
Contemplation Quotes

There are 4824 quotes

"The more you drill down on these ideas, the more room you provide for awe and wonder at how mysterious and amazing all of this is."
"Imagine, just think about what that means, that it's our responsibility to uphold global justice."
"You spend long enough thinking about something, and you start revealing things you're not supposed to know."
"The Quran is kind of unique in the way that it presents its message because it's constantly saying, 'Don't you then think? Don't you contemplate? Haven't you asked questions?' This is a book for those who seek to have answers."
"Choosing how long to linger is a small choice, but leaving it to the player lets that interval of contemplation feel just right to each player, whether that means slamming the button and skipping it entirely or letting the feeling of wonder sit."
"Taking time to just relax and think... adds a richness and a depth to your life that I think I lacked for a long time."
"Humans are blobs of organized mud which through the impersonal workings of nature's patterns have developed the capacity to contemplate and cherish and engage with the intimidating complexity of the world around us."
"Lord bless you and keep you; make His face shine upon you. There's an interesting and wonderful verse to think about."
"To die, to sleep, to sleep, perchance to dream; aye, there's the rub."
"Even if you're rabidly anti-religious, I encourage you to watch this video and have a little think about it."
"That seems like you've been thinking about this a while."
"The photograph invites us to contemplate the possibility of unseen forces at play in our everyday lives."
"You can't just live; you actually got to think about your life."
"You value morality, integrity, and trust. You like to contemplate deep things."
"It really does bend my mind thinking about what this vase represents."
"The beauty of contemplating impermanence is that it can drive a sense of urgency in your decisions."
"Contemplate the word of Allah to bring some healing and understand the world around us."
"Very intelligent people have thought about this problem very deeply."
"Leading many, like Kuro, a divine heir, to ponder whether this power was a blessing or a curse."
"You seek to prevent loss, but have you considered all you are losing by remaining here in stasis for all eternity?"
"The Quran...has been revealed in order for you to ponder very deeply over its verses."
"Mendicant was locked in an eternal exile and entombed beneath a vast desert on the Ark, with only one thought to think: atonement."
"I don't know, man, but it keeps me up at night."
"I found some of the greatest meanings of my life when I was 'doing nothing'."
"Playing with your kids is a contemplative exercise because it's useless but you're spending time in this joyful activity with your kids."
"Yesterday, I drove out a little bit into North Carolina, parked the car, found a path, and went on a long hike to take in some scenery, think about life holistically, kind of contemplate where I'd go from here and why it matters."
"We need to take the time to consider our purpose in life."
"What if there's an everlasting life that you should have been worrying about?"
"I think it's important to take the time to think about your life."
"One of the techniques in the art of contemplation is called pausing. So when there's a situation that comes up instead of reacting right away, it's taking a beat."
"I think the art of contemplation, it's just taking some time, taking some time, pausing, letting kind of all the emotions kind of run through you."
"Thinking introverts... introspect, they think a lot. They take in a situation and they think on it."
"They're just always gonna contemplate on it like, 'I don't know.' They're so afraid of failing in this relationship."
"It's always better to carefully contemplate all of the possible outcomes and consequences of your actions, and then respond after careful consideration."
"With an icon, you are invited to enter into silence, into prayer, and accomplish contemplation."
"I never really saw it going this way. And yet, here we are."
"Psychology, philosophy, contemplation, meditation, mindfulness, non-duality, intuition, wisdom, and truth will become very relevant to you."
"Perhaps in the absence of more voice, we can add more thought."
"I have been pondering that for a good long while."
"Sometimes we have to go to war, but by god we've got to think about it."
"His last words serve as a testament to this, a legacy that invites each one of us to contemplate our place in the cosmos, our power to shape our future, and our responsibility to do so with wisdom, humility, and a deep respect for all life."
"That's something that I'm thinking about doing, but speaking of that whole critical race theory and intersectionality..."
"Every day I think about James Houston... it just leaves me thinking about the afterlife and what comes next."
"One thing you want to do before you die, I feel like... well, yeah, maybe."
"Every single thing I've learned is beautiful."
"Do black people like each other? Hate is a very strong word."
"Looking at the sky makes your problems feel so small."
"I don't know what the future holds for the two of us, but there's got to be a reason why I can't stop thinking about you."
"What should we encourage or discourage in a society? Just food for thought."
"Draco appears to be musing on the war, doubting his hardness quite literally."
"This person thinks about you constantly, but it's like they don't know how to reach out."
"It's a stunningly effective piece of horror, forcing you to contemplate and confront its numerous horrors both real and allegorical."
"But what if it was a lot of small things? Maybe that would be enough."
"Think about the vast infiniteness of the Universe!"
"You stayed quiet and drank in the night, still pleasantly shocked."
"I might need to reevaluate this whole goddamn situation."
"Perfect weather for sipping a cup of tea while gazing out the window."
