
Corporate Culture Quotes

There are 1012 quotes

"This is about a fundamental lack of leadership and management in the area of safety, period."
"Disagreement is not harassment. When you have a company that the existence of the company is in direct service of pushing an agenda and people say 'I don't want your agenda,' you're not being harassed, you're being disagreed with."
"Living out our culture code of being HOT: Humble, Open, and Transparent."
"I'm trying to be as honest and open as possible because I don't like this fake corporate stuff."
"Company culture is not just about being tough or smart, it's about gratitude, respect, and pushing each other to be better."
"Diversity and inclusion are a fundamental part of our values and the culture we continue to cultivate."
"This is something that Black women, and Black people in general, especially when working in corporate spaces, have to deal with all the time."
"If you want to move up in leadership at any major corporation, you don't adopt the values of diversity, inclusion, and equity...you get run out."
"If we get the culture right, then most of the other stuff, like delivering great customer service or building a long-term enduring brand will just take care of itself."
"If you get the culture right, then most of the other stuff like delivering great customer service and building your brand, one story at a time, one phone call at a time just happens naturally on its own."
"Diversity is not just something a company should have or ought to have; it's something that virtually all companies already do have."
"Bankruptcies aren't what they used to be anymore; now, instead of being the corporate equivalent of game over, it's just another business strategy."
"If you work in a company, let me promise you something. It's a lot more fun to die on your own sword."
"You're playing with fire, Spotify. This is the disconnect between the woke companies who pull the strings and the woke people who work in your offices and the people who listen to Spotify."
"The Jeffers Corporation is the largest, friendliest, and most profitable corporation."
"Even though everybody that uses the platform knows it's a giant corporate circle jerk, they need to play along to get the most out of their career."
"Our employees are really critical to this operation; our customers are and for Newegg, our customers and our employees are the most important parts of this brand."
"This philosophy... has taken over nearly all of the University system and has taken over at a lot of major companies."
"If you're trying to work in these corporate settings, you have to play the game in order to get to where you want to get to."
"Building a corporate culture where people are happy to work is as important as the business outcomes."
"Staying open to critical feedback and looking at areas where we can learn and do better is an inherent part of culture at 343."
"I am here today to talk about how to build a performance culture in a corporate environment, and it's very simple but it's at the same time very tough to do it on a day-to-day basis."
"It really will be interesting to see how many companies realize, 'Wow, actually working from home made us more productive.'"
"Thank you to every Amazon employee and every Amazon customer because you guys paid for all of this."
"The pervasive frat boy workplace culture continues to thrive."
"Activision Blizzard allowed or, in some cases, even encouraged a culture where sexual harassment and sexual assault occurred at work."
"We're committed to strengthening our culture and values in the long term to help ensure every team member at Ubisoft is heard, respected, and valued in the workplace."
"It doesn't matter how many systems you implement for employees to be able to submit feedback or to report harassment or inappropriate behavior if that feedback goes unheard."
"Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO, has been a passionate advocate for caring as the currency of leadership."
"We're always going to become less corporate and more innovative and entrepreneurial."
"Diversity and inclusion were also important to the survey respondents. Forty-nine percent of Gen Z and 46 percent of millennials said that they wouldn't work for a company that didn't make diversity a priority."
"It's a weird situation because I liked my job and was good at it, but I hated the company I worked for."
"I am sorry that we did not provide the right empathy and understanding."
"The pandemic happened and what I saw was leaders were kind of forced in this wave of virtue signaling to say everyone can work from home forever. If you didn't say that, now you're a bit of an [expletive] company."
"Success to me is defined by the culture that we've built here, and the fact that people can say, 'I am proud to work at Watcher, and I would recommend it to anybody else.'"
"After one year, we started to see the benefits: engagement of our people, our people were solving the problems."
"Now is the time for change, and I hope that black people just continue that same energy of protest in the corporate space."
"Let's go with the Corporate Culture Site... more managers, more unity, tried value, and society. That is really cool."
"The more companies try to control creativity, the more they actually snuff it out."
"Could working remotely be the key to escaping our corporate overlords and real pants once and for all?"
"Jeff Kaplan fought corporate BS until the bitter end."
"The fight against woke capital has begun, and that is definitely a positive."
"Moral of the story is always take care of yourself first, as companies are doing the same."
"Focus on company culture, allow for more flexibility in work schedules, and show more empathy."
"Elon Musk has been center of almost every Tesla story, which means it's a personality-driven company with all the good stuff and bad stuff that comes with it."
