
Global Challenges Quotes

There are 265 quotes

"He didn't need to do any of the stuff he's doing, and he's adopting the biggest problems in the world."
"If it was possible to unify the human race, it is the one topic that seems to be like, okay, maybe we're not as big as we thought we were, and we need to actually be together in order to do this."
"The stupidest thing to do is to lock up your cabin and say I'll protect my cabin when the boat begins to sink."
"The wisest thing you can do about this geopolitical contest between us and China is to press the pause button for a while, focus on the real global challenges."
"The world faces enormous and diverse cross-border challenges... This requires multilateral action, especially to address threats to international peace and security, environmental issues, sustainable development, asylum, and immigration."
"We do not yet know just how it will unfold, but one thing is clear: the response to it must be integrated and comprehensive, involving all stakeholders of the global polity, from the public and private sectors to Academia and Civil Society."
"I felt that governments, business, and also civil society... cannot really meet the challenges ahead alone. What we need is a platform for cooperation."
"There are three big challenges to humankind in the 21st century: nuclear war, climate change, and technological disruption. These should be the first three items on the political agenda of every country."
"The world faces immense challenges that surpass boundaries and are in a constant flux."
"This is the singular and great challenge of our generation: to establish world peace and to create a new sustainable civilization on Earth."
"We're going to go through the most difficult times in human history, and if we don't unite for peace, it's finished."
"It rivals climate change in importance, and they're both happening at the same time."
"The challenges we face today are many and are not exclusive to my region, as I've just mentioned. They are global, and particularly the threats to global security."
"The question before seven billion people on the planet is how can we create prosperity."
"Engineering a solution to Haiti's many complicated problems is without a question one of the most challenging and pressing issues facing the international community today."
"Erecting walls will not resolve global challenges, and blaming others for one's own problems does not work. The lessons of the Great Depression should not be forgotten."
"It's indeed my sincere belief that the General Assembly is vital in galvanizing multilateral efforts and actions for poverty eradication, quality education, climate action, and promoting inclusivity in all its forms to advance our global agenda for people-centric development for common progress and prosperity."
"In this globalized world, no nation, no matter how wealthy, strong, or prepared, can individually stand alone against the tide of global challenges, which require a common action and coordinated multilateral responses."
"Inclusivity in all its manifestations must come to the fore if we are to succeed in galvanizing multilateral efforts for global security, poverty eradication, quality education, and climate action."
"Only nation states have the legitimacy and the agility to adapt to the huge threats and opportunities of our times."
"Canada and the US will stand side-by-side to confront the pressing needs that face not only our two countries but the entire planet."
"The only way to prevent the worst-case scenarios is if enough countries cooperate on that."
"Hopes may be for the future, for reducing this threat or living with it, there is no escaping either the gravity or the totality of its challenge to our survival and to our security—a challenge that confronts us in unaccustomed ways in every sphere of human activity."
"This is truly a defining moment of our time, where collective efforts must be channeled to address the numerous challenges that we face."
"The risks to our continued existence are real and in some cases growing, the truth is that these risks are far from insurmountable."
"These threats include ballooning debt, demographic time bombs, climate disasters, and geopolitical explosions."
"The world is not waiting for us. Doing nothing is not an option."
"2020 has been an incredibly challenging year for so many reasons and we hope you and your families are doing okay given what's going on today google's north star of being helpful to people feels more important than ever"
"The opportunities for every individual on the planet to connect again with nature is right there on our doorstep."
"We cannot solve population growth and debt growth is peaked out so we've got the one thing in the middle called productivity and it takes us right back to AI and the robots and cryptocurrencies internet of things green energy all of these things."
"We're facing a global challenge, but it's an amazing opportunity."
"No country is able to address these challenges alone."
"Some of the challenges we face globally can feel pretty daunting, but I'm seeing clever people innovating on the front lines."
"It's only by being together that humanity will be able to answer the challenges it needs to overcome." - French land artist Sape
"This mysterious little 38 kilobyte package of information is proving to be smarter than a lot of big wealthy countries."
"The only way to feed 9 billion people sustainably is with plant-based foods."
"Given the climate catastrophe, growing inequality, and despair in the world, we're going in the opposite direction of greater confrontation and less collaboration."
"They're fighting an entity far faster than themselves - they're taking on the world itself."
"International cooperation: the only sensible approach to global issues."
"We're going to need resilience, personal resilience, national resilience, and global resilience."
"Rough times are coming, what with the cascading consequences of energy shortage, supply chain disruption, war in Ukraine, and severe and looming food and fertilizer shortage."
