
Misinterpretation Quotes

There are 591 quotes

"Over the last few thousand years, we have warped our own history. Our stories of the past have been changed, altered, mistranslated, and completely misunderstood."
"Out of context is the only way people seem to be able to get at me these days."
"The only success story it looks like here is California. That's not actually true, right? I have a lot of success stories."
"It's impossible to create something that somebody will not take the wrong way. Trust me, I've tried. It can't be done, regardless of how mundane the topic."
"Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. It's not; it's a definition of stupidity and brainlessness."
"Darwin is often misquoted as saying it is the strongest of the species that survive. He did not say that. What he actually said was it's not the strongest of the species that survive nor the most intelligent, but rather the most adaptive to change."
"Nothing about that screams feminism, literally nothing."
"That doesn't even really have anything to do with the culture that's being represented."
"The Biden Administration seeks new mask and vaccine mandates as they wildly misconstrue the data on the Delta Variant surge."
"You'll be able to see the world from many different perspectives...because of this, you'll often be misunderstood."
"Is that a big icicle? Uh, what, Ruby? No, this is not an icicle. It's supposed to be a lightning bolt."
"In the past it never occurred to me that every casual remark of mine would be snatched up and recorded. Otherwise I would have crept further into my shell."
"Never ascribe to malice that which could be adequately explained by incompetence."
"Odd procurement decisions don't always have to be the result of corruption, incompetence, or anything nefarious."
"To call The Host a monster movie would be something of a misnomer since the monster in it isn't really the threat, but rather the panic, misrecognition, and cover-ups that surround it."
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
"Robbie van Leeuwen... inadvertently misspelled 'goddess' on the opening verse... it was actually supposed to read 'a goddess on a mountaintop' but it read 'a godness on a mountaintop'."
"Crime is usually represented by arrest, which is what sometimes can be misleading."
"How do you mischaracterize generosity toward someone?"
"It had nothing to do with women's rights, nothing."
"Blaming misheard for taking this picture of him for trying to help"
"When it was first posted online, people and even media outlets incorrectly concluded that it referred to an actual investigation into aliens that was conducted by the FBI."
"You can misinterpret them but they don't lie, the numbers are what they are."
"If you can explain it with stupidity, you don't have to explain it with malevolence."
"The true work of the Spirit has nothing to do with what those men do."
"One of the key points within engineering is, unfortunately, maths and one of the fields of math that is most easily manipulated and quite often very misunderstood is probability and statistics."
"Flattening the curve never meant that a huge percentage of the population was going to avoid COVID."
"The monsters aren't elves, they're children, human children."
"His kindness, they take it for weakness. In the end, he's getting screwed."
"It wasn't so much about Satanism but about having power over other people."
"Purposefully misinterpreting something to argue an illegitimate point."
"Just be careful what you guys are saying, people might take it the wrong way."
"Confucianism was labeled as a religion by the Western popular imagination."
"Religion isn't bad, it's been misinterpreted."
"We are all universes without count waiting for the division to bring them all into being."
"Didn't the haircut clue you in? Big mistake."
"It's very hard to take something out of context."
"They threw it in there because it'd be like oh haha it's funny but it's not like and what we're supposed to take from this is that Iro is sexually predatory because he's not anywhere um yeah."
"Carrie was one of King’s most misunderstood characters."
"Michael Jackson's ghost? Nope, just rearranged garbage."
"This isn't about the drama. It's really not. I know it's going to be stated all over drama drama drama but Jesus Christ come on."
"The idea that they're making the argument that speech is violence...is an ancient idea. It's an ancient, very bad idea baked into the whole idea of freedom of speech."
"Thank the heavens for you. Heavens, I assure you, didn't send me."
"Albert Einstein is one of the most misquoted and over quoted people in history."
"Bill Cosby was destroyed because he said strong black families... it wasn't the sex thing."
"It was like the sun is just rising and I turn and I'm like, 'Santa came all over my presents.'"
"God seems like a homicidal maniac without understanding the mythology."
"I just fundamentally not don't believe that it was a joke."
"We have linguistic colonialism going on where these people have taken our words and they've spun them around to be something different."
"There's been a long history of using mental illness as a catch-all phrase to mean anyone who does anything that we as a society don't like."
"Maybe he's just trying to say he didn't think irrelevant was going to vote for Biden. Maybe that's what he meant."
