alternate suspects is a real thorn in the defense's side."
"We always win all the wars. We're the ones always in court because our RP ain't dry. We really out here."
"Google's sales are flat to down from cloud, and then they're getting sued by the government for antitrust."
"This zero tolerance policy enacted by a company about as litigious as the spicy mouse corporation shook the Warhammer community to its core."
"With each passing day, President Donald Trump's lawsuits continue to mount in court challenges to the election results."
"It's a persecution of a political opponent. This was never supposed to happen in America." - Spokesperson for Trump's legal team
"The question is when does copyright preempt this whole area of AI derived legal risk?"
"Think of the extraordinary nature from our perspective of an injunction against the executive branch in a pre-indictment situation."
"It's a lot harder to charge someone, never mind get them prosecuted for, and have them ultimately be found guilty of it."
"Litigation is not for everyone. He stepped forward. He's been referred to as the Rosa Parks of the NFL. It's a testament to his character."
"Our case has caused so many problems for [Chevron] and has exposed their misconduct to the world."
"IVF is so much more tangible to people than when you explain to them what has happened since Dos in terms of women with ectopic pregnancies and being denied procedures because doctors are leaving to call their lawyers."
"We had to fight for Jamie to be able to stay in our home with Aurora."
"This is like the lawyer's nightmare, right? Worst client in all time."
"One of the gravest threats we can imagine to press freedom."
"It's not bomb proof, but it fails gracefully."
"So, even though the Biden Administration created a real problem here for them, they were laser-focused on building a program that would be difficult to challenge."
"This was a case that was very interesting to me as a trial lawyer... having your conviction in jeopardy is a gut-wrenching thing."
"He cited a case... attempting to nail Jello to the wall."
"Big Connect takes a massive hit as Texas issues a cease and desist."
"Like I said, it's a very frustrating case, but it is one that really needs attention."
"Affirmative action tried to level the playing field but was ruled unconstitutional."
"Now truth is going on trial as the Murdochs face dramatic legal consequences. These are the simple facts."
"If a law can be unconstitutional, then a Supreme Court ruling can also be unconstitutional."
"This is going to take continued perjury and continued support of these individuals for to perpetuate the cover-up."
"We're wrangling about... some votes that may have arrived late."
"The burden on the plaintiff: prove what was said was false and caused damage."
"We're talking about genetically modifying it and poisoning and we're also talking about a system that allows a class-action lawsuit to apparently settle things for all time."
"It's practically impossible to find eligible jury members that don't already know who OJ Simpson is."
"It's a proven tense you have to prove intent so like you've got to knowingly violate the law here"
"We have an opportunity to do that; few of the rights protected by our Constitution are more infringed than the right to privacy."
"I think this bill is going to pass and I think that we're going to see a big legal fight ahead of us."
"You cannot overrule the Constitution with a public health order."
"A trial of a decade. How could she get a fair trial?"
"We're the only people that have been sued but we haven't been sued for defamation."
"The dirty little secret about gun control is the more that they push and the harder that they try, the more things that get ruled unconstitutional."
"What does it mean to work in the legal system in a world where there are superheroes?"
"Let's start from the top and go to the bottom. Her firm that she works at, her workplace, she accused them of entrapment. Okay, how many of us can get away with accusing our workplace of entrapment?"
"The last time we covered Bilderberg in Switzerland, me and Josh got put into the airport jail."
"I think it was unfair in the prosecutors put me in the position that they did."
"My name been ready music, they jumped me out I heard you a little bit of time in jail, yeah, I really served two more times without lawyers on dick, yeah, about a year man, you know, I'm facing my father man with three different cases man."
"Members of the Sinaloa cartel, one of the most powerful cartels in North America, told The Daily Beast that it planned to infiltrate the legal pot market."
"Trump is dealing with more than a dozen cases in addition to investigations that could result in further lawsuits."
"Despite these crazy headwinds with the SEC and frankly losing some customers because of the SEC lawsuit, we grew very quickly and we feel like we're starting 2022 in a great position of strength." - Brad Garlinghouse
"If catching spies is hard enough, prosecuting them is almost unheard of."
"With luck, she will soon discover her true identity. Otherwise, she has no choice but to close the door on her past, assemble a new legal identity, and begin her life again from scratch."
"I couldn't afford to enter a dispute against the legal machine."
"Pornhub is being sued by a deaf man because the adult video site does not have subtitles."
"One of the lessons of that failure was that the Constitution makes it incredibly difficult to remove a president and so therefore it should be incredibly difficult to remove a president."
"It would be a beautiful poetic irony if Donald Trump was to fall under foot to be sued for hundreds of millions of dollars."
"How many cases where they lose evidence it's mind-blowing to me."
"It's not possible to enforce consistently so therefore the whole thing becomes just a total mess."
