
Military Leadership Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"The responsibility of a commander is to win the battle obviously, but also to ensure that the lives of his soldiers are not sacrificed pointlessly."
"Equity, uh, that can exist across the services again this is not a political fight this is about our general and flag officers our nominees from four-star generals down to one star generals who deserve to be in the positions that they have been selected in because we believe they're right for the moment and at this time at a time when we're facing the acute threat of Russia in Europe and the rising challenge of China we need our best team on the field."
"General Zaluzny... he's a man of honor, he's a good warrior."
"Ernst Udet's appointment marks the third and possibly the greatest failure of the Luftwaffe."
"Was he a vulgar loose cannon who walked his own path regardless of the consequences, or was he a military genius inspired by the past and innovative in the present, with an insightful knowledge of the psychology of war that was second to none?"
"The man, Hannibal Barca of Carthage, one of history's greatest and deadliest generals."
"It is under his leadership that the two armies engage at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, initiating the bloodiest battle ever fought on American soil."
"Arminius was the deliverer of Germany...in the height of her empire's glory had fought indecisive battles, yet in war remained unconquered."
"You trust your subordinates as a commander. The most important person you have are your NCOs."
"Montgomery returned to Britain as a hero, he was the country’s most famous and most popular commander to have emerged from the Second World War."
"Montgomery’s calm yet firm leadership under pressure, restored cohesion to the Allies’ northern front in this moment of crisis."
"Marshal Georgy Zhukov enjoys a reputation as the most famous Soviet general of the Second World War and as one of the best allied commanders during the war, and General Eisenhower argued that Zhukov deserved the credit for the defeat of the Nazis."
"The man given the task is Field Marshal Erhard Milch."
"Truman won't need to use the atomic bomb, because he can count on a man, General MacArthur."
"Admiral Aquilino's understanding of the geostrategic landscape in this theater, his operational acumen, they have advanced maritime security and enhanced stability in the Indo-Pacific."
"In Admiral Aquilino, we are getting an admiral's admiral, we are getting a fighting admiral in the spirit of Admiral Halsey."
"When Admiral Nimitz took over Sink Pack on December 17, 1941, he humbly captured the gravity of the moment by simply writing to his boss: 'It is a great responsibility, but I shall do my utmost to meet it.'"
"Hague's calm and decisive leadership in stabilizing his forces against modest attacks earned him praise from Kitchener."
"Abdullah ibn Sa’d revealed himself to be a veritable sea wolf compared to his feeble reputation on land, crushing Constans II’s navy in the first true Muslim naval triumph and clearing the way for an attack on Constantinople."
"Hitler's leadership style cost the Germans dearly... you have to wonder how different the war might have gone if Hitler had let the smartest people in his military do their jobs and do them well."
"I really think we cannot underestimate the impact of having a military officer of his stature who clearly has not leaned politically to the left in any way say I want to know these things and that we need to know these things."
"Jan Žižka, the war wolf of Bohemia, is considered a national hero of the Czech people to this day."
"I love her being like a general only force. I like the people without any force always the most interesting characters."
"Their command structure has improved over the course of the war."
"One aspect of Rommel’s character that can never be denied is his military genius."
"England expects that every man will do his duty."
"There is no doubting von Manstein’s abilities as a military commander."
"Many late Roman commanders broke the rules around term limits and age restrictions when they stood for high office, confident that they had the backing of both the military and the masses."
"Arsuf played a key role in damaging Saladin’s reputation gained at Hattin four years earlier, and helped cement the legacy of Richard the Lionheart as one of the great generals of the Medieval era."
"His loss will be a hard one for many Russians they will feel that as a particular poignancy in the death of such an outspoken and in some ways courageous person at the same time as the fall of his City."
"King Edward was one of, if not the best commander in medieval Europe at this time."
"McClellan talked the talk, but could he walk the walk? No, like Lincoln's other generals, McClellan was maddeningly cautious."
"Giuseppe Garibaldi is nowadays regarded by most Italians – and non-Italians – as a selfless hero, a brilliant military leader, the true driving force behind the unification of Italy, as well as many other liberal causes."
"Kim led a detachment of 200 guerrilla fighters which defeated a Japanese force at the Battle of Pochonbo in northern Korea."
"Baldwin IV of Jerusalem lived up to the challenge of facing Saladin, emerging victorious again and again despite being outnumbered."
"Baldwin IV of Jerusalem triumphed against Saladin, ruler of a vast wealthy empire, despite facing overwhelming odds."
"What if PLA commanders believe the propaganda that touts the CCP's achievements, maligns its enemies, and makes its ascent appear inexorable?"
"Stalingrad make no mistake is the beginning of the end for Adolf."
"Central to these early Portuguese campaigns was Afonso de Albuquerque, a masterful admiral and statesman."
"The compromise with Eisenhower as a general."
"We wouldn't be here without you, General. So thank you so very much for your strong leadership."
"Americans are incredibly fortunate that McAuliffe is defending Bastone."
"Lee believes the war will be decided in the East, not the West, and at the peak of his fame and powers, he believes he's the man to do it."