"It's a team effort, and you know, Bill Mitchell would notice that if you worked well with other people."
"He said where is it where is this quote one sec, 'The goal that I had in bringing a lot of the packaged goods folks into Activision about 10 years ago was to take all of the fun out of making video games.'"
"We're better together. Our business doesn't have the formula to Coca-Cola. We've a lot of smart, talented people who are connected by culture."
"The business of America is business, and that businesses should stick to business and steer clear of politics as a general rule."
"Rivalry aside for a second, this is such a cool thing and it makes me love these two companies even more."
"I am doing this not because I am without hope for Blizzard, quite the opposite. I'm inspired by the passion of everyone here working toward meaningful, lasting change with their whole hearts."
"Zuckerberg is tech shield night, incredibly talented incredible team but his ego will lead to the misery of that company."
"Chick-fil-A has never been quiet about their strict Christian beliefs."
"It's more than just writing a check and giving back to an organization, it's definitely everything we live and breathe."
"Disney is a company that is meant to derive pleasure for children that is what it is for it is a company their entire their entire net worth basically."
"Indeed, the story inside the firm these years seem to have sprung from the head of someone who intended to violate every cardinal rule that lawyers are expected to abide by."
"Effective leaders and companies are usually pretty empathetic leaders."
"When 98% of what you get from corporate people is corporate [__], it was nice to hear something real."
"Our goal is really about operationalizing inclusion as I said as a business practice not a philosophy anymore."
"Even though the company was still a subdivision of Denucia, Miyamoto pushed his employees to reach for the stars."
"Underneath that beautiful facade of Amazon is just human pain and suffering, let's be sure to remind our viewers."
"Silicon Valley has managed to hide its voracious Wall Street-like capitalism behind hipster t-shirts and cool cafes."
"I think it feels amazing. I think it looks great. I'm super impressed continually by our team's talents." - Steven
"Move fast and break things, their entire ethos from the beginning."
"Innovate or die yeah that's the reality innovate or die you have to constantly have a focus on innovation so reinvention is in our DNA."
"Every major corporation must mirror whatever is the woke priority of the day."
"He deserves to lose his job for the same Brack did - either he’s an inept boob who knew nothing about his own company culture, or he’s a vile little shit who knew and did nothing to stop it."
"It's this whole frat boy mentality... they're bottom-feeders at the company."
"I disdain bro culture and have spent my career fighting against it."
"Dan was telling an important asset to his company, Dan Plan, that he's just a disposable unit, easily replaceable."
"It's not about how much money you spend, it's about the culture you create."
"This is more than just a company. This is going to be a community."
"Justin and his co-founders rejecting offers to preserve Twitch's culture."
"Bro Company can be summarized in one word: inclusive."
"Costco doesn't need to pay people to say they like working there."
"Elon makes sure that the culture wants constant change."
"We would like your input on how to maintain a positive atmosphere in the workplace."
"Big slow corporate sludge is not conducive to good results."
"He believed that to achieve success, the company should have a culture of inventiveness."
"It's in everyone's interests for Twitter to continue operating with this amazing remote culture that you've built."
"More CEOs should work shoulder to shoulder with their staff who are much bigger than them."
"Netflix is learning an important lesson in 'get woke, go broke.'"
"We're losing the kind of corporate HR battle of whether or not the companies that we purchase our products from are actually going to represent their customers or represent the values of their customers."
"The heart of the company is concerned with the past."
"They don't care about you. It shows right in that moment. Anytime you speak up for yourself or speak up for another, they see that as a liability."
"We need to be true to who we are and remember what's really important to us. That's what's gonna keep Apple Apple."
"Steve's spirit and timeless philosophy on life will always be the DNA of Apple."
"Our people are our soul and they're Apple's greatest differentiator."
"Corporate jargon applies an attractive glaze to even the most dire of circumstances."
"Activision Blizzard is of course not the only toxic workplace out there."
"These corporations are filled with cowards, top to bottom."
"A book about incredible people, a good culture."
"I still love my project, I love my co-workers, but my love and respect for Blizzard is diminished."
"Choose culture over money. I really believe it."
"Cook developed a reputation for ruthlessness, calling inventory fundamentally evil and working tirelessly to squeeze more and more efficiency out of Apple's supply chain."
"It's our way of giving equal opportunities to everyone and fueling the future performance of Alpine with inclusiveness."
"Every voice matters. Great ideas can come from anywhere. Blizzard Entertainment is what it is today because of the voices of our players and of each member of the company."
