
Archaeology Quotes

There are 5526 quotes

"The field of archaeology recently saw some monumental discoveries that are rocking the foundation of what we think we know about ourselves."
"The precision with which these pyramids align to the cardinal points of the compass is just mind-boggling."
"Stonehenge aligns with the winter solstice and possibly other celestial events, adding another layer to how the builders understood both the sun and the moon's movements."
"We are very fortunate that there are some threads going back in history, these echoes in the archaeological record."
"The fact that these circles are all connected by the stone channels makes it very clear to any scientist who works with electricity or energy that the stone circle complex is a giant energy generating grid."
"Experts believe that the sword found by a reindeer hunter dates back to between 850 and 950 AD, when Vikings roamed the seas and their tales became the stuff of legend."
"Hancock's work is known for its radical theories, unafraid to question mainstream historical and archaeological perspectives."
"The discovery that awaited him was beyond what anyone could fathom."
"These are questions that shake the foundations of archeology, history, and human self-perception."
"Graham Hancock had uncovered not just artifacts and skeletal remains but a Pandora's box of historical and scientific challenges."
"The constantly advancing fields of archaeo-botany and archaeochemistry have been hinting at the enduring use of hallucinogenic drinks in antiquity."
"The ancient structures are the Earthworks, the Monumental Earthworks, and you know, I had always suspected that there was a connection, particularly because of the fact of Serpent Mound being on the rim of an ancient astrobleme."
"It's possible to find the Arc of the Covenant, a historical relic, which is a central plot device in Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark."
"Archaeology: It's a fascinating field of science devoted to unearthing the shared past of humanity."
"Dead Sea Scrolls: These are possibly one of the most significant archaeological finds of the past century."
"It wasn't aliens: If there's one thing archaeologists have discovered, it's that humans are crafty and smart buggers."
"King Richard found in a parking lot: Remember that one time archaeologists found the skeleton of King Richard III beneath a car parking lot?"
"Creeping feathered serpent shadow: During the spring and autumn equinoxes, the sun hits the Mayan temple of Kukulkan in just the right way."
"El Gigante is the name given to the largest Moai or Easter Island head ever constructed."
"Ancient trade: Several archaeological finds have revealed that the world of the past was surprisingly much more interconnected."
"The discovery of the Rosetta Stone in 1799 proved to be a pivotal moment in deciphering the hieroglyphic script of ancient Egypt."
"Are you ready to uncover the secrets of the past?"
"He's actually the oldest mummy we know of in Europe and gives us a rare peek into life during the Copper Age."
"Turns out, he met a pretty rough end with an arrowhead stuck in his shoulder."
"His clothes and shoes were crafted from various animal skins, each piece telling a unique story of survival and craftsmanship."
"Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey through the past as we uncovered the astonishing secrets of Ötzi the Iceman."
"It's often the case in archaeological scholarship and actually good science that whenever an adventurous and unusual new thesis is published, attempts will be made to falsify it."
"The thing that I love the most about Karahan Tepe is the fact that it's still an active archaeological site."
"The ruins of a two and a half thousand year old lost ancient civilization were recently found in the lake in Kyrgyzstan."
"Such blockages are unsurprising. These tunnels predate even the earliest settlers."
"More than 10 ancient stone vases have been scanned using structured light scanning, a process that creates an accurate model of an object to a resolution of less than a thousandth of an inch."
"We think we have seen it all, but archaeologists keep digging up interesting, if not creepy, things from underneath us."
"The temple located north of Aswan is not only a temple to Sobek but also to Horus, the falcon god. It's like a twin temple with similar layouts but two different doors."
"Now, there's even more; the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities has announced the discovery of two mummified lions dating back roughly 2,600 years."
"Everyone has heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls... but they haven't heard about the scriptures that are older, 400 years older than the Dead Sea Scrolls."
"Archaeology is a discipline that reveals stories gradually, one piece at a time."
"Human history is punctuated by the rise and fall of civilizations, and we can date how long they last from archaeological evidence."
"This suggests a mean lifetime of a few hundred years typically."
"Archaeology can help us answer that question."
"The archaeological record...is irreplaceable. It is the responsibility of all archaeologists to work for the long-term conservation and protection of the archaeological record."
"Archaeologists should reach out to and participate in cooperative efforts with others interested in the archaeological record with the aim of improving the preservation, protection, and interpretation of the record."