"We found the perfect person to lead the army."
"Tensions in Japan itself had escalated to the point that Yamamoto was under near constant threat of assassination."
"In retrospect of course you can see that Hannibal failed but my god what a glorious failure."
"A tight-knit group of officers who became known as the bomber mafia."
"Of all the privileges that come with serving as President of the United States, I have none greater than serving as Commander-in-Chief of the finest military that the world has ever known."
"Auchinleck had become the first British general to defeat a German General in the Second World War."
"Many high and low-ranking officers of the Baltic Fleet Command were also discharged from the navy."
"Facts, not discussion, are what motivate General Budanov."
"Having trounced the royalists standing in his way, Oliver Cromwell commanded an immediate halt of all his troops on the right wing, displaying phenomenal authority by maintaining order and discipline where lesser leaders would have faltered."
"Known as 'Ike' to his family and friends, he excelled on the football field at West Point and later became the Supreme Allied Commander during World War Two."
"Germanicus rallied his troops to victory, then traveled back to Rome."
"Alexander didn't just show courage himself; he genuinely respected it in his foes."
"John McCain's father was commander of the forces in Vietnam."
"He was a grand man in many respects. Fighter Command was a remarkably good organization."
"Here's our pick of twelve of the best." - introducing a curated selection of exceptional military leaders.
"I would like to see somebody from the special operations community as secretary of defense."
"Westmoreland remains the goat symbol of the country's most mournful misadventure abroad ever."
"Uriel Ventress, newly ascended to the ranks of Primaris, leads warriors of the Fourth Company from the Indomitus Crusade of Robert Goldman to a world on the frontiers of Ultramar."
"Charles Martel's stunning victory at the Battle of Tours earned him the nickname 'Charles the Hammer.'"
"Hannibal's leadership has influenced military strategy for millennia."
"My job is to create the best fighter squadron I can with the money that the taxpayers give me."
"Vladimir Putin has fired as many as eight generals over Moscow's military losses."
"A good Commander will save the lives of his soldiers."
"For us, switching from the old wallets to Ridge meant an immediate improvement both in terms of style and comfortability."
"Henry of Monmouth - skillfully blocked Welsh and Percy forces from uniting with one another and then played a decisive role in the royalist victory at Shrewsbury."
"Japan was occupied by Allied forces led by General Douglas MacArthur."
"The Glade Lord... a really strong general overall for the price."
"For helping bring about the horrors of the holocaust and World War II both, Erich Friedrich Wilhelm Ludendorff has the unique distinction of being one of the worst military leaders in human history."
"Wellington emerged from behind the Lines of Torres Vedras at the head of an army."
"Considered the greatest sub commander in US history."
"Let her be, then. What the general said is very true."
"Hardrada is a warrior, a legend, the man who had the Varangian Guard under his command for many years."
"In his glory days, General Noriega was a military strongman who basked in the adulation of crowds."
"Rommel was an ardent anti-Nazi who opposed Hitler and led a noble campaign with his Africa Corps."
"Napoleon's crossing of the Alps is legendary."
"We cannot buy our way out of the problems we face, especially the problems within our senior military leadership."
"Churchill: 'If we had a dozen men like him [Frederick], we would have smashed Hitler in 1942. He’s the greatest fighting general of all time.'"
"Generals basically were like kings in ancient times."
"With him was a new chief of staff General Herbert Kitchener who only the previous year had ruthlessly crushed the Sudanese at the Battle of Omdurman."
"Raynald soon distinguished himself in one of the most significant military encounters between the Christian Crusaders and the Muslim lords of the Levant and Egypt during the twelfth century, the Battle of Montgisard."
"I feel like our top military officers are consistently more rational sounding than a lot of our politicians."
"The Russian commander in the region at that time was Alexi Petrovic Yov, a particularly brutal leader who would enter villagers, torch them, and slaughter many of the inhabitants."
"The revolt spread quickly under military leadership of Abu Muslim, culminating with the victory in the Battle of Zab."
"Obi-Wan Kenobi was probably one of the most talented Jedi generals during the Clone Wars."
"We have high hopes that Russian generals will learn from the awful events."
"Jean serves as a commanding officer in the Survey Corps, leading a squad during the raid on the Barrio."
"General Blackthorne cares about his soldiers more than the NCR ever has."
"Putin forced each and every one of these generals into retirement."
"Thrawn would make sure to design the pilot training program himself and be sure to hand select Pilots that had seen more action..."
"Trajan, who had shown military success in Germania, putting down a rebellious General, understood the importance of the frontier along the Rhine and Danube."
"The Congress quickly established a continental army and put George Washington at its head."
"Joan led the French army to victories against the English including the Battle of Pate in June 1429."
"John Churchill, the first Duke of Marlborough, is one of a very select band of commanders who comes into this category along with Napoleon, Wellington, and one or two others."
"Saladin's military skills are matched by his reputation for benevolence and humility, earning him the respect of even his most ardent foes."
"Easy Company didn't belong to me, it belonged to the soldiers. I was privileged to be a small part of its history."