"These seem to be the choices we live in a world of so few choices there's not much to do when these things come out"
"We're sitting back, kind of reevaluating everything."
"Remind yourself of death every single day, it will paradoxically bring you joy."
"Maybe at this exact moment, the bad guys are actually the good guys."
"Your person has many options, but they're still thinking about you."
"My only thought was, 'Well, if I get this job, it might be something I'd actually take.'"
"Can we just take a step back and think about how crazy this is for a moment?"
"I'm just here to make you think. Slow down, yeah, up like up."
"Real quick, real quick, I was thinking, man..."
"Some individuals have amassed such big amounts of wealth that it's difficult to even contemplate how much they earn and how they earn it."
"I might just have to, I don't know, maybe we should just see."
"Just think about how remarkable this is for a second."
"It's visually stunning and leaves you with a lot to think about."
"I know he was really thinking that he had a real in there."
"Contemplation leads to deeper exploration, even if answers aren't immediate."
"I laid on my bed and stared at the bottle of weight loss pills."
"Consider the possibility that these are the words of God and consider the possibility that these are the words for you."
"Humanity is free to lie in our backyards at night contemplating the stars not because threats are rare, but because we’re what’s left after all those threats collided over and over again with tooth and claw."
"You've really given me a lot of food for thought."
"It's like you're standing on the top of the cliff, you're looking down into the water and wondering if you should take the leap."
"It caused me to realize I need to slow down and think a little bit more."
"Your boy finally did it, I'll think about it."
"If you can learn a contemplative way of seeing the world, you'll still say prayers and that's good, but you'll more become a prayer."
"Just sitting cliff side staring out beyond the mysterious beyond."
"May God bless you to contemplate these things."
"This person's pretty focused on you, they're thinking a lot about you."
"The more I thought about it, the more it bothered me."
"Most people wouldn't commit a crime if they just stopped for three minutes and thought about the consequences."
"Once you find... the novel idea, you contemplate the utility of the idea."
"Just consider that, just a thing to look at."
"Contemplation is the highest expression of man's intellectual and spiritual life."
"Awareness of the reality of that source is what contemplation is."
"Place that prompts respect and contemplation."
"But I do want that moment to just, you know, but it's the walking away, you know."
"That scared me and made me angry and did all the emotions to me when I thought about that idea."
"Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything."
"Give me something to think about... It's the new earth."
"Sometimes I ask myself, is this world worth fighting for?"
"Life is short, mortality hits you, 'until I end up dead,' tells that story."
"I hope not, but at least if I die, look at this paradise. Isn't it beautiful?"
"Focus on Salaah, I will relate the stories to them so that they may contemplate and think."
"The most beautiful thoughts are always beside the darkest."
"I know how lucky I am, how differently things could have gone."
"There's just an evil there that is hard to contemplate."
"When you take the time to actually consider what I'm saying, it's a little harder to walk away from."
"Leave your mind trusting, chewing a little, until you are truly through the keyhole."
"Belief grows from contemplation and disbelief from lack of thought."
"Stuff to think about... life ain't easy man it is not."
"Archie often pontificated over the issues of the day while seated in his chair."
"The Quran contains signs for people who reflect, emphasizing the importance of reflection and understanding."
"This feels like somebody from your past who is contemplating uh trying to see if they can bring you back into their life but they're afraid you're still mad at them with the King of Swords in the reverse."
"Allah is constantly telling us: I want you to think, I want you to reflect, I want you to contemplate."
"I feel like there's less of an urgency to you you're thinking more"
"Saturn saying like, 'Hold on, let's just be quiet and think about this for a little longer.'"
"If you want to know what is freedom, deal with the restrictions... if you want relaxation, contemplate a little bit about what is tension."
"Some of you might be thinking about having a child."
"Cash provides a cushion for you to think about life in a broader term."
"Truth hurts, alright? You should be very pensive about that."
"I think what we ought to be thinking about right now is how do we bring this to some form of closure."
"I'm just going to pause, really listen to my intuition. I can trust my mind, I know that, but I have to trust my intuition as well."
"Contemplation requires sustained attention, it requires a habit which the Christian tradition refers to as recollection."
"In our opinion working with these periods of contemplation over a period of years will reliably result in the long run in a more clarified and seasoned web of consciousness."
"It's a time to elevate, to let go of the old, to contemplate about the losses that you've suffered."
"If we won't think for ourselves, if we will not entertain thought, then we waste our lives."
"I want you to really think about it before answering me. If you can consider me as something more than just a friend."
"What if this happens? That would actually mess up life."
"Would be Mark, right? Mark, you know, and it'd look right, Luke, and I just said why?"
"There aren't going to be answers here tonight, just deepening questions."
"The pious are those who yet they think about the creation and they ponder over the miracles of creation."
"If I have to ask permission to exercise my right, is it a right anymore? I'm going to have to think that one through."