"I'm an archaeologist, I'm an environmental scientist, I'm an author, but my big thing is I'm a science communicator."
"Egypt, land of the Nile, by the 12th century BC, this place was already old, vast temple complexes and pyramids dominating the horizon."
"Take a look at this and this and this. It may seem hard to believe, but the locals here in rural Lincolnshire reckon that all these are part of a posh Roman building."
"The Romans reached Lincolnshire within years of the 43 AD invasion. Lincoln became a great Roman center."
"Wickenby's Roman finds already give us a glimpse of everyday life in the country, with cosmetic devices, elaborate drinking spouts, and religious icons."
"Our excavation gives us the rare chance to shed light on what seems to be a rural yet wealthy and active Roman settlement."
"We've got all the evidence here for a Roman settlement. We've got masses of big shards of Roman pottery."
"The evidence the bridge has revealed suggests a story of work not of rural farming but of recycling and industry."
"You can make this new tool called the brush that is going to help you uncover the mysteries of all these dig sites."
"When you find these hidden artifacts, you kind of find like connections and hints."
"He's reliable. Archaeologically speaking, whatever he tells us proved to be correct."
"If you want to understand the Bible or the period, you have to be like a detective going back to the scene."
"This late third-century coin fits with the date of the Roman beaker I'm excavating."
"One thing I'm slowly learning is that if you're into instant gratification, don't consider archaeology as a career."
"Welcome back to Awful Archaeology, the show where I spin the wheel of pain, which is completely covered in archaeological conspiracy theories and misconceptions."
"I'm now finally in the place, both physically and mentally, to pour my time back into doing what I love, which is rotting your brain with archaeological conspiracy theories."
"This is the skull of a female, and what we've got here is a very clear-cut case where this person received a fatal blow to the head."
"It's just amazing, I think, the amount of historical, archaeological attestation to Jesus and the writings about him in the Gospels."
"I don't think that we have anything that's been discovered archaeologically that contradicts the gospel accounts about Jesus."
"Beneath these well-tended lawns and patios could lie the biggest Roman villa ever discovered in Suffolk."
"I think there's lots more questions to be answered; there's decades of work just in this field."
"So ice patches, because they're not moving, the material that falls on the surface really becomes preserved in place and things can be preserved for thousands and thousands of years."
"You might think what they have just found is an old arrow; it's not. It's a technology that predates bows and arrows by thousands of years."
"We have got, you know, a preserved record of ancient people's hunting techniques and traditions."
"Archaeologists discovered a 3,000-year-old tablet that contains the oldest Hebrew text including the name of God."
"This find is a win for archaeology, a win for biblical scholarship."
"Archaeology is a fascinating essay, and you could only tell the importance of an archaeological site by walking two or three miles in each direction."
"My relationship with archaeology came up in the citation, so you know, Time Team is part of the reason I was honored, which is lovely."
"Despite extensive research, the true purpose behind the Nasca Lines remains shrouded in the secrets of an ancient civilization."
"For all the interest in archaeology, we can't lose sight of the intriguing man of Galilee who's made such an impact on the world."
"Archaeology is not so much about proving the Bible. What archaeology does is it demonstrates to us that what we read in the Bible fits with what we know of the ancient world."
"The Bible is illumined by archaeology. Sometimes our reading of the Bible is challenged by archaeology."
"Bit by bit, the ice is giving up its secrets."
"And you realize you might be holding something important - part of the skull of an ancient human ancestor."
"It's the scientific discovery of the century - just what everyone's been looking for to shine a light on human origins, especially in England."
"Every person, every nation, absolutely everybody has their own story to tell it's just what makes history and archaeology so endlessly interesting."
"You're exploring an ancient tomb in the middle of the desert."
"The discovery has been hailed as one of the most significant archaeological digs of the century."
"The complex is over 150 acres of ruined pyramids, plazas, and residential buildings. It was once a thriving city at around the same time that the pyramids in Egypt were being constructed, making it one of the first advanced cities in the world."
"These ancient civilizations all over Southern Africa, and we find that history is much older and much stranger, much more exciting than most of us could ever imagine."
"We have archaeological evidence of the builders of Nan Madol, including physical evidence, and the DNA of those people does seem to match the modern-day people of the region."
"The mummy is 9,000 years old, that's three times older than any other mummy yet discovered in North America."
"Not only did they accidentally find a new civilization, they found an entirely new species of human!"
