
Generational Challenge Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"The climate crisis is the defining challenge of our generation."
"Every generation you have to re-fight against those who are trying to eradicate freedoms."
"History has thrust one more urgent task on us: Will we be the generation that finally wipes out the stain of racism from our national character? I believe we're up to it. I believe we're ready."
"The quest for relevance will be harder for the next generation than it was for us because the half-life of jobs, of so many things, is actually shortening quite a bit."
"Every generation has like a war that they have to go through, and how like Our Generation's war is like a mental one because of our phones."
"The greatest generation was defined by their actions. Now, it's our turn to define ourselves, to show that we can rise to this challenge and protect those among us who are most vulnerable."
"The fight for democracy is the fight of Our Generation."
"Every generation has its collective battle, this is certainly ours."
"Fascism must be constantly guarded against in every generation."
"Protecting the environment is probably the single biggest issue that is facing our generation."
"Shut up, you Boomers. Make new products and innovate."
"The elevation of appearance over substance, of celebrity over character, of short-term gains over lasting achievement is precisely what your generation needs to help end."
"What are you doing to deal with really the greatest threat to America's freedom, its peace, and its security in our generation?" - Jim Carafano
"I want to be part of the generation that says enough is enough."
"Welcome to the NASA berry challenge: a 10 generational legacy with the focus of bright colors and new experiences."
"My generation is toast if we don't act - it's time for real change."
"Freedom must be earned and won in each generation, ours is an intergenerational sisterhood."
"Let's be the generation that rose to the challenge, not the generation that failed to rise to the challenge."
"This is an incredibly important fight. It's in our generation."
"Every generation has those moments that call us to be bigger than our biggest selves."
"Every generation must identify its mission, fulfill it or betray it."
"Let's be the generation that finally tackles our healthcare crisis."
"We have the power. My generation has to live with some of these problems for the next 60, 70, 80 years and we're not going to allow it to happen."
"The burden to act that is on the shoulders of the generation of people alive today is a challenge to our moral imagination."
"History is intersecting right here, right now."
"Where is the next generation of young men coming that are going to help our society?"
"The Chinese Communist party is the greatest threat of Our Generation."
"Youth are the ones who are going to be impacted the most by the climate crisis."
"The world is a sick place. The world is messed up. You're the generation. You're the generation it's gonna fix this."
"It is an intergenerational problem. If we don't do the right thing now, there are very serious problems that our children and grandchildren will have to face."
"We are the decade that can make a difference."
"Go Greta, stick it to the boomers, hell yeah."
"As you get older, one of the easiest traps to fall into is the idea that we forgot how to build things."
"We need men and women to rise up in this generation, because this really could be Generation Z, the last generation."
"The challenge for my generation was to establish an intellectually rigorous defense for human liberty. The challenge for your generation will be to keep your liberty."
"As an athlete, you raise your level to that generation."
"I see it as the challenge of our generation."
"We've all got to paint it, and you, the younger generation in this room, have to be the artists of this new fresco."
"This is our generation. This is our time. And I am confident that we can meet any challenge as long as we are together."
"Will there be a generation that isn't just told that they're the greatest generation but actually proves it through their obedience, their diligence, and their faithfulness?"
"This is absolutely the challenge of Our Generation."
"We need to find a balance between the two, and I think this is our generational challenge."
"The challenge of your generation has never been so clear. You've gotta draw a line in the sand around inclusion, equity, and justice."
"Calling is really the most important question that this generation faces."