"The fundamental problem here is not homeless, no, it's addiction."
"We didn't call you racist. Teaching about slavery isn't calling you racist. Why are you taking it personally?"
"It's pronounced scare, it's the scary island of scare."
"If you don't share quotes, if you summarize their views, people who like them will think you're wrong."
"It was me truly surrendering, I know it appeared that it was a negative thing and that I was rejecting you but really I was surrendering."
"How a song is misinterpreted and misused by people has nothing to do with the authorial intent."
"Jihad is a positive term; if anyone is misusing it, we have to condemn them but not the beautiful faith of Islam."
"Even obvious satire can be misinterpreted, leading to harmful beliefs."
"To me, saying 'don't overprepare' when you mean 'don't railroad' is a case of mistranslation."
"Faith comes by hearing you know what else comes by hearing lies faith the scripture that are actually what the scripture that you're actually looking for David is that faith is the evidence of things hoped for."
"Hannibal Lecter is so popular that some investigators have misinterpreted evidence surrounding murder cases because they assumed the killer would follow the pattern of Lecter."
"SD stands for silencer dummy... or something in German."
"It's not a state, it's not free, and it's not associated."
"Advocacy for Palestinian freedom isn't the same as advocating for genocide against Jews."
"Tarot does not control or dictate our life. If you hear something that you do not like and think that you were just doomed to that reality, then you were not using my readings correctly."
"But like this is not sexual harassment, this is an old man doin' old man shit."
"He was just like kicking him in the face over and over again. That's not a love gun, that's just you kicking a guy in the face."
"The only way that someone can genuinely tilt at windmills is if they have an erroneous view of who you really are compared with what they've seen of you online."
"He wasn't criticizing me if that if it was criticism people would probably be fine with it."
"Just because I'm shiny doesn't mean I'm here."
"This isn't Spider-Man, he's got no forced responsibility. Yeah, you're right. But the term 'with great power comes great responsibility' is literally has no meaning in actual real life."
"Exclusive content has become a new word for porn."
"The event that wasn't true, and especially the willingness of human beings to rush to judgment on someone they've never met, that they do not know based on a 90-second video clip out of context, is a bad habit for society."
"The idea that you should support freedom of speech somehow makes you guilty through demonization and guilty by association."
"Men overestimate the degree of interest that women have in them."
"He's not saying that their tradition destroys the law altogether. He's telling them that their tradition is leading them to interpret and practice the law incorrectly."
"Travis Scott sent you. Yeah, say Captain Jackson, they did and they said what?"
"The biggest slam is I heard it from somebody and they said, 'Oh, what you must think of me, big enemy.'"
"Joe Rogan is getting this completely wrong." - Andrew Reed, Professor of Biology and Entomology at Pennsylvania State
"Fentanyl got into this country and... it wasn't an overdose."
"Some women think that to be violent or to be a [__] is somehow a sign of a strong woman or an empowered woman, and it obviously isn't. In fact, that's wild."
"I think Love Actually American movie it looks like the Kingsmen but isn't the Kings"
"People are paranoid, finding meaning in symbols that doesn't actually exist."
"Satanists don't believe in a literal Satan. Then what do you call people who do believe in a literal Satan? Christians."
"His argument is literally that a dinosaur was found buried, therefore flood. And if flood, then dinosaurs walk among us."
"What we have here is an eight-foot weather balloon."
"Now, while it's more likely, Chloe was just startled rather than angered by the revelation."
"It's really important that we believe Adam and Eve. That's right, you get Adam and Eve wrong, you'll misunderstand how the family works, what gender is, where sin came from."
"You could call it similar to colonialism and it inbred wherever it went. That sounds like the dumbest thing I've ever heard."
"Art is something that you would really fight for if you love it, even if your message is misunderstood."
"You have to be willing to be misunderstood and accept that it's gonna be lonely."
"While today’s artists may have more dedicated, more involved fans than ever before, the tendency to look at songs as a conversation means those listeners might miss the bigger picture of what the music is really saying."
"Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, that is in fact the definition of insanity."
"Superman isn't the ultimate savior humanity's been waiting for."
"Some people have a good heart but they just don't know how to say stuff."
"Being a gentleman doesn't mean he forgave her."