"They found tens of thousands of paintings while bushwhacking through the jungle, with the paintings covering about 8 miles of cliff faces."
"He dedicated his life to studying and to preserving the great enigmatic ruins of Tiwanaku and Pumapunku."
"Hopefully, future generations of researchers and archaeologists can continue to work on this site with open minds."
"I have single-handedly discovered many aspects of the ancient world and connections between its sites no one had seemingly realized before me."
"Archaeologists in southern India came upon a rusted old iron dagger that might not seem like much, but it may just provide clues about a lost civilization!"
"Found near Tamil Nadu, the area was once home to the ancient Keeladi civilization."
"According to the Tamil Nadu Department of Archaeology, this type of dagger was used by warriors for about 600 years, between the 3rd century BC and the 3rd century AD."
"The ancient city of Akrotiri may just be the real-life Atlantis."
"The eruption devastated all life on the island and erased the powerful city-state, which archaeologists believe was probably part of the larger Minoan civilization."
"There must be at least a hundred thousand of these ruins."
"If they're 10 million of these structures, you're not going to have just a few people; you're going to have a lot more."
"The tomb is proving to be an exceptional and important discovery, not only has it revealed to the world the remarkable figures of cares but also provided new information on the customs, burial practices, architecture, and royal court of the Old Kingdom."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls, a total of seven scrolls were taken from cave number one. They were the first manuscripts discovered in this ancient library."
"Ancient Egypt is quite rightly the focus of most experts in history and archaeology."
"Egypt is still full of mysteries waiting to be solved."
"The Rosetta Stone is one of the most important artifacts of Egyptian archaeology."
"New tombs and necropolises are still regularly discovered in Egypt."
"The Mustang caves... one of the greatest archaeological sites in the world."
"No texts have been found that are younger than 70 CE, indicating that this is the time when the scrolls were hidden in the caves."
"The site of Bruniquel Cave, with its structures made of stalagmites and evidence of fire use, suggests pre-planned ritual behavior dating back 176,000 years ago."
"The discovery of a mysterious lost Labyrinth previously believed to be a mythical structure is yet another enigma from ancient Egypt."
"The Rosetta Stone turned out to be one of the most mysterious and amazing relics ever."
"Archaeologists in Turkey have discovered the lost statue of a Greek goddess."
"This place happens to house one of the largest and best-preserved temples dedicated to Zeus in the entire Mediterranean."
"The circular clay tablet was discovered 150 years ago by Sir Austin Henry Laird, a leading Victorian archaeologist, in the remains of the Royal Palace at Nineveh."
"Perhaps we will be the archaeologists, searching the galaxy for past evidence of others."
"Egypt continues to unveil fresh mysteries through a plethora of recent discoveries."
"There is evidence that Tanis for a past that may well stretch back beyond even the dynastic Egyptians, as it is positively littered with the remnants of massive monolithic stone artifacts and megalithic constructions."
"Still today, at Tanis can be found the remnants of what might have been the largest and greatest single piece stone statue ever executed by human hands."
"The casing stones preserved at the summit of the Pyramid of Khufu are a precious window into the distant past."
"The practice of burying their dead reveals yet another aspect of Neanderthal culture that challenges the stereotype of them as primitive and unsophisticated."
"Carbon 14 dating tells us that the parchment was made between 1404 and 1438, putting an earliest date on when this book was written."
"It is easy to imagine that nothing could ever be found in the desert, but you'd be surprised to learn about the strange things discovered by archaeologists."
"Gobekli Tepe raises huge fundamental questions about our understanding of human civilization, and makes us wonder, what will we discover next?"
"The archaeological evidence not only supports the biblical account of the Exodus but points to a Ramesside date."
"There's so much detail that some fringe historians believe the Sayhuite Monolith is a topographic model of the surrounding area."
"The most remarkable discoveries ever because we've got an entire library here of ancient documents."
"It was here in the year 550 BC that one of the first archaeological digs in history was carried out."
"As with any historical investigation, we may never know with absolute certainty. And so, perhaps belief in the Exodus will always require a measure of faith. But facts and faith need not conflict, as recent discoveries suggest, for history and archaeology have now uncovered compelling reasons to reconsider the extraordinary claims of the Exodus story."
"The theory of Indo-Aryan migration is based on a corroboration of several interconnecting lines of evidence from linguistics, history, genetics, and archaeology."
