
Player Interaction Quotes

There are 364 quotes

"One of the greatest moments, and as a DM one of the most rewarding moments, is when in-character banter starts to occur between the players at the table."
"The design philosophy that defined Populous was that the player alters the WORLD, not its people or their buildings."
"I want more experiences with my Pokémon, to actually be able to play with them again in a meaningful way."
"The massively part of the acronym seems to relate to both the player base size and the potential to interact with them in the game world at random, not the social need or demand to party up to experience the majority of the game."
"Walking The Halls here of the House of Optic, where Ghosty and Hixxy passed each other, and they said, 'Hey man, not everyone knows who we are, after this the whole world will.'"
"I will just say absolutely no to wishes that are targeted at other players in a particularly vindictive sense."
"My hypothesis is that the relationship between the player and villagers is informed by a few specific variables throughout the games."
"At the end of the game when you play, we tell you about your play style, and it reveals something about the player themselves, their values, and the way they interact with the others that they played with."
"We really want the economy to incentivize you to interact with other players, to get out there and get resources, to develop the world."
"This era is going to be defined by games being played not by individual people... but an actual community of people."
"Dude, stop talking to me. I'm trying to go fast."
"No Man's Sky was being pitched as a thriving, living universe where players from around the world could potentially run into each other randomly within the endless expanse of outer space."
"Good parkour is about how many different ways a player can interact with obstacles, not just about breezing through those obstacles without stopping to consider their geometry."
"See to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen."
"It is really funny how the first 15, 30 or even hour you play somebody and anyway, it was kind of like this back in the day."
"Doki Doki sinks into the player's own worldview and makes them question their own personal ability to make free choices."
"Undertale uses its nature as a game to not only craft a meta-narrative exploring experience for the player but by predicting your internalized responses reveals to you the role at knew you couldn't resist playing."
"There's a certain excitement that comes from D&D by having cool abilities that you get to use and announce."
"What have I done wrong? Now he appears. Yeah, no, I don't have a third one. Where's my third Scion?"
"What's going to be fascinating about this... is to see what people actually do."
"Street 2's in-game aesthetic that is the players themselves and how they move within their environment was unlike anything that had come before it."
"Upheaval max slope. You'll be a murderer. [__] it, yeah. That'll be great."
"These games excel in the core aspects that make Pokemon great to me: interacting with Pokemon, bonding with them, and becoming the best Pokemon trainer."
"You've entered combat with another survivor. We can't protect you in the safe settlements until the timer runs out."
"Players always play the games we've made in a totally different way than we expected."
"I've never experienced this level of engagement from a dm before."
"Being respectful means treating all the other players with trust and open-mindedness."
"If your game makes you feel uncomfortable it's time to step back and have a conversation with your players."
"We gotta get those things patched, you can't have players sitting inside buildings that can't be seen or touched firing out."
"Vengeance can be a pretty solid driving force, but you should try to avoid having a campaign that's made up of a collection of single-player stories."
"SCP-5167 would join games of Among Us like any other player."
"Darkov Tarkov is at its best when you're in an active fight with multiple different players."
"If these games cover hugely important events, it's logical that these events should impact the world in some way regardless of whether the player directly involves themselves in them."
"It's the closest thing we have to a Cosmos two-player game at this point in time."
"Breath of the Wild 2 needs more mount types. Imagine just registering like a bear and bonding with it. It'll be cool."
"Stare at Norman Reedus's groin in Death Stranding and he'll punch you in the face."
"By changing the way that jumps work, you've created new tools and can create entirely new scenarios for the player."
"But while the intent is for people to fight over the reward, in practice people end up just partying up."
"Challenges are going to be a lot more streamlined hopefully it's not going to involve anything like crouching or mounting or doing any stupid stuff like that."
"I think when you take that ttk and slow it down just a little bit you give the chance for counter play."
"One of the defining qualities of Oblivion is the way that you can start to bribe people and you can see their face changing in real time."
"We're here to slightly torture our duplicants who like to rebound more often than not."
"Rare occasions enemy npcs known as bobs may be encountered by the player."
"My game is more about the players dealing with the world than it is the world dealing with the players."
"Some games have a myriad of mechanics that all work in harmony to almost reach a level of simulation in terms of translating exactly what the player wants to do on the screen."