"This ad was meant to depict how much the tiger had grown in 10 years instead it looks like..."
"Never ascribe to malice what you might ascribe to stupidity."
"Willingness to be misunderstood for a long period of time, that's a huge deal."
"Their worldview was really influenced by twisting of scripture."
"The idea of turning the other cheek doesn't mean being taken advantage of; it's not what Jesus taught."
"There's no way Mary Jane would think this applause is for her since everyone is facing the other way towards Spider-Man right now."
"This is not a murder case... this is a sad, tragic accident that snowballed out of control."
"I think the fact that a catty comment made by a queer person about makeup being considered abuse is actually quite homophobic rhetoric."
"He's gonna think you're gonna want to blow him but your hand does need some protection."
"Bless your heart really means you're an idiot."
"You can't just take the cloak of the First Amendment like it's some sort of superpower cape."
"It's amazing how far off you can be when you think about issues biblically."
"What about that verse says that we need to love our enemies, not that the gay community is our enemy."
"No, I'm not talking about the lost city of Atlantis, please touch grass."
"Could it have been baking soda could it have been sugar flour because she's going to go and bake a cake around this time anyways."
"The strawman version of Christianity is seen as science for stupid people."
"Never ascribe to maliciousness what can be easily explained by incompetence."
"Be careful when you're telling God that what He's doing is demonic, when it's really the Holy Spirit."
"No one's getting replaced we don't kick people out when we let in new people the fundamental title the whole shtick is wrong everything else about it is wrong too."
"The red that appears on screen when Drake is being shot at isn't damage but instead represents his luck running out."
"Salvation is not enduring all your troubles so that you can go to heaven."
"You gotta understand sometimes I'm joking. People take you out of context. I'm joking."
"Mind reading assumes we can read someone's thoughts or behaviors, stop making assumptions."
"The biggest part of the polling error is not shy Trump supporters. It's what I'm going to call the world's greatest dad joke."
"Gorilla glue must be held liable because their bottle only says 'don't put it on your skin,' it doesn't say 'don't put it on your hair.'"
"Stats in isolation can look really pretty but I think ultimately definitely go wrong if people try to use them as the sole basis of any argument."
"When you get a agent tattoo you think it means like life and I mean [ __ ] dolphin did yeah I thought I was."
"Every attempt at good faith I have made to just avoid confusion over my credentials you have weaponized against me."
"President Trump's assertion that the Supreme Court returned the issue of abortion solely to the states is a completely inaccurate reading..."
"People started worshiping the prophet, not what he told them to do."
"Collusion isn't a crime, and it's not a legal word or precedent."
"This was not the flex that she thought it was."
"Why is this movie called Attack of the Clones? The clones aren't really the ones on the attack."
"Yo, you're just questioning my intentions as if they're dishonorable."
"They might want to talk about venerating their ancestors, no, they're venerating their hatred."
"So, this is not like a punk type of thing. It is not. Not even a little bit."
"Power is not about control, it's the most maligned thing everybody thinks power is a sense of entitlement, it's a tool. Please don't let that."
"But don't misinterpret pessimism for outright aggression."
"It was more comparable to a large hole than a rock."
"I actually don't think she said what people made her out to say I think what she said was she also had her kids via IVF and that she really wanted those kids and they felt like a life."
"Never a slender or a borrower be." - "She was a slender, slender indeed."
"Somehow police brutality is reparations. It makes no sense."
"Literally like murdering somebody for being loud in a Subway and Tim is framing this as the murderer was doing some kind of heroic protest against Crime on the subway."
"Anything that you say could be taken out of context or used against you."
"The belief that the Shining's continuity errors are a secret Morse code from Kubrick indicative of the Hidden real story is simply not true."
"The Wendy Theory misinterprets The Shining so substantially that it both misses the point of the story and makes for just a worse movie."
"The most misattributed Marcus Aurelius quotes often lack context and are extreme relativism, which doesn't align with his philosophy."
"That's not in dispute, but trying to get him to say he wanted them to die, I mean what a swing in and miss."
"Despite the fact that I realized that for years while this was my favorite game, I had been playing it wrong."
"The alpha thinks she's flirting with me because she wants to [ __ ] you."
"The fact that you called the tale a leg didn't make it a little late." - Abraham Lincoln
"Nebraska woman attacks local Spider-Man statue as a hate crime against Christianity after mistaking it for Satan. Those evil eyes."