"When American archaeologists discovered a collection of cuneiform tablets in Iraq in the late 19th century, they were confronted with a language and a people who were at the time only scarcely known to even the most knowledgeable scholars of ancient Mesopotamia: the Sumerians."
"There are places that remain hidden for centuries, historic sites that stand the test of time and remain invisible without wanting to be discovered, but sometimes mankind gets lucky and we discover ancient things that we had forgotten existed or that can teach us a great deal about how our ancestors lived."
"From a very mysterious tiny figurine that is questioning our understanding of prehistory to a very ancient calendar that is still in use today, these are the 20 most mysterious archaeological finds."
"Okay, we admit this may not be the most glamorous of archaeological finds, but the discovery of 700-year-old stinking toilets has experts all excited."
"The medieval feces found at the 14th century site wouldn't smell of much anymore, but you would be wrong, and apparently, they still emanate a very strong and pungent bad smell."
"The ancient toilet barrels were found stacked on top of one another to form a sort of well, and it's not clear if they were attached to a residence or if they acted as a public lavatory."
"Experts are excited to start analyzing the poo to get a picture of what people ate in medieval times in the region."
"The Atacama skeleton: the discovery in 2003 of a mummified skeleton with the head of an alien in the Atacama Desert, Chile, generated intrigue and horror around the world."
"The discovery of the oldest evidence of the Mayan calendar on record, two fragments of murals that when put together reveal an annotation known as seven deer and the dates from between 300 BC and 200 BC."
"The archaeological site of Gobekli Tepe located in southern Turkey on the border with Syria has been investigated by different archaeologists and projects of all kinds, the discovery produced at the time a before and after in the conception of history since it further delays the flourishing of humanity."
"Dubbed the world's first city by many archaeologists, the rapid expansion of the site of Uruk over the course of the fourth millennium BC coincides with a major change in the way that urban societies operated."
"These petroglyphs were created thousands of years ago."
"The discovery of human remains at borehole H8 on Oak Island raises countless questions about the island's history and the people who may have been present there."
"The discovery of a U-shaped wooden structure with Roman numerals at Smith's Cove on Oak Island is an intriguing find."
"In archaeology, the proper dating of cities, artifacts, and events is crucial."
"Sure, there are elements in the Bible that are historical, but when you stop and actually critically examine the archaeological evidence, you discover that especially the earlier stories in the Bible cannot be taken literally."
"The most dramatic example of this took place in 1947 when archaeologist Henry Chevrolet found pieces of a broken stone monument or Stella, dating to a pharaoh named around 1500 before the Common Era or BCE, incredibly the Achmos Estella is covered in hieroglyphic inscriptions that mirror the biblical tale."
"He claims that scholars have missed the archaeological evidence that's hiding in plain sight."
"Here we have, literally carved in stone, a visual account of the biblical tale dating back to the very time of Moses and the Exodus."
"The archaeological record just tells a much more mundane story, but a story that is as old as time."
"This is indeed a vase from an ancient tribe, isn't it just beautiful? This is a remarkable find, my junior archaeologists."
"The latest research from archaeology indicates that the Bible greatly exaggerates its description of Solomon's reign."
"The mystery of how these structures were constructed with such precision, using the tools claimed by traditional archaeology, continues to baffle researchers and enthusiasts alike."
"Restorers are diligently cleaning and consolidating the ancient Arena, taking care not to destroy the marks of history."
"Egyptologists recently discovered a 3,400 year old lost golden city near modern-day Luxor."
"Archaeologists working in Morocco discovered what may be the world's oldest jewelry."
"The discovery of this slab of black basalt, now known as the Rosetta Stone, marked the beginning of modern archaeology."
"This discovery is still huge; it brings us closer to finally being able to understand the various intricacies of this truly astonishing structure."
"Despite an abundance of evidence supporting the alternative hypothesis, the archaeologist remained open to other possibilities."
"Cahokia was the greatest city built north of Mexico, and in its heyday, it was a city of over 120 mounds, arranged in large plazas, housing a population of 10 to 20,000 people."
"The story behind the rise of Cahokia is not just the story of a great city but the story of a cultural explosion that transformed Eastern North America."
"Clearly, horned helmets were widely distributed during this period of the Bronze Age, but why? What do they mean, and are they connected in some way?"
"The fact is that Gobekli Tepe is in northern Mesopotamia. This is clearly the cradle of civilization."