"The world is going through fantastic challenges and fantastic opportunities."
"No global problem can be solved by any one country alone. There must be global action, global response, and global cooperation."
"Listen, everybody knows this has been a difficult year, it's been a difficult time for the whole world."
"It's going to be a really really exciting future if the national territorial tribal conflicts of humans don't cause a lot of destruction."
"Humanity's future is the central challenge of our time."
"We're in a new age, the age of sustainable development."
"The endurance of nationalism shows no sign of disappearing in an increasingly globalized world."
"Access to clean drinking water is one of our world's greatest challenges."
"Stress, anxiety, the things that we're facing as a planet right now, it leads you to need ways to center yourself, ground yourself."
"No Nation can meet the challenges of today alone." - Dr. Andy Woods
"Solving the global mental health crisis is one of the most important challenges in the world."
"I am optimistic despite the many challenges we see in the world."
"This is an existential struggle over what life will look like in the 21st century."
"Globalization is both an opportunity and a challenge."
"The real struggle of the world is to live together and overcome our common crises of environment and inequality." - Jeffrey Sachs
"We either work for a positive sum game or end up having a negative sum game."
"We need a common response to this common challenge."
"The anti-science movement is the biggest threat to global food security today."
"Can we provide a sustainable, safe, and abundant food and water supply for 10 billion people?"
"Climate change is the most important and difficult issue humanity faces."
"The common threats faced by us today not only expose the fragility of the International System, they also underscore the Oneness of humanity."
"The time is now not to minimize our impact on the planet but to maximize it."
"We are one family and we're gonna take on the world together."
"For those of you who have been at least watching 10 minutes of any type of traditional financial news, you will see the world is not doing very well."
"Without oil, modern agriculture will not be able to feed the world population."
"It's not just solving a Muslim problem, it's solving a human problem, it's solving a societal problem, it's solving a global problem by targeting each of these specific things."
"The knock-on impacts could overwhelm economies and populations across the globe."
"Now is a pretty good time to bring up tangible concerns for the future."
"Population collapse due to low birth rates is a much bigger risk to civilization than global warming."
"It's just a very difficult time for humanity."
"I just hope that before we die, it'd be great if cancer was cured, it would be great if we could solve world hunger..."
"It's almost as if we've got so many issues in this world... it's almost as if this is a release valve for people's anger."
"Maybe it's time for the world to just get used to lockdown as a divine cocoon."
"We're all in this together bro, the world's headed in a weird direction right now and we're in this [__] together."
"We must re-imagine, rebuild, redesign, reinvigorate, and rebalance our world."
"The biggest problems we confront, no one nation is going to be able to solve on its own, not even a nation as powerful as the United States of America."
"There's been a very interesting article in the Financial Times acknowledging that the West is losing the economic war."
"Bill Gates, he has a plan to save the world."
"We've got big problems to solve, and I'm confident we can solve them."
"What if collectively we are living longer in order to solve the biggest problem of our survival that we face today?"
"In this new world, dangerous currents have swept along faster than our efforts to contain them."
"Water has been taken for granted. We live in a world where in the next 10 years almost 2 billion people will be living in regions with absolute water scarcity."
"We're facing this as a nation, as a global population, and we're going to have to pay close attention and watch out for our families and our neighbors more than ever before." - Deborah
"Now isolated in the world, literally isolated, and racing toward the precipice while the rest of the world is trying to do something."
"What I'd really like to see is that jump beyond national borders and into an international response."
"In this new century Americans and Europeans alike will be required to do more not less... partnership and cooperation among nations is not a choice, it is the only way."
"Education for global citizenship is an essential strategy to address global challenges."
"A smart thing to do is to position oneself to be able to withstand a potential global water crisis."
"Being resilient, with the way the world's going, you definitely need to focus on that."
"The world is changing fundamentally, and COVID-19 and climate change are telling us that."
"In a world, she can end hunger and global warming."
"Recent research is revealing a worldwide epidemic of arsenic poisoning in areas with contaminated groundwater."
"Our paramount foreign policy challenge is strengthening multilateralism."
"Effective multilateralism depends on an effective United Nations, one able to adapt to global challenges while living up to the purposes and principles of its character."
"All signs are pointing to one thing: the world is entering into a very difficult period of history."
"The attack on the financial system, the global attack, is already being wargamed."
"All of the dots are lining up that the very survival of humanity and Homo sapien sapien may depend upon finally all of humanity being told all of the truth."