"Crunch is not a triumph of the workforce but a failure of the management."
"We've got an angry triggered billionaire going to own us who's looking for vengeance." - Twitter employee
"Elon has always liked constructive criticism and runs his companies in a manner such that the best ideas are the ones that win."
"They're an interesting company... enthusiasts of Linux and open source software."
"Companies grow weary of trying to hire people that will just do what..."
"I think there's a lot to learn from Facebook about being around excellence, how geography matters, working on problems you care about, working with people that impress you."
"I felt like I got welcomed in from the storm of life to come in and fro - I really look at Riot as my last apprenticeship."
"Stories end while companies try to achieve endless growth, and I think this has completely blurred the way people are looking at the art of storytelling."
"A bunch of CD Projekt Red veterans have left the studio to form their own outfit, rejecting crunch culture."
"At this rate, Square Enix is really, really starting to give me a bad vibe for what the future holds for this company and its future projects."
"Blizzard may have a flagstone saying every voice matters and honestly they're right they just weren't listening to them but those voices are speaking out now."
"Amazon wants to essentially give you a blueprint for the interview because they want you to be the best version of yourself."
"Amazon wants you to have a pleasant experience so that you'll tell other people to go interview at Amazon or apply."
"Amazon is looking for people who contribute at all levels, no matter what."
"Judge knew well the drudgery of office life."
"Peter Rollinson's charisma is unmatched, makes you want to own the company!"
"Corporate culture may have its ugly side, but that doesn't mean we've lost our Humanity."
"You really see a company's true colors when their workers band together and say we're forming a union."
"People, more than business plans or physical assets, are really what makes a strong company."
"One of the secret sauce for Alibaba is that we have more than 48 per cent of the people in the company - they are women."
"We always say that we have this saying internally I like to repeat a lot which is you know it's never as good as it seems it's never as bad as it seems."
"Corporations are trying to turn out good little liberals who abide by all of the various policy preferences of big city Democrats."
"Every single employee needs to follow these leadership principles in order to be counted as a successful candidate at Amazon."
"It seemed like this was a desperate attempt to fit into the woke narrative, either that or PayPal was just trying to increase their control over their users whilst virtue signaling to increase their EST score and look good to the public."
"Empathy is a prerequisite for leadership... if you don't care about your employees, your company will fail."
"People on the inside of that company are going, 'Are you [expletive] serious?'"
"JC set 17 will enhance the continuity of communications across Japan and the surrounding area." - Arianespace CEO
"A constant desire to be better has always set this company apart."
"This is a company full of creatives creators and so I think this was really born of heart somebody just really wanted to make it"
"In pursuit of gaudy short-term profits and the bonuses that came with them that so many folks lost their way on Wall Street."
"Lewis emphasizes an egalitarian culture at Duolingo."
"Companies should be excited, no matter what happens with it, to have accomplished something absolutely."
"Corporate mergers mean harsh realities... what never was discussed was the harsh reality of what corporate mergers mean."
"I think people will be annoyed at first, really, they don't want to go back there, don't Apple employees love that spaceship?"
"To corporations and organizations and entities that are owned and controlled and run by white people right."
"For every 10 people putting 'he' and 'him' in their electronic JP Morgan email signatures, there's one person who's like, 'No, I'm not doing that.'"
"One person is not bigger than the brand. When you take a look at the people that have left Fox, Fox has done just fine."
"The sheer depth of the abuse at Ubisoft, how it's baked so inextricably into the company's culture."
"Ubisoft's entire corporate culture is built to protect powerful men who use that power to exploit, terrorize, and rape people."
"It's about the people Ubisoft hurt, the women, the marginalized people, the people who have been bullied by executives, powerful men, and Ubisoft."
"Google is fundamentally built around enabling its software engineers to deliver their best innovation."
"Google overhauls its performance review system after employee criticism."
"It just doesn't sit right knowing that the people who are making things that I love are subjected to this kind of work environment."
"I think Trump played a big part in that... giving in to big business. Look when it comes to big business, big business has gone woke for too long."
"Activision Blizzard's gonna have to do some soul-searching."
"Disney is all about control, fear, and paranoia. You see the fear in their eyes when you ask questions they're not allowed to answer."
"The culture here is amazing from the management who love their staff to the staff who love their jobs."
"We want people to be able to come, prove fan fit, and have an opportunity."
"We plan to redefine over the coming years what is corporate culture."
"Our company also sent us to therapy so that I feel like helped me a lot."
