
Secret Societies Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"The word Illuminati means enlightened ones which was established long ago as a secret society that was focused around expanding knowledge through scientific and spiritual understandings."
"This theory revolves around Disney's very first secret society, the Society of Explorers and Adventurers, that spans all the parks across all the continents."
"Freemasonry, arguably the most successful secret society in history."
"The goal of these masters is to steer humanity by way of secretly influencing events and manipulating the course of history."
"Turns out this bloodline, the deist bloodline, is the central route that connects to all the different European Illuminati families."
"Many scholars believe that his work intentionally provides clues to a powerful secret, a secret that remains protected to this day by a clandestine Brotherhood of which da Vinci was a member."
"Secret societies have been using the Holy Grail's power for centuries."
"The Illuminati elongated skull people were in fact crashed extraterrestrials that came here."
"Scroll and Key... tapping its 15 selected seniors for initiation in a similar manner to Skull and Bones."
"The Gridiron Society of the University of Georgia, linked to historic structures and elite secret societies."
"A grim reminder that shadowy societies willing to commit violence for the highest bidder remain prominent."
"When Triad members emerged from the woodwork to silence pro-Democracy protestors in 2019, it served as a grim reminder that shadowy societies willing to commit violence for the highest bidder remain prominent."
"Similarities between Phi Beta Kappa and Freemasonry are easily seen."
"There's a lot of homosexual orgies that go on there."
"I think something weird is going on at Bohemian Grove."
"You have to know secret societies to understand why there are so many different symbols and emblems in Washington DC and around the world."
"The contact must come our way, hey, if it's the last thing I do for the Brethren."
"New groups are formed that protect these secrets, and pass them on through time."
"Some even believe we, the Rockefeller family, are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States... I stand guilty and I am proud of it."
"Secret societies can also be dangerous... even though they are often accused of being the breeding ground of evil."
"Secret societies have been around for a long time... yet for a long time to come, people will continue trying to bore their way into the inner workings of these secret orders."
"The proof is there that, at least at one point in the family's history, they were involved in these secret societies."
"I bet that even if you've never taken notice of secret societies before, you've heard of the Illuminati."
"My explanation is accurate and complete. My means are effectual and irresistible. Our secret association works in a way nothing can withstand, and man shall soon be free and happy."
"Or would he find satisfaction that the name has survived and that his secret society may have achieved power and influence beyond anything he could have imagined in 1776?"
"Could these people really be behind the organization that has the Eye of Providence insignia – the all-seeing eye inside the top of the pyramid, used by the Freemasons and used for American seals and logos."
"Templar and the Freemasons believed that the treasure was too great for any one man to have."
"The real society included women as members, unlike many other secret societies."
"The Maester conspiracy is a vast theory that claims that the maesters have been working to rid the world of magic for perhaps centuries."
"What about Freemasons? Why don't we join that?"
"He give a thumbs up with Jay-Z look my buddy my guy yeah me and Jay-Z everybody Jay-Z standing there like yes I am a part of the secret order I follow my commands."
"Some of those lodges have been infiltrated, for example, by Adam Weishaupt."
"The wigamort party, hidden behind the Democratic and Republican parties, operates in broad daylight."
"The secret societies they have been maintaining the language, the rituals, the esoteric knowledge."
"Religion was created by secret society...carrying out an extraterrestrial agenda."
"The governments of the present day have to deal... with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents..." - Benjamin Disraeli
"It's already more interesting than Shadowhunters because King Arthur, hello secret societies how you doing."
"The Cosmos Club in the early days was kind of a forerunner of mj-12."
"Anyone in a secret society knows those within respect protect and benefit one another whether it be socially politically or even financially."
"Thousands of years before Christianity... secret cults arose."
"This whole CIA building here, this is just in keeping with the way that the Cabal works, they're all about symbolism, symbolism will be their downfall."
"It's amazing how symbolism is how these serpent people speak to each other."
"Blood over Bright Haven: The first woman ever admitted to a prestigious order of Mages unravels a secret conspiracy that could change the practice of magic forever."
"Bohemian Grove Style not just some orgy stuff with some young girls nope don't think so it had to do with the sacrifice of young individuals."
"The Freemasons are at the center of quite a few conspiracy theories."
"It's believed that the society occasionally intentionally releases information from their books when humanity is in need or to aid in advancements in sciences."
"Are there any other secret societies other than Illuminati that maybe don't get as much press? Yeah, but they're evil, and I don't [__] with them."
"Secret societies consequently from the beginning have exercised a strange and wonderful force upon tyrants."
"Illuminati takes the electro scroll corpse to his fellow members."
"These are the true secret societies that exist amongst us."
"For more than 3,000 years secret societies have labored to create the background of knowledge necessary to the establishment of an enlightened democracy."
"Secret societies consist of individuals who jointly pursue a mission which is hostile to the established order."
"So, the reason Rhonda Byrne called it 'the secret' was all these people that were in secret societies for years—the Masons, the different secret societies—they all understood this."
"The Game Master sent me to this location. It's an underground garage. But I guess this is where the RHS is having some sort of secret meeting."
"Secret societies were a powerful force in China for centuries, spreading revolutionary activities and occasionally robbing people to fund their movements."
"In the corridors of power and in the back rooms of secret meetings, there exists a map of America unlike any seen by the public. This map details the existence of three American States known as El Dorado, Atlantia, and New Columbia."
"Despite past military crackdowns, secret societies in China had not weakened."
"A lot of people think that there's some sort of evil overlords, the cabal or the Illuminati or whatever, which are dumbing us all down and controlling us."
"We have been betrayed by this traitor, and not only us here tonight but with the lodge, the district, the whole wider organization, the Ancient Order of Freemen."
"Even though modern perspectives tend to see the Templars as a secret society, their existence was never doubted at the height of their power."
"The belief was that the Aos Sí lived in a secret society either deep underground or in a parallel dimension where they could walk among the humans without being seen."
"It's like a secret society now, like if you know, you know."
"They are the true breakaway civilization."
"The Illuminati is a term that stirs the imagination, evoking visions of mystery, power, and conspiracy."
"Secret societies bear many names; for thousands of years, they have also been a part of human civilization."
"Secret societies always create a counterworld to what they regard as imperfect reality."
"The Sons of Liberty are basically like a precursor to the Illuminati, precursor to the Freemasons."
"It's very peculiar that these university secret societies seem to have an uncanny knack for creating leaders of the world."
"The entire population belongs to this age-old secret cult; in order to understand the Beninese, you must take an interest in their spirituality but also their geography."
"The Illuminati is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious."
"The centerpiece of the mission of the secret society was the protection of the individual search for meaning."
"Could it be that Oak Island has secrets that are directly related to the origins and beliefs of these hidden organizations?"
"This country was built by rebels, misfits, members of secret societies like the Freemasons."
"Legendborn by Tracy Deonn... the secret society of magic fighters sounds super cool."