"The very survival of humanity and Homo sapien sapien may depend upon finally all of humanity being told all of the truth."
"2021 truly was an extraordinary year of disaster upon disaster."
"Recognizing the global nature of AI challenges, Italy's G7 presidency positions itself as a catalyst for international unity."
"We want to show that a democratic value-driven approach can deliver on the most pressing challenges." - Fond de Leon
"I fear a few wealthy islands in the sea of poverty will also turn into a global calamity like climate change."
"Despite the global pandemic, the rapid growth of temple building continues around the world."
"This is the world we're facing, and I still can't believe."
"We need to work on making our world a kinder place."
"This pandemic is a chance for us to grow the fuck up."
"We have a responsibility to at least try to cooperate on climate, on global health, on the macroeconomic situation around the world."
"The world's biggest problem is the world's biggest business opportunity."
"The COVID pandemic showed us what the global scientific community can do when it puts its collective minds towards something."
"Use these to illustrate the barriers to development and how low incomes on its own is a major barrier to development."
"The effort will take all of us. We're playing the grandest game of chess. We must all learn to play effectively and efficiently."
"I think that many countries are in demographic decline."
"I actually believe we need an absolute overhaul in the prophetic charismatic movement."
"The world has zillions of intractable problems some of which are genuine existential threats to the human race."
"Let's talk about all the horrible things that we need to mitigate."
"It’s entirely possible to eliminate poverty, famine, and war."
"Humanity has a brief but rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a livable and sustainable future."
"As much as evil is controlling the world, God's got a bigger plan."
"The world needs to spend about 10 billion per day to displace that level of fossil fuel consumption."
"It's time to wake up and look at these difficulties for what they are in order to make the world a better place for everyone."
"This BRICS Summit is particularly important as it is being held as the world is confronted by fundamental challenges that are bound to determine the course of international events for years to come." - Cyril Ramaphosa
"Only by working together can they tackle the biggest challenges of our time."
"All industries are experiencing unprecedented times due to the pandemic."
"The world has drastically changed. It is clear, you graduate into an increasingly unsettled world where long-standing principles are at risk."
"As a global human community, we've been through some [ __ ] y'all."
"This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality, and climate change."
"Technology to increase cash crop yields in the world's only hope."
"Chair powell shoney understands in his words profound challenges for the global economy and financial system unquote."
"We're not afraid. When we decide to do something, we'll take on the world and we'll win."
"He further wrote in his editorial: 'The world today is overwhelmed with problems, policymakers seem to be confused and at a loss.'"
"The world needs more compassion right now, not less."
"It is clear that it is not just this sort of poetic pie in the sky notion that humanity needs to all pull together at times like this. It is self-interest for every community in every country."
"The real problems of mankind are not being dealt with."
"We'll prove to the world that democracy can still prevail against the challenges of our time."
"These two dangers, the danger of Proto Fascism and the danger of the climate crisis, are things that can only be faced if we pull back and unite as a popular front irrespective of smaller differences."
"Say yeah, the United States alone cannot deal with this problem. We will need to escalate. This is the Global Leadership of the United Nations."
"For now, help the people and safeguard humanity against those who would threaten its survival."
"All the three existential challenges we face are global problems that demand global solutions."
"These are iceberg conditions all over the world."
"This is the most dangerous crisis we've ever faced but it is also the greatest opportunity we've ever been confronted with."
"I think the world is about to face a significant amount of really specific challenges."
"The solutions to the most pressing global challenges lie in emerging technologies and evolving connectivity."
"No nation can meet the challenges of today alone."
"We've got to fight these things at the local level. That's it because globally, it's already gone, and it is coming Fast and Furious."
"The challenges we face are unrelenting and interconnected but they're not unsolvable if America is leading the way."
"Mankind is at a crucial point right now where we literally have anything right and the only thing that's missing is consciousness."
"There's nothing to stop any country right now on earth from deciding they're going to solve climate change for the rest of us."
"If you are fixing this world and changing this world and saving the animals and saving the planet and solving the problems of race and racism, well if you're doing all of those great things you have arrived at morality."
"We're trying to solve one of humanity's biggest problems."
"Every level is needed, every expertise and Specialty is needed as well, especially considering the bigger picture of what is being overhauled on the planet at this time."
"We have to stop dealing with global challenges through the lens of narrow patriotism."
"We have everything we need to turn this planet around."
"This is the Earth's troubles, disasters, Cyclones, wildfires, storms in the winter, storms that are severe, flooding, freeze, drought, Cyclones and hurricanes."