"I think Disney has brought in so many of those [resentful narcissists]. Whereas if you hire somebody who believes in meritocracy and wants to do the very best they can, you're going to do swimmingly well."
"This is Rooster teeth's way of sparing themselves the ax they think they're hoping that Daddy's aslab won't look their way."
"I was really proud of the team. That was something that we were able to accomplish."
"Doing more of these team building activities has been really good."
"You have to self-exit and say it's like you said, you have to look to where the future is going and you have to play that game instead of doing what some like boomer executives want you to do and play within the role that you're assigned yourself."
"It's about the system and how they approach these things. Blizzard enables the behavior."
"Sometimes you just gotta go to bat for yourself. Welcome to corporate America where managers, for some reason, punish their most valuable employees."
"We will nurture the essence of what has made Blizzard unique."
"Things are pretty flexible in the SpaceX world."
"We just want to be humble about it and listen and learn along the way."
"Decide what to build and build this repeated innovation culture."
"Old habits sometimes die hard in stock options."
"So look we're actually going to the worst parts there cuz I think all that is a crock of crap okay I don't I think that's the the worst part of his memo."
"High-character CEOs create high-energy, positive work environments."
"This is why big companies, when Goliath starts understanding how to act like David good shit can happen for Goliath."
"One of the things to remember is, in the Microsoft world, Microsoft likes to control everything."
"I'm the guy who's gonna be leading this company for the next 25 years." - John Moxley
"We're very happy to welcome 300 fully into the Warner community of labels and Kevin to his new role on our senior management team." - Julie Greenwald
"The CEO did well by his employees and gave them bonuses."
"If you can't go for the company, you can go for the people that operate the company."
"Feedback is now too harsh the new word is feed forward more companies are ditching anxiety inducing corporate lingo."
"Real change will take time, but I am determined to do everything in my power to ensure everyone at Ubisoft feels welcomed, respected, and safe."
"Start with why, remind your team what makes this company great."
"We are a family company and that sense of service doesn't stop when you're CEO."
"Purpose-driven companies like Sweetgreen and Airbnb tend to be very inspiring."
"The company and Robbie had certain things in common: their sensibilities were unconventional even wild."
"I actually felt sick making this post, but this is sadly very similar to what happened with a certain liver. I guess this is what they've been doing internally, ordering people to ignore someone they don't like and verbally abusing them daily."
"The problem with Boeing is capitalism, but nobody seems to get it yet."
"Do whatever the [__] you want until Jeff Bezos stops paying you. Now that is exactly what it is. That is 100%."
"They're not football people, they're businessmen, they're bankers."
"They're stepping on you so that they can get ahead because they know there's so much money to be made."
"The Aquatica buns research division was originally a joke."
"The more recruiting is pushed, the more you should question your position in that company."
"Living and breathing the core values changes the culture."
"A midlife crisis is a guy who thought the real purpose of my life was to climb the corporate ladder."
"Their label Big Hit Entertainment emphasizes artistic freedom more than anything else."
"Executives will show willingness to go to the team."
"It's a real testament to the power of our CEO. He's the best, he's the man!"
"Ultimately, your currency as a company is belief, it's belief-based system ultimately."
"We failed and I'm sorry... for the part I played in a culture that fostered harassment and inequality."
"Work is possible because there are people who support us."
"I honestly need to have a break from thinking about Disney for a little bit, because the never-ending cycle of creating a thing that children love, and then killing it because it doesn't make enough money, gets a little bleak."
"Do you know when a bully is sh in their pants? When they suddenly send you elaborate emails of goodwill and telling you they're elated by the company's new direction."
"The day-to-day way that they run their companies and organizations is feudalistic, it's tyrannical."
"Not all that glitters is gold once the shine wears off sometimes it really just looks like a lot of stressful company policies drama broken promises and some brainwashing mixed in."
"It's not enough to just say that CIA values people from diverse backgrounds."
"Here's my provocative thought of the day... do black people have an advantage in getting a job at a big corporation... the answer is yes and it's a big one."
"The ability to ship things is way faster because you don't have all the Gatekeepers or this process in order to get approvals at a larger company."
"The culture here is very iterative, which I like."
"That's nice. The question was how do you justify working for Apple, and we solved racism."
"They're really invested in you and your growth with the company."
"It's like there are very few organizations that can legitimately show that they are giving growth to Talent."
"I just think it was fun, you know what I mean? Like, okay, maybe how many girls do you really know that are really climbing the corporate ladder?"