"Returning to Book One maps for character focused chapters. Remix versions. Which map would you like?"
"You want people to feel like they're not having your hand held but you're holding their hand."
"Oh, he's trolling, a rush, okay, well, he's just going for a free slogan, he's sick."
"Tying the sparks to player collisions gives those in the back of the pack the best opportunity to collect more of them faster."
"Anna's sleep dart feels kind of okay to play with and play against."
"We want hands down better dialogue, actual contribution, and role-playing opportunities."
"It feels important to me, that there’s this open world, all these things you can do."
"I'm all about some changes to Shaman's hero power."
"Some clues don't come from the Nomai, sometimes you just need some advice from your fellow Hearthians."
"The meaningful gameplay happens in the negative space."
"Nintendo released a crafty trick to give the second player motion controls."
"Your responses will reflect Abel as a character and that I very much liked in the context of a role-playing game."
"Difficulty isn't even the fun bit games as Monster Hunter World proves is the ways in which they interact with and test us."
"The shrine quickly becomes this nexus... providing a natural start and end point to play sessions."
"Player movement and collision mechanics are essential for fluid gameplay and immersive experience."
"I want the hitbox of the player to be slightly smaller than the original image."
"There are coaches that the best coaches are just emotionally intelligent and know how to handle players and they interact with players based on what that player needs."
"For every single champion in our game even the like three aurelion sol mains in the world are probably spamming rioters like every day for about the ACE wholeness right."
"A lot of times games do come down to this thing where it's like two players, maybe even three players, are primed to win and if you can win before they do, you have effectively stopped them from winning."
"The Elder Scrolls online is bringing the test formula of player / world interaction to MMOs."
"The stuff you're doing in your game is probably really fun, so long as your players are having fun, so make sure you're having fun too."
"Emergent gameplay is the ability for constant variety in gameplay to emerge from how players engage with relatively simple mechanics."
"This is Novamax. Hi there, new Night City. It's not so bad here. How we're feeling today? Because I feel amazing."
"I'm mining it, I'm mining it, I'm mining it. Please, please let the faces bro, he sees the faces."
"I think that the anger that gets thrown at josh is that it's it's the fault of the other players for not keeping him in check."
"Each session should allot time for inter-party role-play and shenanigans."
"Interacting with the game can earn job and mission invites."
"The future of gaming, an indication of where gaming is going, how people are going to interact with video games."
"There's actually a budding romance and I feel like they actually really liked you."
"When monarch gets involved in a game of commander, universally that game is more fun than it would have been."
"I mean, this is coming back, you know? It's like you can still get the original Mario Maker, but it's just, just, you know, checking out everybody's levels."
"This is the start of Baby manipulating the player into a false sense of security."
"Scavengers might be remembered for being capable of putting thousands of players and NPCs on the same map."
"I'm just really excited to see like the really creative players mix them up with different cameos and stuff and then go crazy with the cancels and all that I think it's going to be really cool."
"The world helps the player. It's almost a character in of itself."
"Games, especially great ones, are meant to be played and not always watched."
"Once you start connecting things that the players care about with your map and the locations that are on it, you've now started to engage them."
"A villain is a step above your run-of-the-mill boss fight. They're a character someone the player can develop a bit of a relationship with as you play."
"Video games are uniquely placed to make the most out of their villains."
"Mill one player out is a very fantastic thing to do."
"You can really influence a game by how you describe failure."
"I just found Bretman's body in one of the hallways."
"The combat system relied on skill and timing rather than waiting for a cooldown bar to tick and spamming buttons."
"This is a dynamic of fantasy football that everybody enjoys/hates."
"That flexibility is huge and that leads into the question that I would like to ask you."
"Potential for players will evolve over time...make our own heroes."
"Pirate ship where you at, where are you at pirate ship?"
"Kill the streamer! Yet, kill, kill the streamer!" - A humorous reference to in-game events or strategies.
"I guess from this very specific point of view that this camera is always in this time it's time awakened ones you have reached the luminous cave have you come here to evolve."
"Generation one was full of little fourth wall breaks and hidden easter eggs."
"Finish your glitching this one returns here and a lot of players have accidentally done this glitch."
"This is definitely improving our player-versus-player. Being rewarded with one!"
"But I really do think that Blizzard enjoyed that player-driven exploration and that crazy stuff."
