
Life Preservation Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"The responsibility of a commander is to win the battle obviously, but also to ensure that the lives of his soldiers are not sacrificed pointlessly."
"Thou shalt not kill, that includes killing yourself."
"Preoccupation with priority preserves and protects life."
"The pregnancy can be terminated by Sharia if a physician said that the pregnancy has become a danger to the life of the woman."
"Healthcare preserves life, it doesn't take it away."
"In any accident in shipping, life is the most important thing that we try to preserve here."
"The biggest thing that we look for in the 40 years that I've been doing this is to try to make sure that there's no loss of life."
"For me, the freedom to remain alive or have my kids remain alive kind of comes first."
"We have to get the economy running and you have to protect every life that you can."
"Shame on those who have the authority or have the rank to say 'No, this is not going to work' but choose to save their job instead of saving the lives of the officers they command."
"Even if we can save one life, it would be worth it."
"Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life."
"The aim is to make sure that we save the maximum number of lives and protect the vulnerable."
"Some things go beyond politics. The saving of human life, more importantly, pursuing a culture that values the life of a baby."
"Gradually cooling the body slows down the metabolic process and can buy time for saving lives."
"We must not lose sight of the intelligent point here, which is that we are trying to save lives."
"There should be no hesitation in putting forward the need to save lives."
"Can both sides rise above and admit that we have a life preservation problem on our hands?"
"Our overriding objective... is to reduce suffering, minimize the incidence of this disease, and save lives."
"Even the wicked, God wants them to turn away from their sins so they can live."
"It is crucial that we continue to remain alert and save countless more lives."
"It's about saving lives, not about destroying them."
"We want to save the maximum number of lives."
"I want everybody to stop dying. I want to get that war settled."
"Preservation of life became the primary function."
"Our strategy is to save lives and to protect the NHS."
"The purpose of the Second Amendment is not so you can shoot animals, it's so you can preserve life."
"You kept my daughter out there, you kept her alive, thank you guys."
"Safe gun storage saves lives." - Gun Safety PSA
"I just hope we take the path that the least amount of people die."
"That's a reason to get a vaccine, that's about as good as it gets. It will keep you alive."
"We can help keep the Constitution alive and a human being alive and our liberty alive all at the same time."
"We're gonna make it so that we lose as few a lives as possible."
"Every decision that we're making is made to save lives."
"He saved American lives with those decisions."
"Ultimately it comes down to you deciding whether you'll let the priest kill them right there or if you'll stop him and keep them alive."
"I want people to stop dying, that's what I want."
"The only way that he could keep his life was if he pled guilty."
"If black lives matter, then your goal is to preserve black life right? Obviously. Because you don't want black people to die. Why? Because black lives matter."
"Your other rights don't mean a whole lot if you're not alive to enjoy any of them."
"A woman doesn't destroy life. She cherishes it."
"Every single person in our society is worth saving."
"War serves no one. Life may be tough and tiring, but we wish to preserve our way of life."
"Jesus came not to destroy men's lives but to save them."
"We believe human life is precious. It should be saved and preserved."
"I took 11 men out of combat positions thanks to the 'I Want To Live' program."
"Islam's mission in life is to help humanity, to save life."
"The Capuchin friars and their fellow embalmers have perfected techniques to perpetuate at least a semblance of life after death."
"I knew he wouldn't have wanted me to kill a man and become a murderer just to save his life."
"We're talking about saving lives. I'm on the side of saving lives."
"Dana, you can't die, you know why? Because you're gonna be a pop."
"A good Commander will save the lives of his soldiers."
"Don't let the devil cause you to take your life before the time."
"He spoke out because he realized more and more people are going to die unless somebody did and so that's not a breach of military discipline that's a recognition of military discipline."
"Hector may have been able to preserve Clara’s life, but he couldn’t preserve his conscience."
"Others should live—our motto echoed through my mind."
"The choice to preserve life even in the face of the infinite abyss is a power that every human being possesses."
"All I want is for people to not die and if they don't I will be thankful of that because being thankful is important"
"If you're doing it right, it's about saving lives."