"The American soldiers deserve great credit for doing so well, but greater credit still belongs to Andrew Jackson, who stands out in history as the ablest general the United States produced."
"General Longstreet’s clear head and brave heart left me no apology for interference."
"The powerful warnings of probably the two most prominent generals in our history."
"Hancock should receive some credit for the establishment of the fishhook as well. I think he's the architect of it."
"The bravest marshal in the world."
"Junior leadership on the battlefield is probably the single most important factor in winning."
"His decisions affected the outcome of the battle of Gettysburg far beyond his lifetime."
"The x-factor here was the generalship of Khalid ib'n Alwaleed, who is one of, if not the greatest Arab military leaders of all time."
"...if Lee is this great general and Mead is the first person to ever soundly defeat him in battle, how come we're not talking about [him]?"
"He wrote his name upon his soldiers' hearts as the bravest of the brave."
"Prince Rupert detested Lord Goring, who was to become the king's Commander in the West."
"We are not here today to criticize an America of 150 years ago, but to rejoice that we live in a country that has permitted a spiritual descendant of the Buffalo Soldier to stand before you today as the first African-American chairman of the joint chiefs of staff."
"The love and trust both professionally and personally that continued unabated between Lee and Longstreet right up until the former's death is undoubtedly both the easiest and strongest argument one can make when addressing the case against Longstreet at Gettysburg."
"The job of those of us who are privileged to command is to create superior units from the ordinary run of manpower made available to us."
"Seven months ago, he was an unknown four-star General. Today, 56-year-old General H. Norman Schwarzkopf needs no introduction."
"Soldiers deserved the best officers, and Jack would not allow them to be commanded by some upper-class popinjay who simply fancied the gold braid and being called sir."
"He was a very great General, what nobody knew was he wrote the best American prose."
"Cyrus the Great was such an amazing General that Western leaders became obsessed with him during the 18th century Enlightenment."
"...there were many talented and charismatic generals... responsible for winning very impressive victories over often far superior enemy forces."
"You have all the makings of a fine officer," Jack told him, "never let anyone tell you different."
"Rommel was always up close in the thick of the action and was wounded many times."
"His reputation as a brilliant general and a decent man was set in stone."
"Admiral Nimitz chose as Chief of Staff Admiral Raymond Spruance to lead Operation Galvanic."
"Seniority is not the driving issue in appointment of command."
"Lieutenant General Matthew B. Ridgeway, famed World War II paratrooper, assumed command."
"Saku no Tamuramaro was indeed an outstanding Japanese military commander and Samurai who lived an unsurpassable icon during the Heian period."
"He didn't know the raid he had led would play a pivotal role in turning the tide of events in the Pacific in favor of the Allies."
"It is a great honor to be considered capable of commanding what is universally regarded as one of the best fighting divisions in the British army."
"One who knows these four is qualified to be a general."
"In his six year long rule, the man who would become known as ‘the pale death of the Saracens’ waged constant warfare."
"We're looking for officers who can win not just the trust and respect of their subordinates, but also the affection of their young troops."
"Often regarded as the greatest General under the heavens, this man truly has no equal."
"Once Admiral Yi had proven just how good a commander he was and just how lethal the turtle ships could be when they were used properly."
"Grievous is one of the great generals in galactic history."
"The best leaders that I ever worked with were in the SEAL teams."
"The president is the commander-in-chief of the United States armed forces."
"Onomarchus had achieved what no one else could claim: that he had defeated Philip II in battle."
"The troops are watching... they are the ones who are going to live or die because of what you do."
"For over 2,000 years he has remained the first and foremost of the great commanders."
"Prince Rupert of the Rhine was the most talented commander of the English Civil War."
"He was a superb general whose soldiers loved and trusted him."
"This then is the platoon leader, the officer who works with the men."
"The image we get of Michael especially from the Arab sources is one of a brave and talented commander."
"Noncommissioned officers... are men who've risen through the ranks... they perform a very important role in essentially managing and keeping in line and coordinating the movements and actions and morale of the men."
"...her life challenges traditional gender roles as she took on the mantle of military leadership typically reserved for men while maintaining her femininity and commitment to her spiritual beliefs."
"He led men from all corners of Europe to victory time and time again against the kingdom which before seemed almost invincible."
"Mastering the art of command, this is about Admiral Chester Nimitz."
"Dwight D. Eisenhower was the man who set H-Hour and D-Day."
"America has entrusted to its military leaders the nation's most precious resource, its young men and women."
"I love John Lambert; he was a great soldier, a great general, a great leader, a deep thinker."
"I think he's the best overall tactician of the war."
"Wellington, fascinating man, I do think he's one of the greatest generals of the era of all time."
"His name will resound across the heavens as a great general."
"Men, we have fought through the war together. I have done the best I could for you; my heart is too full to say more."
"He is often considered to be on the short list of the best generals of the conflict."
"Joan of Arc led the French forces at the siege of Oglion and rallied them to fight back against the English more effectively."
"We're number one in military leadership and all the military books."