"There is underwater combat, naval combat with regards to ships, raid bosses, dungeons, caravans, trade ships... all of this stuff is going to have player versus environment and player versus player combat."
"When he scores and when someone's assisted them, he gets so excited."
"Absolutely insane ladies and gentlemen, we've been going around catching eggs, this guy's going to be blocking the first one come on!"
"The real beauty of the game isn't seeing what random places you could put items in but it's more how much Story the game can portray just by unpacking someone else's belongings."
"Every individual kill you get on another player, it feels so good."
"Without sheep, there's no content. Without content, there's no game."
"The map is littered with little combat challenges and random npcs you'll meet needing help or towns which can serve as quest hubs."
"The spy I think accidentally just hit gabe newell maybe not going for a swinging neckbreaker on gabe newell he turned you thought i think this is unbelievable."
"It's all any time I make a change in the world I put a location in the game tied to some kind of relic or artifact that represents that change the game the players can like interact with."
"There are two stars that spawn in this linear stretch and since both sides feed into the middle, when a bunch of players are going after the same star it can turn into a nail-biting race."
"Honestly I think that the PvP with souls is super cool like knowing when to toggle went to turn all went to turn off and the enchants that come with it like a mortal make it really really awesome."
"It's a lot of fun to play with particularly when combined with that hoplite change." - Anton
"The reads that you have to make on people is incredible."
"I just want to get as many dinosaurs as quickly as possible to check them out and see how they react with each other because that's the coolest thing about this game in my opinion."
"Use your blue bell, use your boo bell, yes, steal a star from Yoshi, steal a star from Yoshi, that would be the best if you stole a star from Yoshi!"
"The ability to create your own assist is so much more fun when you cast and then run in with a sword."
"The proximity chat was amazing I will say that that was the best thing about this stream."
"For the first time in Minecraft history, reproduction is added into the game as 500 new players entered the world."
"The way your team reacts to your actions made the game far more immersive."
"Duke Nukem 3D is a world that feels truly vibrant and clever, a cleverness of construction that makes the stupidity of the player character even more hilarious."
"Within minutes of logging in I already had to fight for my life against another survivor."
"In a real haunted house the monsters can't hurt you, but in a video game they can chase you around, throw you through walls, cut off your hand, murder you, and then bring you back to life."
"The benefit of poker is you're competing against other players."
"A kink game gives players a common goal and reason to stick together."
"There is something really terrifying about having a villain that can constantly spy on the party."
"The dynamic mission system allows for missions featuring specific locations, rewards, and parameters to be dynamically dictated based upon guidance from the backend simulation and player actions."
"Enemies might carry a grudge, they remember, and then the next time you see them they'll call back to that."
"Lore is really fun for both players and audiences."
"Let the game respond to you rather than the other way around."
"And now finally the setting we mentioned earlier that's arguably the most important of them all: muting the enemy and your teammates."
"What you can learn from your players is immeasurable."
"Changing the encounter based on small things like what you are wearing is such a great touch."
"But asking players to develop pre-existing relationships with other characters lightens that workload for everyone."
"Righteous Fury is the critical hit equivalent, now we have our taunting scream."
"I love seeing how people use the different components of the game to automate stuff."
"See what that looks like and I think that is a good amount for a player to jump at least for the time being."
"That freedom is always there, and the game's feedback from your choices is a lot of fun."
"The only thing that was a little unnerving was that at times the NPCs would call me Link but at other times they would call me Ben."
"Oh dear, that's somebody in full diamond, I'm not dealing with that."
"Wide receiver and DB interactions are also another area that I think most people, if you pay attention, will notice a big change here."
"Rockstar has never been above making an elaborate joke at the players' expense."
"The AI could react dynamically to your presence. And this game does such a great job expanding on that."
"I want to break the habit of the players asking me how their stuff works."
"I get really happy when I kill people, so it's swings and roundabouts, my friends."
"Now we're getting a really good idea of how it feels for the player to explore and kind of traverse around these locations."
"Nintendo listens... they're listening to people posting about star trees and duplication."
"I am so excited to introduce you guys to horses for The Sims 4 modified to the point that you can actually interact with them."
"Customizations and extras category goes to Black Ops 2."
"The Revelation astonishes the surrounding players as high-level NPCs are exceedingly rare."