"The wow's main goal shifted to preserving human life."
"We viewed our role as protecting the infantry. Every enemy soldier we took out, every enemy soldier that we kept at bay saved lives of our fellow Marines."
"I hope he discovers a lot and I hope that he stays alive."
"If one cares about life on Earth at all, we should care about becoming a multiplanetary species."
"Every fraction of a degree of warming makes a difference and every fraction of a degree of warming we can avoid saves lives."
"Saving their lives should be the absolute priority above all else."
"Finding her killer will also more than likely save lives."
"I would like to retain my life if possible. I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we would all like to retain our lives."
"There's something in you that says I don't want to die, that's your God-given will to live."
"I am committed to saving those lives, I am committed to getting him elected."
"I was fighting for freedom by trying to save life."
"Every single human being's life is worth preserving, is worth protecting."
"I do not want to kill you I want you to live"
"We're talking about people's lives here—saving people's lives."
"It's wrong to kill the two-year-old, but you don't have to do everything possible to keep him alive."
"Wisdom is a shelter, as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor."
"We are done watching them die. We are no longer bystanders."
"How do we engage this process of protecting life without harming life?"
"Stay safe on the road, do not road rage. Let it go, live to see another day."
"Come on, dude. I don't want you to die."
"Committing suicide is not the way."
"We often kill in order to save lives. There's killing in self-defense."
"Allah says in the Quran, 'Don't kill yourselves. Allah is ever merciful.'"
"I'd rather people not die for things to get done, and if you can spare life in any way that you can and inspire anyone, having the agony of losing their child, I think that you should do that."
"The only desire should be to preserve life."
"Our objective remained the same, which was to protect the NHS and save life."
"I had to look after the economy but I also had to protect the NHS and make sure ultimately that we could minimize the loss of life."
"The true role of air power is to bring victory with a tremendous saving in human lives."
"We have a very, very narrow window to get life through this bottleneck."
"You can't waive the things that are important to save people's lives."
"Preservation of life is an obligation."
"The moment a person stops resisting, we need to make sure that we preserve their life."
"If a measure saves just one life, then no sacrifice is too great."
"How could we lose sight of our main mission: preventing death?"
"If I have pleased the king, and if the king thinks it good, then grant me my life as my wish, and the lives of my people as my request."
"I'm really super serious about not dying."
"While everybody else is taking life, I'm gonna be saving it."
"It's the duty of every lawman to save lives, not to take them."
"I would rather save more lives than use violence."
"Nurses care for their patients; they want to preserve their lives and enhance their quality of life."
"We're talking about people's lives here, and any system that is good and prevents the loss of more lives is always better."
"The sword that protects life, not takes it."
"I'm not gonna let nobody die, that's crazy to me."
"He returns to his senses and stops himself from ending his life."
"We are committed to using every lawful tool to save lives, to social cohesion, inclusivity, and respect for the inherent dignity of every human being."
"The law of the wise one is a source of life, to turn one away from the snares of death."
"Each of us has a duty to preserve and protect human life."
"The aesthetic ideal is an artifice for the preservation of life."
"Remember to be safe, respect your fellow boater, and wear those lifejackets."
"Where life is, I try to persuade it to remain."
"Turn my eyes away from worthless things and preserve my life according to your word."
"This ancient race was obsessed with preserving life."
"I'm a living person and I'd like to stay that way, so I took his advice."
"Thank you, God, for at least letting me get home alive."
"Take care of yourself. Preserve your life."
"According to one theory, the reason you see images like that just before death is because you're searching for a way to avoid death."
"We've got to protect life, that's why we're here."
"I don't want to get pulled over by the cops, I don't want nothing to happen to me, I want to make it alive."
"If so be that ye will subdue your own understanding, and reform your hearts, ye shall be kept alive."
"Gaara, I think you should change. How about instead how many people you kill, you count how many people you help and let them live."
"The preservation of life is above everything else."
"We need to save lives, and one cannot be at the expense of the other."
"We want the future of life to exist and be as awesome as possible."