
Life Force Quotes

There are 294 quotes

"The Earth itself also has a Kundalini because the Earth is alive like an organism."
"Even during your worst moments, there is vitality ripping through your veins, there is an electrical life force within you."
"There is a force within that gives you life—Seek that."
"Energy-wise, you're almost like you're dripping your life force energy."
"Prana means 'life force' in a spiritual and material sense - prana is everywhere."
"The Earth and Sun power all life on this plane, infusing everything with life force, what some call 'prana'."
"Electricity is God in action... life itself is the creative force."
"Understanding that this energy we have is ultimately sacred if directed properly."
"The sun in Leo has a direct connection to the sun's neutrinos, to the strength of the sun's life force."
"We live from our breath, the breath is powerful."
"For you to take time out of your days to study how your body works, I'm so appreciative because it honors that life force inside of you."
"The life entity is the representation of life in the DC universe, and if somebody harnesses that power, they would become God."
"There is one universal life force within all of us."
"That part of our soul that animates the body, it's our vital body right, and we have to trust that."
"If I secure your life force, right, energy, money is energy, is life force, is money is power."
"Your life force is healing... even if she don't get pregnant it's gonna heal her body."
"Love is a life force. Love only happens in the present moment."
"We need to drop in and be present with this life force, this heart that we have."
"Water is the elixir of life, it's the energy that flows throughout our planet."
"That's your one-world religion, that's what's going to happen."
"Using his imagination and tapping into the life force of the flowers, he’s able to resurrect them."
"Romance is the life force of the universe and is a worthwhile goal."
"He was someone who just had so much in him and was so willing to expend all of that profound and miraculous life force on people who had no power."
"Love is more than just necessary; love is the very life of the Merkabah."
"If memory is what sustains, then dreams are the driving force of life."
"She warns Aya that each time they use their magical power, their life force drains and the tattoo that all magical girls get represent their life points and once it runs out, they die."
"Psychotronic energy is related to your life energy."
"Might we say that the life force therefore exits the body through the pineal?"
"There's an absolutely apocalyptic crashing of the old but boy is there a life force and Power in birthing the new that's really exciting."
"Within every man and woman is a force which directs and controls the entire course of life. Properly used, it can heal every affliction and ailment to which mankind is heir."
"Naruto's new form is actually consuming their own chakra and life force as the raw material to create this new form of energy."
"Little things like practicing pleasure, what brings you pleasure today, is part of life force, and sex is life."
"Everything in nature has life force in it, there is a powerful healing potential there."
"Life is as I have said a force made manifest through conditions that is to say natural chemistry and that it can take for its purpose and need the most incredible and unlikely matter."
"Life itself, Eve is the embodiment of primal female creative energy, of the powerful urge to create and sustain life."
"Therefore the people with that consciousness of Love realizing that the will of God for all men is life love truth and Beauty who build that consciousness of Love within them they are the greatest Healers."
"We are all one. Love all creatures, for we all share the same life force."
"The land of Eorzea... is sacred, as energy called aether, which is responsible for creating life and magic, is denser here than anywhere else in the world."
"Feel the abundant life force within you, live life passionately and don't hold back."
"The breath of the spirit of life."
"Kundalini is the animating force within the universe. The opposite of death."
"Someone or something is draining your life force."
"Venus is essentially what keeps you alive. Your viria is our restorative force."
"He doesn't suck your blood but he does absorb your life force."
"Water really is the life force energy of life."
"Life from the Father and from the Son moves through everything and gives everything their life."
"The sun is the most powerful and the most important planet in your chart because without the sun there is no life at all."
"Focus on reducing and removing stress, that's the number one thing you can do to increase your life force."
"The only reason why an Ōtsutsuki comes to a planet is to harvest the life force of that planet."
"The force itself draws its energy from life."
"I will put my Spirit in you and you will live."
"You are literally the breath, you expand and contract, you give and receive from life."
"Don't waste your life force energy."
"What we call Chi is the interaction, the energetic interaction of these four elements which produces something called life force."
"The Spirit is invisible, powerful, and sustains all of life."
"Poetry is a life-cherishing force, and it requires a vision of faith to use an old-fashioned term."
"We all have a very strong will to live."
"Do you identify with that life force that animates you, that animates me, that animates everybody?"
"Prana is nothing but a vital force that runs in our body using breath as a vehicle."
"There's a life force or an energy which makes things alive."
"Breathe in life force and Universal energy, and breathe out all that no longer serves you."
"The life force of the skin interacts with the life force of everything applied to it."
"Love is the positive force of life."
"If you increase your throughput, if you allow yourself to make more money, double your income, triple your income, quadruple your income, doesn't really matter, it means doubling the amount of karma that's going your way..."
"Life force is the animator, it's the Cradle of Life."
"Life force contains Consciousness, so it is what fuels my awareness."
"So life force is actually Consciousness manifesting itself in many things."
"The Earth's electromagnetic energy is part of life force, nourishing to your life force."