"In the early 19th century, archaeologists began to find the remnants of ancient Sumer. This lost civilization contained many ancient documents and is probably the birthplace of writing."
"No archaeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference."
"In the wilds of Southern Greece, olive groves crowd on pebble-strewn earth, artifacts and masonry of all ages nestled among the brambles."
"This region of the Mediterranean has a glut of evidence from the ancient world, not just settlement sites and outposts, but vast metropolises of the ancestors in abundance."
"The tholos tomb at Neoria, intricately built from limestone, likely used by the ruling dynasty, ranks among the largest and most impressive in all the Mycenaean world."
"For an extraordinary record of the scale and impact of the Roman Empire, I've come to see what must be one of the most remarkable and surprising leftovers from the Roman world."
"As its waters recede, an incredible treasure trove of historical artifacts is revealed."
"It's like discovering a whole new world, who could have imagined that Anbar in Iraq would turn out to be one of the most significant archaeological sites in the country?"
"Archaeologists and Egyptologists have yet to reach a consensus regarding the fate of the Persian army, and as such, the mystery of the Lost Army of Cambyses remains unsolved."
"Ancient DNA now reinforces what archaeology, linguistics, and modern DNA were already telling us: that the Aryan invasion is a historical fact, not a myth."
"This amateur scuba diver had made one of the most fascinating archaeological discoveries in recent history."
"They were 2500 years old and amazingly almost perfectly preserved."
"Advanced human civilizations have existed for, at best, 10,000 years. In that time, many great empires rose from nothing and returned to nothing, leaving behind little more than artifacts and crumbling architecture."
"The ancient pyramids of Corral predate the Inca civilization by four thousand years but were flourishing a century before the pyramids of Giza."
"The water system offers the strongest proof yet that hisalik could indeed be the Troy of Legend."
"The Union Jack, one of the most recognizable flags."
"The Union Jack represents the union of Scotland, England, and Ireland."
"These artifacts collectively provide a remarkable window into the ancient Maya civilization."
"The stone ruins of the Northeast were not the only archaeological mysteries which interested the antiquarians."
"Present within the shrines that were built over 10,000 years ago."
"It's a book that was found wrapped around a mummy, and if that is not worthy of a spot on a list of mysterious manuscripts, I don't know what is."
"Tutankhamun's tomb was almost intact when it was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter, and it became the subject of the famous legend of the Tutankhamun curse."
"This discovery is significant because it's the first evidence that the ancient Egyptians created cheese."
"Screaming mummy: new evidence suggests a woman mummified in a wordless scream may have died of a heart attack."
"Silver Pharaoh: a missing link in Egyptian history, uncovered like a thriller worthy of Hollywood plots."
"Oldest mummy in Egypt: the discovery of Hikashipus covered in gold leaf."
"Sealed coffins in Luxor: Archaeologists announced that they discovered a huge collection of more than 20 sealed coffins in the city of Luxor."
"Four thousand-year-old mummy: Archaeologists were terrified when they recently discovered this horrifying mummy that's believed to be almost four thousand years old."
"Hidden chamber in the Great Pyramid: There is a secret chamber that was nearly a hundred feet long that lay above the great gallery of the Great Pyramid."
"Geology gives me the same satisfaction that archaeology does in telling a story."
"Finding a fossil like this is the best experience for any fossil hunter."
"Hancock suggests that this precision hints at a deeper, possibly inherited knowledge of astronomy."
"We are living in a golden age of archaeology."
"Rummaging can tell us about a fabulously remote past."
"The first to build at Deir el-Barsha was Montuhotep."
"Egypt is surely one place that is full of mysteries."
"Nine-meter tall Buddha statue believed to be from a Chinese dynasty emerges in Chongqing, missing its head but with finer details intact."
"In India, ancient Nandi statues made of Monolithic soapstone were discovered beneath a dried lake bed, dating back to the 16th or 17th century."
"Ruins of Bluffton, Texas, emerge due to persistent drought, revealing artifacts from the town's past including gravestones and building foundations."
"Three days ago, this earthwork was almost unheard of. Now we've uncovered four thousand years of history on this Welsh hillside."
"It's a find of a lifetime. You see people find these incredible things and they hit the news and you don't believe it'll ever happen to you."
"It's a real hairs on the back of the neck moment because you're linking through to history through the items in the ground."
"These small bronze objects had rested in the ground for almost 2 000 years now they sit center stage at the Yorkshire Museum on display for people to visit and to make up their own minds."