"That just doesn't sound like the voice of someone who's about to take their own life."
"Grandchildren still, that thing is something wrong, something wrong. No, you're not doing anything wrong."
"I knew he hit in the liver but it was a little confusing for me to see her reaction like that."
"The book is just sad the book is not like by Frodo have a good time oh the book is like guys why didn't anybody tell me that Frodo dies at the end of Lord of the Rings."
"I never meant to make that a point but I guess it's I just get lumped in which is weird."
"False labeling: confusing criticism with being anointed. You don't need the Spirit of God to be a critical, judgmental person."
"Nobody's breaking into windows and looting shops."
"Defunding the police doesn't mean what you think it means."
"His major work is called Being and Nothingness... it's not about being and it's not about nothingness."
"If you get a group that says their name is Black Lives Matter, and a regular person can understand the distinction between that doesn't literally mean they think that."
"Most people misinterpret Gatsby... has the slightest idea what the book was about."
"What is wrong? Why is it people always take respect and kindness for weakness? I actually hate it."
"Trump is being flip about it but it's not malicious, he's not thinking 'these people are animals.'"
"It's because whenever she's next to Joe standing near him behind him she looks like an assassin."
"Then what would actually this mean that this isn't your connection with this person isn't dead it is"
"Just because I'm a woman doesn't inherently make anything sexual."
"I don't think this dude like me or this person whoever liked me too much to something happen that made you say yeah I'll pick this this person like me too much."
"I think people always interpret me wanting something better as me complaining."
"This is what we saw, this one Mickey Mouse off them standing back."
"He's misunderstood. He's trying to kiss them, the swimmer at the start, he's just trying to have a cuddle."
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" - Terry Jones
"What happened that night became clear to me. To my mind, what happened was that we startled or frightened a small infant Bigfoot eating corn at the feeder station."
"The fact that his words were taken out of context is neither here nor there as far as everyone's concerned. Henry ordered Becket's murder."
"Someone thought you were tricky, but you were just being genuine."
"I wasn't even serious, and I was just kidding around."
"I wasn't actually attacking her, I was really talking about white supremacy."
"It's to the point where people think I'm just wounded. Oh, you're hurt. You've been through so much. You can't open up the doors. No, the most high god put this wedge of protection over me."
"How is him wanting to preserve wildlife a racist caricature? How?"
"The back of the house is actually not a person."
"Most audiences have the wrong impression of Crawford. She always portrayed a very strong, willful woman."
"Most people are being unironic when they say crazy [ __ ] but really the average person does not go down the street with a bone to pick with people simply because they have a different skin color."
"People have me so misconstrued, the only thing I want in life is nothing to do."
"There were all sorts of red herrings and things that could be misinterpreted in characters and events that it really kept me guessing all throughout."
"Sometimes we have a tough exterior but it can be misleading."
"Context is king. I mean, I could make anyone say just about anything if I took something out of context."
"The real lesson of this video is that the enhanced Vegeta scale is not as atrocious and an existential threat to tornado sites as some make it out to be."
"This is not a gradual coming apart from a tile."
"Yeah, it's probably best that the state the state no. There was a guy and that was this capsule and that's what he would say."
"Botox wig, that is not a cosmetic procedure. That is a cosmetic procedure."
"Voting no implies Islam is a religion of war, not peace. Consider the implications carefully."
"What looks like fleeing is actually holding your ground."
"Do not try to misinterpret my words and use me as a banner to attack other people."
"Absolutely not. In fact, if you're trying to be saved through doing a bunch of good works, that's actually one of the ways you can forfeit salvation." - Joe Shimmel
"If you think The Last of Us 2 was a bad revenge story, then you're a dumbass and you missed the point."
"Despite success here, what we're hearing is an effort to characterize seizures as failures."
"Never ascribe to malice that which may be explained by incompetence."
"You gotta live it, breathe it, eat it; it's gotta be a life."
"It's not that liberalism produces communism; it's that liberals who think everything comes down to arguments about ideas are defenseless against those doing praxis."
"No matter what I say, someone is going to twist it to a narrative of making me look bad. Period."
"Thinking I'm a Satanist but Satanist look up it's it's not about the devil."
"Ignorance is bliss, in other words, norse and splint."