"The power radiating from it is literally the source of all life."
"Every time we speak, we release a force called life."
"Death is the complete switching off of prana, life force, from a particular body bulb."
"I'm trying to know life. Creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us."
"I believe that we are transferring a vital life force, and we can build up this life force by building up our Chi. You can do this by using Tai Chi or chiong exercises on a regular basis."
"The holy spirit is the living essence causing life to spring into being."
"Surrendering to the journey, purification activates vibrant life force."
"Desire is the force behind all things, the moving principle of the universe, and the innermost center of all life."
"Reiki is basically the universal life force that inhabits all living things."
"You need the spirit of life in you."
"The laws of attraction are exactly the same in every life force and being. If they are attacked, they will fight back. If they are squandered, they will grow stronger."
"Healing energy vitality and life force energy are flowing through you and to you."
"The Holy Spirit's breath sustains all life, spiritually and physically."
"Every living thing from a bug to a human being has energy and you cannot kill energy."
"Drakkar: hypnotic, feed on souls and life force, like unintelligent vampires and sirens."
"The force is an energy created by all living things."
"Thor represents the energy and the life force in all living things."
"Your inner light keeps everything alive and moving."
"When you bless, you have breathed a particular kind of life into the person, which then becomes like the food that we feed the spirit."
"Energy is the only life and is from the body, and reason is the outward circumference of energy."
"Your head is the connection to the life force."
"You are that intelligence, you are that life force, you are that prana."
"The electromagnetic light at the heart of the island is the source of life, death, and rebirth."
"My gratitude for breath, my gratitude for being able to breathe life force."
"Our breath is our life force energy, it is our connection to the true essence of who we are, and it brings us to the now moment."
"That boundless power, source of every power, manifesting itself as life, entering every heart, living there among the elements, that is self."
"Gaia is the Earth itself... an embodiment of the planet's life force."
"The dragon essentially represents the power of nature, the power itself, and the life force."
"The power of the life force itself, when we experience it personally, we call it love."
"God is in everything, everything, and there is a life force that's there."
"Therefore I say: Eä! Let these things Be! And I will send forth into the Void the Flame Imperishable, and it shall be at the heart of the World, and the World shall be."
"There is only a single life force, and each thing in the world is a way of expressing it."
"I am the life, I am the intelligence, I am the power in all substance."
"I'd like to thank God, of course, definitely a force in my life."
"That energy of life happening is everything; it's free, it's wild."
"The being of beings, the infinite life energy of the universe, the mystery of transcendence, boundless life, unqualified is-ness."
"Each of us has this fire within us; it's an eternal flame that never goes out."
"Think of your breath as the creator of space and nourishment; we call the breath Prana, which means life force, so fill your body with your Prana."
"I believe that in this shell that I live in is that power energy, and it goes on beyond than just sitting here and die and go back to the ground."
"Your heart is beating; it is a kind of yoga."
"...the oscillation of inhaling and exhaling is a reflection of this deeper pulsation of creative energy and it just is the pulsation of the feminine principle creating the space of consciousness."
"Every creature will have the existence of chi. Those who are strong will have strong Chi, and those who are weak will have weak Chi."
"He was a life force, and everything was unpredictable."
"Chi means energy, it is your life force energy."
"We want to send love and appreciation and acknowledgement to our life force, to the breath in our lungs, to the blood coursing through our bodies."
"Spiritual science is not given in compendiums or short sketches; we are trying to make spiritual science a force of life."
"Yoon Hao had gained the ability of super regeneration which only the life attributed Spirit Masters rarely had."
"I feel the energy, the juice that God wanted you to have when you were born."
"There's a great sense of hope for the future, a real renewal of everything of life force."
"Your bodies are given life by some form of otherworldly energy, something beyond our universe."
"Reiki is literally spiritually guided life force energy."
"The river of being that carries us is always life-giving if we can reach it."
"By having more life force, more hydrogen, higher pH alkalinity in our diets, we're actually assisting in our bodies with just health and Rejuvenation along all lines."
"The deepest communication of our spirit is with our breathing and our heartbeat."
"The Sun is what empowers our life; it's our life force, our energy, it's our soul."
"Our blood is a river of life, a life that builds and yet it also defends."
"Sexual energy was considered as a life force, a source of vitality, energy, vibrancy."
"Eventually, you will become completely awakened, and you will use your wonderful power not for good, but for life itself."
"Assert the life force within you and manifest it in every thought, act, and deed."
"The soul is the strength of the body; without the soul, the body cannot function."
"...the universal mind is the undifferentiated life spirit of the universe."
"You have access to the very life that's breathing you."
"That same life energy that causes a blade of grass to press through cement seeking the light, that same life energy is in you."
"Release the tension of holding back; it is robbing you of your precious life force."
"The cement of conditions no matter how long they've been there is not more powerful than that urge of life in you."
"Love is chemistry, is magical, it keeps us going anyway."
"The life force that permeates all things, the god force that permeates all things, is an energy that has your evolution at heart and loves you because you are it, and it is you."