"Only by harnessing those skills that truly make us human can we address major global challenges."
"The existential threats we face have no borders. Either humanity will find a way to work together to confront and overcome them, or we will all fall over the precipice together."
"People feel lost. We've got a mental health crisis, plummeting birth rates, global conflict, and a penopoly of other Joys."
"We can't combat a disease like Zika that recognizes no borders unless we make permanent the same urgency that we brought to bear against Ebola."
"And at a time when we face enormous global challenges -- from the environment and climate change to empowering women, to income inequality and small business development -- we have to have your talents and we have to have your skills."
"I really believe that's the... the biggest challenge that we face today on this planet."
"My concept is never 'who's got next?' The game we're in globally requires soldiers and Generals."
"The world won't wait. The rest of the global scientific community isn't going to pause. We have adversaries that are moving ahead, and sticking our head in the sand is not the answer."
"More shock prone world means countries need to have more capacity to face these shocks."
"The involvement at all these levels of society becomes more pressing as the process of the disintegration of the old world order intensifies."
"The great global challenge of this decade is actually to reach popular agreement on the necessary action in order to avoid collapse."
"We can't win or even survive very long anymore unless we cooperate with one another."
"What does it mean to take the world on our shoulders?"
"The questions we face today constitute an existential threat, but we have conquered existential threats before."
"You can't respond to a global challenge without Global coordination. But you only have coordination if you're living in a shared story, you have shared coordinating values."
"Build a new multilateralism that is reoriented to focus on the common challenges all nations face."
"The World Bank needs to expand its vision to include addressing global challenges as an integral part of achieving its twin goals: poverty reduction and shared prosperity."
"We have a few environmental problems... one last little glitch with the Industrial Age model: it's destroyed our people and it's destroying our world."
"Challenges that test our values, our vision, and our resolve to defend the rules and standards that underpin the security and prosperity of our fellow citizens."
"The only way for us to respond to this vast array of challenges is to come together and defend the international order that we have worked so hard to create."
"The challenges of global regulation, the financial architecture, IPR, trade and investment regimes."
"Our greatest global challenges are poverty, inequality, joblessness, and a feeling of being entirely ignored and excluded."
"Global solidarity is also required to meet other pressing challenges such as energy and food insecurity, climate change, and the devastation caused by conflicts."
"With tech by our side, we have the potential to solve the world's greatest challenges."
"The global environment faces more challenges than it has for many years, not least existential threat to the rules-based international order and also threats to the essence of our democratic values."
"We have that chance to transform the nation and to transform how globally we approach these challenges."
"Biotechnical solutions to global challenges is critically dependent upon foundational technical training that meets global bioeconomic and social needs."
"Global challenges solved through biotechnical solutions is an attractor; we will all benefit from bio-inspired pathways to attract, retain, and ensure success of all who have the capacity to create impactful solutions."
"The state of the world is such that, our civilization has never had to face up to a challenge of this kind before."
"The world more now than ever before needs stronger United Nations and consistent and effective multilateralism that collectively ponders and cooperatively resolves mankind's common challenges."
"The biggest challenge is to find a way for global cooperation."
"The growing despair felt by people, the conflicts that rage between communities and nations, and the destruction of our planet are all the inevitable consequences of the prevailing materialistic paradigm."
"It's not going to be the way that we save the world."
"We as a community of nations collectively face the most challenging social, economic, and environmental situation we have experienced in modern history."
"Multilateralism remains the most effective approach to address the challenges of our era."
"Our world is becoming unhinged; geopolitical tensions are rising, global challenges are mounting, and we seem incapable of coming together to respond."
"The global investment landscape is shifting with changing protagonists, and China undoubtedly faces significant historical challenges."
"The crisis of endless war, climate catastrophe, and artificial intelligence... will open up real revolutionary prospects."
"Current economic and social upheavals require a collective effort; commitment to the 2030 agenda remains an integral part of our national and global agenda."
"Water is the most acute problem in the world already."
"The problems that the world faces today can only be defeated through multilateralism. No one nation can defeat climate change, no one nation can defeat international terrorism and financial crime."
"We need to update the bank's operating models, especially the World Bank, to address climate change, pandemics, fragility, and conflict."
"Only by a community of responsibility is there any hope of meeting that peril."
"I want to do is to try and help Britain maximize its security and prosperity in a very dangerous, difficult, and uncertain world."
"Globalization, science, and technology fortunately cause not only problems but also offer humanity a huge opportunity to solve its problems."