"Activision is in trouble in their offices for sexual harassment... California is suing them."
"It's not the first time that the fight for freedoms has been on the back of what is a relatively minor criminal charge. We're going to keep fighting."
"Epic isn't just risking their own game, and their own business, in going head-to-head and face-to-face, against Apple and Google."
"Twitter has a really good record because Twitter was fighting really hard and has lost every time."
"The grand jury's failure to indict scared off prosecutors from trying to get a conviction later."
"What do you do when your calling has become a crime? What do you do when you obeyed God and you still ended up in a dark place?"
"It's bad comedy, but it's going to be a big pain in the neck for some of us to deal with this lawsuit."
"When it comes to black folks, they throw these laws out here on our ass."
"This week was the single worst week for Donald Trump legally likely in his entire life."
"Cooperatives offer a multi-purpose business model supporting sustainability and prosperity."
"Any time you as a prosecutor have problems with the truth, whether it's you or the witnesses you're putting upon the stand that is trouble with a capital T."
"Their bravery is just outstanding in this matter to persist through what Scientology will do to somebody trying to expose them."
"Surviving a lawsuit like this proves that the Lord is alive and trustworthy being if you will because they clearly were on your side if you managed to survive in the situation."
"I don't think things are that random in life."
"Thankfully, we're a country of laws. Even if the SEC would like to get rid of crypto entirely, even if they would like to, which they probably do, the law and the courts won't allow it." - Jake
"We're just talking about suing tech, and him aside, the conversation around tech censorship is a conversation we need to continue to have."
"It's certainly enough that maybe reasonable person could have a doubt about impartiality so I think it's kind of a serious motion."
"Donald Trump's legal battles: Juggling multiple fronts."
"Presidential immunity: An attack on multiple fronts."
"And a lot of people in the administration, senior advisers to the President and the Vice President himself and the President's family members, they're all going to need good lawyers if Robert Mueller is going to start nailing people for that."
"They're tired of the Warfare, the legal Warfare against President Trump and it's much bigger than President Trump."
"There are constitutional challenges to what's happening in many different swing states."
"This administration isn't just targeting the laws that protect us."
"Moves on the state level to restrict abortions hitting legal obstacles."
"They got the whole damn arm of the law against you, you dumbass."
"I want to go against corrupt prosecutors like Thomas Binger and put them in their place."
"Every IP policy must anticipate the possibility of rights owner over-enforcement."
"The specter of qualified immunity chills people's desire to pursue legal avenues against police overreach."
"The entertainment industry is not immune from lawsuits when they discriminate against people based on their race, gender, or sexual preferences."
"Mr. Jones is going to be subjected to a level of financial scrutiny over his transactions that he has never seen before."
"When you have laws that are over broad or vague... the end result... is not very good for those that are trying to get the laws passed."
"There's a lot of unexplored territories when it comes to Tech, so there's a lot of loopholes and gray zones that the law hasn't really tackled yet."
"It's tough when you're guilty until proven innocent. It's a tough spot to be in."
"I pledge the entirety, I haven't been able to fulfill those pledges because I've been sued."
"What's the argument from the Republicans I mean Donald Trump has been collecting these indictments like Penny Candy from back in the day."
"Prosecuting a human trafficking case is easily one of the harder crimes to prosecute because your main point of evidence is actually the trafficking victim."
"Michael Arrington: 'Ripple coming out of this mess healthy because they deserve to.'"
"But as you can tell, there have been a lot of recent indictments and the only way I've been able to get through them all is with a really good cup of coffee."
"That's their hope, their hope is that you get your denial and you say you know what i it costs money i got to find attorneys to appeal this then i got to fight this and uh seems pretty bad when you get a denial from the irs."
"I would rather see moderate gun control laws coming out that we can challenge that doesn't make us felons in the process."
"Trump seeking to subvert the democratic system with legal challenges."
"Maybe just maybe that weaponized case turns out to be a slingshot for XRP clarity to lead this space."
"Legal Clarity that is the makings for tremendous growth... going from getting beat up by the government to being the only one with Clarity."
"I think it's insane to hand a guy a 50, 60 page document and say you have to sign here."
"No former president has ever got into such legal difficulty before or broken the law so many times."
"The first amendment is meaningless if it only protects people the government recognizes as journalist."
"It's doubtful this is going to scupper the Activision Blizzard purchase, but it might cost one or more corporations more money, which is about as close as we can get to a win for the common people these days."
"The inventory management system in Astroneer is by far the best and most unique that I've ever seen in a video game."
"The evolution of the internet has been so rapid and its impact so vast that both the legal system and Society at large are still struggling to make sense of it all."
"If they want me to stop exercising my constitutional rights, they're gonna have to give me life in prison."
"Spreading false information and rumors is terrible and makes the case so much harder and really fogs up everything for the family."