"Consciousness might very well be you are using your physical tissue to tune in to whatever this life force that we all seem to share is."
"You don't actually need thought to exist; you don't need beliefs to exist; they need you because you're life force."
"...the spiritual world is ever about us, just as the air surrounds us constantly."
"It is akin to the vibrant life force that pulsates through the forest, unseen yet omnipresent, driving growth and change."
"We all share the same life force and the same invisible intelligence."
"Prana is the life source of all living things and can also mean soul."
"You feel accomplished that you have created this thing where you've harnessed the sort of life force that just exists all around us."
"Spider embodies the life force of the universe, which is a creative life force."
"In every living person's life force, there is an immutable, unchangeable, unalterable pitch of vibration."
"Each and every living thing on this planet has an aura; it is the communicative channel through which the millionth council governs this planet."
"When there's total detachment from ego mind identity, you actually feel the life force flowing through you tangibly."
"The Golem, once imbued with certain life forces, would do the bidding of the magician who trapped these forces in the form to begin with."
"There is a source of power in you that transcends the person and it's one with the power of life in the universe."
"It simply is about energy. Boundless Energy."
"Faith at its core is an abiding trust in an underlying life force so strong that it includes even death."
"When you give, you experience your own strength, energy, and aliveness."
"Prana here is not just the life force, it is the life force and all of the subtle body."
"When you are struggling in your life, do your best... it's just you sparking a little bit of Life Force energy in your life."
"All the deities worship that adorable one sitting in the middle who pushes the prana upwards and impels the apana inwards."
"The Magnificent Radiant Life Force flows through me."
"Feel that positive energy which is your life force coursing through the body."
"Life energy is a potent source of power."
"Sun is also a planet why is it satk because satk meaning it has Brahman qualities, it has very highest of morals of qualities because it gives you life, it is a lifegiver."
"There is power in blood, the source of life itself can call up demons and ghosts, seal oaths, and stand witness."
"Sex is the biggest form of energy transfer in the whole world."
"The Mystic eyes of plunder are able to drain the life force from those they gaze upon."
"We're all constructed of like the primal life force sets of the universe."
"For us human beings and animals and trees and all natural things to exist, there must be a force to exist."
"Me, the powers of life, touch this plant soul; I give of myself to make its life whole."
"The intelligent energy that enlivens the body is a kind of vivification of the body by the one creator which has created all that there is within its own beingness."
"Prana is both intelligent and conscious."
"Chi is a type of energy that binds life itself together."
"That which wants to be created can have such a powerful life urge that it will prevail against all odds and seeming deterrence."
"You are your ancestors, you are the only living force that has ever lived."
"You can't really separate the island itself and the life force of the island and the trees and the plants and the animals."
"The focus of this game is not about me; it has to be the very energy of life itself, the power behind life, the force behind everything."
"The consciousness in the body is king Atma, and prana serves it."
"Hanuman Anjaneya is completely devoted to Rama in the same way that the prana, the life force in the body, is completely devoted to the supreme reality."
"Desire is a creative force in you and in all beings."
"We're all spiritual whether we like it or not; energy can't die, it just changes form."
"The gate of vitality resides in between the two kidneys."
"Love and light are really synonymous, and they are the source of life itself, consciousness."
"Life is living you, you are being breathed."
"The one who understands this vital breath, the life force, is beyond all mental concepts."
"It's something that can actually fill you up inside and what it is, is your life force."
"Ultimately each of us is a window through which the great forces of life enter, the way light fills a home."
"The spirit I have within me would be my own individual personal life force that's unique to me."
"You're just surrounded by so much like Divine energy."
"Astrology is based on the prana level. Without breathing, we do not have any reason for ego, wealth, money, food, marriage, children."
"When we widen our focus we can start to connect back to the life force of everything."
"The world is carrying on its business because of the power which is in the body but which is the root of the existence and maintenance of the entire universe."
"This life force is the acting principal, and that which gives sentience to the person is the consciousness."
"Through the metaphysical lens of perception, we are made aware of both the intelligent life force underlying the universe as well as its symbolic expression appearing on the surface."
"I know there is only one source, the life principle, the Living spirit, from which all things flow."
"There is a force within us all, it is the force of life, we call it Han."
"Energy inside you is your spirit, like a battery it keeps us alive."
"Positivity is a channel, a conduit through which God's grace and His power works in our life."
"When you realize that you are at the mercy of the life force of the universe, then you start to realize that nothing is in your control."
"We are unified in life, and that life is literally creating and sustaining reality."
"In Greek and Hebrew, breath and spirit are the very same word."
"We don't necessarily understand the life-force magic... but we know that if we take it and ferment it a little bit, whatever that unknown life forces becomes multiplied."
"There is a life force that is actually doing everything."
"The body is made of food material which is only a corpse in the absence of prana."
"The source of mind is prana; the source of prana is consciousness."
"The Force is what gives him his powers. It is an energy field created by all living things."