"What is the needful thing... amidst all that's going on?"
"A recovered note by S.R. Cunningham expresses his belief that the Poolrooms are not a physical place at all, but rather are a construct of one's own mind."
"Your words keep bringing in my head and you're healing my soul but it is a work in progress."
"I'm thinking about the performance more than anything."
"I think it's just a difficult thing, isn't it?"
"Contemplating a different futuristic setting."
"Your person is definitely in deep, deep thoughts about you."
"There's something about it that the more we think about it, the more emotional we feel about it."
"Silence is probably the best way to appreciate them. Sit there quietly and just absorb it."
"It's time to contemplate, slow down, let go, find meaning, and experience peace."
"Extreme dollar cost averaging... might be an interesting strategy for newer investors to contemplate."
"The search for extraterrestrial life prompts us to think about the universe from various perspectives."
"If I talk to a rock, the rocks are silent as they have been for ages untold."
"Imagine what the world would be like without difficult truths being admitted to."
"The added complexity of the citizen life path makes me wonder..."
"The more you ponder this, the more wobbly you feel." - Robert Lawrence Kuhn
"Trust me. The more you ponder this, the more wobbly you feel. I know." - Robert Lawrence Kuhn
"What does it point to? Who knows and who cares what I think."
"How can I make this world a little slightly better place maybe."
"Most Muslims hardly ever read the Quran with try understanding."
"I mean, we're just two people sitting somewhere trying our best to be alive in the universe, yeah, yeah it's true."
"In every moment of daily life, hold a sense of contemplation."
"Does everyone deserve a second chance? It just depends."
"The fear of the Lord may sink in our minds and then our hearts."
"Remember that maybe somebody is looking down at you too."
"The idea is to see things from a spiritual perspective."
"Should this thought become a word and action, or nothing?"
"Consider the ravens, they do not sow or reap... how much more valuable you are than birds."
"It's a case of quiet resignation and thinking of the people you're going to leave behind."
"Think about the creations of the heavens and the Earth remember Allah in all states while you're eat whenever wherever you are however you're standing sitting on your side remember Allah think don't lose the plot."
"You've always been one who thinks deeply about things, life, relationships."
"Someone is taking their time and really weighing their options."
"That's philosophy. We could sit and stare at a wall all day and that would be the most productive day for a philosopher like ourselves."
"Maybe it's late at night, but I'm gonna keep an open mind."
"People who are really high risk, high reward, really volatile, really something that you have to be thinking about a lot."
"What if you don't? You're never free again. This is not acceptable."
"UFOs or UAP are in fact a real thing... and definitely something worth our reflection and our understanding."
"There's two types of people in the world: doers and talkers."
"Complete silence is loud, yeah, yes I think so."
"Uh, as you ponder that question and try to make heads or tails of what you've just seen, your phone buzzes again."
"Prayer is an act of our spirit, not of the mind."
"Life has never looked so uncertain as it does right now."
"We just need to just pause for a moment, take a look, either cool down this town real quick."
"Life could be everything when all's said and done."
"I'm gonna be thinking about this for the rest of the year."
"I definitely don't have it all, I have a piece of it but it's an interesting piece."
"Contemplate past, present, and future. What has happened in the past offers us any information, a guidebook, a user's manual for the present."
"I'm not even saved, but salvation aside just for a second."
"Keep wisdom before your mind's eye, ponder it, and let it guide your decisions."
"Start with the Lord's Prayer and ponder its meaning."
"Do spend time in Eucharistic adoration; it's deeply rooted in the spiritual tradition of the Church."
"Eucharistic adoration is a supremely perfect occasion to practice contemplative prayer."
"Entering into Christ's presence so that I can gaze upon his face."
"At times Christians may be overcome by laziness and prefer to sit and contemplate the few sure things that we possess rather than getting up and looking to."
"The Quran made contemplation and reflection a constant part of the believer's life."
"I'm starting to think we'll never know."
"Combine it with self-inquiry and contemplation."
"There are times where people have these philosophical thoughts."
"No decision should be taken hastily, but only after great thinking."
"There are things in life that we can't easily explain."
"If God were among us, would He make us walk such a painful path?"
"Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart."
"When you're doing the hammering, it's a real Zen moment, a lot of time with your thoughts."
"Keep this little riddle at the back of your mind."
"I haven't been able to sleep since. Should I have done this all differently?"
"How much can we choose a higher answer? That's the whole point of today."
"We need a little more thought on it. Approaching this, is it correct for you? And that will answer it. Should answer any questions you have about what to do with this feeling which is sizable, I grant you."
"Sometimes good people do bad things... Are we happy moving on?"
"Next time you're stuck in an airport, think about that."
"I've been contemplating it long before the rib injury."
"As I look off into the distance, I wonder how people can be so heartless."
"I'm kind of tempted to say that I like the idea."
"Maybe there will be a renaissance. People will start taking time to think and develop."