
Disaster Management Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"This is a company that has brought us the worst environmental disaster in US history. That's not an accident."
"Even a little prepping can turn a natural disaster into more of an inconvenience and less of a life-changing event."
"Meteorological warnings unheeded, an evacuation that didn't happen, dams that weren't maintained."
"Better to build strong levees than try to predict hurricanes."
"Cities Skylines: Where we build dreams and brace for disaster."
"Fortunately for us, we can sidestep this disaster."
"If a disaster actually happens, it's good to have some supplies."
"This country has leapt from one disaster to the next in recent years."
"The closer to normal you can keep life in a disastrous situation, the better for everybody."
"We hereby take full responsibility for the disaster. We will be liquidating Union Carbide to pay for all of the damages."
"If you're not supportive of this 3.7 trillion dollar deal... you are actively creating a world where more of this sort of weather disaster affects people."
"States can declare disasters and then the state is in charge."
"Success is only possible if it straddles the border of disaster."
"To have a major disaster hit a big city without one single person dying, it's just not going to cut it anymore."
"It's time to focus our attention on the importance of preparing our families, homes, businesses, and communities for disasters that threaten our lives, property, and homeland."
"A 98 reduction in the climate disaster related death rate over the last century."
"Authorities responded to a disaster not with openness, but with obfuscation."
"Prepare proactively to turn disasters into surmountable problems."
"I don't think that pouring sort of water like we do to fight forest fires would stop this situation there's just too many new fissures opening up and too hot that it would produce a lot of steam but it wouldn't stop the volcanic eruptions."
"Many disasters come on slowly and then quickly."
"A slow-moving disaster. It's our role as members of the government to advocate for our constituents."
"A gradual disaster feels much more manageable than having your life turned upside down all at once."
"Consider hurricanes: if the aim is to reduce storm damage, then first focus on resilience."
"It takes a disaster to help get the will to move forward."
"The disaster prompted major changes at a federal level."
"It's very significant that in our lifetimes governments have got worse at dealing with disasters not better, despite the accumulation of scientific knowledge."
"Both companies are equally culpable for this disaster."
"The issue isn't that the railroad companies screwed up to cut costs and create the giant ball of flame you saw in Ohio not the issue the issue is that Biden didn't do the right theatrics if he had gone for a photo op earlier."
"The explosion raised an all-out alarm, around 150 firefighters were dispatched to the scene."
"No disaster occurs without a cause, and to find out the cause changes a disaster into a lesson."
"Disaster would not wait until you're ready to face it."
"With a little more love and a little more laughter, a little more good vibes, less disaster."
"Capella's space-based radar will provide insights and data that can be used across multiple industries like agriculture and security, as well as disaster response and recovery."
"Trying to coordinate everybody's efforts so we can get this place back on its feet again."
"These disasters will be unchecked and likely more damaging and devastating than during normal times."
"Building relationships and communication are essential in disaster management."
"Texas Governor Greg Abbott declares disaster in state over border crisis."
"There's a disaster that does not need to happen, just let it crash and burn."
"More than 30 ambulances are now en route to Jabal Asan for rescue operations."
"Remember disasters have no warning now is the time to start so don't procrastinate."
"There's always been that kind of divide and the more that you know the comfortable have been aggrieved by the results of a pandemic that has been so disastrously managed."
"If you are prepared and well practiced it can be more of an adventure than a disaster."
"Minimizing the effects of a disaster essentially by improving responsiveness of our employees in different situations."
"There's reportedly enough food, water, and generator fuel to sustain 1500 people for 2 weeks."
"Tsunamis are forecastable if you have enough information about how they've behaved over the last thousand years or two or three or four Cycles you can really make significant forecasts that people living in the area actually can do something about."
"Remarkably no injuries were reported during this Deluge thanks to the local population's familiarity with the warning signs."
"One way of slowing it down and having it Miss the Earth... is to Simply run into it bam."
"My dad bought one of those whole house generators and put an extra 250-gallon propane tank in the backyard."
"Being prepared like this is just important for me. It just saves me a lot of heartache when you're already in a panicked or disaster situation. It's just better to be prepared."
"Without these advanced warnings, there could have been a widespread massacre."
"But the death and destruction caused by Brazilian floods and landslides, the flooding after Hurricane Katrina, and the northern Indian floods could all have been reduced by environmental awareness, building codes, better-coordinated relief efforts, and so on."
"The seawall project and the grade raising project was a tremendous ending to that story and had ended up saving a lot of Galveston lives in hurricanes subsequent."
"Triage in a disaster: Red first, yellow, green, black last."
"Sometimes you just gotta enjoy your life and worry about the disasters later on down the road."
"A quick thinking crew can outwit disaster and find a way to save lives."
"In some industries... there's definitely an effort to get on top of disasters."
"Central to pandemic planning needs to be how do you stop the disaster from happening in the first place."
"It's a natural disaster that we can prevent through fairly straightforward means; we can literally go look up."
"Flood maps can help monitor inundation extent and dynamics for disaster assessment and management."
"He has directed his Intergovernmental Affairs staff to remain in contact with governors and mayors in the path of the storm."
"We don't have the choice to have a world without disasters... where we do have the choice is whether to dig them in or try and keep them out."
"If you have a three to six month emergency fund stored up, you know when disaster strikes, you've got three to six months and that is a game changer."
"Pre-disaster, normal conditions; then disruption, relief, rehabilitation, and reconstruction."
"We are a very resilient and our people is very well trained for preventing and mitigating natural disasters."
"The disaster management training course I took was one of the best and it influenced my life and made me think a lot differently about infrastructure we take for granted."
"I created this facility to prepare you to face different types of disasters."
"Remote sensing has played a major role for such kind of natural disasters and making life much safer for all of us."
"That audacious girl! She played a game of redirecting disaster."
"As a result, the government knows which areas to evacuate."
"In America, it's a lot better managed... you've got warning systems and you've got preparation."
"I need to put together an emergency kit because the natural disasters around the world."
"Having this improved communication system is not only a great improvement but also provides a sense of security, especially in times of impending disaster."