"For every bit of advice and idea that you have, it's never going to survive the average person playing it."
"I'm gonna focus on the run itself because our main strategy is to trade with villagers."
"Limbo, love and hate... very good at trolling."
"Knowing that you successfully hit the player with the keel will help make the gameplay feel smoother."
"A real socialization, things that you can do with friends in the game, that is really, really important."
"One specific area that I'm excited to dial in is the feeling of the player interacting with the world around them."
"Customizing Spider-Man... really affects the gameplay. Spider-Man over time becomes more badass as you unlock new combos and moves for him to use, new gadgets for him to take crime out on a better scale, things like that."
"The whole power between the player and the npc is going to be completely different in 1.4."
"If you're a very talented player and you see someone that's struggling, do you seek them out to try and get some easy KOs? That could be a strategy that comes out to play."
"Seamless transition between single-player and multiplayer."
"The sheer amount of movement options combined with the need to constantly track your target using their movement options contributed to a fast-paced shooter really like no other."
"Spoilers, you can have any Bundesliga 100-want Brazilian."
"Higurashi lures us in with its deceptive veneer of agency."
"I want to make sure that unlike a lot of traditional deck-building games, we incorporate a lot of counterplay."
"This has been eventful so far, hasn't it Josh? Yeah, it has. And I'd like to find him and kill him soon."
"We worked hard into maternal to try to make sure... we had ways to engage you outside of the arenas."
"There's nothing more satisfying than... having an enemy give you health while you take their health away."
"Embracing the weirdness: Kevin the Cube, from movement to explosion, a player-driven phenomenon."
"The best part about the skins... Garrett's reactions."
"It's nice to see that wargaming are reacting to feedback."
"For once a common DND advice that I completely and utterly agree with... if you spend your time trying to thwart your players... you're a bad DM."
"Legion incorporates a much more involved melee combat system that requires the player to time their attacks more carefully."
"Player versus player is a large part of world Warcraft that harkens back to the factions view."
"Empires of Eve is basically the study of what goes on out in null sec."
"I'm still gonna flame every pro player who picks Sejuani."
"I mean yeah, that works. You guys are full of good tips."
"I'm near the statue of Dwayna, where most players will be hanging out."
"It'd be cool if you could customize the name of the summon itself."
"We want to add more encounters that change the player's experience on the fly."
"Electrical Surge now shows for him if he's tagged the champion. I think it's a really cool change, really, really nice stuff here."
"Starting to get a little crazy, Sally's red situation is actually on your screen."
"For there to be lore at all, the spawn of the player is a requirement."
"I want to see a reverse, where the treasure and the monsters only serve to make me realize how awesome the other players are."
"The world does not revolve around you and NPCs are not solely Decor or Quest givers."
"It finishes the game instead of some of the other more salt inducing, like drag it out finishers that we've been talking about."
"Just the reactions you get from the opponent with this deck are so worthwhile."
"Overall, the board gameplay to Mario Party Superstars is nothing short of fantastic."
"The smack sound of whacking an enemy Guardian in PvP with your shoulder charge is the most satisfying noise in the world."
"We’d assume players would be able to battle the other as well, as we’re not quite certain what the conditions are to unlock this opportunity."
"Objectively better than before is the way the game handles the little sisters."
"Developers have the power to decide what choices players have."
"Dynamic world content could make the same event play out in different ways multiple times, encouraging players to group up and stick together."
"The addition of playable heroes was perhaps the biggest step forward that this game took, allowing players to use iconic characters in Star Wars."
"This is the one I'm not losing to you again, bitch."
"Thank you very much for being so active and so passionate about the game."
"We really think that you are one of the best communities we've seen for games."
"Time to actually juke Sunny out with the note blocks this time."
"Big shout out to spooky, can I jump higher than usual now? Oh, I have a jump boost!"
"If you want to try to screw other players over, it's very easy to do so."
"We love when players kind of have an idea of like, oh, when I see these two, maybe if I combine these in this way and use them against this monster, then it might be a really cool outcome."
"Manhunt proved you could do all that without scolding your audience for playing the game that you sold them." - Reviewer
"Any other ideas or things you would love to see in career mode for FIFA 910?"
"Oni: Sound design is phenomenal, so much counter play in chase."